HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-81-0000 - Supplemental - 0520 Shelburne RoadCity of South Burlington Application for. Site Plan Review October 6, 1.981 1. a) Owner of Record Garden Way Incorporated Box 97, Ferry Road Charlotte, Vermont 05445 b) Applicant Same as Above c) Contact Person Jan Johnsen Garden Way Box 446 Burlington, Vermont 05402 863-6000 2. Project Street Address 3. Proposed Uses Seaway Shopping Center 520 Shelburne Street (Junction of Shelburne St. and I-189) South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Renovation of part of the shopping center. (The former Grandway store section) into offices and retail space. In addition, renovation and upgrading of shopping center facade and parking lot. 4. Size of Project (see attached site plans and parking information sheet) ° office space 28,000 sq. ft. commercial space 23,800 " ° supermarket 23,500 " storage areas 22,300 restaurant 4,000 " 5. The number of employees in the shopping center (both full and part time) will be 308 # of Employees Garden Way offices 200 Garden Way Living Center 25 Grand Union Supermarket 50 Vermont State Liquor Store 5 Seaway Laundromat 7 Imagery rigure Salon 7 Grandma Pat's Restaurant 7 Chittenden Bank 7 308 6. Cost Estimates a) Buildings $1.95 million b) Landscaping $30,000.00 c) All other site improvements (i.e. curb work) $20,000.00 7. Estimated Project Completion Date: September, 1982 8. Traffic Information - See Report by J. Oppenlander 9. Peak hours of Operation. The average peak hours of operation for the shopping center as a whole are between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. 10. Peak Days of Operation: Peak day of operation for the shopping center (except for the Chittenden Trust Bank) is Saturday. at ign re of Applicant COLIN P. LINDBERG ARCNIIECI 120 Lake Street • Borlinbton, Vermont 05401 802-864-49SO 802 86.3-5790 GARDEN WAY SITE PLAN Required Parking: Office Space 1/200 @ 28,000 Commercial Space 1/100 @ 23,800 Super Market 1/200 @ 23,500 Storage Areas 1/1,000 @ 22,300 Restaurant 1/4 seats @ 120 Parking: Customer: 1. West Side 2. North Side 3. South Side Office: 1. East Side Number of Employees in Storage Areas: Garden Way 6 Grand Union 6 Grandma Pat's 4 Laundromat 1 Liquor Store 3 Total 20 RLD/mlz October 6, 1981 Number of Spaces 140 238 118 23 30 Total 549 285 13 26 Subtotal 324 227 Total 551 Number of Truck Deliveries Garden Way 7/week Grand Union 12/week Grandma Pat's 2/week Liquor Store 3/week August 6, 1982 Garden Way, Inc. P.O. .Box 97 Charlotte, Vermont 05445 To whom itmmay concern: Due to an apparent oversight, neither Garden Way nor Thomas Farrell applied for subdivision approval for a recent sale of land from the latter to the former. The lack of approval is a violation of the City's Subdivision Requlations, subject to penalty,a nd must be corrected as soon as possible. Please contact my office to arrange for an application for subdivision approval. I do not expect any substantive problems in attaining that approval once you have filed your application. Sincerely, David H. Spitz, City Planner DHS/mcg City of South Burlington r 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 PLANNER 863-2882 July 30, 1982 William Schroeder Downs, Rachlin, and Martin 100 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Schroeder: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-2486 Concerning the apparent lack of a subdivision approval for Garden Way's purchase of 10.1 acres of land fronting on Farrell Road from Thomas A. Farrell, I will ask Garden Way to correct tht situation. We had understood that 10.1 acres of land was previously subdivided from the balance of Mr. Farrell's land. If that cannot be proved, then Garden Way will have to correct the error with a final plat application to the South Burlington Planning Commission. In substance, the area of land to be subdivided and purchased by Kravco is no different whether the land was subdivided from the entire original Farrell parcel or from the smaller Garden Way property. The details of the proposed Kravco development are unaffected, therefore I see no reason to prevent Kravco's purchase of the land or to withhold a zoning permit for the approved development. The apparent technical oversight regarding the previous subdivision will have to be corrected by Garden Way, but that is a separate matter. Sincerely, David H. Spitz, City Planner DHS/df Garden kk)'a , Incorporated Charlotte, Vermont 05445 (802) 425-2147 Dick Ward Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset St. South Burlington, VT 05401 Dear Mr. Ward, I've met with the fire times in the past week and location of the additional shopping center. October 22, 1981 chief, Mr. James Goddette, several we have determined the number and fire hydrants needed at Garden Way's Specifically, we have agreed upon 3 new hydrants in the parking lot area of the shopping center. One will require a new 8" line to tap off an existing water line. We will have the work done according to the city's specifi- cations. The work will commence in the spring and will be com- pleted before our scheduled occupancy in September, 1982. Yours, L---�--" Jan Johns Project Coordinator cc: James Goddette David Snitz October-14, 1981 Jan Johnsen Garden Way, Inc. 516 Shelburne Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Jan, The Planning Commission approved your application novations to the Grand Way building at its October 13, A copy of the approval with stipulations and findings be sent to you under separate oover. Sincerly, David H. Spitz, City Planner DS/mcg for re- 1981 meeting. of fact will t 4- ' PLANNING COMMISSION 3• OCTOBER 13, 1981 Mr. Jacob seconded the motion. Xr. Poger asked Mr. Liu whether he objected to his recreation fee being used anywhere in the city, as the city sees fit, as long as it is used for recreation. Mr. Liu did not object to that. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Spitz said the School Board had submitted a letter stating that they would pick up children at this location. The building will look similar to buildings in the development. Mr. Walsh asked if the sidewalk was cleared in the winter and was told it was. Mr. Poger stated that the Planning Commission appreciated Treetop's efforts in closing the emergency access and in building this shelter. Mr. Mona moved that the South Burlington_ Planning_ Commission_approye the application_by Treetop Association for construction of a 6 foot by 10 foot school bus stop shelter to be located approximately 75 feet west of the Treetops_main_entrance next to and st north of the sidewalk, subject to the following stipulations: 1. A paved walkway shall be p_roveded from the bus shelter to the curb _ _. at Kennedy Drive._ 2. The shelter _shall be maintained by the condominium association. ._ _. .. If maintenance is improper, the city shall have the option to remove the shelter. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. cite plan application by Garden ways _)Inc. for renovations to the vacant Grandway store to create 6fl' cds. a retail store. and storage space for Garden iay Mr. Poger said the fire chief had submitted a letter on the project and he added that the Zoning Board had, several months ago, given its approval to the multiple uses on the site. It was noted that the Oppenlander report indicated that traffic to be generated by Garden Way would be about 112 that generated by the old Grandway store, at peak hour. The state also will be making major traffic changes in this area in the future. Garden 'day has the Grandway property, some vacant land in the rear for future expansion, and a right of way across Farrell land. Ar. Sky Thurber, representing Garden 'day, said the vacant area had been included in the traffic figures the city was working with. Messrs. Duncan and Lindberg explained the proposal. ;sir. Duncan said landscaping; in keeping with the Garden Way idea would be put in, such as edible landscaping. He noted that the parking spaces would be changed from angled spaces to 900 spaces. There will be 20' between parking stalls. The front 15' adjacent to the building will be landscaped. They will keep most of the landscaping close to the building. There will be trees in the curbed island areas. Mr. Duncan said retail customers would enter from the Shelburne Road side of the building and park in front. Garden Way employees would use the 4. PLANNING CON:°MISSION OCTOBER 13, 1981 Home Avenue entrance and would park in the rear. Garden Way has a right of way to use that land. They will have about 190 employees. Trucks will also use the Home Avenue entrance and will go to the loading docks in the rear. Garden 'clay will remove the "mansard" roof and replace it with one which is lower in scale. They will go through the sign review process. Mr. Thurber hoped the design they plan for the Garden Way area can be carried out on the rest of the building, but there are existing leases which they have to work with. Mr. Duncan said lower scale lighting would be put in. It may be some type of vapor lighting. They will have no more light poles than they have now. Mr. Mona asked about outside displays. Mr. Duncan said there would be spring green goods and outdoor furniture, but there would still be room for pedestrian traffic under the overhang. Mr. Mona requested fencing between the tiller demonstration area and the road and he was told that could be done. It could be a 2 rail fence. It was noted that some open areas in the parking lot would be closed. Mr. Duncan said bank traffic would work the same after that as it does now,, but Mr. Spitz was concerned that if 2-3 cars were in line at the bank, it would create a bottleneck in through traffic. He felt the situation should be revolved before a certificate of occupancy was issued. Mr. Thurber said Garden Way's busy times were spring, late summer, and Christmas. They will abandon the building they have now on Williston Road. Mr. Poger asked about filling on the vacant land and Mr. Thurber said they realized that they would have to talk about that with the city before it was done. They have no immediate plans to fill back there. They are hoping to start construction the first of the year and occupy the building in September of 1982. Mr. Poger felt this would be a big improvement in the area. Mr. Mona moved th�t the_ Louth _ Burl ington Planning Commission approve the .2ite plan application by Garden Way, Inc. for renovations to the old Grandway store and use as offices and a retail store, as depicted on a plan entitled "Garden Way, Site Plan prepared by Colin P. Lindberg, AIA; dated October 13, 1981, subject to the following stipulations: 1. A bond for landscaping_(825,000)_ plus curb work_and sign removal shall be provided. 2. Both curb radii of the northerly access shall be enlarged. 3. Number of fire hydrants and adequacy of water supply shall be approved by the fire chief and by the city water department respectively. 4. The plan entitled "Plat of Survey, Seaway Shopping Center Corporation and Thomas A. Farrell" shall be attached to the record plan. This approval, includes portions of Parcel l and Parcel 2 as well as a right of way over the Farrell property as shown on that plan. 5. Drainage atterns shall be reviewed when the easterly portion of the property (Parcel 2 is developed. 6. A certificate of occupancy may not be issued until a revised circulation plan for the Chittenden Bank has been approved bathe Planning Commission. 5. PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 13, 1981 7. The lighting shall be reviewed and approved by the city planner. 8. There shall be a fence between the tiller demonstration area and the traffic. 9. This approval expires in 6 months. Mr. Levesque seconded the motion and all voted for it. Other business Mr. Spitz noted that Carden Way was applying for a Vermont Industrial Development Authority (VIDA) loan and they need Commission approval. He read a form which the Commission has been asked to sign, which states that the Commission has studied the proposal, that it violates no existing ordinances, is in accordance with the Master Plan, will not involve unusual costs for the city, and is in the best interests of the city. The Commission members stated why they felt it was in the best interests of the city (the reasons are on the form) and they signed it. Continuation of public hearing on application by South Burlington Realty Corporation for final plat approval of a 40.6 acre planned commercial development entitled Corporate Circle located south of Williston Road and east of Dorset Street Mr. Spitz said there were a number of items left to discuss. The city manager wants a way to allow snow plows to continue on Mary Street and he will accept a Y—shaped area . Mr. Schner, representing South Burlington Realty, said he still had some problems with that. Mr. Spitz was still interested in getting another road to Dorset St. Mr. Levesque- noted that if that were put in, there might not have to be a 4 lane road. Mr. roger said that after the road was turned over to the city, it would be the city's responsibility to widen it, but Mr. Spitz felt that if the development.'s traffic warrented a 4 lane road, the developer would be responsible for that. He added that based on their traffic report, full development of the site would require a 4 lane road. That is based on the traffic the site alone would generate. Mr. Spitz did not feel the second access was needed now. He felt it should be resolved, but he felt development could start before it was resolved. A.r. Levesque agreed. He felt it was the city's responsibility to aggressively develop that road. Mr. Mona wanted the Lake Buick right of way question settled and he wanted to Know when in the development process the road would be pushed all the way through to Hinesburg Road. Mr. Levesque did not feel the right of way issue should be holding up approval of the development and he was told it was not. Mr. Poger mentioned the school's possible use of the Corporate Circle road. Mr. Schner said the developer objected to the additional traffic. Mr. Schner said he would like to discuss lot dimensions and coverage. lie said that in his discussions with the planner the figure of a total of 70`w lot coverage of buildings and parking might be OK. Mr. Spitz said the proposal for the basic commercial and industrial lots in the ordinance was 30% building coverage and 70.6' building, parking and outside storage coverage. Mr. Poger noted that in this area, after taking out the road area, which is 7-8 acres, the developer would have 32-33 acres left out of the total 40 acres. il )ut4 Nurlington +dire U£partllt£I1t 575 Dorset *treet *nut4 Nurlingtvn, Uermnnt 054111 OFFICE OF JAMES W. GODDETTE, SR. CHIEF 863.6455 October 133,1981 Mr. Sidney Poger Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission 575 Dorset Street South Burlington , Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Poger, To night the planning commission will review plans to change the old Grand way into offices. Because of the size of the Grand way complex I would like to bring to your attention that the water system to that property must be up graded if we are to give proper fire protection. At this time there is only one fire hydrant and it is off the old Burlington water system.There is a new water main which comes off Farrell Road to the Old Board Restaurant. I feel if we are to give proper fire protection the water main must be extended and more fire hydrants added. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. Sincerely James W. Goddette Sr. Chief. (2) 1.31 (4) ;S) t'z I'.L DE`'EIGi!.',=IiT AUTHGnIIY LA )'!enn;na Cu:r,rn;!i;on ur !='.un;cif olity +` jTo Le prcTared by 1r7unic:_:0 l"arr,u,g Con,nitsiun; if no '►7uiucipa] Plaruiu►g Comrnission ex.isLs, j%funid. jral %1.,r(ers ur EvZional P:� -�nir,g Cuni.musiun rra%• rnal:e findings.) Tame of Plor,nir,g CuiTaT1`j =iun ur 74unicipaLty .,, South Burl ington PlzLrming CcxlrRi ssion ................. ................................................................... I.... ..................................... _:............... ....................................................................................... I ............................ Descriptiun of P rirposed L-Austrial Project or Park Purchase of..a. + acre rcel .................................._..$............'........,........... of lend on Shelburne Road next to the 189 Intersoc�t ion. Renmation of vacant Grand ...................................................I.......I............................................ is'ay store building ir►t.o offioes, warehouse, and store. ................................................................................................................................. MunicipOity in -%%'hich Pre,pused Industrial Project or Park is to be lc,ited ...... South Burli_rx;ton, ................................... Vermont .......... ............................................... _..... .. ...... ............. ............ ............................ _......................... Ti,e uw►ders:gned ..................... (Lluuir:ps) Offsets) G';kAf&iMCJMI WO) Of ihe• City, To%+m of .....South Burlington....................Vermont, after ............................................................. a sludv of the proposed irroestrial site, a review of the municipal ordinanc-es and a general stud• of the e:iecU. of the proposed industrial proje.--t ur F:11 upon UJE- ruur►ic;raIit% iri U-Mcb it is to be lucatui bere- %+'it}, sutrrnit the fulloMng r.rldlnbs at the request of the Winjont h,dustrial Development Authority. I. '17:at the proposed lmdustriai project or park (MM) (will not) violate e3istiog zuruug uidinarnces and jugulations, and would be located in a district zoned .......C-1., eorm�ercial ....................................................... r......... ... .................................. _........................................... 2. 77:at the proposed industrial project or park (is) (fit) in accord v ith a comprebensive inuuicdpal plan. I '11at the proposed industrial project or park (9= (µ-ill not) involve unusual c-c)sts to ti,e cum- u, uni ty. L' .ai:r:r;sGvc--tsi.iu:ate Water Mains ............. _........ ................................... Sweet Lktensions $ ................. Sewer Mains $ .............. -...........................................Other costs (itemized) & T1:at the proposed industrial project or bark (is) (tcomio in tine best interests of the community for the lohowij►greasons: _ !.�..C.......w../.1`C... RO'k�fil......`...,n.e ��( ,�L6,�- ..I. 'Z. J� ,,G�... ca ��.` ....u�Gl�(�--. lax--:... a!�:n.a-�xc.�..� _.'a.�u.Gc•- ............... Signatures ........... ... _---�---1 ......... ..........................:Q. %1?/:�:............................................... ULQ..... ,tr-'"•l. ....................................... (0/ ► .................... ppp..Q-Q1. ........................... ....... �........................ DHS 1 10/13/81 MOTION OF APPROVAL For the Site Plan Application by Garden Way, Inc. for renovations to the old Grandway store and use as offices and a retail store, as depicted on a plan entitled "Garden Way, Site Plan prepared by Colin P. Lindberg, AIA: Stipulations: 1) A bond for landscaping ($25,000) plus curb work and sign removal shall be provided. 2) The northern curb radius of the northerly access shall also be enlarged. 3) Number of fire hydrants and adequacy of water supply shall be approved by the Fire Chief and by the City Water Department respectively. 4) The plan entitled "Plat of Survey, Seaway Shopping Center Corporation and Thomas A. Farrell" shall be attached to_ -the record plan. This approval includes portions of Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 as well as a right-of-way over the Farrell property as shown on that plan. 5) Drainage patterns shall be reviewed when the easterly portion of the property (Parcel 2) is developed. 6) A certificate of occupancy may not be issued until a revised circulation plan for the Chittenden Bank has been approved by the Planning Commission. 7) This approval expires in 6 months. 5 ew of �� t-6117 �e lrl� A-t� I � yy TRANSMITTAL COU _ P. LINDBERG ARCHITECT 120 Lake St - Burlington, Vermont05401 LETTER 802-864-4950 802-863-5790 PROJECT: Garden Way/Grandway ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 249 i South Burlington Planning Commission TO: South Burlington, Vermont 05401 ATTN: LMr. David Spitz J WE TRANSMIT: ( X) herewith ( ) under separate cover via _ ( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ( ) approval ( ) distribution to parties ( ) review & comment ( ) record X) use ( ) THE FOLLOWING: ( ) information DATE: October 6, 1981 If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. If checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. ( ) Return enclosures to us. ( X) Drawings ( ) Shop Drawing Prints ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications ( ) Shop Drawing Reproducibles ( ) Product Literature ( ) Change Order ( ) COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 Site Plan - Landscaping Plan 30" x 42" 1 Truck Circulation - 30" x 42" 1 Employee/Customer Car Circulation - 301' x 42" 1 Elevations - Existing Conditions - 30".x 42" 1 West Elevation - Proposed 18" x 42" 1 East and North Elevations - 18" x 42" 1 Site Survey - 18" x 24" REMARKS COPIES TO: (with enclosures) ❑ BY: Robert L. Duncan, R.A. COLIN P. LINDBERG AKCHITECT 120 Like Street • HL01111{;tOfl, Vermont 05401 802-8b4-4950 802-803-5790 GARDEN WAY SITE PLAN Parking: West Side East Side North Side South Side Required Parking: Office Space 1/200 @ 28,000 Commercial Space 1/100 @ 23,800 Super Market 1/200 @ 23,500 Storage Areas 1/1,000 @ 22,300 Restaurant 1/4 seats @ 120 Total Total Number of Emolovees in Storage Areas: Garden Way 6 Grand Union 6 Grandma Pat's 4 Laundromat 1 Liquor Store 3 Total 20 RLD/mlz October 1, 1981 Number of Spaces 299 247 13 26 585 140 238 118 23 30 549 Presentation to the Planning Commission City of South Burlington Garden Way, Inc. October 1981 k Garden Way, Inc. has bought the Seaway Shopping Center lo- cated at the junction of Shelburne Street and I-189 in South Burlington, Vermont. The plans are to renovate the former Grandway store section of the center into Garden Way offices and retail as well as renovate and upgrade the entire shopping center facade and parking lot. GRAND,WAY INTO\ a No Text Garden Way's Plans for the 'Grandway' Building The Office Area The Garden Way office area will be located on the east side of the building. This area will provide Garden Way with offices for its corporate, finance, retail, marketing services, and personnel divisions. There will be 200 office employees. The en- trance and parking lot for this area is on the east side of the building. The Garden Way Livinq Center The Garden Way Living Center, a retail store now on Williston Road in South Burlington, will be located on the west side of the building facing Shelburne Road. It will be next to the Grand Union supermarket. The number of store employees, both full and part-time, is 25. The Service Area The service areas such as shipping and receiving, service shop, and maintenance room will be located on the east side of the building. These areas will be away from the employees entrance and accessible to both large and small trucks. There will be 2 truck wells for large trucks. Future Expansion Area There is approximately 11,000 square feet of space on the west side of the building next to the Living Center that is intended for future expansion. Proposed Plans for the Facade The facade of the shopping center will, be renovated completely. The proposed facade provides for new materials such as wood and metal 'standing seam' roofing to be used. There will be gabled en- trance ways and a 'green belt' in the front facing the parking lot and street. See Facade Elevation Drawing. The Landscapin Garden Way intends to landscape the shopping center extensively. Maple trees, littleleaf linden trees, and pear trees will be planted in and around the parking lot. The 'green belt' along the front of the shopping center will. have numerous plantings of trees and shrubs. See landscaping plan. j'/�S /t.:L �': ;1 .•.r r i '�p 'i / •�•� ��f �.��� 1 f •� �� t'1 ^� ` rs � �•��j•f'ti �r few i� L Z 1 � s�M 1/ r Y 40 JW sr ity ar �� . t '• i r ••riA'J /• S��:L.J' �✓.7i •per • "•� •I y p L �_ - � • :..*`: Orr 1 \ Garden Way, Inc. - Seaway Shopping Center Parking Information Required Parking: Number of Spaces Office Space 1/200 @ 28,000 140 Commercial Space 1/100 @ 23,800 238 Super Market 1/200 @ 23,500 118 Storage Areas 1/1,000 @ 22,300 23 Restaurant 1/4 seats @ 120 30 Total 549 Parking: Customer: 1. West Side 285 2. North Side 13 3. South Side 26 Subtotal 324 Office: 1. East Side 227 Total: 551 Number of Truck Deliveries Garden Way 7/week Grand Union 12/week Grandma Pat's 2/week Liquor Store 3/week Ww. ....M y F.I.F \ .6.LC0.,•.. H LANDSCAPING PLAN WE UL •w , • ... LvrF Sw..lH Y .. 3 • F,w Fr.. r.. I•H•.Sr • • .1.s na,. 4 •Ue M-Sr GARDEN WAY TT— SITE PLAN Colin P. LIeAb•rp, AIA !wMIM Wi�u � WM11� EMPLOYEE CUSTOMER CAR CIRCULATION CUSTOMMEE O� CUSTR GARDEN WAY SITE PLAN Colin P. LInd6Wrq, AIA i TRUCK CIRCULATION 4w GARDEN WAY SITE PLAN Colin R uncib s . AIA ..1.11.9 ...tib"I"I NORTH ELEVATION ... W"ft aaet r Itift EAST ELEVATION EXISTING WEST ELEVATION - Partial EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION EXISTING EAST ELEVATION EXISTING WEST ELEVATION• Partial TRAFFIC IMPACT EVALUATION FOR GARDEN WAY SHELBURNE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT TRANS/OP, INC. P. 0. Box 23o4 South Burlington, Vermont 05401 October 1981 ii Ms. Jan Johnsen Project Director Garden Way 516 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Dear Ms. Johnsent TRANS/OP INC. SYSTEMS ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS P. O. BOX 2304 - SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 ( 802 ) 878-5W7 October 8, 1981 Vermont 05401 In this evaluation, an impact assessment was performed for the traffic situation that would result from the establishment of retail -sales and general -office operations in the building that was formerly occupied by Grand Way. The appropriate topics selected for this traffic impact analysis of an alternate use of a commercial development were relative trip generations, highway and driveway geometric arrangements, and traffic safety. This proposed operation is located in the shopping -center area on Shelburne Road in South Burlington. Please advise of any additional assistance that may be required in regard to the anticipated traffic patterns that would result from the planned alternate uses of this commercial land. Thank you. Very truly yours, Joseph C. Oppenlander, P.E. OF vk- Vice-President Q G.Opp FL90 * y 2 No. 2672 JCOtnjk J,�E' Enclosure CISTER�-� S7�NAL EN� Ili TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TRIP GENERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEOMETRIC FEATURES . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 11 SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . 12 SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1 TRAFFIC IMPACT EVALUATION FOR GARDEN WAY SHELBURNE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, VER14ONT INTRODUCTION Attraction and expansion of commercial activities enhance Ithe economic base of a community and provide employment oppor- tunities for its citizens. Traffic conditions are often affected In the general vicinity of shopping areas by the vehicular trips p Ithat are generated by these retail and office establishments. However, actual rates of trip generations vary with the particular Itypes of commercial operations. The purpose of this transportation planning study was to Idevelop a comparative evaluation of the traffic conditions for the I same commercial facility with different business uses. In par- ticular, the modification of a building that was used in the Icontext of a shopping center to a facility that serves a combi- nation of speciality retail sales and general office operations was I appraised in terms of relative trip generations, highway and driveway geometric features, and traffic safety. These commercial operations are planned to be located in the building formerly occu- pied by Grand Way in the Seaway Shopping Center. The location of this proposed retail -office facility on Shelburne Road in South Burlington, Vermont, is shown as site A on the map in Figure 1. -- " --`--� - - ---^ -~ ~ ---- `- ~ --` -~ - `� � ---- '~ - --- '- ^ ---` `- ~ -`-`--- ^ -~ -- - --- -- ~ --- -~ - ---~ '- ~ ---- '- '' --' -'-- --' ^ --~ -- ~ --' '- - ---- `- ^ --- `- ^ --- -- - --- -~ ~ --- '- - __ _ ---- ' - ~ ----- -- '^ ---- ' - ' --- ` - ~ --- `- ~ --` -- '' --- '- '' --- '- '' ------ '' ---- -- '' -- -- - -' '- - ---- -- - ---- -- -'' --- -~ - --- -- - ---- '- ' -- -- ' --'- -- - --- -- '' --- '- '' _ _, --- -- ~ ---- -- - --- -~ '' --'- '- - --- '- ^ ---- ' - - --- '- ' --- `~ - --- -- ~ | --- '��-- -- -~ - CITY Of SOUTM muft a CITY Of SOUTM muft a 3 IIn the area of this South Burlington shopping complex, traffic movements on Shelburne Road are served by a four -lane highway with left -turn lanes at the intersection with O'Dell Parkway and Home Avenue and with left -turn lanes and right- turning roadways at the intersection with the driveways to Seaway and Sears Shopping Centers. Right-of-way control is provided by traffic signals at these two intersections, both of which provide access to the proposed commercial facility. Traffic flows on Shelburne Road are also regulated by a posted speed limit of 35 mph. Development features of Garden Way are summarized in Table 1 In terms of land -use activities, gross areas of building usages, and trip generation rates for the afternoon peak hour of traffic volumes on Shelburne Road. Similar data are presented in Table 2 for the previous use of this building as a 'department store in a shopping center' by Grand Way. 0 4 TABLE 1 PROPOSED GARDEN WAY DEVELOPMENT Shelburne Road Item Gross area - sq ft Ave. weekday two-way trip rate - vpd/1000 sq ft Ave. p.m. peak -hour one-way trip rate - vph/1000 sq ft Enter Exit Non -diverted linked trips - % South Burlington, Vermont Land -use Activity Retail Stores General Offices 33t158 37t392 58.o 12.3 1.7 0.36 2.4 1.84 25 0 5 TABLE 2 GRAND WAY OPERATION Shelburne Road Item Gross area - sq ft Ave. weekday two-way trip rate - vpd/1000 sq f t Ave. p.m. peak -hour one-way trip rate - vph/1000 sq f t Enter Exi t Non -diverted linked trips - % South Burlington, Vermont Land -use Activity Shopping Center 71,546 79.1 3.9 4.3 25 TRIP GENERATIONS For the purposes of this traffic impact evaluation, only the trip generations for the former and the proposed uses of the commercial building were compared in a relative manner to describe the net effects on traffic flows. Although some volume count data are available for studies in 1975 at the intersections of Shelburne Road, Seaway Driveway, and Sears Driveway and of Shelburne Road, O'Dell Parkway, and Home Avenue, current vehicular volumes are not available at these locations. The trip generations that were developed for Garden Way and Grand Way are presented, respectively, in Tables 3 and 4. Both average weekday (24 hours), two-way trips (enter and exit) are provided along with the afternoon peak -hour volumes by enter, exit and total. The afternoon peak -hour volumes are indicative of that afternoon hour when traffic volumes reach maximum values on Shelburne Road. The relative impact of trip generations for the two uses of this commercial facility is illustrated in Table 5, where ratios for Garden Way use to Grand Way use are provided. In general, the proposed retail -office establishment is expected to generate less than one-half of the vehicular trips that result from a 'depart- ment store in a shopping center'. This finding is evident for both the average weekday and the afternoon peak hour. The 1981 average daily traffic volume for Shelburne Road is approximately 18,520 vpd in the vicinity of Seaway and Sears Driveways. This average measure of traffic demand has decreased since Grand Way ceased business operations at this location. 7 TABLE 3 GARDEN WAY TRIP GENERATIONS Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont Time Trips Office Area Retail Area Total Ave. weekday, 460 1923 2383 two-way - vpd Afternoon peak hour - vph Enter Exit Total 13 56 69 69 80 149 82 136 218 14 TABLE 4 GRAND WAY TRIP GENERATIONS Shelburne Road Time Ave. weekday, two-way - vpd Afternoon peak hour - vph Enter Exit Total South Burlington, Vermont Trips Retail Area 5659 279 308 587 TABLE 5 COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF TRIP GENERATIONS Shelburne Road Time Ave. weekday, two-way Afternoon peak hour Enter Exit Total 0 South Burlington, Vermont Ratio of Garden Way to Grand Way o.42 0.25 o.48 0.37 i 10 IEmployee parking and truck loading/unloading facilities are to be located in the rear area of this commercial building. IInternal circulation arrangement on the site thus promotes more equitable use of the two access facilities, Seaway Driveway and IO'Dell Parkway. In addition, only minimal truck traffic should Ioccur in the front parking lot, which is designed to serve customer needs. This arrangement should enhance on -site traffic I efficiency and safety. 11 GEOIY,ETRIC FEATURES Access locations to this commercial facility are already available on Shelburne Road at Seaway Driveway and O'Dell Parkway. The proposed plan for internal traffic circulation will encourage customer use of Seaway Driveway and employee and truck travel on O'Dell Parkway. In addition, the geometric features of the customer parking area will accommodate shoppers to and from the north through the intersection of Shelburne Road, O'Dell Parkway, and Home Avenue. Seaway Driveway is arranged for the turning characteristics of the passenger -car design vehicle. This point of ingress and egress does not adequately accommodate the needs of truck combi- nations. However, most truck traffic will utilize O'Dell Parkway for goods movements to and from. Garden Way. To facilitate more readily the right turn from Shelburne Road to O'Dell Parkway for truck combinations, the curb return in the southeast quadrant of the Shelburne Road -O'Dell Parkway -Home Avenue intersection should be redesigned with a three -centered symmetric compound curve having radii of 180-60-180 ft. This curve arrangement readily accommo- dates the minimum turning path of the WB-50 design vehicle with a minimal increase in the paved area of the intersection proper. Also, the actual spacing of approximately 360 f t between the two Intersections exceeds the recommended limiting value of 350 f t for a speed limit of 35 mph posted on an arterial street. 12 SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Pertinent accident characteristics are summarized in Table 6 for Shelburne Road in the vicinity of Seaway and Sears Shopping Centers. These data represent a portion of this arterial street that is centered at Seaway and Sears Driveways and extends for 0.1 mile in both directions. These findings were developed from the accident data files of the Vermont Agency of Transportation for the period from 1974 through 1979• The five-year total of 84 accidents amounts to an average rate of about 17 accidents per year. However, approximately 90 percent of the known causes can be attributed to driver and/or pedestrian errors. Pertinent features of roadway design and/or traffic control offer little'or no causative explanation of the reported traffic accidents. Selective enforcement and/or driver educational activities, rather than traffic engineering Improve- ments, are suggested measures for enhancing safety along this section of Shelburne Road. The types of reported accidents are predominantly indicative of collisions with slight severity. This fact is further demon- strated by the lack of any fatal accidents and the preponderance of property -damage -only mishaps. 13 TABLE 6 ACCIDENT CHARACTERISTICS Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont Category Number Percentage Causes Driver errors Inattention 27 32 Failure to yield right-of-way 19 23 Following too close 8 10 Hit and run 5 6 Traffic control violation 2 2 Improper passing 2 2 Liquor 2 2 Other 5 6 Pedestrian errors 2 2 Slippery road 3 4 Miscellaneous 5 6 Unknown 4 5 Total 84 100 Types Rear end 30 36 Sideswipe 16 19 Turning 15 18 Right angle 10 12 Hit obstacle 5 6 Backing 3 4 Hit pedestrian 2 2 Miscellaneous 2 2 Unknown 1 1 Total 84 100 Severities Fatal 0 0 Personal injury 17 20 Property -damage -only. 67 80 Total 84 100 14 SUMMARY The traffic impact of the proposed Garden Way, a retail- sale and general -office operation in the Seaway Shopping Center on Shelburne Road in South Burlington, has been appraised in terms of trip generations, roadway and driveway geometry, and highway safety. This use of the existing commercial area represents a change in the same structure from a 'shopping center department store' to a retail -office complex. As a result, future trip generations to and from this alternate commercial land -use activity are estimated to be less than one-half of those vehicular trips produced and attracted by Grand Way. Less -tense traffic -gener- ating business operations are, therefore, being established in the vacant building of the Seaway Shopping Center. Only minor geometric changes are required at the intersection of Shelburne Road, O'Dell Parkway, and Home Avenue to accommodate the circulation pattern that is recommended for truck combinations serving this shopping center. No geometric design and/or traffic control improvements are correlated with the traffic accident situation on Shelburne Road. After Garden Way has commenced operation at the proposed location and traffic patterns have stabilized, vehicular volume studies should be conducted to develop proper traffic signal timings at the intersections of Shelburne Road and Seaway and Sears Driveways and of Shelburne Road, O'Dell Parkway, and Home Avenue. The signal controllers should be responsive to fluctuations in traffic demands and should accommodate pedestrian volumes between the two shopping centers that are located on opposite side of 15 IShelburne Road. In addition to proper signal system designs, all signing and marking of the various roadway elements should be Ireviewed for appropriateness and completeness. Periodic review of all traffic control devices is essential for maintaining efficiency and safety on the streets and at the intersections. 1 MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: Next week's agenda items Date: 10/9/81 2) Ying Liu, Dorset Street 1. Sewage pumping station and force main shall be privately owned and main- tained until such time when the City expands its collection system and the station can be eliminated. The station must be installed on private property not within the Dorset Street right -of-way. 3) Treetop Bus Shelter, Kennedy Drive 1. Shelter should be of the type similar to those installed and maintained by C.C. T.A. 2. A paved walkway should be provided to Kennedy Drive. 3. Shelter shall be maintained by the condominium Association If maintainerce becomes a problem city shall have the option to remove. 4) 'Gardenway; Shelburne Road 1. Landscape islands and perimeter areas shall have barrier type curbs. 2. A site drainage plan should be prepared and submitted for review. The site lacks a drainage system which contributes to the serious deteroration of the paved surface. 5) Corporate Circle 1. After a meeting with developer and engineer the items stated in previous memo have been resolved except for the Mary Street turnaround and the access drive to Central School. Both are very important issues. The Mary Street turnaround is important for maintenance of this street Snow plows have to have a place to turnaround. The entrance to Central School has been planned for years. This new entrance will eliminate school bus traffic on Williston Road. 2. Traffic signals at Dorset Street must be updated to accomodate the new street prior to opening this street for public use. This work to be coordinated with Bruce Houghton. 3. The Hinesburg Road intersection will require traffic signals. This work must be coordinated with State Highway Department which has jurisdiction over Hinesburg Road. 4. Underground power shall have provisions for street lights. October 9, 1981 Mr. David Spitz, City Planner South Burlington Planning Commission 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont Dear Mr. Spitz: I've looked at the site plans of Garden Way, Inc. for the Seaway Shopping Center and have no objections to these plans. incerely, Herman Thomas October 8, 1981 Mr. David Spitz, City Planner South Burlington Planning Commission 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT Dear Mr. Spitz: I've looked at the site plans of Garden Way, Inc. for the Seaway Shopping Center and have no objections to these plans. In particular, I approve of the modifications at the entrance at the Shelburne Road - O'Dell Parkway - Home Avenue intersection as shown on the site plan. These include the painted lines on the pavement that will direct traffic into the Seaway Shopping Center and O'Dell Parkway. I understand that Garden Way will bay for the changes that are necessary to accomodate truck and car traffic at this entrance/exit point. Sincerely, Thomas Farrell MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: David H. Spitz, City Planner Re: Next week's agenda items Date: 10/9/81 2) Ying Liu, Ashbrook Park There are no major changes since preliminary plat approval. However, several previous stipulations on driveway widths and curb radii, parking spaces, and fire hydrant location have not yet been incorporated into the engineering plans. This must be done prior to final approval. Also, size of the cedar hedge screening the adjacent dwelling must be shown on the plans. A recreation fee will be required. Final approvals by the city attorney and by the water department are still forthcoming. 3) Treetops Bus Shelter Section 19.752 of the projx)sed zoning ordinance (and a similar :,(.-ction of the existing ordinance) rcKluires that any transit authority bus shelter located within the City r-o-w be approved by the Planning Commission. I feel that school bus shelters should be treated the same way. The shelter will be outside of the sidewalk about 75 feet west of the main entrance. I see no problems with this application. 4) Garden Way Applicants received a multiple use variance from the Zoning Board several months ago. They plan to use old Grandway building for offices, a retail sure, and storage space (see attached brochure). The Garden Way uses are expected to generate considerabley less traffic than the previous Grand Way store (see attached traffic report). Therefore, I have not asked the applicants to evaluate the ability of the roadway to handle existing through traffic (as would be required in a PCD application) but only to evaluate Garden Way's entering and exiting movements. Since traffic signals currently exist at both major entrances, the only suggested improvement is an increase in curb radii at the northerly entrance where trucks will. be encouraged to enter and exit. The major changes, in addition to extensive landscaping, will be in internal traffic circulation. The large opening between Garden Way's parking lot and Agel-Corman will be closed, thereby discouraging cars from using the parking lot as a bypass to the traffic signal. One opening will still remain next to the drive-thru bank, and conflicts with the bank's stacking lanes must still be resolved before the new arrangement can.be approved. Lastly, extensive drainage improvements will be needed. These will not alter landscaping or circulation patterns, but stipulations for drainage review and approval by the City administration should be made. Garden Way Incorporated Charlotte, Vermont 05445 (802) 425-2147 Mr. David Spitz, South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Dear Mr. Spitz, October 8, 1981 City Planner Planning Commission Vermont Enclosed is the easement agreement for Garden Way/Grandway that you requested. There are basically 2 types of easements noted. I've under- lined one on Page 2 and starred another schedule A, which is the actual specific location description. These easements allow us to open the curb and paint the directional lines on the pavement as we have in the site plan. In addition, Mr. Farrell has agreed to the changes as shown on our site plan. If you have any questions please feel free to call me or our lawyer, Jon Eggleston, at Samuelson, Portnow, Miller and Eggleston, Ltd., 862-6511. JJ/dj Encl: 1 easement agreement SincerXnsen Ja Jo Project Coordinator t. INDENTURE Indenture made this 30th day of June, 1981, between FARRELL CORPORATION, a Vermont corporation having a principal place of business in South Burlington, Vermont and THOMAS A. FARRELL, of South Burlington, County of Chittenden, and State of Vermont (jointly and severally "Grantors") and GARDEN WAY INCORPORATED, a Connecticut corporation with a place of business in Charlotte, Vermont ("Grantee"). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Grantors or either of them own certain land and premises in South Burlington, Vermont, located adjacent to and northerly of certain land and premises acquired this day by Grantee by Warranty Deeds of Seaway Shopping Center Corporation and Thomas A. Farrell, recorded or to be recorded in the South Burlington Land Records; and WHEREAS, Grantee has requested that Grantors grant an easement and right of way over a portion of the said land and premises owned by Grantors for the benefit of said land and premises acquired by Grantee; and WHEREAS, Grantors have agreed to grant such easement and right of way on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW , T H E R F. FORE : In consideration of the premises, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), and other good and valuable consideration, Grantors hereby grant to Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, a perpetual easement and right of way as follows: Full and free right and liberty for Grantee and such successors and assigns, and its and their tenants, servants, visitors, and licenses, in common with all others now or hereafter having rights therein, with or without vehicles of any description, for all purposes connected with the use and enjoyment of the said land and premises to pass and repass over and across the strip of land described on Schedule A attached hereto for the purpose of ingress and egress from and to Shelburne Street and Farrell Street, together with the right to pave, illuminate, landscape, maintain and improve such easement and right of way for such purposes, subject to the following: 1. Rights of Herman S. Thomas and Mavis C. Thomas, their successors and assigns, as set forth in a certain Warranty Deed dated .January 28, 1960 and recorded in the South Burlington Land Records in Volume 50 at Pages 481-487. 2. Rif;hts of ChMiplain Oil Company, Inc. as set forth in a certain Warranty Deed dated South Burlington September 10, 1975 and recorded in the Land Records in Volume 126 at Pages 1-3. J�nf/ r 14 15 16 17 IV 3. Rights of Champlain Oil Company under Lease Agreement with Farrell'Corporation dated September 8, 1971. 4. Rights, if any, of Tenants under leases which have this day been assigned to Grantee by Seaway Shopping Center Corporation, and rights, if any, of William Martow and others under Lease Agreement with Thomas A. Farrell dated June 17, 1980 and recorded in the South Burlington Land Records in Volume 162 at Page 208, and of International Television Corporation, if any, under Lease Agreement with Thomas A. Farrell dated .Tune 30, 1980. 5. Rights of the Grantors, their successors and assigns to maintain, repair and replace the landscaping islands substantially as now existing to the south of The Old Board restaurant so-called, as shown on the map or plan identified on Schedule A attached hereto. Grantee, by acceptance of tills deed expressly agrees and assents to the following: 1.. No use and enjoyment by Grantee, nor any action by Grantee pursuant hereto, shall materially limit or adversely affect the right of Grantors and others claiming by and through them to use and enjoy such strip of land for the purpose of ingress and egress from and to Shelburne Street and Farrell Street. 2. Grantee shall reimburse Grantors, promptly on demand, for seventy-five percent (75%) of the costs of repairs, maintenance, snow removal, taxes, illumination and similar expenses incurred by Grantors on account of such strip of land. Grantors shall be under no obligation to contribute to the costs of any expenditures made by or on behalf of the Grantee with respect to such easement and right of way. The Grantee's percentage responsibility shall he subject to renegotiation by the parties, in good faith, upon the written request of either, to fairly reflect the relative usage of such right of way by and on behalf of each. 3. premises over, across, to and with rl' o way it grantee an conveyed, DUE suu,�ect to and w{.thout warranty or repretien[atiou a5 to the riGhts of third parties in and to the same, is _the .and premises 1 ins Grantors expressly reserve the right to establish reasonable rules and regulations and engage in actions for the control and movement of traffic within said strip and to grant tiimilar rights to the purchasers and occupants of other lands owned by Grantors, but, in each case, only to the extent that the same do 'lot materially adversely affect the Grantee's use and enjoyment of the easement and right of way granted hereby. MSO included in the land and -2- 13 14 15 between that certain property conveyed by Thomas A. Farrell to Herman S. omas an avis Thom —as -by`1�Tarranty ee ate anuary o record in Volume 50, Page 481 of the Land Records of the City of South Burlington an t e caster y ine of �heTburne treet. Also included in this easement and right of way is the perpetual right and easement in favor of the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, to maintain the existing encroachment of The Chittenden Trust Company branch bank building roof, as shown and depicted on the map or plan identified on the attached Schedule A, to which reference is made. To have and to hold said easement and right of way unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as appurtenant to the said land and premises of the Grantee. The Grantors covenant with the said Grantee that, subject to the qualification stated on Schedule A, they are the owners of the land and premises over and across which said easement and right of way is hereby granted and have good right and title to grant the same in manner aforesaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantors have executed and caused this instrument to be executed this 30th day of .June, 1981. In Presence Of: Thomas A. Farrell FARRELL CORPORATION By: 11Cb✓ llavid M. 1'arrell Its President, duly authorized STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, SS. At Burlington, in said County anti State, on this 30th day of julle, 1931, per>unzilly appeared THOMAS A. FARRELL, and he acknowledged this instrument by him sealed and suhsc rib - to be his free act and (feed. Before me, Notary Public —3— 4 12 13 STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, SS. At Burlington, in said County and State, on this 30th day of June, 1981, personally appeared DAVID M. FARRELL, President and duly authorized officer of FARRELL CORPORATION, and he acknowledged the within instrument by him sealed and subscribed to be his free act and deed and that of FARRELL CORPORATION. Before me, dC Notary Public -- -4- ..I 141 IS 16 `17 18 M Schedule A* A strip of land in the City of South Burlington, County of Chittenden, and State of Vermont, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at A point in the easterly line of Shelburne Street marking the northerly line of a curbeut located directly across Shelburne Street from Home Avenue in the City of Burlington, which t` point is situated approximately 175 feet northerly from an iron pin marking, the northwesterly corner of property now or formerly Seaway Shopping Center Corporation; thence proceeding easterly in a line perpendicular to Shelburne Street, a distance of 50 feet to a point; thence turning to the right and proceeding S 17031'50" W a distance of 115.00 feet to a point in the northerly line of the sixty foot right of way hereinafter described; thence turning to, the left and proceeding in an easterly direction in a line parallel to and 60 feet northerly of the southerly line hereinafter mentioned, to a point in the westerly line of Farrell Street; thence turning to the right and proceeding in a southerly direction, along the westerly line of Farrell Street, a distance of 60 feet to an iron pin; thence turning to the right and proceeding N 72°28'10" W a 121 distance of 309.43 feet to a point; thence proceeding in a curve to -- the left having a radius of 172.99 feet a distance of 93.49 feet to 131 a point; thence proceeding in a curve to the right having a radius of 230.15 feet a distance of 124.38 feet to a point; thence proceeding 14 N 72°28'10" W a distance of 63.37 feet to a point; thence proceeding in a curve to the right having a radius of 234.43 feet a distance 15 of 126.69 feet to a point; thence proceeding in a curve to the left having a radius of 186.62 feet a distance of 100.85 feet to an iron 16 pin marking; the northeasterly corner of property now or formerly Seaway Shopping % Center Corporation; thence proceeding N 72°28'10" W a distance of 500 feet to an iron pin in the easterly lint_ of Shelburne Street, marking the northwesterly corner of said Seaway 1 8 Shopping Center Corporation property; thence turning to the right and proceeding in a northerly direction along; the easterly tine of Shelburne Street a distance of approximately 175 feet to the point and place of beginning. Said right of way is shown on a certain map or plan entitled "Plat of Survey for Seaway Shopping Center Corporation and Thomas A. Farrell" prepared by John A. Marsh, dated June 4, 1981 and recorded or to be recorded in the South Burlington Land Records, to which reference is made. �.V M� r0, 300 C'rox" Oq f/ q q AV,) _g A 7 r,0o < u# 6 4�1 (Ig 7� 33 �+y 367 01 JC4,�,, �M Existinq Location Marketing Services: '1500 Shelburne Road '1475 Shelburne Road '346 Shelburne Road Administrative Offices O'Brien Realty Bldg. 2-A, Tafts Corners Williston, VT Catalog Fulfillment Charlotte, VT Garden Way Living Center 8 Wi is on oaa K GRAND WAY FACT SHEET Existing Projected # of People # of Cars Time 7:30-8:30 Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. 17,700 60 52� 11,688 20 17) J�4 tn� 7:30-8:30 2,595 6,800 27 20) 7:30-8:30 15,470 33,000 VA 20 64 12:30-1:30 7,500 ! 10,300 D� i � jai I * Durina the hour cars were observed 6/14/81, 64 cars drove in and customers entered our retail store, and at the end of the hour, 57 had also left. S'I'A F (rl �'i{it�1c)N'I I 1W k OF ENGINEERING AND CONSINUCCION I:i:1 Sirrl(! strccl, Niunllwher, Wrmunt 05602 X'� December 17, 1981 mr. Don Morley Burlington Traffic Commission 72 S. Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Don: In response to the letter you forwarded to us from Ernest Pomerleau dated October 30, 1981 concerning the Sears complex intersection. We would respond to the questions as follows: 1) Yes; co-ordination is planned on U.S. 7 from Baldwin Avenue north through the Home Avenue intersection. This will include the Sears Shopping Center and the new I-189 interchange ramp. 2) Yes; there will be multiple timing plans. 3) At this time, we have designed three timing plans which include: a) A.M. peak progression for inbound (northbound) traffic with a limited progression southbound. b) Off peak co-ordination providing for a balanced flow. c) P.M. peak progression for outbound (southbound) flow with limited progression northbound. 4) Timing plans will be activated either by dial changes at individual intersections at selected times, or, (if solid state equipment is used), by programming the controllers or the master controller. The intersections will be semi -actuated (i.e. actuation will be provided on the side streets and some of the turning lanes on Rte. 7). If there are no calls on the side streets, the green will dwell on Rte. 7. 5) We have not yet designed for fluctuations in seasonal travel patterns. Longer (or shorter) cycle lengths could easily be implemented to cover these changes in demand. 6) There will be phasing changes in the affected intersections too numerous to list. 7) The phasing at Ramp "C" will be: Phase A - U.S. 7 North and South with pedestriantcrossingRamp "C", and Phase B - Ramp "C" left turn to U.S. 7 Southhound. There will he a slip ramp for Ramp "C" traffic wishing to go North on U.S. 7. This will be a yield condition. r lI r I a _ r 1 8) The Nu.)hhound and Southhound phases wiil be co-ordinated at all intersections (Home Avenue through Baldwin Avenue). An additional sLI,,iigilt through r•anip into >e,irs from Ramp "C" vjould be feasible only if left turns onto it from U.S. 7 Northbound are prohibited. This is the critical intersection in the system during peak hours, and we cannot afford to devote time to the left turn. Northbound traffic on Rte. 7 wishing to go to Sears would continue through to the existing left turn lane at the Sears entrance. Traffic would be allowed to exit from this proposed access to go South only without lengthening the cycle length or adding a new phase. Hopefully we have answered Ernest' questions soLisfactorily. Let nie know if additional information is required. Since - ly, Frank C. Evans Survey and Plans Engineer FCE/DFH/km t� cc: Central Files via AJG ' Design File (DFH) 3t: :�. � •a e:a Inl: POMERLEAU NOV 2 1981 October 30, 1981 Mr. Don Morley Burlington Traffic Commission 72 S. Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Don: In reference to the potential complexities occurring from the interaction of the proposed southern.connector interchange adjacent to our Sears Complex, I am writing to request that when possible you obtain information regarding the status of this interchange's effect on the existing traffic light system and subsequently consequences to traffic flow in this area. Specifically, Don, if you could attempt to obtain answers to the following questions, it would be very helpful I am sure for both of us. 1. Does the V.A.T. plan to coordinate the proposed signalized intersection at the intersection of I 189 off ramp and Shelburne Road with the existing intersection to the North and South? 2. If this intersection will be coordinated, will there be more than one timing plan for the system? 3. If there is going to be more than one timing plan, how many timing plans will there be and what periods of day and/or week or travel patterns will they address? 4. How will the various timing plans be activated? 5. How responsive will this system be to fluctuations in seasonal travel patterns. 6. Will there be any phasing changes at existing intersections? 7. What will the phasing at the new intersection be? 8. What phase will be coordinated? Pomerleau Real Estate Co. 69 College Street Burlington, Vermont 05-101 802/ W-2841 Mr. Don Morley Page 2 As an interim measure, we are also attempting iming to invnstigate rediexiin9 with your permission, the antiqu ated control panel at the Sears intersection. I have asked i to review this situation with you, but obviously be best directed until the Department of Transportation has answered the above questions. In addition, we also hope at some point to investigate with your commission and with the Burlington Planning Commission, the feasibility he ars lex of evaluating an additional straightcenterintWethaveedonectraffic adjacent to the existing automotive high percentage of our total counts which indicate that an extremely 9 traffic count entering thi�amena�tuallylbeing nates �hortened�rthebstacking ramp from 189, with this p ability on the left hand only aanravatesSears exbecomes tremely congestedlsituation. reduced and subsequently y 99 If this is at all feasible, we wudtondetermineoy n9ostswith andthe benefitsd the State Transportation Department associated with this concept. I will look forward to your response. Kindel personal regards, Ernest A. Pomerleau EAP/nlb cc: David Bogue Torrey Carpenter Chairman Traffic Commission