HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-86-0000 - Decision - 0518 Shelburne Road (4)t PLANNING COMMISSION 27 MAY 1986 PAGE 4 Mr. Belter seconded, and the motion passed 5-1 with Mrs. Maher voting against and Mrs. Hurd abstaining. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Heathcote Associates for construction of an addition for a net increase of 18,462 sq. ft. and related site improvements at the South Burlington Factory Outlet Mall, 518 Shelburne Rd. Mr. Dooley asked what changes had been made from the prior plan. Mr. Ramos, architect, said they have addressed parking and internal car movements, lot coverage, landscaping. They have also brought a part of the T.J. Max building ins ide_ Mrs. Lafleur said that 7,000 sq. ft. have been brought in. Lot coverage would be reduced from 94 5t at present to 93.5%. Mr. Ramos said they could convert some parking to open space and reduce coverage to 89-90%, since new land has been ac- quired. The bank will remain at its current location and has been informed that when their lease is up in 1990 they will no longer have a drive-in facility in that location. The plan calls for an unbroken cruising lane ending at Grand Union which they feel will help divert traffic to the rear. Mr. Dickinson addressed traffic. They now generate 950 trip ends during the design hour. The current schedule is to open in the spring of 1987. At that point, the Southern Connector will be under construction to be completed in 18 months. So they tried to calculate conditions now and in 2 years. At the completion of the Connector, problems such as Swift St. and insufficient merging areas will be solved. At present, the Home Avenue/Factory Outlet intersection are at Level of Service D; Swift St. is at Level F. In 1988, without the project, Home Ave will stay at Level D, Swift St. will stay at Level F, the entrance intersection will be Level E. They tried to identify improvements that could be made and suggested Home Ave signal timing be changed which would get it back to Level D. Entrance signal timing adjustment could be just a hair over D/E, and Swift St. timing could result in Level E. They also looked into prohibiting left turns at peak hours which would result in Level $. Mrs. Maher asked on what ground the state would agree to make these changes to accommodate one developer. Mr. Dickinson said it would benefit existing conditions. He noted that 2 of the inter- sections are controlled by the City of Burlington. Mrs. Maher said she did not feel prohibiting people from getting home helped a situation. Mr. Dickinson said at present only 70 cars per hour make that left turn and there are 1800 vehicles heading north. It would be a trade-off, 70 people vs. 1800 people. Mr. Dooley asked what would happen if Burlington optimizes PLANNING COMMISSION 27 MAY 1986 PAGE 5 and there is no development. Mr. Dickinson said at Home Ave. delays will reduce from 39 to 29 seconds, still level D; at Sears, it will go from 42 to 38 (level E to level D). Today Home Ave is 36 (Level D) and Sears is 38 (level D). With development, Home Ave increases to 34 seconds (level D) and Sears increases to 40.3 (level D/E). Mr. Dooley added that in 1988 it will be worse because of construction. Mr. Dickinson said the state anticipates 2 construction seasons. Mrs. Maher said that when the Commission met with Burlington, they were told horror stories about what it will be like on Shelburne Rd. during construction. She could not understand making it worse. Mrs. Peacock said the Burlington people also did not feel the project would improve Shelburne Rd. Mr. Roessler, attorney, noted they have begun to talk with Mr. Farrell about Odell Parkway and are trying to get per- mission to gravel the road and maintain it as a usable access. Mr. Dickinson said they felt about 10% of the traffic would use the road which would improve conditions on Shelburne Rd. Mr. Dooley asked if the plan being presented was with or without Odell Parkway. Mr. Roessler said it was without. Mr. Dooley noted that other developers have made plans for what they will do when the Southern Connector is in and are not asking the City to "bear it" for three years. In other areas, Mr. Ramos siad they have agreed to a 2-lane entrance. They have reconfirmed the size of parking spaces. They will have 4" caliper salt resistant trees. There are 743 parking spaces. If computation is on the same basis as University Mall, there is a surplus of 81 spaces. This would bring down coverage to 89-90%. Mrs. Lafleur presented a sheet outlining 3 possible coverage scenarios (attached). Mr. Roessler noted they have an agreement to dump snow where the hotel is planned. When the hotel comes in, snow will be removed from the site. He stressed the store would not open until spring, 1987 and will take some time to generate its maximum traffic flow which would tie it closer to the Southern Connector. He felt they were talking about one Christmas season without the Connector. Mr. Krassner said he didn't see how the Commission could allow more traffic in the area without any prospect of brining it near the C level. Mr. Jacob polled members on their feelings about using the same parking criteria as the University Mall. Four members felt that was OK (Ms. Peacock, Mr. Belter, Mr. Jacob, and Mr. Dooley). On lot coverage, Mrs. Hurd and Mrs. Maher said they would never go that high; Mr. Dooley didn't feel they could deny it on that grounds; Mr. Belter and Mr. Burgess felt it was an improvement; Mrs. Peacock would prefer T.J. Max moved further into the Mall. On the traffic issue, Mr. Jacob said PLANNING COMMISSION 27 MAY 1986 PAGE 6 traffic on Shelburne Rd. is terrible but it's there. He wasn't bothered by it. Mr. Dooley said he couldn't vote for an increase in traffic; perhaps after an agreement on Odell Parkway and after the Southern Connector. Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Maher, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Belter and Ms. Peacock agreed. Mr. Roessler consulted with Mr. Mehler and said they would be willing to stipulate that acceptance was contingent upon the successful completion of Odell Parkway negotiations. A majority of members said this was not enough since specific numbers were not available. Mr. Dooley then moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission deny the revised final plat of Heathcote Associ- ates for the 19,040 sq. ft. addition to the S. Burlington Factory Outlet Center and a reduction to the existing footprint for entries for a net addition of 18,462 sq. ft. as depicted on a 3-page set of plans entitled "South Burlington Outlet Center," exhibit A, B and site survey prepared by the Ramos Group, Kansas City, Missouri, dated March 11, 1986 and May 5, 1986 for the following reasons: The level of service at the intersection of Home Avenue and at the entrance to the project will deteriorate further and is already below the level of service C as specified in Section 11.504(a) of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Mrs. Maher seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Thomas, owner of Agel-Corman asked that the record be corrected, since his address is 518 Shelburne Rd. 6. Other Business. 3r. Jacob said that they should be through the Zoning document by September. He also said he was highly pleased with the Hinesburg Rd. sidewalk. As there was no further business to come before the Com- mission, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm. Clerk