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Approved Minutes South Burlington Library Board of Trustees
Thursday, July 16 @ 5 p.m. Location: Zoom meeting
Members Present: Margery Vagt, Ted Lenski, Lauren Ballard, Lee Freeman, Patrick Leduc, Stacey Pape, Penne Tompkins, Diane Bugbee, Jennifer Murray, Jay Pasackow, MargaretAnn Cross Members Absent: Sonya Krakoff
Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray
Friends of the Library
Chair Patrick Leduc called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m., and a quorum was established.
Additions or deletions to the posted agenda:
No additions and deletions to the posted agenda
Comments and questions from the public not related to the items on the agenda:
Consent Agenda: Approval of regular board minutes of June 16, 2020 and Friends
of the Library Report and Director’s Report
Penne Tompkins noted a few minor typos in the minutes Upon a motion made by Trustee Penne Tompkins and seconded by Trustee Lee Freeman, the
Trustees voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda with the suggested edits.
Chair’s report
The Chair welcomed the new members of the Board of trustees who were able to attend
this first meeting and each trustee introduced themselves and gave a bit of background
on themselves followed by the new trustees. All the existing trustees expressed their excitement to have such skilled and experienced citizens join the library board.
Patrick then transition to extend his personal and the the Board’s gratitude to Mark Coel for his time working on the Board. Mark has been instrumental in the work to help
design the new library space and has brought his deep experience and skills to the board in many ways, including his legal knowledge. The Trustees all shared their appreciation for Mark’s contributions. Patrick confirmed and the board expressed their agreement that Jennifer, the library
Director, is doing a great job managing the opening of the library and confirmed their ongoing approval of Jennifer Murray’s authority in making iterative choices regarding increases of hours and days the library will open, based on the public’s need, staffing availability, and the City’s guidance.
Governance and Nomination Committee
Patrick shared noted the Board received more applicants this year then there were open
positions on the board, which is a welcome experience. Patrick Leduc and Stacey Pape,
along with Jennifer, consulted with the City as to the skills and experience of the
applicants in relationship to any current skill gaps on the board. This helped the city in
selecting who they appointed, and the city was thankful to have the input.
Patrick Leduc has reached out to the applicants who were not chosen to thank them
and ask if they would like to volunteer their services in the future. He and Jennifer will
be following up with them.
Election of Officers
Patrick requested that Trustee Margaret Ann conduct the election of officers.
Margaret Ann asked each current officer if they would like to make any statements in
relationship to if they were willing to continue to serve in their role before asking for
nominations from the floor. Patrick indicated he would be willing to serve as Chair for
another year if that were the will of the trustees, and Stacey offered the same for herself
in the role of Vice Chair. Diane expressed that she would be willing to continue as
Treasurer if there was no trustee willing to take on the role and Lee expressed a similar
position as to his role as Secretary.
After some discussion Dianne and Lee both shared a short description of the
accountability and tasks of the two officer positions. Following this Margery Vagt said
she would be willing to take on the role of secretary and Ted Lenski said he would be
willing to take on the role of Treasurer.
Margaret Ann then asked for formal nominations from the floor.
Lee Freeman formally nominated Margery Vagt to be Secretary and Penne Tompkins
seconded. Jay Pasackow then nominated Ted Lenski to be Treasurer and Diane
Bugbee seconded.
Margaret Ann then restated the current slate of officers for consideration as: Chair -
Patrick Leduc, Vice Chair - Stacey Pape, Secretary - Margery Vagt, and Treasurer - Ted
Upon a motion made by Trustee Penne Tompkins and seconded by Trustee Lauren Ballard, the
Trustees voted unanimously to elect the proposed slate of officers.
Committee Membership
Newly re-elected Chair Patrick Leduc opened the conversation on committee
membership and asked people to review the materials made available in the board
packet. Representatives of each standing committee then shared the scope and areas
of accountability for each committee for the benefit of all present.
Following healthy discussion, the board determined that the following will be the current
committee make up.
The finance Committee will be Ted Lenski, Penne Tompkins and Diane Bugbee. The
Advocacy Committee member will be Diane Bugbee, MargaretAnn Cross, and Lee
Freeman. The Governance and Nomination Committee will be Lauren Ballard, Margery
Vagt, and Stacey Pape. The Evaluation Committee will be Penne Tompkins,
MargaretAnn Cross, and Patrick Leduc
Patrick then committed to following up with any members that have not yet selected a
committee so that they can make a selection.
Committee Chairs
Following the discussion in the committee make up Chair Leduc appointed Ted Lenski
as Chair of the Finance Committee, Lee Freeman as the Chair of the Advocacy
Committee, Stacey Pape as the Chair of the Nomination Committee and himself as
Chair of the Evaluation Committee
Friends of the Library Report:
No report this month
Governance and Nomination Committee
Committee Chair Stacy indicated she had no further report beyond what was shared
earlier in the meeting.
Finance Committee Report
Committee Chair Diane shared that the committee had not recently meet and that the
balance of the Blanchette fund was $398124.76, recovering some of its prior losses.
Advocacy Committee Report
Jennifer Murray requested Board Members contribute blog posts for the Library’s blog.
Lee Freeman and Diane Bugbee volunteered to contribute one or more blog posts.
Director’s report.
Jennifer shared that a survey is forthcoming that she encourages Board members to fill
out. She shared a color scheme from plans for the interior of the library, noting its visual
appeal. Penne Tompkins noted Jennifer Murray’s hard work selecting the myriad
material and aesthetic options in conformance with budgetary restraints over the past
months. Jennifer then shared that the Board is invited to tour the Library’s construction
site on Monday, July 20th, at 5 PM. All are welcome, though social distancing guidelines
must be observed.
Jennifer also shared that starting next week, the Library will open for more hours and
more days beginning in August. Staffing issues with furloughs and City hiring freeze will
be resolved as soon as possible. Curbside drop off is ongoing and selecting book holds
are staff time intensive activities. Patrons are now able to remotely hold books, though
the library is still taking telephone and online Holds. Jay Pasackow asked about the
staff’s comfort level with the new hours, and how the public is reacting to reopening.
Jennifer Murray says the public “is elated” at having the Library open. Patrons have
been very happy to return; senior members of the public are especially pleased with the
opportunities for social interaction, and the general public’s excitement demonstrates
the library’s relevance to the public. Jennifer Murray, the City, and staff are engaged in
discussions regarding returning to full time hours.
Executive Session - For the purposes of discussing personnel matters (Evaluation of the Library Director) Patrick asked the Trustees to consider going into executive session for a discussion on personnel matters.
Upon a motion made by Trustee Stacy Pape and seconded by Trustee Penne Tompkins, the
Trustees voted unanimously to enter executive session
The board exited executive session at 6:27pm
Other Business
Trustee Margery Vagt brought up the topic of library fines and Jennifer thanked her for her
Jennifer Murray apprised the Board of differing schools of thought regarding the elimination of
fees. Were fees to be eliminated, the City informed Jennifer Murray that the Library would have
to make up the ~$3-4,000 in annual lost revenue. Jennifer shared that the analysis completed
by her staff indicated that staff time dedicated to collecting fees brings this budgetary shortfall to
nearly zero. Showing that it costs as much to collect as it brings in.
Margaret Ann Cross noted that some libraries have a donation jar, something the South
Burlington Public Library might consider.
Ted Lenski asked about plans to deal with a possible increase in unreturned books. Jennifer
Murray said eliminating fees would most likely have to be a permanent move. Options to pursue
non-returned books would have to be explored, although Jennifer Murray said the percentage of
patrons who do not regularly return books is very small. Margery Vagt noted that Milton Library
has a no-fine policy, and it is effective, equitable, and enhances the library’s support of, and
standing in, the community.
Chair Leduc asked if the trustees supported the proposal by Jennifer to eliminate fines for late
returns and they indicated their support for this direction.
Upon a motion made by Trustee Lee Freeman and seconded by Trustee Jay Pasackow, the
Trustees voted unanimously to support the plan for the elimination of fees for late returns and
a recommendation to the city in that regard
There being no other business, Chair Patrick Leduc adjourned the meeting at 6:42 p.m.
Next meeting: 8/13/2020
Respectfully submitted
Lee Freeman, Secretary