HomeMy WebLinkAboutVR-80-0000 - Supplemental - 0938 0950 Shelburne Road (2)PLANNING COMMISSION 2. SEPTEMBER 25, 1980 said that if the interpretation were so broad as to allow any number of units desired, he felt there would be public opposition to the concept. Mr. Poger replied that one could not construct any number he wanted. The Zoning Board had denied the application on September 22, 1960. Application by(Rosario Cannizzaro for site plan apT)roval of two offices and six apartments at 938-950 Shelburne Road The Zoning Board had approved this appeal on Sept. 22. Mr. Ron Schmucker represented the applicants. He stated that 2 driveways on Shelburne Road would be closed and an in and out 24' wide curb cut made on Brewer Parkway. He noted that a letter had been submitted to the Zoning Board from the neighbors to the east stating that they had no objections (copy on file with Zoning Administrator). Mr. Poger read the letter. Mr. Schmucker said that 1 building on the lot contained 4 apartments and the other has 2 plus a music store (1568 sq. ft.) and a day care center (768 sq. ft.). The day care center also occupied part of the first building. The real estate business will occupy the former music store space and the day care space will be rented to a commercial tenant with a permitted use in the zone. There are 17 parking spaces outside and 2 under the building. Ordinance requirements call for 23 spaces, but Mr. Schmucker said leases for the apartments would limit the.owners to one car only and would require that guests park off the lot. He also said that the owner would be there during the day and would police the situation. The apartments are 2 efficiencies and 4 2-bedroom units. Mr. Poger said it had been the Commission's experience that one could expect 2 cars per unit and he felt that students might rent the apartments and have many cars there. Mr. Schmucker replied that the real estate business of Mr. Cannizzaro would operate from about 8:30-5:30 and that about the time the business closed, the apartment residents would be returning from work. He also noted that there was a demand for apartments in the area and that would allow the owner to restrict who could live there. Since Air. Cannizzaro will be earning his living from this property, he will not want traffic to be a problem. Xr. Spitz noted that there was a provision for overlapping in the ordinance and he felt the apartments would only require 10 spaces, not 11, because of the efficiencies. The office use which is not specified would only need 4 spaces, he felt, and the real estate office would require 8 normally, but he felt that, because of the description of this one, it would only require 6. He felt that 10 residential and 10 commercial spaces were required and he also felt that an overlap of 3 spaces was not unreasonable. Ins. Poger noted that ::r. :Schmucker was sure the parking was adequate, but he wondered what would happen if another use came in and he asked if the applicants could tell the Commission that no more than a certain number of cars per hour or trips per unit would occupy the other office space. I'.r. Schmucker said they wculd be glad to do that and that they understood that the permission given by the Commission was conditioned on them meeting the presentation as made. Mr. Schmucker said they had estimated the trips per day of the present uses on the lot at 85 and that with the new uses, they felt there would only be 65• 4 dead trees on the lot will be re=oved and replaced and a sign base will be re--oved. Traffic flow will be marked clearly with signs and arrows and the building will be painted and stained. '�• 3 PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 23,1980 The paved area will be retained and the rest of the parking will be red crushed stone. Snow removal was discussed. It will be pushed along the edge of the hedges and tree line. Mr. Spitz felt that the hedge might have to be moved farther over in front of the diagonal spaces to leave room there - snow from that area might have to be removed. Mr. Cannizzaro said he would have to live with the possibility of removing snow 1 or 2 times a year and Dir. Walsh wanted to include that as a stipulation. Mr. Ewing felt the Commission should require that the spaces be kept open, but what was done with the snow was Mr. Cannizzaro's business. Mr. Mona noted that, if needed at a later time, trees could be cut to allow for more parking and smaller --plantings could replace them. This would only be done if it had to be. Mr. Ewing moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Rosario V. Cannizzaro for continued use of six apartments and two new offices as depicted on a plan entitled "Design proposal for 936 & 950 Shelburne Road", prepared by Christopher Dunn, dated September 23, 1980, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Curb openings on Shelburne Road shall be closed with granite or concrete curbs. 2. New shrubs on the Shelburne Road side of the parking lot shall be located at.least 2 1 2 feet in front of the parking area. 3. A landscaping bond of $5200 shall be provided to cover removal of dead_ trees and lawn and driveway area improvements as well as new plantings. 4. This approval expires in 6 months. 5. Snow shall not block the parking spaces. 6. Any change in the use from the owner's real estate office and a rented low traffic intensity use office shall come back to the Planning Commission for approval. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion. D'Ir. Mona requested that Mr. Cannizzaro inform the Commission of the use the first tenant will have. Mr. Schlnucker said the applicant wound not mind doing so and would send a letter. The motion carried unanimously. Continuation of public hearing on application by L.E. Farrell Company for final plat approval of a 3 lot subdivision on Allen Road, also application by the L.E. Farrell Company for site plan approval of a soft drink bottling nlant consisting of 2 buildings 78,400 sq. f t. and 9,600 sq. ft.7 on lot 3 of the proposed subdivision Mr. La..-phere said this was now a 3 lot subdivision and that Pepsi would take over the =_tire parcel. The Pepsi building will be on lot 3. The garage has been moved foreard and the number of parking spaces has remained the same. The Fire Chief wants one of the hydrants moved. '�r. Lamphere said they would tie into the CWD water line, bring utilities do m the street, and construct a retention basin. Mr. Walsh noted that a right turn lane noted that those stipulations should still There will be 14 route trucks and 1-2 about 50 e=ployees. The trucks will leave had been discussed before and it was exist. tra lerz in this operation, as well as about 7 am and'be back between 3 and 4:30pm. Date Received BY mate ,Application Completesand Received BY By CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW 1) NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF: (a) Chaner of Record Arthur w. Mason (b) Applicant Rosario V. Cannizzaro, option holder (c) Contact Person Rosario V. Cannizzaro 2) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS 938 - 950 Shelburne Rd. 3) PROPOSED USE (S) Continued use of six apartments - converting retail outlet into two offices. 4) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e., # of units, floor area, etc.) six apartments- sfkk-48 Shk6L-eb 2 �p offices- total floor space 938A - 1732 each floor 95% 2,336 each floor 5) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (full & part time) Real Estate offftw/ro salespersons 1 secretary 6) COST ESTIMATES: (a) Buildings repaint, carpet etc. $8,000.00 (b) Landscaping reseed lawn, new trees, shrubs & hedge - materials $1,250. (c) All Other Site Improvements (i.e., curb work) remove dead trees, _ grade new lawn and driveway area, crushed stones, curbs $3,950.00 7) ESTI14ATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE Start Oct. '80 complete by end of May 81' 8) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in & out) 65 cars in and out 9) PMK HOUR(S) OF OPERATION fairly level all day - s �-rviCDAyS + sue 10) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION Monday - FridayAby appt. onl 2/7/ DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT /�/' '(�� 1l �.�� ���� � � � � � � � � � i �� � - �..� � � � � � -_� �� � �� __ _� �_ ___ �._ � c' Tv��cs„ sEG-��o i OU 5 PG =11" 22 + �f L� = 4.7 L R PT: 'TA zs+ ape= ti Nf ON v a 0 Q � I i CLL 9_ ,9 �► a o 01MLS MULTIGIE L19TING CANNIZZARO REAL ESTATE 950 SHELBURNE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 802-658-2931 January 12, 1981 South Burlington Planning Commission 1175 Williston Rd. So. Burlington, Vt. 05401 Gentlemen: At Mr. Mona's request, I am informing the planning commission of our new tenant in our building at 950 Shelburne Road. The tenant is Mr. Greg Zeigler, of Vermont Hearing Aid Service, formerly of North Winooski Avenue in Burlington. The entire operation consists of Mr. Zeigler and a secretary /receptionist. His clients are by appointment and average 5-6 people per day. If you have any further questions, I will be pleased to answer them. Very truly �yours, Rosario V. Cannizzaro, Realtor CANNIZZARO REAL ESTATE RVC/pmc September 25, 1980 Mr. Rosario Cannizzaro 4 Laurel Hill Drive South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Cannizzaro, Enclosed are copies of findings of fact and the Planning Commission's site plan approval with stipulations for your application. Please submit a final site plan map for our files containing complete title block in- formation and an indication of where the two covered parking spaces are located. You must also make arrangements for your landscaping bond prior to receipt of your building permit. DPlease call if you have any questions. Sincerely, David H. Spitz, City Planner DS/mcg DHS 9/23/80 FINDINGS OF FACT AND/OR STIPULATIONS For the site plan application of Rosario V. Cannizzaro for continued use of six apartments and two new offices as depicted on a plan entitled "Design pro- posal for 938 & 950 Shelburne Road", prepared by Christopher Dunn, dated September 23, 1980: 1) Curb openings on Shelburne Road shall be closed with granite or concrete curbs. 2) New shrubs on the Shelburne Road side of the parking lot shall be located at least 22 feet in front of the parking area. 3) A landscaping bond of$ 5,200 shall be provided to cover removal of dead trees and lawn and driveway area improvements as well as new plantings. 4) This approval expires in 6 months. No Text MEMORANDUM Th: South Burlington Planning Commission From: David H. Spitz, City Planner Re: Next Week's Agenda Items >;. Date: 8/19/80 3) Milot - Patchen Road Applicant is still trying to work out access details and therefore has re- quested a continuation of the public hearing. 4) Pepsi Because of contour difficulties applicant has shifted location of the second- ary Pepsi building resulting in the loss of one lot. Even though several items have not been completed at this time - fire, water and legal reviews - I feel that the changes should be looked at by the Commission. Remaining questions from preliminary review: (a) street location is accept- able even though it does not directly line up witt, lightly used driveway across Allen Road; (b) sight distance at Allen Road curve is adequate by engineering standards, and tree clearing would have minimum impact; (c) pedestrian easement has been adequately located; (d) because of new site layout and shortened City street, emergency easement to Shelburne has been deleted. Other points to be resolved: (a) fire chief may want one hydrant relocated; (b) water plans have not yet been submitted to water deparment; and (c) legal documents for the street and water and ae,3estrian easements must still be sLb- mitted; (d) engineering sheets must be stamped by the project engineer; (e) reduction of parking spaces from 65 to 43 must be explained. 5) Beverage Store - Dorset Street Application will be reviewed only if approved on Nbnday by the Zoning Board. Applicant proposes to close off Dorset Street curb cut and to replace it with one on San Remo Drive. Applicant also proposes to cut off joint access to abutting property owner. Barrier design and effect on existing circulation pattern must be reviewed. 6) Cannizzaro Application will be reviewed only if approved on Monday by the Zoning Board. Property currently contains six apartments and a retail piano store. Applicant plans to replace the store with two offices including his own real estate operation. Site is fairly crowded. Parking spaces are both too few in number and to small in size - they will have to be revised. Applicant proposes to close off 2 Shelburne Road curb cuts and to replace them with one on Brewer Parkway. While the advantages are obvious, the disad- vantage is that the new entrance will cause a new paved aisle behind the building where a grassed buffer strip previously existed. Also, the Fire Chief will accept either layout but prefers one entrance to remain on Shelburne Road. 7) Other Business . If time permits, several items of Commission business (see agenda) are available for discussion. MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City *Ilanager Re: Next Week's Agenda Items Date: 8/19/80 4) Pepsi 1. If City is to maintain storm water filters, the area should be deeded to the City. 5) Dorset Street -Beverage Store 1. Site drainage details must be furnished for review. 2. Existing curb cuts shall be closed by constructing concrete curbs. 3. Snow storage area should be provided. 6) Cannizzaro 1. Curb openings on Shelburne Road shall be closed with granite or concrete curbs. September 15, 19dU Rosario V. Cannizaro Cabbuzarm Real Estate 4 Laurel Hill Drive South Burlington, Vermont 0501 Dear Mr. Cannizaro, I have reviewed your site plat: application and find it ino:Ai,plete. please sutirdt the following information so that scheduling of your application can take place: D (1) Complete property boundary dimensions. (2) Revised parking layout to meet standards. :ur current regulation cites a 10 foot by 16 foot stall for perpendicular parking. k 24 foot aisle is also required. based on national standards (enclosed) for 6U0 angle,park- ing, the following would be equivalent to a lU foot by 16 foot stall. stall width, 11.6 feet; stall depth to "curb", 14.2 feet; aisle width, 15 feet. i ecent experience indicates that a stall of approxirratei.y 9.5 feet-LOD,7 19 feet is more appropriate than 10 feet by 16 feet. The equivalent for bU angie parking would be as follows: stall width, ll.0 feet; stall depth to "cures", 17.2 feet, aisle width, 15 feet. While I feel the latter is preferable, you may submit the former since it is contained in our ordinance. If your site planner has any questions about the application of these standards, please have him contact iae. (3) Revised number of parking spaces. Your plan indicates 18 spaces. our ordinance requires 2 spaces per unit for the first three units anu lz spaces thereafter for a toal of 11 residential parking spaces for this application. our ordinance also requires 1 space per 2u0 square feet of office use for a total of 12 commercial spaces for this application. If you propose less than the cxxubined requirement of 23 spaces you must justify the request. Thank you for your cooperation in these matters. Sincerely, David x. Spitz, City .Manner D5/MCg 1 -0 0) 0 60 1* Skull, 5tx W, d ul 0 1q.5 A - IeV is tdt�: el- C�ql t 'n �01 - .. 1 11