HomeMy WebLinkAboutVR-69-0000 - Supplemental - 0935 0937 Shelburne RoadORRICE OM MARTIN W. JUSTER J U S T G O L D PROPERTIES 1 3 0 4 MIDLAND AVENUE YONKERS. NEW YORK 10704 914 BE 74600 June 4, 1970 John T. EwinS, Esq. 86 St. Paul Street Burlington, Vermont 0%01 RE: Shopping Center So. Burlington, Jt. Dear Mr. Ewing: We are in r®cei pt of your letter of J,ine 22, 1970. Please be advised that it is our in- tention in the near future to install the required grass, trees and shrubs at the above shopping center. Our Mr. John DelllAnno in the next couple of weeks wi_11 be in South Burlington and will discuss the landscaping with Mr. Robert Janes, Town Manager. You can be assured that we will do the necessary landscaping by this fall. If there is angthi.ng further you de- sire to.know, do not hesitate to advise us. Very truly yours, JTT3 t.TOLD PROPERT LS VW TT.Sr''EI': ^" 'J: jlr t { MAMMOTH MART SIGNS ORDINANCE INFO Section 7.80 One free standing sign and one facade allowed, requesting an another free standing sign. (A) It appears that free standing signs are to be built in the entrance R.O.W. No site plan submitted (B) Location of sign could be a traffic hazard. s�o w.s (C) Print neon letters. It is assumed that theRe are no revolving parts - no details on prints. (D) The free standing signs will exceed ordinance by 140 square feet. (E) Prints show no planter or base. Both free standing signs would excess 20 feet in height by 10 feet. If a facade sign is permitted free standing of 20 square feet is allowed. (F) Size of building frontage is approximately 5 200 square feet. No height shown on print of building. 5% of estimated area= 260 sq. ft. 2% of estimated area= 104 sq. ft. Size of letters shown on print exceeds ordinance size by four feet. Part of facade sign shown is 14 ft. in height. Print shows facade sign exceeds height of building. Prints indicate signs to be white and red. Frank Cota Wesson's Diner (A) Request shows facade sign to be erected over height of building. (B) Sign is erected within the R.O.W. (C) Print fails to show type of lighting. (D) Building frontage is 45' x 141= 630 sq. ft. 5% of 630 sq. ft.= 31.5 sq. ft. 2% of 630 sq. ft.= 12.6 sq. ft. (E) Present free standing sign is approximately 15' x 4 and 19 ft. in height. Approximately 65 sq. ft. in size. (F) Print fails to show color of sign. Rir�c�, 321 MANLEY ST. WEST BRIDGEWATER MASSACHUSETTS 02379 U �Ri �.2l4llLf,//'✓�i September 29, 1969 Mr. Henry LeClair Town Hall Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Le Clair: You are cordially invited to participate in the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony of the new Mammoth Mart, which will be opening on Shelburne Road, U.S. Route 7 in Burlington, Wednesday, October 8, 1969. The ribbon cutting ceremony will take place at 9:30 A.M. and I would sincerely appreciate your joining us at this time. Would you please ask for me at the front door when you arrive so that I may introduce myself and also intro- duce you to the other executives of our company. Will you please confirm whether or not you will be able to attend our ceremony. Sincerely yours, MAMMOTH MART, INC. f,. IrvirxA S. Getz ; Senior ice President ISG/cc RECEIVED MA! A(liPre' OFFIC;F l.Q �/ 2✓ �j{y5 i�QrCi i,��� T�t � LQ �� y�► � r� d l,�r�cl ('rQrcd .ir�•�C lf•Y o � �j' j�o rG J jr Y� s 3 O 00S`° Yam s� �,'• I U D� 67 0------- 5� Zoning Board of Adjustment Town of South Burlington Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: 38 Brewer Parkway South Burlington, Vermont May 26, 1969 RECENELF TOWN OF 60. DU; Lli O 1 ON With regard and deep concern over the article which appeared in the Thursday; May 22, 1969 issue of The Burlington Free Press describing the sign which Mammoth Mart proposes to erect, I am writing to express my feelings on the matter. Another article which appeared in the Free Press earlier in the week told of how elegant the Burlington Mall would be if all goes as planned. I think the huge sign which Mammoth Mart would like to erect would be quite out of keeping with the area as well as with the stores planning on going into the Mall and the atmosphere of the shopping plaza which the builders are planning, with its "'strip -type' climatized building," plans ,for a mini - theater, etc. Furthermore, I have enjoyed driving down Brewer Parkway every day and seeing the Adirondack Mountains in the background ahead of me. It is truly a peaceful and lovely view. The shopping plaza buildings would not hide this view, but the sign which Mammoth Mart proposes would. I think the sign would be quite distasteful to all area residents, particularly if we have to face a 14-foot elephant as we come down the street at eight o'clock in the morning. Residents of Brewer Parkway, too, will feel quite confined if all they can see at the end of the street is a big white sign (or what- ever color they use) with a huge elephant on it. It would be much like living in a box. The Mall is just too close to a residential area to warrant the use of such a large sign. Mammoth Mart will not lose business for want of a few feet of sign. If they meet consumer demands, they should have no trouble enjoying a healthy existence and reaping large profits. I think I speak for all the people in Vermont today when I say that we would truly appreciate the conservation of as much beauty in the area as possible; in this case, the use of a smaller sign using good taste (Note specifically the Shelburne Town Mall and its flourishing business despite the lack of any chain store recognition!). I know I speak for my neighbors in saying that the residents of Brewer Parkway would be most grateful if the Zoning Board will veto Mammoth Mart's present sign plans and insist that they remain within the limits as originally established. Thank you for hearing my plea. Sincerely, Mrs. H. Rand Perkett No Text ' GREEN MOUNTAIN BOY, RUTLAND Designed by Lucy Doane for Vt. Rehabilitation College Volunteer Recreation Club (VRCII) Burlington, Vt. 0 SIGN CEPQTEP, INC. 39 LI8ERYY S% QUINC Y, MA'S. Oat69 A/ // F L APPROVED BY y� SCALE DRAWN BY R •�-r {� ?- DATE. REVISED DRAWING NUMBER tv't 4A) i"t-I MART PYLON SIGN 3 9 `� 7-3 I Heatring Advt. Date :ay -Advertise 6 days �r_ V prior to meeting 17 South Burli-rigton "on:'_nc I- _T Board of Adjustment South, Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen.-, I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the follo-winz-, variance. T understand that ragular meeting dates are t-fi -he rst and th.-I,rd 4 Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 PJ'1. at the Town Office Building. The legal advertisement shall appear as below, and I agree to Day, either now or before the ad appears, a fee of $30.00, which fee is to offset costs of: holding ,raid hearing. SICi�l c_��v7 1Y3 - '/ sue. �0 / IC /VASIS- gate SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE The South Burlington Zoning Board of L-djustment will' hold a public hearing at the Town Office .13-u-ildinc,^' :7�55 Dorset Street, South Burling- ton, Vermont on /_ 262 at I —Pion and date) (dav of weekT to consider the following: Appeal of seeking a variance zrom name) Section h +(-t of te A '--1- 0 SeC 4on) L C Request is for permission to Sout..il Burlington %o�.-iing xd'n,� ;Pe XV ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT TOWN OF SOUTH BURLINGTON,VERMONT 555 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Date Dear Citizen: On the reverse side of this sheet is a copy of a legal notice that is to appear in the Burlington Free Press. The Board of Selectmen has instructed that this form be sent to adjacent property owners as a method of advising them of a public hearing that could or could not affect their property. This is not intended to mean that thev are either in favor of or against the request, but is merely furnished for your informa- tional purposes. Very truly yours, Zoning Adminis Lral--or W/h , ) Sign Center I 34 Liberty ?t Quincy, Nass . This is to notify you th !:d justment will hold a IA at 7:30 P-M- , 555 Dorset to consider your request May 15, 1969 T'.oard ofV 219 1969 Purlington, .:gar d Administrator I E L NE01,141 LETTER PAINTED L L-j N CC) RP K AS 0,� I cl -3 q ---,R%7Y "13TR CFE r "U I N"' APPROVED BY SCALE RA-1 Y R.Cc - "'E: LR v 0% K S DRAWING NUMBER cy /—/