HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-85-0000 - Supplemental - 0512 Shelburne RoadCITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON SITE PLAN APPLICATION 1) NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF: a) Owner of Record AJQQirAIJ S• ' %%�X�V1S �. i),)0M4p b) Applicant J,1/aVi` 4- ETC-zre/V c) Contact Person E�cC C:u)1111XtjPj ,"ilkY4-)KICK» 2) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 5-I 3) PROPOSED USE (s) C jotATIF- 'S7bK '4-� 4) SIZE OF PROJECT: (i.e. Building Square Footage, #units, maximum height and #floors f0a (,ci® �( _. � / AsrflOyL Cj,/' AA S) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (full and part time):-. "'?q zn/-"PLUYE�5S' 6) LOT COVERAGE: Building o; Building, Parking, Outside Storage: o ��CsJoJA.i tor�� r/ ^ 8) COST ESTIMATES: Buildings: $4000 La ! scap ing $ Other Site Improvements: (Please list with cost) $ 9) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: �m i�X1Gr 10) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in and out) T)q Qr'1 ,Q1W- C'VA WW)o,y 11) PEAK HOUR(s) OF OPERATION: 5A M r T-0 3C- S-aerYl 1 TZ.p 12) PEAK DAY (s) OF OPERATION: SA r <! SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SITE PLANS MUST SHOW THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION (PLEASE SUBMIT 4 COPIES) Jt Lot Drawn to Scale (20' preferred) Location of Streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants, existing buildings and landscaping Existing and proposed curbcuts, pavement, walkways Proposed landscaping plan (#, variety, size) equal to or greater than required amount in Zoning Regulations # and location of parking spaces (9'xl8') with 22 or 24 foot aisles as required # and location of handicapped spaces Location of Septic Tanks (etc) if on -site sewer M Location of any easements Lot coverage ratio for building alone ( foot print) and building, parking and outside storage Location of site (street # or lot #) Name of person or firm preparing Site Plan and date 7/9/85 JSB MOTION OF APPROVAL That the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the Site Plat application of Davis and Stern for the conversion of the Agel-Corman building at 512 Shelburne Road to 6 retail stores on the first floor and 6000 square feet of office space on the second floor as depicted on a set of plans entitled: "Site Plan/ Parking layout, 518 Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vermont", as prepared by Michael Dugan, dated February 21,1 984 and revised July 8, 1985 with the following stipulations: 1) The site plan shall show method of handling storm water; the revised plan shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to permit. 2) Revised plans shall show snow storage area. 3) Any new islands and landscaped areas shall be lined with concrete curbs. 4) The Planning Commission approves 115 parking spaces and waives 34 spaces. Agreements shall be obtained from the land owners for the improvements shown and to use the parking areas prior to permit. 5) A $7500 landscaping bond shall be posted prior to permit. 6) This plan is approved with the following parking space allocations: Davis and Stern (Agel Corman) at 115 spaces, WVNT at 20 spaces, Kravco-Factory Outlet at 616 spaces, Old Board at 217 spaces shared with Kravco. Any further development of this area may not designate any of these spaces. 7) Building permits shall be obtained within 6 months. 1 July 2, 1985 JLF Roger Dickinson Fitzpatrick -Llewellyn Associates 15 Brickyard Road Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Re: Stern & Davis, 512 Shelburne Road Dear Roger: DEnclosed are the agenda and a copy of my memo to the Planning Commission. Please be prepared to explain the traffic study you prepared. This should thin complete the discussion of this application. Please be aware that I did not receive revised plans for parking by July 1 as I requested. - Sincerely, V Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcq Encls CC: William Forsyth George Stern Michael Dugan Herman Thomas Stewart McGonaughy PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 June 7, 1985 George Stern 488 Essex Street Lawrence, Massachusetts 01840 Re: Stern and Davis, 518 Shelburne Road Dear Mr. Stern: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 I understand that you would like to table your site plan application until July 9 when your traffic consultant will be available. Please revise the site plans by July 1 to show the actual parking spaces being claimed and any other items that may have changed. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg cc: Roger Dickinson Michael Dugan Herman Thomas Stewart McGonaughy Bill Forsyth M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner Re: June 4 Agenda items Date: June 7, 1985 2) DAVIS AND STERN, SHELBURNE ROAD POSTPONED UNTIL JULY 9, 1985 The applicant will present traffic data to support this request. The overlay zone permits 47 trips per peak hour from this use. The ITE data, from a limited sample of "specialty retail centers" estimates 81 trips per peak hour for this building and use. The applicants data show this producing 733 per day and 81 per hour on the adjacent street. Any waivers must be granted under the criteria of Section 17.50. (As a Planned Commercial Development, a level of C would be maintained as required, according to the traffic study submitted by the applicant.) The plan should be revised to delineate the 108 spaces that are claimed by this applicant. It should be made clear that spaces claimed by this applicant and approved by the Commission will not be reallocated to future applicants with or without private deeds for shared or in -common parking, unless the hours of operation are significantly different. (POSTPONED UNTIL JULY 9, 1985) 3) FARRELL, 50 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE This application was postponed at the May 27, 1985 meeting in order to 1) confirm the landscaping, 2) confirm the drainage plans; 3) review the building exterior and 4) confirm the access across the abutting property. The following information has been received: 1) The landscaping plan now shows an increase in plantings to meet the $17,500 bond requirement. Plantings are primarily cedar 'hedge, yews, juniper, maple, and crab. A number of the large existing trees along the roadway should not be disturbed. 2) According to the applicant, the drainage plans are being re- viewed by the engineering firm of Wagner, Heindel, & Noyse. A report is expected by the meeting. 3) I have not seen plans showing the building facade. Plans may be available at the meeting. 4) I have been told that, agreements are pending with the adjacent landowners but have not seen them. If the Commission desires, the plans could be approved pending this agreement. May 31, 1985 George Stern 488 Essex Street Lawrence, Massachusetts 01840 Re: Stern and Davis, 518 Shelburne Road Dear Mr. Stern: Enclosed are the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of May 28 at which the parking issue was discussed. You should be thoroughly prepared to discuss the traffic issue on Tuesday, June 11, 1985. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg 1 Encl cc: Roger Dickinson Michael Dugan Herman Tbomas Stewart McGonaughy Bill Forsltth J M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner Re: May 28, 1985 Agenda items Date: May 24, 1985 2) DAVIS AND STERN, SHELBURNE ROAD The applicant will present traffic data to support this request. The overlay zone permits 47 trips per peak hour from this use. The ITE data, from a limited sample of "specialty retail centers" \0 estimates 81 trips per peak hour for this building and use. The r�" applicants data show this producing 733 per day and 81 per hour rAl on the adjacent street. Any waivers must be granted under the criteria of Section 17.50. (As a Planned Commercial Development, a level of C would be maintained as required, according to the traffic study submitted by the applicant.) Parking: I have completed a study of parking spaces for the Farrell/Kravco/Agel Corman development. (See attached) The re- sults are as follows: Kravco (Factory Outlet Shopping Center Agel Corman Club New England — bW&" WVNY Required Spaces 615 149 160 Actual Spaces 616 124 (new plan) 50 - 100-217 am The Factory Outlet has provided the number of spaces required by the Planning Commission. This includes an area that is shared by the Old Board in the evening. It does not include the spaces in the O'Dell Parkway as originally suspected by Attorney McGonaughy. I am satisfied that the Outlet Mall has met it's requirements. The Old Board requires 160 spaces, based on the seating capacity of 560. Some of these are available through an arrangement that Farrell has with Kuntil 2002. The Old Board and T.V. Studio may use 50 spaces during daytime business hours (prior to 6:00 P.M.) and a maximum of 100 spaces on weekends and holidays. Since the lot handles 217 vehicles, it should be sufficient. t rrlotC. 1� &MYC►4b allo- you G\6i dl. Agel Corman has a number of spaces parallel to its build'ing and 50 spaces in front, without infringing on the 50 foot right-of- way. I do not know who has the legal rights to these spaces. WVNY has 26 spaces immediately in front of its building which seems sufficient. r Memorandum May 28, 1985 May 24, 1985 Page 2 agenda items There are unused (unclaimed?) spaces between the old O'Dell Parkwziy and the new angled entrance drive as well as between Agel Corman and the Old Board. The Attorney for the Factory Outlet Center, Bill Schroeder told me the 50 foot right-of-way and O'Dell Parkway provided an "L" shaped access to Shelburne Road for the area establishments. The right-of-way still exists in everyone's deeds but the angled driveway provides a more direct traffic flow to a signalized intersection. This does not ignore the fact that Mr. Thomas's parking lot was disrupted by this through lane. I believe the spaces proposed by the applicants are sufficient for the use. However, it should be clear that if they are claimed and counted for this use, they can not be reclaimed by anyone for a future use, unless they are used in off -hours. 3) GEORGE E. WATSON, 40 BIRCH STREET This sketch plan shows the re -subdivision of 3 existing lots into 2 lots. (Our tax maps show the 3 lots as one lot). It is located on Birch Street, off of Sunset Avenue and Hinesburg Road. The area is zoned R4. One new lot will be .27 acres (12,000 square feet); '.he other will be .38 acres and has an existing house. There seems to be an exist- ing 50 r.o.w. on Ying Liu's land to the south. Prior to Final Plat, the applicant should insure permanent access to the new lot across this r.o.w. or provide access across the front lot to the new lot. 4) BURGER KING, 981 SHELBURNE ROAD The applicant proposes to construct a 2938 square foot addition to the Burger King Restaurant by expanding the building to 5050 square feet. The Zoning Board granted approval for a multiple and conditional use. Access and Circulation: The existing driveway and curb cut will remain. The parking lot is expanded and the drive -through entrance is moved further west towards the back of the lot. Parking: This restaurant requires and proposes 102 parking spaces. May 24, 1985 George Stern 488 Essex Street Lawrence, Massachusetts 01840 Re: Stern and Davis, 518 Shelburne Road Dear Mr. Stern: Enclosed are the agenda and a copy of my memo to the Planning Commission. Please be sure someone is present to represent your application on Tuesday, May 28, 1985. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg Encls cc: Roger Dickinson Michael Dugan Herman Thomas Stewart McGonaughy PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 28, 1985 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 28, 1985 at 7:30 pm in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present Peter Jacob, Vice Chairman; John Dooley, Judy Hurd, Mary -Barbara Maher, William Burgess, John Belter Others Present Jane Bechtel, City Planner; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Bill Forsyth, Michael Dugan, Richard Lary, Maurice Adams, Raymond Creteau, W. Robert Stamp, Anna & Carl Lavallee, Bill Schroeder, George Watson, Bill Green, James Rameka, Matt Marcellino,, Peter Collins, Stewart McConaughy, Gary Farrell, Colin Lindberg, Gerry Kittle, David Brown Minutes of May 14, 1985 The May 14, 1985 minutes were approved on a motion by Mr. Burgess, a second by Mrs. Hurd, and a unanimous vote. Continue site plan application of Mr. Stern and Mr. Davis for conversion of Agel-Corman building to 6 retail shops at 518 Shelburne Road Mr. Jacob noted that the applicants wanted to limit discussion to the parking issue tonight, and take up traffic at the next meeting. Mr. Forsyth said there had been a lot of discussion about the status of parking in this area. It looks like the 16 arking spaces to the east of the building (but not right against the building do not belong to Mr. Thomas. He probably cannot claim them. Mrs. Maher came in at this time. Mr. Forsyth said Mr. Thomas agreed not to park in the diagonal traffic area if he can park in the O'Dell Parkway area, and Kravco agreed to give up rights to parking in the O'Dell area in order to maintain that diagonal flow pattern. He noted that Kravco had not needed the spaces in the O'Dell area for its parking requirements anyway. Mr. Forsyth said the only spaces in question now were the 4 close to :'Jhelburne Road and within the 50' right of way to the Citgo station. The station does not want that access blocked. He said that they felt they could provide 108 parking spaces, but that it would take a little time to get the various agreements signed by all parties. The parking requirement for this plan is 149 spaces. It was noted that accepting the 108 spaces would require a waiver of 27 The Commission can waive up to 5(;'�. Mr. Dooley came in at this point. The questionAof that would happen if the Commission allowed the application to go through with the 108 spaces and Mr. Farrell then came in later and wanted to use some of those spaces. Mr. Burgess felt the City Attorney should be asked whether the Commission could deny a later use based on a lack of available parking, because these spaces had already been counted. Mrs. Maher said she could not vote for the plan because she felt the layout was atrocious. Mrs. Hurd felt 27% was too much to waive in this high density commercial area. Mr. Burgess was also concerned about waiving that many spaces, and Mr. Jacob was concerned about the amount of parking in this area for the type of traffic present. He felt 120-125 might be a better figure. 9 PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 28, 1985 i�Ir. Burgess moved to continue the site plan until two weeks from tonight, June 11, at 7:30 pm at City Hall. Mr. Belter seconded the motion and all voted for it. Consider sketch plan application of George E. Watson for two lot subdivision located at 40 Birch Street Mr. Watson noted that Birch Street was a dirt road and had not been accepted by the City yet. He said he owned 3 lots and would like to enlarge one and build a new house. No one had any problem with the plan. Consider site plan application of Shelburne Road Trust, Peter Collins, agent for construction of a 2900 sq. ft. addition to Burger King, located at 981 Shelburne Road Mr. Collins noted that the building was 10 years old and in need of some renovation. They want to enclose the present patio area and make a play room and function room. In addition, they will add an office to the north side of the building. They now have 86 indoor seats and a total of 134, and after the renovation they wili.have 118 seats inside and none outside. One of the Burger King representatives said that after the renovation there would be 80 seats where there are now 86 and the function room would pick up the rest of the seats. This will be an area for birthday parties, etc., but it can be used for ordinary seating as well. Mr. Collins noted that Burger King did not feel that more parking spaces had been needed, but they added some because the regulations required it. fie said the lot was never full now, and he said that in Burger King's e)P erience, improvements like this meant that year-round the restaurant would be full more often, but peak traffic would not increase. Mrs. Maher did not feel the additions would add many more cars. Landscaping was discussed. It will be redesigned in front, but the back will not be touched. The Commission mentioned removing 18 spaces to the rear of the lot and putting grass in there. If the spaces are needed in the future, they can be paved and striped. Mr. Dooley said he was not convinced on the traffic issue. Mr. Dooley moved that the aouth Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of -helburne Road Trust for the construction of a 2938 sQ^ ft addition to the Burger King Restaurant at 981 Shelburne Road as depicted on a set of plans entitled "Burger King Restaurant, Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vermont" prepared by Jan Company, Inc. of Johnston, Rhode Island and Judd Brown Designs, dated 7 25 85 and 4 12 85 with the following stipulations: 1. The sidewalk shall be continuous across the driveway and at the same elevation relative to the road curbing as the existing sidewalk. 2. The landscaped islands shall be protected with concrete curbs. 3. A $7,000 landscaping bond shall be posted prior to permit. 'r 4. 18 parking spaces are waived. The applicant may remove the 18 spaces to the west of the lot and in the center and grass over that area. May 17, 1985 George Stern 488 Essex Street Lawrence, Massachusetts 01840 Re: Stern and David - 518 Shelburne Road Dear Mr. Stern: Enclosed are the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting. Please settle the parking space allotment by May 22 so that I can include this item on the May 28 agenda. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg 1 Encl cc: Roger Diclainson Michael Dugan Herman Thomas Stewart McGonaughy PLANNING COM14ISSION J• MAY 14, 1985 on each side of Ethan Allen Drive, a formula for the cost of road improvements that the city would do (Berard to pay $5,000 and Belter to pay $15,000), and the dedication of land for the right turn lane. The $20,000 is to widen, ditch, and drain the area. Mr. Spitz said Mr. Belter was suggesting that he be given credit towards his $15,000 cost for the value of the land for the right turn lane. Perhaps instead of just giving the amount of land needed for the improvement, the city should take the entire lot. The area needed was, very roughly 1112 an acre, Mr. Spitz gviessed. The entire lot is about 1 acre. Mr. Dooley said he would prefer to let the City Manager make any deals of that kind. Mr. Poger said that the Commission wanted any such deal made before final plat, or they would require enough land for the lane. Mr. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat application of John Belter for the 13 lot industrial subdivision of Ethan Allen Farm as depicted on a plan entitled "Ethan Allen Farm, Industrial subdivision lots 9-21", as prepared by Warren A Robenstein, dated April 1985, with the following stipulations: 1. The final plat shall show a 15 foot drainage easement between lot #13 and the Belter Farm to drain the low area of Ethan Allen Drive. The exact location of the easement will be determined by the applicant and the City Engineer prior to final plat. Legal documents shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval. 2. The applicant shall pay the amount of $15,000 for improvements to Ethan Allen Drive. 3. Land shall be dedicated to the city along the southern side of Airport Parkway to Shamrock Road to allow for a right turn into Ethan Allen Drive. 4• A five foot dedication of land along both sides of Ethan Allen Drive shall be made to the city to upgrade the road Legal documents shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval 5. `the need for additional fire hydrants will be determined by the Fire Chief at site plan review of individual lots. _ 6. All septic systems shall be installed for future hookup to the street. 7. Th_is approval expires in 12 months. Mrs. Maher seconded the motion and all voted for it. Mr. Belter rejoined the Commission. Consider site plan application of George Stern and Stan Davis, arerit to convert the 18,000 sq. ft. Agel-Corman Furniture building into six retail shops and 6,000 sq. ft. of office space located at 518 Shelburne Road Ms. 3echtel said the Zoning Board had approved the uiultiple use of the building, out had been concerned about barking. She noted that there was existing office space on the second floor of the building. Mr. Dugan said the second floor would remain unchanged. Entrances to the proposed retail stores would be on the south side of the building. He said there was a diagonal right of way from the entrance across from Home Avenue heading toward the Factory Outlet building. This will remain, and they would like to use timber edged planters to direct traffic in the lot. Parking to the 4. PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 14, 1985 south of the building would be diagonal. Mr. Jacob felt the rows of parking closest -to Shelburne Road should be closed at the ends along the diagonal right of way, but it was noted that a 50' right of way existed parallel to Shelburne Road in that area, so those aisles could not be closed, without the permissi n of everyone with rights to the right of way. Mr. Poger noted that if that right of way had to remain, he was not sure parking could be put in it. The parking reduces the 50' width to much less than that. It was noted that Mr. Thomas owned the building and the land under it, but the land around the building was owned by Mr. Farrell. Mr. Thomas said the parking to the west of the building was parking in common and he had rights to that. He said no one was currently using that parking with him, of Mr. Farrell's tenants. If Mr. Farrell decided to develop further in the future, he has rights to this parking in common and it would have to be shared. Mr. Dooley noted that 124 parking spaces were shown and 149 were required. He asked if 25 more could be obtained. Mr. Thomas said people could park in the Old Board lot during the day when that lot is not used by the Old Board. Mr. Thomas said he had enough parking - he has rights in the Kravco lot. Mr. Poger said again that he wished Mr. Farrell would show the Commission a plan for what he wants to do with the whole area. Mr. McConaughy, representing Mr. Farrell, stated that there was an area known as O'Dell Parkway or Market Square. This is a right of way which was once considered as a possible public street connecting eventually to Farrell St. Kravco said it would not use this right of way, preferring the diagonal one, so they put parking in that area, which they have no rights to. He said he was concerned that the Commission had counted those spaces for the Outlet and might count them again for Mr. Thomas. He said Mr. Farrell might want those spaces in the future. Mr. McConaughy said Mr. Thomas owned his building and the land under it, and had exclusive rights to parking between the south line of his property and the northern line of Market Square (25-30'), about 10' of space to the north of the building, and about 25' of space to the east. In addition to that, he has rights in common with others for parking in the area between the west side of the building and Shelburne Road in an area bounded by the extension of the north and south lines of the building to the west. This produces a rectangular area the same depth as the building. Mr. Poger noted that if he were shopping in the area, he would just take a space where he could find it and he wondered if there were enough parking in the area for the proposed use plus the existing uses. Mrs. Maher asked the Planner to take the square footage of the Thomas building plus the Outlet building and weigh the parking requirements against the total spaces available. She noted, however, that she was negative on this plan and did not feel it should be approved without enough spaces. Mr. Dooley asked about the 16 spaces to the east of the building and Mr. McConaughy said he did not know who had rights there. Mr. Poger asked the applicant and Mr. Farrell to discuss with the Planner whether there were enough spaces here, before the next meeting. Mr. Dooley wanted to know how often the spaces Kravco claimed are actually used by Outlet customers. Mxs. Maher was not sure she wanted to waive a lot of spaces, since she felt parking was bad in that area now. Mr. Burgess felt the right of way issue had to be settled and Mr. Belter agreed. Mr. Dooley said he had thought the parking was going to be the easy issue. He said he did not feel he could vote for it because it was so far out of compliance with the traffic overlay zone. Mr. Poger warned the applicants that even if the parking were settled, it did not mean approval would be given, and 5• PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 14, 1985 he noted that instead of 6 retail stores, perhaps fewer stores and more office uses could be proposed. Mrs. Maher moved to postpone the application until two weeks from tonight. Mr. Dooley seconded the motion and all voted aye. Consider site plan application of South Burlington Realty Corporation and K. W. Ventures to construct a 108 room motel and 120 seat restaurant at 1860 Williston Road Ms. Bechtel said this application had been withdrawn for 30 days. Consider site plan application of Leland and Patricia Calkins, Walt Adams, agent to construct an 8400 sq. ft. building on lot ##1, Calkins Court Ms. Bechtel noted that the first extension had expired on May 13• Mr. Adams said the structure was the same square footage, but instead of 2 small extensions off the front of the building, there will now be one larger one. Mr. Dooley moved that the aouth Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Leland and Patricia Calkins for construction of an 8400 sa. ft. wholesale light manufacturing building on lot 1, Calkins Court. -as depicted on a plan entitled "Leland and Patricia Calkins. Calkins Court, South Burlington, Vermont," dated April 11, 1984 and revised March, 1985, prepared by Adams Construction Company, Inc., with the following stipulations: 1. The sewer allocation shall be 250 gpd and is part of the Calkins Court allocation. 2. That a landscaping bond of $5100 and a curb work bond of $700 be posted prior to permit. 3. The site plan shall show a drainage plan that shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to permit. 4. The street shall be completed as specified at the subdivision final plat prior to a building permit, or if required, an occupancy permit,whichever is later, being issued. 5. The building permit shall be obtained within 6 months. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion and all voted aye. Other business PIr. Dooley felt a legal opinion was needed on the parking spaces claimed by Kravco in the Market square area. He wondered if the Commission could force them not to occupy some space in the building in order to compensate for the loss of those spaces which they have no right to. Mr. ?oger said it had been a pleasure to work with the Commission. He said he had been impressed by the seriousness and care taken by its members over the years and he felt they had done a good job in often trying circumstances. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 pm. Clerk May 10, 1985 Roger Dickinson Fitzpatrick -Llewellyn 15 Brickyard Road Essex Junction, Vermont 05401 Re: Stern & Davis - Agel Corman Building Dear Roger: Enclosed are the agenda and a copy of my memo to the Planning Commission. Also enclosed are Jim Goddette's and Bill Szymanski's comments. Please forward this to Davis and Stern since I do not have their address. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg cc: Michael Dugan Encls M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager he: May 14, 1985 agenda items Date: May 10, 1985 2) BOURDEAU-RYE, HINESBURG ROAD 1. A sidewalk should be included along access road to connect to sidewalk on Hinesburg Road. 2. Paved areas should include concrete curbs to protect landscaped areas except along the 24 foot entrance drive. 3) JOHN BELTER, 13 LOT INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION 1. There should be a 15' drainage easement along the east side of lot 13 to drain the low area of Ethan Allen Drive. 2. The service road to serve 19, 20 & 21 should be out or along the limits of the floor zone area. 3. The intersection of Airport Parkway and Shamrock Road can be improved by adding a turning lane along the south side of Air- port Parkway to accommodate right turns and movements to Ethan Allen Drive. The land should be dedicated to the City and we will construct it. � EL CORMAN FURNITURE, 518 SHELBURNE ROAD 1. Site plan should show method of handling storm water. 2. Site has no area for snow storage. 3. The islands and landscaped areas should be lined with concrete curbs. 5) K.W. VENTURES, WILLISTON ROAD 1. Very undesireable location for this type of use. Being in the runway flight path, where there had been aircraft accidents in the past, the site should be a low people volume use. 2. There may be a stream setback that should be observed. The area, including downstream has to be carefull studied because the site serves as a ponding area. No permits should be issued until a study is completed to determine the impact and such study is approved by the City. 1- 41 M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner Re: 'kay 14, 19851 agenda items Date: .5/10/85 2) BOURDEAU-RYE, HINESBURG ROAD The applicant has revised this plan to show 24 units on 4 acres. All setbacks have been maintained and the distance between buildings equals or exceeds 30 feet in all cases. The driveways are 30' wide internally with a 24" wide entrance drive. See Bill's memo and letter from Chief Goddette. 3) JOHN BELTER, 13 LOT INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION John Belter proposes to subdivide a portion of his farm into 13 additional industrial lots in the Industrial -Commercial District. Ten lots (#9 - #18 are located between the Berard lots and the farm. Each one measures .96 acres. The floodplain is at the northern edge of five lots and should not obstruct construction. Lots #19, 20, 20 are located at the beginning of Ethan Allen Drive by the Airport Parkway/Shamrock Road intersection. These will be served by a 30 foot private road.onto Ethan Allen Drive. Bill has suggested that the private driveway should be removed from the floodplain. These lots are approximately 2 acres each. Ethan Allen Road must be improved. The Commission designed a formula at Mr. Berards`subdivision to assess Mr. Belter $15,000 and Mr. Berard $5,000 for the required improvements that include draining and ditching the road. A 5 foot dedication along both sides of Ethan Allen Drive is also required in order to upgrade the road to a width of 24 feet with 3 foot shoulders. The intersection at Shamrock Road and Ethan Allen Drive is poorly designed. There was no resolution of this problem at the Berard subdivision. Belters first subdivision urged resolution of this prior to further subdivision of this land. See Bill's memo. 4) DAVIS AND STERN, 512 SHELBURNE ROAD The applicant proposes to convert the Agel-Corman Furniture Store into 6 retail specialty shops (first floor) and retain the existing office space on the second floor. The property is zoned Cl. Circulation and Access: This property is part of the Farrell land. When the Outlet Mall was approved, the traffic was rerouted in this area. The curb cut is directly across from Home Avenue. The plan improves the traffic flow through this lot since it is now poorly defined and somewhat dangerous. Memorandum May 14, 1985 May .10, 1985 Page 2 agenda items Park_i_nq: The retail shops and 6000 square foot Hof office space require 149 parking spaces'. The plan shows;124., requiring a waiver of 25 spaces or 17% of the total. Thirty tliik=�6' spaces are shown - in an area that is now used infrequently. It may make these spaces more efficiently used. Agreements should be obtained from the owners to make these improvements and use this area prior to permit. Landscapin : The proposed building improvements require $7500 in landscaping. The parking lot landscaping should improve the traffic flow. Traffic: The applicant has submitted a traffic study (enclosed). The proposed use is in traffic overlay zone 1 that allows 47 trips ends per hour. The proposed use generates 81,trips ends. The applicant recommends that the factors liste6"on page 4 of his study (A-D) justify a waiver of the overlay criteria. The study also finds that a level of service C will be achieved in 1985 at the Home Avenue/Shelburne Road intersection with or without this project. Level D will be reached in 1990 with or without this project. The 1985 level requres a right turn arrow on Home Avenue that is simultaneous with the Shelburne Road left turn phase. These figures do not account for the Southern Connector which would ease the situation. 5) K.W. VENTURES, 1860 WILLISTON ROAD The applicant proposes to construct a 108 room hotel and 120 seat restaurant on a 3.1 acre parcel located south of the airport and west of Avis Rent-A-Car on Williston Road. The area is zoned Industrial -Commercial. The Zoning Board will consider a Conditional use and Multiple use request on May 13, 1985. Circulation and Access: The property is served by one curb cut from Williston Road that is shared with the Avis lot to the west. It is located over 800 feet from the Kennedy Drive intersection. Complete circulation is given around the hotel and restaurant. Parking: 163 spaces are required for both the hotel and the restaurant. The plans show 168 including 3 handicapped. Landscaping: A $27,500 landscaping plan is proposed as required. Traffic: This property is in traffic overlay zone 2. The zone would allow 54 rooms/40,000 square feet lot or 187 rooms maximum —*out4 Nurlington .dire Repartment f 575 Borset street #out4 Nurlington, Igermont 05401 OFFICE OF JAMES W. GODDETTE, SR. CHIEF 863-6455 May 9,1985 Ms. Jane Bechtel Planner City Of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street SO. Burlington, VErmont 05401 Dear Jane, Plans have been reviewed by this department on the change to the Agel-Corman property on Shelburne Road. At this time the only problem I see is the road way on the South side of the building between the building and O'Dell Parkway must be at least 18 Ft. for a fire lane instead of 15 Ft. as the show onrthe plan. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. incerely t James W. Go Chief �4LMC) o-xuut 1 �:,PaCZ4 0, --7 )q]-J-S -��g would improve the situation more than the retention pond. Mr. Jacob seconded, and the motion passed 4-2 with Mrs. Maher and Mrs. Hurd voting against. Continue_ Site Plan Application of Stern & Davis for the conversi6n of thege Al Corman building intof_ retail specialty shops located at 512 Shelburne Rd. Mr. Forsythe advised that they had revised the parking to remove the angled parking. There is a total of 115 spaces, and they have a verbal agreement with Rick Davis & Fred Teballi that they should be able to give the project 20 more spaces, for a total of 135. The developer would not build until this is confirmed in writing by all parties. Ms. Bechtel noted the requirement is for 149 spaces, which would require a waiver of 23% with the 115 present spaces. The other 20 would be a bonus. The Commission is allowed to waive up to 25%. Mr. Dooley asked whether the 115 spaces are for the exclusive use of the development or whether they would be shared. Mr. Stern replied they have no agreement with the Farrells regarding parking and they do not have exclusive rights to the parking. He felt there was enough parking to satisfy the needs of the others. Ms. Bechtel said the City Attorney has confirmed that if this developer claims these spaces and they have been allotted only once, it would not matter whether there is a. agreement. Mrs. Hurd pointed out there were 8 spaces in a right of way which reduces the right of way from 50 ft. to 20 ft. Members were polled as to how many parking spaces they would require: Mr. Jacob, Mr. Dooley, Ms. Hurd, and Mr. Belter all felt 135 should be required; Mr. Burgess said 126 would satisfy him. Mr. Dickinson reported on the traffic study. The traffic overlay zone allows for 47 trips per peak hour. This project would have 81, but this requirement can be waived under certain conditions and he felt the estimate was conservative. The study does not take into account multiple entrances but assumed all would enter from Odell Parkway. They felt that turning movements would be complicated and that certain adjustments in signalling might be required. They also per- formed a critical movement analysis. There are 1,098 vehicles per hour which puts the intersection into Level C, with or without the proposed project. They felt that even though the project would generate 80 vehicles per hour, the functional increase in traffic which would affect the operation of the intersection would only increase by 23 vehciles per hour. Mr. Burgess felt waiving 34 trips per hour was a significant number considering holdups and the risk of accidents. Mr. Belter said he had no problems as there was already a signal there. Mrs. Hurd said she would not favor waiving the -6- standard. Mr. Jacob acknowledged the situation was a mess at best but felt the traffic signals could control it. Both Mr. Dooley and Mrs. Maher opposed a waiver. Mr. Dooley moved that the Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Stern & Davis for the conversion of the Agel-Corman building into 6 retail specialty shops located at 512 Shelburne Rd. with respect only to the traffic factor, with the understanding that if the motion passes the Planning Commission would continue discussion on the parking aspect. Mr. Jacob seconded. The vote on the motion was 3-3 with Mrs. Maher, Mrs. Hurd and Mr. Dooley opposing. The motion failed for lack of a majority. Public Hearing on the application of Homer and Marie Dubois for a planned unit development known as "Butler Farms" with 148 single family lots and over 20 acres of open space, located approximately 1 mile south of I-89 on the west side of Hinesburg Road. Tyler Hart noted that there are now 147 single family lots, including the 2 present homes. The deeds to lots 68 and 85 will be kept with the City until the City wants them. All streets have been named. The school bus stop would be at the turnout for mail delivery. The Commission then considered the request of the Marceaus for a barrier on the border of their land. The land is open and is leased for haying. They requested a chain link fence and evergreen plantings along it. Mrs. Marceau said the Act 250 hearing felt there should be some kind of fence. Members felt that an American wire fence which would wrap around lot 68 would be adequate. Mr. Cobb noted that until the city sends a letter that sewage capacity is available, the pump station can't be put in. They would like to tie occupancy to capacity instead. Ms. Bechtel advised that occupancy permits are not issued on single famil,� developments. Mr. Cobb said they would like to know when capacity will be available so they can start building. Members were reluctant to waiver anything regarding sewage. Mr. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the Final Plat application of Homer and Marie Dubois for the sulZdivision of 93 acres on the west side of Hinesburg Road into 145 buildable lots and 2 existing homes entitled "Butler Farms" as depicted on a plan entitled "Subdivision Plat of Butler Farms, owned 1�Homer and Marie Dubois, Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont." prepared Trudell Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated 1/17/85 with the following stipulations: 1. The development shall consist of 145 new single-family Lo / o� ..uPSI&, 0s CodDD a�{ Al �S-ja%(7 Tvw`�t— 3�`� N'\,g--D U � �� i co 6 LA,�,,-- rf-� lseac wcewr—O--------------------- 9�� Cato Vyv - Y-10 , -�0(4-`7 ` l 3 s0.0j FAC, SPAS VAC• mC ouJian N.RANCO wvNy A&E-L•C~kw (-T1wmo-%) 5c ra 47 Ao oo,- -to q�eB l G � /s a GU��er Wir`/� l01 to ap so -too • vi t 6 O °N w cs% ' n' V h Oil h CRO:% U �o rx GOUR-rs �qq SPACES 1 -T-C �� q , e 7X sa v TA S7 � No Text No Text -M.Py, L.7-- LIC)1, C.103 45t i-_ CO/ FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services The Kiln • 15 Brickyard Road • Essex Junction • Vermont • 05452 • (802) 878-3000 May 3, 1985 Mr. George B. Stern 488 Essex Street Lawrence, Massachusetts 01840 RE: Traffic Impact Evaluation 518 Shelburne Road, South Burlington FILE: 85045 Dear Mr. Stern: At your request, we have analyzed the potential traffic impacts of the conversion of a portion of the above referenced building from use as a furniture store to a six -store specialty retail center. This evaluation focuses primarly on the impact of additional traffic generated by this Project on adjacent street traffic. Internal traffic circulation and parking, as shown on a plan entitled "Site Plan/Parking Layout, 518 Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vt. ", by Michael Dugan, A. I. A. , dated February 21, 1984, are not evaluated, in detail, herein. Information regarding traffic volumes on streets and intersections adjacent to this Project were obtained from a recent traffic impact evaluation prepared by FitzPatrick-Llewellyn Incorporated for a proposed residential project (South Meadow) on a nearby parcel located west of Shelburne Road in the City of Burlington. That evaluation included an analysis of existing and future traffic conditions at the Shelburne Road/Home Avenue intersection, which also serves as the primary access point for traffic generated by this project. Background information concerning existing traffic conditions Has also obtained from a report entitled "Traffic Impact Analysis for South Burlington Factory Outlet Center, Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vermont", by Trans/Op, Inc., dated April 1982. Traffic count data from these two reports Here used to develop design hourly volumes (DHV) on adjacent streets and intersections. The DHV is defined as the 30th highest hourly traffic volume which occurs on an annual basis, and is used as a design parameter in the design of highways and traffic control systems. This volume typically occurs on a weekday during the P.M. peak hour from 4: 00 to 5: 00 p.m. Once the DIIV's and corresponding turning movement volumes at intersections Here determined, it was necessary to estimate the volumes and directional Design • Inspection • Studies • Permitting Mr. George B. Stern FILE: 85045 May 3, 1985 Page 2 patterns of the additional vehicular traffic which this Project Hill generate. The major determinant of vehicular traffic generation is the type and size of proposed land use. An estimate of the additional traffic volumes which this project will generate was developed through the use of trip generation rates from the "ITE Informational Report, Trip Generation, 3rd Edition". This report outlines the results of trip generation studies for "average weekdays" and periods of peak traffic volumes. The land use catgories used Were "Specialty Retail Center" and Furniture Store". Table 1, below, outlines the projected additional vehicular trip volumes which Hill be generated by this Project. TABLE_1 PROJECTED_VEHICULAR_TRIP_VOLUMES EXISTING PROPOSED, --.ADDITIONAL Average weekday 13 VTE/day �, (3 TE/day j720 VTE/day Vehicular Trip Ends 44 971 �y �yy Cllf,�� 0 P.M. Peak Hour of 1 VTE/hour 81 VT /hour 80 VTE/hour Adjacent Street Traffic The directional distribution of traffic entering and exiting this Project during the P.M. peak hour of adjacent street traffic was estimated from existing turning movement patterns at the Shelburne Road/Home Avenue intersection. Since this intersection is directly in front of the Project, it was estimated, for purposes of determining potential traffic impacts, that all additional traffic generated by this Project Hould enter and exit via this intersection. In actuality, this most likely will not occur, as several other routes are available to access Shelburne Road; via the main entrance/exit of the Factory Outlet Center, and via Bacon Street. Existing and future traffic conditions, both without this Project (but including the South Meadow residential development traffic) and Hith this project Here determined by performing intersection capacity analysis. The methodology used to determine intersection capacity, and corresponding levels of service, Has that which is presented in "Transportation Research Circular, Interim_Materials_on_Highxay_Caeacity, Number 212, January 1980, for signalized intersections. Table 2, on the following page, presents the results of the intersection capacity analyses. FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. George B. Stern FILE: 85045 May 3, 1985 Page 3 TABLE-2 DESIGN -HOUR -LEVELS -OF -SERVICE SHELBURNE-ROAD[HOIjE_AVENUE_INTERSECTION RITHOUT HITH YEAR PROJECT PROJECT 1985 L. 0. S. C L. 0. S. C 1990 L. 0. S. D L. 0. S. D Urban streets and intersections are generally designed to maintain Level of Service (L.O.S.) C to D during DHV conditions. These levels of service have been defined to represent reasonable ranges in the degree of loading, resulting vehicular delays, and average travel speeds on streets and intersections. L.O.S. A represents very lox traffic loading with ample reserve capacity and no vehicular delays, whereas L.O.S. E represents a street or intersection operating at capacity, thereby causing very long delays and queues. Level of Service C, which the Shelburne Road/Home Avenue intersection is projected to operate at during existing (1985) DHV conditions, is typified by average delays and queues. During future (1990) DHV conditions, the projected level of service Hill deteriorate, primarily because of increased traffic volumes on Shelburne Road and Home Avenue, to L.O.S. D, Hhich is typified by long delays. Appendices A-D outline the calculations involved in performing the intersection capacity analyses. The results of these analyses indicate that this Project Hill not significantly impact upon existing or future traffic flow conditions on Shelburne Road. An examination of the requirements of the City of South Burlington Zoning Regulations, particularly with respect to the requirements of the Traffic Overlay District, was also performed. This Project is located Hithin Zone 1, Hhich allows a maximum of ` vehicular trip ends during the peak hour per 40,000 sq. ft. of lot size... Hith a reported Project parcel size of 126,000 sq. ft., the maximum allowed trip generation volume equals 47 trips ends per hour. Obviously, the projected additional traffic volumes generated by this Project Hill exceed the permitted tri eneration. He believe, however, that this Project may qualify for a waiver as provided by Section 17.50 of the Zoning Regulations due to several factors: FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. George B. Stern FILE: 85045 May 3, 1985 Page 4 A) This Project is located immediately adjacant to the South Burlington Factory Outlet Center and other businesses. All share the same internal traffic circulation netRork and access points to adjacent streets. B) Internal traffic circulation Hill be improved through the installation of traffic control islands to segregate parking areas from designated vehicular travel paths. C) Existing (1985) DHV traffic conditions at the primary access point of this Project (Shelburne Road/Home Avenue intersection) Rill remain at L. 0. S. C after completion of this Project. D) Future (1990) DHV traffic conditions are projected to deteriorate to L.O.S. D. Planned roadHay and traffic control improvements (i.e. construction of the Southern Connector, modifications to Shelburne Road, and associated replacement of existing signal systems from Home Avenue south) are anticipated to be completed by this date, thereby improving traffic floes conditions to L.O.S. C or better on Shelburne Road in the immediate vicinity of this project. In summary, additional traffic generated by the proposed conversion of a portion of the existing building at 518 Shelburne Road to a specialty retail center Hill not significantly impact upon existing or future traffic conditions. erlay District Hill be required, however, to allo µ, e. He Nish to thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions concerning this report and its conclusions, or if He may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, FITZPATRICK-LLEHELLYN INCORPORATED Roge Dickinson, P. E. cc: Jane Bechtel, City of South Burlington RJD: eeb FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services APPENDIX_A INTERSECTION_CAPACITY_ANALYSIS 1485_NIIHOUT_PROJECT FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 $ntersection Nornc Ave 4 SHe�_SyRtve RD, Design Hour 198E wIo RROlW Problem Statement TCi'CA► w'I _ L_ Q S . SteIdentify Lane Geometry N Approach 3 SNE,�aur?NE I 1 I I t 1 N Ic U A `O 0 a a Q Q I �I t I i I I 5NCL1 (►QNE Approach 4 Step 2. Identify Volumes, in vphI \,9 >n Approach 3 RT = 100 TH U II II 3 1 H J LTCC = N t t 0 0 n n a LT = TH = 35 (_I RT = 97 Id u u u t- 2 f- Approac -' I- Cr A3 AL4 3313 9 �-� A) ha aiz P aS I Al A3 + 131 B3 A2 f A4 t B2 B4 Step 4. Left Turn Check a. Number of 1 2 3 4 yV �� change intervals per hour b. Left turn capacity G gU on change interval, Ob in vph e. G/C as .aa Ratio d. Opposing volume 513 in vph e. Left turn capacity on 13`7 U green, in vph (. Left turn capacity in vph a�rl v (b+e) g. Left turn volume 3 � '� y in vph h. Is volume > capac- ity (g > 0? N A) Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes, in vph Approach 3 Y 88S Sf36 lay GI !�rQ. o a a a �� M7 FS IyY586 Sb5 a Ppr7C oach 4 Step 6a. Critical Volumes, in (two phase signal) Approach 3 V N 3`i of 5`66 �--� o Q I --� H't$ 1Q I H'i Approach 4 Step 6b. Volume Adjustment for Multiphase Signal Overlap Possible Volume Adjusted Probable Critical Carryover Critical Phase Volume to next Volume in vph phase in vph AI'6a Lln-6 Iyy 33q Step 7. Sum of Critical Volumes SIK6 + 331.4 = 104 x vph Step 8. Intersection Level of Service (compare Step 7 with Table 6) Step 9. Recalculate Geometric Change Signal Change Volume Change Comments WI PYR0JC1(f_1C--0 S0UT)-1 I11t<nZ0­J TAAF-FiC, at1 LO It.. �►1iit � ra APPENDI%_B INTERSECTION_CAPACITY_ANALYSIS I965_HI1H_PRO499T FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 Vtersection Nome f4c # S►4cL'aLA4Nc 90At Design Hour N85 t.,I PRwccr Problem Statement TGTG�m I"Cho. S . Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry Step 4. Left Turn Check Step 6b. Volume Adjustment for Multiphase Signal Overlap Approach 3 Approach Possible Volume Adjusted Probable Critical Carryover Critical 1 2 3 4 Phase Volume to next Volume a. Number of in vph phase in vph change intervals yU ulu alga � per hour L rl � I uI L'I 3 3 LI b. Left turn capacity on change interval, to N in vph t c. G/C 22 /�• m Ratio S/gYY1L Q d. Opposing volume 1 n in vph S� C Ca Q Q e. left turn capacity on II 11 green, in vph f. Left turn capacity in vph I y Ll 1� V (b+e) p g. Left turn volume 3 1 y l in vph Approach 4 h. Is volume > capac- ity I (g>n? A)/v Step 2. Identify Volumes, in vph Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes, Step 7. Sum of Critical Volumes in vph M M Approach 3 RT _ I 1 5 Approach 3 Jr� + y+ `I y+ y �I TH = 3 5 = I I'� I _vph C[ J LT = `1g- 14a Step 8. Intersection Level of sss ss� Service N 115 _ N (compare Step 7 with Table 6) t U U 1)EQ ° �7y Sys— cc n a a a a n y,;8 5y_y 594 a Step 9. Recalculate LT= 3 I r lyy Geometric Change TH = N3 = Signal Change N7 � u u u RT =�_ Volume Change Approach H � pproach Step 3. Identify Phasing Step 6a. Critical Volumes, in vph Comments S ramp (two phase signal) Approach 3 = L O p n Jr 9 y n a Al — ► A3 + B1 83 A2 A4 B2 84 Approach 4 AEMPIX_C INTENSECTION_CAPACITY_ANALYSIS 14g0_HITHOUT_PROJECT FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 'intersection N001c A\Jc 4 RofYD Design Hour 1920(,J U ?Eu?c� � Problem Statement Step 1. Identify Lane Ge fm etry Approach 3 I � N L L SAI)I e. " m o a a a n a a Approach 4 Step 2. Identify Volumes, in vphI Approach 3 N> �� RT = to TH = °Z6 � � J LT = 36 N L L U U O O a a a a a a ell LT = 32 I OI TH = RT = _ ycfc� u u Approach ►— ¢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 SA Mt Al —► A3 + B1 F 83 A2 f A4 } B2 _J B4 I� Step 4. Left Turn Check Approach 1 2 3• 4 a. Number of change intervals q0 N o per hour b. Left turn capacity �U on change interval, in vph c. G/C Ratio d. sing volume 3,_ 536 in vph I e. Left turn capacity on I3o2 green, in vph f. Left turn v capacity in vph (b + e) S. Left turn volume 3'. 36 in vph h. Is volume > capac- / %U ity (g > f)? I Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes, in vph Approach 3 131 61,1 loy ^� L21_t ­4a a---� 914 61 a 150� pprA oath 4 Step 6a. Critical Volumes, in vph (two phase signal) Approach 3 N o >� 3G o a n a � yqq �6t3 a Approach 4 Step 6b. Volume Adjustment for Multiphase Signal Overlap Possible Volume Adjusted Probable Critical Carryover Critical Phase volume to next Volume in vph phase in vph ai3a H99 Iso 399 Step 7. Sum of Critical Volumes 613+3_49+I5D ?� vph Step 8. Intersection Level of Service (compare Step 7 with Table 6) Step 9. Recalculate Geometric Change Signal Change Volume Change Comments wv P�OJGCTC7 SuLk i li O11E11DU,--) 1-9/))- TNiiF L 0. � , C- L,U S. J 1S cr4mc))L UOLU� 0V II90 V1?1j AEPENQIg_I2 INTERSECTION_CAPACITY_ANALYSIS 1940_gITN_EROJE91 FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Critical Movement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 �_ ntersection Non)c Ayc t SNec.-8uan.c VcwD __ Design Hour I9YO wI r'�c cT Problem Statement�>l�}� Step 1. Identify Lane Geometry Step 4. Left Turn Check Step 6b. Volume Adjustment for Multiphase Signal Overlap Volume Adjusted Approach 3 Approach 1 2 3 4 a. Number of U intervals IU U changeper Possible Probable Critical Carryover Critical Phase Volume to next Volume in vph phase in vph 'Q� y 9 q 'CJC) 3 y 1 hour u hour � I b. Left turn capacity on change interval, jU -60 w in vph L t o Sla)1�E c. Gic Ratio 0 0 Q. d. Opposing volume 5 5 5i �( in vph n Q e. Left turn U9capacity on I — green, in vph f. Left turn capacity in vph 18 U (b + e) g. Left turn volume '3 a 5 in vph Approach 4 h. Is volume > capac- ity (g > f) N N Step 2. Identify Volumes, in vph Step 5. Assign Lane Volumes, Step 7. Sum of Critical Volumes in vph l� Approach 3 TH = 36 LT = 51 Approach 3 I r /l G� +�3� +�+ = L1 vph a:J � Step 8. Intersection Level of • 14$ 61 a Service L L U U O O N L L U U o 0 7'7 �7 (compare Step 7 with Table 6) ED a n a Q Step 9. Recalculate LT = 3 TH = US Njl 15Q /y� Geometric Change Signal Change RT = `/9 q -J Cc pproach 4 Volume Change Approac ►_- Step 3. Identify Phasing Step 6a. Critical Volumes, in vph Comments (two phase signal) SA,YIE Approach � �� LL c b O O a qqq L Gal a Al — ► A3 + B1 B3 A2 A4 B2 B4 �. APProech 4 SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION RATES Land Use/Building Type Speciality Retni_l Center ITE Land Use Code 814 Independent Variable —Trips per L,0-0.0 Gross Square Feet of Leasahl e Area Average Trip Rate Maximum Rate Minimum Rate Correlation Coefficient Number of Studies Average Size of Independent Variable/Study Average Weekday Vehicle Trip Ends 40. 7 21.3 3 2 7.7 Peak Hour of A.M. Between 7 and 9 Enter Exit Total Adjacent Street Traffic P.M. Between 4 and 6 Enter Exit Total Peak Hour of A.M. Enter Exit Total Generator P.M. Enter Exit Ka Total Saturday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Generator Enter Exit Total Sunday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Generator Enter Exit Total Source Numbers 100 ITE Technical Committee 6A-6—Trip Generation Rates Date: 1982 SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION RATES Land Use/Building Type Shopping Center, Under 50,000 G:S.-FITE Land Use Code 82 n . Independent Variable -Trips per 1_j 000 Gross Sgua're Feet of T.PasahI P Area Average Trip Rate Maximum Rate Minimum Rate Correlation Coefficient Number of Studies Average Size of Independent Variable/Study Average Weekday Vehicle Trip Ends 11 . Peak Hour of A.M. Between 7 and 9 Enter 0.91 1.93 0.2 Exit 0.80 1.60 0.2 Total 2.93 7.76 5.71 Adjacent Street Traffic P.M. Between 4 and 6 Enter 5.77 11.43 1.42 9 2 Exit 5.81 11.43 1.73 8 25.0 Total 14.42. 29.27 3.15 1 1.0 Peak Hour of A.M. Enter 2.07 3.00 1.03 3 23. Exit 2.03 2.63 1.43 2 Total 8.88 15-13 2.47 1 Generator P.M. Enter 6.84 12.57 1. Exit 7 , 0 12.57 2.04 Total 15.51. 2 . 8 Saturday Vehicle Trip Ends - Peak Hour of Generator Enter . 2 0 Exit 9.75 11.25 Total 12 . 2 1 Sunday Vehicle Trip Ends 72.5 4 Peak Hour of Generator Enter Exit Total Source Numbers 3;46 . _145_.96_4�72}__-75}_ 78,g8 , 124___ _ ITE Technical Committee 6A-6-Trip Generation Rates Date: 1975, Rev. 1982 G.S.F. = Gross Square Feet of Leasable Area fy) 777 U:E'i C,5%14 __ Or - mc �HL vx--1 {fin \k'Av-" -4- ---------- 5Pu � , .1 5m�- c r\ - corn wpm L"-� n PC A,(A� f c.. O � - OBURN and EELEY REAL ESTATE, INC. Ms. Jane S. Bechtel City Planner City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset St. So. Burlington, VT Dear Jane: June 7, 1985 Would you please postpone the Planning Commission review of the Stern and Davis proposal for 518 Shelburne Rd. until July 9. The reason for this request is that Roger Dickenson - who will present the results of his traffic study to the Planning Commission - will be out of town until then. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, William H. Forsyth WHF/ed CC: George Stern P.O. BOX 923 125 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 (802) 658-6666 """° July 16, 1985 Mr. George Stern 488 Essex Street Lawrence, Massachusetts 01840 Re: Stern and Davis, 518 Shelburne Road Dear Mr. Stern: Enclosed are the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting at which your site plan approval was denied. I will send you the Findings of Fact under separate cover. Sincerely, Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner JSB/mcg 1 Encl cc: Roger Dickinson Stewart McGonaughy Herman Tbomas Michael Dugan William Forsyth J,)) 6-,40 CCVA 711 Lo lj�P-O�l CIC1,611 cj� coo