HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-81-0000 - Supplemental - 0947 Shelburne RoadCITY OF SOUTH B3JRLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BtiRLINGTON, VERIVIONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 2, 2001 Rod McCormick Kmart Corporation 445 Hoffman Boulevard Duquesne, PA 15110-1494 Re: Kmart #7039 - South Burlington, VT Dear Mr. McCormick: I received your proposal for a 'cross -drive" through the Kmart parking lot. The location of the road appears to be acceptable. The City would be looking at this road as a future City street. We would not recommend that you construct it as part of your proposal. We would recommend that the plan show the road designed to City standards and require the dedication of a 60 foot right-of-way for this future City street. The actual design of the road would be worked out during the review process. If you have any questions, please let me know. since,r 'ly, 1. i !r ' if Raymond J. Belair, Administrative Officer December 21, 2000 City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 ATTN: Mr. Ray Belair Dear Mr. Belair: Kmart Corporation Pittsburgh Field Office 445 Hoffman Boulevard Duquesne, PA 15110-1494 (412) 469-9283 RE: Kmart #7039 — So. Burlington, VT Attached is a proposal for the "cross drive" through the Kmart parking field. This is based on the sketch you faxed me on November 8, 2000, and my knowledge of the location of the access drive being constructed on the adjacent property. I am trying to persuade my Corporation to allocate more capital dollars to update out tired looking building. I am concerned the dollars I spend on this cross drive may be deducted from whatever is allotted to expand and dress up our facility. Therefore, any assistance you can grant in working with us, especially since 1-189 is not extended to the N-W, would be appreciated. I understand any official reviews would have to be brought before the planning board, however, I would like to get a clearer picture of the municipality's expectations before this would occur. If you have any questions, please advise. Sincerely, WART CORPORATION Rod McCormick Regional Development Manager (412) 469-1022 RWM/shb Attachment cc: Giles Dyelle Jeff Poole Cynthia Loumos FLJWI"�e Rc,),a,d Sketd`l SOUTHLANI) South Burlington, Vermont, December -3., 1992 DUNN ASSOCIATES Landscape Architects Burlington, Vermont Scale: 1=100' ----------------- K M4Kr I q 0'� 6 610T-- ViA SOUTHLAND South Burlington, Vermont December 3, '1992 DUNN ASSOCtATES Landscape Architects Burlington, Vermont Sketicl-h Scale: "'=100' Date Received Bp To& �� L Ok =50 0�1 t pHs Date Application Completa3and Received By CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON p I APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIE 7 od ` 1,7411 1) NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF: p-veloP�e mco) (a) Owner of Record SBC BuAtinq•ton Conpoxation 31 St. JameA Avenue, Borton, Mazz . 02116 (617) 542-4480 (b) Applicant R. 1. Lamphexe CoA pona-tion, 1715 Hegeman Avenue, Winoozki, Vehmont 05404 (c) Contact Person A. J. SineA, Jn. 2) PROJECT STP.^ET ADDRESS Route U.S. 7, Shetbunne Road 3) PROPOSED USE(S) Addition oA 90 seat theaters (att wo)ck to be done within exiztinq ex•teAiox wattz ) 4) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e., # of units, floor area, etc.) 2200 zquaxe feet renovation ont y no additionat exteAioh wattz 5) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (full & part time) Futt Time 4 Pant Time 16 6) COST ESTIMATES: (a) Buildings 35,000.00 (b) Landscaping n/a (c) All Other Site Improvements (i.e., curb work) n/a 7) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE 311184 8) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in & out) 100-150 cans pen week txa „c 9) PEAK HOUR(S) OF OPERATION *7:00 p.m. - *11:00 p.m. 10) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION Saturday and Sunday eveningz Decembers 15, 1980 DATE S IGNATURE OF APPLICANT *Actuat txaAAic Atow between 6:45 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. and again 8:45 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER STATE OF VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS MONTPELIER 05602 October 8, 1975 Jerry Chase, Manager Burlington Plaza Cinema 1 & 2 937 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Chase: Thank you for your September 29, 1975 letter concerning_ the operation of the traffic control signals on Route US-7 in the City of South Burlington. We have looked into the traffic volumes on Route US-7 and found that according to our information there should be more than adequate gaps in the traffic volumes at the time in the morning when your patrons are leaving the theater. As to the time that the signals are operating in the morning, the entire system from Baldwin Street northerly to the Burlington City line is interconnected and the signals come on and go off at the same time each day. The equipment is such that this time can be varied but across from the shopping center entrance there is a public highway leading into a residential area in the City of South Burlington where there is traffic entering Route US-7 at that time in the morning. I am sorry that I cannot grant your request but as stated above, we do feel that there is opportunity to enter the highway because of the lower traffic volumes on Route US-7 at the time that your theater is emptying. Very truly yours, C. F. Knapp Traffic Engineer CFK js cc: Central Files . S B BURLINGTON PLAZA CINEMA 1 & 2 937 SHELBURNE ROAD MOTION - SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 PICTURE 802-862-1908 THEATRES i•,r. ?nape Vermont Highway -Dept. FContpelisr, Vermont 0560-'' :'ertember 41 1975 Dear t�:r. i-napp : .A tal,:in" wit-' `-ho cit - of ouch 3u-1ingten ai- , our C�ist ric-t engineers of 'iC G L �+. -Mathan miller it un,lerstanair that you- rfA ce is responsible for the timing of the traffic 14 ; •'''Gilag _`,VS enon :ihGiri'JrLi') C)�ii 7) Jr. :youth Eurlin_-'con. T would at this tirtc 1 -.'e to re quest cf you that i?.p traffic l-i-ryht in front of iner:,a 1&2 ( urlinr,tcn :�11cpping �laza; be kept ful�� operational u :til r-idni,,r ever;;. aight, as our patro7.s leave the theatre in large grouts until this hour an-d .t- e hj[[�-u,t c�ntatraffic comicfro :,: interstate This problem becomez even. Wore 1a: gercus in the colder nonths when the more anxious of our customers leave before- their defrosters have a chance to heat and give the driver full side visibility at the irate--rsection. .Realizing the difficulty of chanei the esiving Habits of the public 1 feeltthe most sensible and inexpensive solution to this hazardous situation is „as 1 have stated, simply keeping the traffic light on later in t:he evening. Anxiously awaiting your speedy reply 7 aM JCns cc list. hi;-l" ay 6EC 110me ofe. file cfc'. j erg- 'ha_ e leanager e C Cif �'..�':i�: � Y1�GP.3Yltr X-?� :1: ;�•.:iSL::::t{•' +� ��"tii�Tiiit.�if3T1 / OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER STATE OF VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS MONTPELIER 05602 September 10, 1975 Mr. Jerry Chase, Manager Burlington Plaza Cinema 1 & 2 937 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Chase: The traffic control signal system on Route US-7 in the City of South Burlington is under the jurisdiction of the State of Vermont. The signal systems are all interconnected so that a reasonable through green band can be provided for t-'affic on Route US-7. I will see that your request is investigated to see what the ramifications would be if the signals were left on at this one location through until after midnight every night. One of the problems which is immediately apparent is the time when there will be no traffic whatsoever. from the shopping center and yet the signals will change mechanically during this period of time. The signal system is quite flexible but whether it is quite flexible enough to take care of what you are requesting, I do not know at this time. As stated above, I will look into this and will keep you informed as to our findings. Very truly yours, C. F. Knapp Traffic Engineer CFK:js cc: District #5 Engineer Remick Central Files 0 SC MOTION PICTURE TITF'.ATfi y , BURLINGTON PLAZA CINEMA 1 & 2 C. F. Epp Traffic 2heineer St. Dept, of hiEhways :-'ontpelier, Tit. 05602 .ear Nr. Knapp i 937 SHELBURNE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 802-862-1908 -,eptomber 29, 1975 -Zh -»you for your speedy reply of 3eptember loth concerning the traffic light in front of Cinema 1 & 2. 1 am aware of snji agree with the idea of"keeping the traffic flowing during of peas houre, as I have on many occasions had to stop at the lights in urlington at 2 A.N. waiting for W-hical traffic to pass ( I realise these lights are spat by the City ). I still feel stronSly about the situation in frv::t of our parking Brea however, as we often have lar a numbers of pe*plettkOLt need the protection that the light affords. e situation is such that a local nightclub- "Artbar'sa blocks off the wean City park Road exit to our shopping center by allowing, c*rs to ga on Moth sides of the exit road. Cur patrons have no choice but to leave via Shelburne 15oad, which they do en manse. There they run into hopefully not literally) the traffie coming off 1-►189. This t ffic, being used to the higher speed allowed on the interstate, reducer its need only slightly while entering five lane Aelburna Road. The combination of the two lines of traffic is deadly. ..t is my observation that just a few yards north of the light in question is another light that operates all day guarding a short dead end street. Just as I am s=are that the lives of these few people are worth the extra light, I am sure;the lives of the thousan4s of people that comps to our thaotre are worth the' rele6tively small inconvenience of stoppinS less than 25% of the care on Selbinme Road for 1)6 hours more each dAF. iy keeping the traffic flowing is a major consideration then the light in f&-ont of the shopping ce-nter should ;.e left off eac� morninG until 10 A.M. when the shopping center opens for the day. At present my clesner informs me that the light is on when her arrives at 700 A.X • . Obviously no traffic goers to or frm tho ahopping canted +et this t2e. Certainl th" timing stops sire: traffic uanee*ksari l y , than leaving the light on at bight would. srely ' ,,...�-JW11%47 Chase $ Manager 3. . PLANNING COIN':MISSION MARCH 10, 1981 A letter will go to the State Agency of Transportation expressing Commission concerns about striping and signing to properly channel traffic. 14r. :ona moved to add a stipulation to the motion that "the length of the deceleration lane on the northwest side of the property be extended the full extent of the property frontnpre." Mr. Levesque seconded -the motion. He then moved to amend the previous motion to add "if the extended length is deemed necessary by the Agency of Transportation." This motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Mona's original motion failed with Mr. Mona voting aye and Mr. Levesque abstaining. The motion carried with Messrs. Woolery and Mona voting no. Mr. Woolery stated that he liked the plan, but he was worried this building might kill the Southern Connector. He said that if funding did not come through and it looked like the road would not be built for an unreasonable time, he would vote for the project. He was afraid the additional funds necessary to take the building down might mean the Connector would not be built. Mr. Nona was not fully satisfied that traffic in front of and turning into the site was adequately handled by the plan and he was not assured that the Agency of Transportation would take care of the city in this matter. Mr. Levesque agreed with Mr. Woolery, but noted that the state could use the rail bed they own to build the Connector on. Application by SBC Burlington Corporation for site plan approval of a 90 seat theater addition in the Burlington Plaza Shopping Center on Shelburne Rd. Mr. Spitz noted tf%t Welby Drug had submitted a traffic report on the area when it was in for review a while ago. The report shows that some intersection approaches are not in very good shape. Mr. John (►Sullivan said they proposed a third cinema using the present mall area. 94 seats will be removed from the present seating capacity and the third cinema will contain 94 seats. This will leave the capacity at its present 708. They will come out on the same line as Welby and the sidewalk will be the same depth as it is in front of Welby. They will be building in the present walkway and the entrance to the 3 theatres will be from what is left of the enclosed mall. Another exit will be added. From Cinema Two people will be able to exit to the rear. Regarding trai:fic, it was noted that several intersection approaches were level of service D, but the criteria for a PCD state that the changes cannot worsen the traffic at peak hours. Looking at this proposal and how it would affect the pea:: hour, Mr. Mona. did not see an impact. Mr. Spitz said that as part of its application Welby was going to put some trees in the front of the building. This applicant would like to put his landscaping in the front entrance, near the sign. Mr. Woolery moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of BBC Burlington Corporation for a 90-seat theatre_ addition in Burlington Plaza Shopping Center as depicted on a plan entitled "_Alterations and Additionst__Cinema 1,_2_ and 3", prepared by R.I. Lamphere - - - _. _ Corporation, dated March 2,__1981, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Landscaping in front of _the building, -as proposed in the recent Welby application, shall be relocated so as not to be directly in front of the new cinema entrance. - - - -- - 2. A landscaping bond of $1000 shall be provided. 4. PLANNING COMMIS:;ION MARCH 10. 1981 3. A revised site plan containing information required from stipulation 1 shall be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit. Mr. Ewing seconded the motion and all voted for it. Application by Mark Hill Investments for site plan approval of an addition to Neineke Muffler at 5 Green Mountain Drive Mr. Spitz showed the area on a slide. Mr. Siner said this was a 40' x 40' addition to accomodate the expansion of the business. The same type of services will be provided. Some rock will be removed and some additional area paved. There will be no additional curb cut. They expect to have 11 more cars per day with the expansion. There are now 3 employees and 5-6 are expected with the expansion. They will have about 18 parking spaces. Mr. Poger read the list of plantings. Mr. Woolery moved that tree South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Mark Hill Investments for a commercial addition as depicted on a plan entitled "Proposed Addition for Meineke Discount Mufflers", prepared by R.I. Lamphere Corporation, last revised March 2. 1901, subject to the following stipulations: 1. A landscaping bond of $900 shall be provided. 2. This site plan approval expires in 6 months. Mr. Ewing seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Other business The proposed zoning change to industrial in the Southeast Quadrant was discussed at the City Council meeting Monday and Mr. Spitz reported that concerns expressed at that meeting centered on any industrial uses in that area, this development in particular, andX"the provisions of the existing industrial zoning being applied in that area. Two OF)tions were considered - removing; two of the three properties proposed for rezoning thus lenvinp, only the bind the applicant is interested in, or writing up provisions for the industrial zone in that area. Mr. spitz was concerned about rushing through any provisions and he stated that he wanted to discuss zoning at the last meeting in March and the first meeting in April. He said that if the Council made any changes to the proposal, it would have to be sent back to the Commission for input. Changes will require re -warning. Mr. Levesque asked about raking a recommendation to remove certain uses, such as contractors' yards from the zoning. Ms. Emery, an area resident, said the neighbors felt that light industry might be OK, but heavy industry was not. Mr. Woolery suggested wording to the effect that no change to the provisions would be made as long as the applicant remained GBIC's proposed tenant, but Mr. roger did not think that could be done. Ms. Coffin, another area resident, felt the zoning should be positive rather than negative. She did not feel the zoning should be written for this one piece of land, since it will set a precedent in the Quadrant. Mr. Ewing suggested leaving the industrial zoning existing now intact and writing provisions for another zone. These zones could be called Industrial 1 and Industrial 2. A few certain uses could be picked and set out in the Quadrant. He added that the present industrial zoning allowed some uses he did not want to see in the Quadrant. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: David H. Spitz, City Planner Re: Next week's agenda Date: 3/6/81 3) Farrell, Shelburne Road Applicant has submitted requested traffic information (enclosed). It. is apparent from the indicated traffic volumes that there will be some delays for left -turning movements - both into and out of the new building. However, the Bartlett Bay signal will provide gaps to enable vehicles to turn north onto Shelburne Road; and the existing shoulders on Shelburne Road are wide enough to allow vehicles to easily pass any car turning into the office building. In addition, the applicant is proposing to widen the shoulders 4 feet to become full 12 foot lanes to make passing movement even easier. 4) SBC Cinema, Shelburne Road Applicant is proposing a third cinema to replace the enclosed mall area - similar to the Welby Drug proposal. Total seating capacity of the three cinemas will be same as the current two cinemas. Landscaping requirements will be met along the Shelburne Road frontage of the property rather than in the direct vicinity of the building. This site is being reviewed under PCD traffic criteria. In accordance with the stipulation for the Welby Drug application, a traffic study for the site was submitted. Conclusions from the study (enclosed) indicate that several intersection approaches operate at worse than level of service C. A letter from the current applicant (enclosed) indicates the expected amount and timing of any increase in traffic. Since the total increase will be minimal, the volume of cars at any one time will be staggered, and all traffic will be.after peak road hours - there should be no adverse effect from this application on the existing level of service. 5) Meineke Muffler There are no major issues for this 40x40 foot addition to the Meineke Muffler building. Additional parking and landscaping will be provided. SBC MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Massachusetts City Of South Burlington So. Bulington, VT. 05401 Gentlemen: February 24, 1981 Re: Cinema 1 & 2 937 Shelburne Rd. South Burlington Reference is made to our Application For Site Plan Review before you for pro- posed addition of a third auditorium of 94 seats capacity to our existing facility. Please be advised that the total seating capacity for the three auditoriums will remain as is now existing. The number of seats to be installed in the proposed third auditorium will be removed from the existing two auditoriums. There are a total of 708 seats in the facility; a. In Cinema 1, 294 seats b. In Cinema 2, 414 seats We propose distributing the 708 seats; a. In Cinema 1, 266 seats b. In Cinema 2, 348 seats C. In Cinema 3, 94 seats The aforementioned indicate attendance capacities. In 1980 we operated at an average occupancy of 35%. Assuming the addition of proposed third auditorium, we estimate that our occupancy average will be 44%. It is commonly estimated that one automobile transports each 3 persons atten- ding the movies. With 708 seats, our maximum vehicular traffic generation thus is 236. This would not change with the proposed addition of a third auditorium. However, under existing circumstances the maximum vehicular traffic generated at any one time is 138 (414 seat auditorium ; by 3). Under proposed circumstances reducing the capacity of the largest auditorium, the maximum vehicular traffic -2- February 24, 1981 generated at any one time would be 116 (348 seat auditorium ; by 3). It should be noted that it is common procedure in multi -screen motion picture theatres, and as practiced at Cinema 1 & 2, to "stagger" performance times so that not more than one auditorium "starts" or "breaks" within several minutes of any other. We should like to note that in 1975 we communicated to the State Department of Highways the suggestion that the traffic light on Shelburne Road at the entrance -exit of Burlington Plaza be left on sufficiently late in the evening to accommodate departing theatre patrons. Response was received back that "there should be more than adequate gaps in the traffic valumes. .. when patrons are leaving the theatre". Our attendance in 1975 was 26% greater than in 1980, and about equal to that estimated with the addition of the proposed third audi- torium. Very truly yours, SBC Burling n Corp. Dbu as Amos Pr sid nt DNA :jab R.I. LAMPHERE CORPORATION 1 7 1 5 H E G E M A N AVENUE ❑ W I N O O S K I, V E R M O N T 05404 ❑ 8 0 2- 6 5 5- 2 8 0 0 Pebxuany 11, 1981 Mrs. David Spitz, ChaiA man South BuAtington Ptanning Commt.zzion South BuAtington Vermont 05401 RE: Cinema 19 II Shetbu-7ne Road Dean Dave: Ass a �ottow-up to ours phone convexzat.ion .today, the Aottowt.ng iz the newezt ptan bon the xenovat.ionz to take peace at the Cinema. Seats wilt be xemoved Unom .the exiAting Cinema'A I 8 IT and added to what wilt be .the new Cinema III axea. The exact numbers o� ,seats coming out of 18 II wilt conz t.itute the exact numbex oA ,seat.,s which wilt maize up the thtnd Cinema. In ezzence what they axe saying o� couhze tz that there wilt be no add.itionat zeating capacity and thexe6ohe �shoutd be no add.itionat tnaU6ic involved. In {act, with each zhow ztanting and bAeaking at di6event times it zhoutd sp&ead the peak peAiodz o� txaj6ic oven a tongen peAiod and thene6oAe even xeduce the tnaAA is zome- what. I hope th.ia in6onmat.ion tz o6 some use to you and zhoutd you have any others queztion,5 Aegand.ing the pnopozed changez, ptease feet 6nee to contact me. Ven t you4,60 A. J.'-Sinen, Jn. Vice Pnezident AJS : pht P.S. Pon youh .in6onmation the ownen o6 necond is Jurtgotd P&opent.iez, 7304 Midland Avenue, Yonken,s, N.Y. 10704 AMERICAN e�P BUILDINGS GE NERAL CONTRACTING �j IME1 L� R.I. LAMPWERE CORPORATION 1 7 1 5 H E G E M A N AVENUE ❑ W I N O O S K I, V E R M O N T 05404 ❑ 8 0 2- 6 5 5- 2 8 0 0 Decembers 16, 1980 MA. David Spitz, Cha.ihman South BuAt ington Ptanning Commizz ion South BuAtington, VeA wont Dean Dave: Enctozed pf'eaze bind Appt ication Poi _ Site Ptan and Ptanned CommeAci.at Devetopment Review, I have atzo included copies o6 tetteAz tegaxd.ing tAa66-ic on U.S. Route 7. They may_oA may not be of any heap on Aigni6 icance but I thought they couldn't hunt. 16 upon yours Aeview you have any quest.ionA, pteaze contact me. I have atzo enctozed a zmatt dnawing o6 the oveAatt pno ject. That tz the theater. in netationzh.ip to the ex.izt.ing matt and total bu.itding. 16 th.iz ..iz not zu66 ic.ient, pteaze .het me know and we w.itt have a tangen hcate one done. Thanks again Dave and pteaAe get .in touch with me once you have had an oppoxtun.it y to Aev.i.ew att thin. AJS : pht Enctozu,tes AMERICAN BUILDINGS Veny tnuty youn.s, r t.. A. J. S.ineA, Jn. ✓ ', Vice Phez ident G E N E R A L C O N T R A C T I N G eas _ w Page No. of Pages W(n }EN CEfd-f=R iSTMAS SitiGP tL AVEWE. WILUSTON. VT 05495 Ptane (802) 6 -2433 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE DATE STREE JOB NAME' C } ^ ri CITY, S A �andi JOB,LOMl0R_N t f - ARCHI DA OF PLANS OB PHONE J lip Intposr hereby to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance with specifications below, for the sum of: to be made as dollars ($ 1 , Out 00' ) unpaid accounts after a period of thirty days. plant guarantees are void All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from specifications be- Authorized low involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an Signature extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, acci- dents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted within days. We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: 4 Seasons Garden Coenter agrees to provide the labor,materia.ls,and equipment to install the following plant stock; 2 Dwarf Burning Bush 2'/3' BB 4 Dense Spreading Yews 15"/lb" bb 10 Sargent Juniper 15"/16" bB 14 Fotentilla 2'/2*' i 4 Seasons will provide ton quality,nursery grown plant material_. Installation will follow standard horticultural practices,incluaing the use of peat mess, manure,and the necessary fertiliaers.The exist- ing plantings will be severely pruned,and transplanted to the south side of the entrance road to supplement the existing shrubbery. The sod will be cut.and removed from the new beds as per site plan. The planting beds will be mulched with 3" of a shredded pine bark.4 Seasons will guarantee the plant material for a period of one year, and will main- tain the plantings until final acceptance. I# Seasons will not guarantee the transplanted evergreens. 4 reasons is not responsible for plants damaged by vandalism,mechanical injury,or for the neglect bf others. Arreptattre of f ropood —The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature FORM 218-3 Available From i Inc, Groton. Mass. 01450 'tn�e `�70� -�o� eat 4 `m.'�C �, � �'�� —1�.,� �..�e TABLE III (Continued) Use Research center R ic(juet club K )tel Sit-down restaurant(b) Supermarket Savings & loan, drive-in Savings & loan, walk-in Shopping centers: 0 to 49,999 GFA 50,000 to 99,999 GFA 100,000 to 499,999 GFA, 500,000 and up GFA Discount store(c) warehousing Maximum Low Traffic Generator Level: Permitted Size of Use Per Minimum Lot Size (40 trips per peak hour) 25,200 GFA 37,700 GFA Maximum Medium Traffic Generator Level: Permitted Size of Use Per Minimum Lot Size (90 trips per peak hour) 56,600 GFA 84,900 GFA 108 occupied rocros 5,700 GFA 5,700 GFA 9,300 GFA 9,300 GFA 5,800 GFA 7,100 GFA 10,600 GFA 14,300 GFA 65,700 GFA (a) The ITE data indicated exiting traffic only, which was doubled for the purposes of these calculations. If entering traffic is less than exiting traffic, permitted GFA levels may be higher. (b) The ITE description of "high turn -over, sit down restaurant" appears to most closely conform to the "standard restaurant" defined in this ordinance. Certain low turn -over restaurants may be permitted to have a higher GFA level. (c) This ITE trip generation data is for large discount stores; the smallest store studied contained 70,000 GFA. 2. Procedures for Calculating Permitted Size of Uses (1) Maximum Low or Medium _ Traffic Generator Level (2) Total Permitted Size = Maximum Traffic x Generator Level Maximum Permitted Peak Hour Traffic Volume for the District Average Peak Hour Trip Generation Rate Total Lot Size Minimum Lot Size EXAMPLE: What is the maximum permitted gross floor area (GFA) for a general office building on a 100,000 square foot lot in a C-1 District? (1) Maximum Low Traffic = 40 Permitted Trips Generator Level 2.32'Peak Hour Trips per 1,000 GFA (Source: ITE TRIP GENERATION) = 17,241 GFA: rounded to 17,200 GFA (see table on P• )