HomeMy WebLinkAboutVR-69-0000 - Supplemental - 0974 Shelburne Road-1 - , :f Tebr,.;-!�ry 1970 it 0 T.,, a U DT, ---a er n P.O. 7 pl- t U-r.on rer--,,,, T ail zqv.---- --0 s - 2. 11 S ZF, a p pr io`FtC,I t trr J b 'C inc'_ I e t r s s e n "'Out t- S t t be about si"x'ty 0 re a t i -,I s 0 out-n TAL-lin-ton (10") S Q -U,-r Z� - , :'--et 0 f a c Zd e 4- " s c uar feet infree z a' a, i n s i c: n . Your new C'Cicriror is -eight squar':D ze. I have ,,-,-th tt�-, South rurlJ=Ion o d j u s t-,, o allo,.,7 jou t3 er a c tip mac. s ng C ii e vr o rt s totalln�-0 V C Z, 4 r feet ir, si.-,. yo- ,,ao;e at q,wi tc'� about0 -n square fe-=�tl 3 e m ov in 7 tI -, a h"a 11 ra -1- 1 w the or1l, I?Tcl-- iii-th an (I(I) inch letter spelling . t,,ut ycii will be total .lid abcut sixty (60) square feat. only to d4�-cuss t h 1 ,Y ar,,Jl at t _7:�D 0 n f7 -n sic ',o some ze allcw:.�u. -v--� 'nold "a a,- 1 3 e t h il S -n t b e a prmf�n" orr, AII,7' i lal t C, r, s p e On' it j f-, 3 7 ",7 t V -a ,Ca -' -s of S f e, fit, r, or "12 r t 0 -L o C, a i7( L) f C, 11 n- S �D • you lnav-:� lai-iy -Pe- -- , e e t o c a-, Very tri-ily, Richard Ward Code Officer Hearing Date �'—T, 4, /9G 9 Advt. Date)--,e:;,' _Advertise 5 days prior to meeting South Burlington Zoning Loard of Adjustment South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following variance. I understand that regular meeting dates are the first and third .4ednesda.ys of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Office Building. The legal advertisement shall appear as below, and I agree to pay, either new o before the ad appears, a fee of $30.00, which fee is to ( f o is of h ding aid hearing. S" .nat a and address Date SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE The South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the Toim Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont o I at day of week month and date . (time- 7-to consider the following: Appeal of seekin* a variance from ame) 1 ' Section 2. IV number tle o South Burlington Zoning Ordinances of the section) Request is for permission 1-i met-2 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTiT:�iJT T01%11 OF SOUTH BURLIN OTON, VERTIONT 555 DORSET STREET SOUTH EURLINGTON, VER140TIT Date Dear Citizen: On the reverse side of this sheet is a copy of a legal notice that is to appear in the Purlington Free Press. The Doard of Selectmen has instructed that this form be sent to adjacent property owners as a method of advising them of a public 'hearing that could or could not affect their property. This is not intended to mean that they are either in favor of or against the request, but is merely furnished for your inf-rma- tional purposes. Very truly yours. Zoning Administrator R d/j M CHEVRON OIL COMPANY EASTERN DIVISION 214 HARVARD AVENUE • BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02134 TELEPHONE (617) 232-0400 NEW ENGLAND REGION July 30, 1969 Mr. John Barone Northern Oil Company Foot of Harrison Avenue P. 0. Box 819 Burlington, Vermont 05402 Dear Mr. Barone: This is in response to your call on July 30th taken by our Jack McMillan regarding the dimensions on the new 6' and 8' ID Signs necessary for applying to the South Burlington Planning Board for a variance. The new 8' sign that you have been sent is 7'8" high by 6'8" wide and an area of 48 sq. feet. To meet your deadline for August 4th, we have asked Perth Amboy to send you a copy of the flew drawings directly, as you know the dimensions are only slightly different from the old dimensions which were 8' and 3/16" high and 5' x 10" wide with an area of 40 sq. feet. A copy of the old sign print is attached. We hope this covers your needs. Please let us know if there is any- thing further we can do. Very truly yours, CHEVRON OIL COMPANY win Hundert Regional Operations Manager Attachment ........................... . . //co A , ��~L•r"i �;.✓1! ,�J i'�ll ry1�^t�� _.1C3.!^� ' '><�<-�!� "Z'� � 1..':S �•'.'7`rl�d<<! Vdtirll;� „�/ i c - Z �) I� , 1 tG1-l�r(!11�if7 ! 11 'r1C>I4J 11t�1 ON ! O7't' -� c + ,-„"!'"•�;�! ,.. .,t-+►-t .��tirc��r,� .!I I� MZl i I • f'�r% I �� -�- rl`3'�C; � C!'a � d �c;Y.l M I t F .0 VOI 'tYtJVJ yr C S -;`✓� d Al A I +, �N, „� 11; ��� N O I I Vi S I i -NOdA H D - -- __ -___ - I I 6AS011#1S TELEPHONE 862-5724 t NORTHERN OIL COMPANY Incorporated Distributors of California Oil Products FOOT OF HARRISON AVENUE P.O. BOX 819 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 February 20, 1970 Vt Town of South Burlington rc�.v. 555 Dorset Street 25 �910 So. Burlington, Vt. F Attn : Mr. Richard Ward Code Adm. OF 6� .s offict. MA Dear Mr. Ward: On August 8, 1969, we received an approval for a variance regarding a Chevron Hallmark Sign at Twitchell's Store, 974 Shelburne Road, South Bur- lington. This approval was based on the stipulation that we remove a Clicquot Club free standing sign, an Ice Cube Sign, and also to remove a facade sign from the front of the building. Upon investigation we found that the signs that were to be removed are the property of Mr. Twitchell and we had no author- ity to remove them; however, on February 19, 1970 we had a discussion with Mr. Twitchell and He has agreed to the following 1. To permit Northern Terminals to remove the Clicquot Club free standing sign. 2. To permit Northern Terminals to remove the Ice Cube Sign 3. To permit Northern Terminals to remove IJ� only the Chevron Trade Mark sign from rjw front of the building. Beca-se Mr Twitchell will lose his identification by the romoval of the Clicquot Club sign, He has asked us and we have agreed to the following 1. To put the name Twitchell's on the building. This will be above the present facade sign and will be TELEPHONE 862-5724 'IYAMON ) 6�SOUNES 1 NORTHERN OIL COMPANY Incorporated Distributors of California Oil Products FOOT OF HARRISON AVENUE P.O. BOX 819 BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 ( 2 ) made of plywood letters cut out to blend wits_ the existing lettering and will be the same size as the larger letters on the building 2. T remove the word SOUVENIR and put in the word ICE CUBES. This lettering will also be of the same size as the existing letters. We would like to submit this letter as a request to exchange the present Chevron Sign to the new type Chevron Signs already inspected by you. This exchange will be made with the stipulations mentioned a'-)ove. Sincerely Northei, 4.aroneals I�n`c�. Per` Jo I', Asst. Treas.