HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-86-0000 - Supplemental - 0408 Shelburne RoadCITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON SITE PLAN APPLICATION 1) NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF: a) Owner of Record GA/�ely Cf//& G46 a2l-Ic ale: , Clf:!5>' b) Applicant TO67 &II&O- 1-16F c) Contact Person E6 s c.c f� !/T , oS4 S 3 2) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS:/3G��.uE 3) PROPOSED USE (s) 4'94'w 7yT/G ��iP�A�3 fi.' %C1L- LL�Q/.CJG� 4 (-f "— - w�7s'�f 6.4-', S 4) SIZE OF PROJECT: (i.e. Building Square Footage, #units, maximum height and #floors 4,3�0 fir, 5) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (full and part time): 6) LOT COVERAGE: Building ] %; Building, Parking, Outside Storage: moo/ o 8) COST ESTIMATES: Buildings: $ �, OGZ%- DD Landscaping $ `r� 800 DAD Other Site Improvements: (Please list with cost) $ 9) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: �S���T /� /y�� 10) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in and out) �EOO2i 11) PEAK HOUR (s) OF OPERATION: 12) PEAK DAY (s) OF OPERATION: SITE PLANS MUST SHOW THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION (PLEASE SUBMIT 4 COPIES) Lot Drawn to Scale (20' preferred) Location of Streets, abutting properties, fire hydrants_, existing buildings and landscaping Existing and proposed curbcuts, pavement, walkways Proposed landscaping plan (#, variety, size) equal to or greater than required amount in Zoning Regulations # and location of parking spaces (9'xl8') with 22 or 24 foot aisles as required 2 # and location of handicapped spaces Location of Septic Tanks (etc) if on -site sewer Location of any easements — Lot coverage ratio for building alone (foot print) and building, parking and outside storage Location of site (street # or lot #) Name of person or firm preparing Site Plan and date FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services The Kiln • 15 Brickyard Road • Essex Junction • Vermont • 05452 • (802) 878-3000 13 March 1986 Mr. Jude Chicoine Seaway Carwash 25 Bacon Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 RE: Traffic Impact Evaluation -Proposed Carwash 408 Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vermont FILE: 36047 Dear Mr. Chicoine: At your request we have analyzed the potential traffic impacts of the above -referenced Project. Based on information from you, this Project will involve the closing of your existing nearby carwash facility on Bacon Street and the construction of a new facility at 408 Shelburne Road. The proposed carwash will include one mechanical wash bay and four self-service wash bays. This evaluation addresses three major areas of concern; Traffic Generation, Traffic Congestion and Traffic Safety. The study area, in which the potential impacts of this Project are analyzed, includes Shelburne Road from its intersection with Home Avenue north to its intersection with Flynn Avenue. TRAFFIC GENERATION Available data documenting vehicular traffic generation by car washes is very limited. The source most commonly used to estimate traffic generation, the "ITE Informational Report, Trip Generation, 3rd Edition, 19821t, contains a carwash category (LUC-846), however, the number of studies, and consequently the data base, is relatively small. In addition, the available data is given in "trips per site" which imposes another limitation on the data, in that the size of a proposed facility cannot be factored into t'rie traffic generation estimate. The volume of traffic at your existing carwash was collected by you during the week of March 2, 1986. This data, tabulated on a hourly basis, is outlined as Appendix A. Table 1, below, compares the ITE P.M. peak hour data with the locally generated data. Design • Inspection • Studies • Permitting Mr. Jude Chicoine FILE: 85047 13 March 1986 Page Two TABLE 1 VEHICULAR TRAFFIC GENERATION WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR' ENTER EXIT TOTAL ITE LUC 846 66 VPH 66 VPH 132 VPH Existing Carwash (Bacon Street) 52 VPH 52 VPH 104 VPH SATURDAY PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR ENTER EXIT TOTAL ITE LUC 846 76 VPH 73 VPH 149 VPH Existing Carwash (Bacon Street) 53 VPH 53 VPH 106 VPH The maximum traffic generation of the proposed carwash can also be estimated, based on the capacities of the facilities. Your plans reportedly include one mechanical car wash, having a capacity of 60 vehicles per hour, and four self-service bays. Using an average self-service wash time of 15 minutes, the maximum traffic generation of the proposed car wash would be 152 vehicle trip ends per hour. Seasonal variations in car wash traffic volumes also exist. Appendix B illustrates these seasonal variations, based on recent research done by FitzPatrick-Llewellyn Incorporated, for a similar carwash project on Shelburne Road in South Burlington. As can be seen, car wash traffic generation peaks during the winter months and is significantly below average during summer months. This seasonal pattern is opposite that of adjacent street traffic, thereby attenuating the potential cumulative impact of carwash traffic and adjacent street traffic. The above traffic generation estimates were compared to the maximum vehicular trip generation allowed by the Traffic Overlay District (T.O.D.) of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. This lot is located within Zone 5 of the T.O.D., which allows a maximum of 45 vehcicular trip ends per 40,000 sq.ft. of lot size during any hour where adjacent street traffic volumes are 80% or greater of the P.M. peak hour. A week-long continuous traffic count on Shelburne Road, north of Horne Avenue (Station D270) by the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VAOT) dated Feb. 6-14, 1984, indicated that traffic volumes are greater than 80% of the maximum hour volume during8-9 a.m. and 12-6 p.m. on weekdays and 12-3 P.M. on Saturday. Based on a lot size of 54,550 sq.ft., the maximum allowable vehicular trip generation equals 61 vehicle trip ends per hour during any of the above hours. FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. Jude Chicoine FILE: 86047 13 March 1986 Page Three TRAFFIC CONGESTION Existing levels of traffic congestion on the portion of Shelburne Road between Flynn Avenue and Home Avenue have been previously documented by FitzPatrick-Llewellyn Incorporated in two recent traffic impact evaluations. These studies were the "South Burlington Factory Outlet Center -Proposed Expansion, February 20, 1986" and "Proposed Office Building-408 Shelburne Road, March 11, 1986". Both studies determined that Shelburne Road, north of the Home Avenue intersection, operates at Level of Service C during existing (1986) design hour traffic volumes. The Shelburne Road/Home Avenue & O'Dell Parkway intersection, and Shelburne Road south, operates at Level of Service D. Since this Project will replace the existing carwash located several V�p.T blocks north off from O'Dell Parkway, "carwash" traffic exists at the present time in existing Shelburne Road traffic. By relocating the ITUA„- carwash facility, traffic volumes on O'Dell Parkway will be reduced, thereby improving traffic conditions in that immediate area. The potential impact of this Project at its entrance/exit onto Shelburne Road was determined by performing an unsignalized intersection capacity analysis during 1986 DHV conditions. The methodology used to perform these analyses was obtained from the "Highi�aK Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, 1985". The results of this intersection capacity analysis also confirms that Level of Service C conditions will prevail on Shelburne Road. Delays encountered by exiting traffic, due to their having to yield right-of-way to other vehicles, will result in Level of Service E conditions at this Project's exit. This marginal level of service is created primarily by the left -turning exiting vehicles. If separate right and left -turn exit lanes are provided, the right turn exit movement will improve to Level of Service A, with the left turn exit remaining at Level of Service E. Appendix C outlines the results of the Shelburne Road/Project intersection capacity analysis. FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. Jude Chicoine FILE: 86047 13 March 1986 Page Four TRAFFIC SAFETY The safety of vehicular traffic traveling to and from this Project is largely dependent on the geometries and physical conditions of adjacent streets and intersections, traffic volumes, and on the presence of adequate traffic control devices. Shelburne Road, within the study area, has excellent geometries and sight distances. The existence of numerous intersections and driveways, coupled with high traffic volumes on Shelburne Road, create a hig,11 potential for traffic accidents. The most recent five-year accident history (1980-34) between Flynn Avenue and Home Avenue was obtained from the VAOT. These records list a total of 132 accidents at, and between, these two intersections during the five-year period. Of the 132 accidents, 32 occurred at the Shelburne Road/Home Avenue intersection, 44 occurred at the Shelburne Road/Flynn Avenue & Proctor Avenue intersection, and the remaining 56 between these two intersections. Less than one-third of the above accidents involved personal injury. As can be expected, the majority of these accidents were rear end collisions or involved turning movements. Almost two-thirds of the accidents were caused by failure to yield right-of-way, following too close, or operator inattention. When compared to the statewide accident rate on urban federal aid primary highways, this segment of Shelburne Road has a higher than average accident rate, but did not exceed the critical accident Late. If the latter had been exceeded, statistically, this portion of Shelburne Road would have been classified as a high accident location. Given the geometric conditions and accident history of Shelburne Road within the study area, and the relatively small additional traffic volumes generated by this Project, there is no reason to conclude that this Project will cause an adverse impact with respect to traffic safety. CONCLUSION This report has evaluated potential traffic impacts resulting from the construction of a new carwash facility at 403 Shelburne Road, to replace an existing facility located several blocks south. This Project will not increase existing levels of traffic congestion on Shelburne Road. Existing (1986) design hour traffic volumes were utilized to determine intersection capacities and operating levels of service at the Shelburne Road/Project access. Overall, DHV traffic conditions on Shelburne Road within this area presently operate at Level of Service C, and will continue to do so upon completion of this Project. FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services Mr. Jude Chicoine FILE: 86047 13 March 1986 Page Five It is recommended that this Project's access incorporate separate left and right turn exit lanes in order to reduce delays encountered by exiting traffic. While this Project was found to exceed the maximum allowable vehicular trip generation rates established by the South Burlington Zoning Regulations during peak hours of adjacent street traffic, the closing of one of the two existing curb cuts to 408 Shelburne Road, and the relocation of the car wash itself from a portion of Shelburne Road presently experiencing greater levels of congestion, will produce a net benefit in traffic flow. Traffic safety was evaluated by examining geometric conditions and the most recent five-year accident history of Shelburne Road between Home and Flynn Avenues. No indication was found of any significant adverse impacts being created by this Project upon existing traffic safety conditions. We wish to thank you for this opportunity to be of service, and remain available to present the results of this evaluation to local officials, if desired. Should you have any questions, or if we may be of additional assistance, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, FITZPATRICKI-LLEEWELLYN INCORPORATED Ro r Dickinson, P.E. FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services APPENDIX A EXISTING CARWASH TRAFFIC GENERATION FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services 0800-0900 0900-1000 1000-1100 1100-1200 1200-1300 1300-1400 1400-1500 1500-1600 1600-1700 1700-1800 TOTAL SEAWAY CARWASH TRAFFIC GENERATION 3-02-86 3-03-86 3-04-86 3-05-86 3-06-86 3-07-86 3-08-86 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 13 33 20 17 2 5 26 34 36 36 25 0 14 47 40 44 38 27 0 16 42 48 46 48 32 6 14 50 55 47 49 33 4 16 52 34 50 50 41 0 15 53 34 52 52 43 0 16 53 28 52 42 42 8 20 51 17 46 31 30 2 28 48 17 35 30 21 1 13 37 320 441 396 311 23 157 459 NOTE: March 6th weather was snowy with bad road conditions. APPENDIX B SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN TRAFFIC VOLUMES FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services 1.00 SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN TRAFFIC VOLUME 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7- 1.6 1.5 1.4 / 1.3 1.2 rr 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 c� d CAR WASH TRAFFIC o o ADJACENT STREET TRAFFIC •mmmmmmm* FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services APPENDIX C INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS SHELBURNE ROAD/408 SHELBURNE ROAD INTERSECTION FITZPATRICK-LLEWELLYN INCORPORATED Engineering and Planning Services UNSIONALIZED INTERSECTIONS 10-37 WORKSHEET FOR ANALYSIS OF T INTERSECTIONS LOCATION: L1U$ S H c L3 U R NE 9-2 NAME: a F 6) L41 HOURLY VOLUMES VOLUMES IN PCPH Major Street: S NCt.BUANC IZD O N N = Q -..— VS �v VS — V2--► V4 Grade IuiY V2 V4 yS — V7 V9 Date of Counts: )986 242 y i 7 133 P Time Period: y' S P,i, — — FOYIELD Average Running Speed:N = E2 Minor Street•. PHF: , 6q Grade U % NO$ SwcLB, �D, VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Movement No. 2 3 4 5 7 9 Volume (vph) jai"] 31 5 16y3 5 Vol. (pcph), see Table 10-1 rj 5 1 13 STEP 1: RT from Minor Street r► V9 Conflicting Flow, V. 1/2 V3 + V2 = au + 61 F = 6 32 vph (Vc9) Critical Gap, T,, and Potential Capacity, cp T, = 5, 5 sec (Table 10-2) cp, = 53ypcph (Fig. 10-3) Actual Capacity, cm cm9 = CP9 = 5S OpCph STEP 2: LT From Major Street t V, Conflicting Flow, Vc V3 + V2 a 3 `1 + 1 a 37 = 12% vph (Vc,) Critical Gap, T,, and Potential Capacity, cp T, — 5, S sec (Table 10-2) cP, pcph (Fig. 10-3) Percent of cp Utilized and Impedance Factor (Fig. 10-5) (v*/CP,) X 100 = a3 p4 Actual Capacity, cm I cm, = Cp4 _ !�5 pcph STEP 3: LT From Minor Street '_) V7 Conflicting Flow, Vc 1/2 V3+V2+V,+V4 = ao + 1237+ 16y3 +'5 = a 951 vph (Vt7) Critical Gap, T� , and Potential Capacity, cp T, = 7. U sec (Table 10-2) cp, = ��' pcph (Fig. 10-3) Actual Capacity, cm Cm7 = Cp7 X P4 = a 5 X .i;3 = ( pcph SHARED -LANE CAPACITY SH = v7 + v9 if lane is shared (V7/Cm7) + (V9/Cm9) Movement No. v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) cit LOS 7 .51 a 1 30 1' ; 9 3C, 530 N9i 4 5 a a 5 1741 pliCSeNce OF ?LArva,j`G rRurt) fVCARB)� IAAI-Fic w,Lt.. C14C,3ic �?c-FjC_ Lc.vcc of 5CAV1C@ jHAuv TNu4C C.Ii6¢o�AT'C9, /icrc+Ni. C U.S. Ane A � C ► RCSpCQT1VCL/) /)Ssum,,VG � 2s"/0 rNAVIAG14 r-LUt r,uOUA � A r,icToK PLANNING COMMISSION 25 MARCH 1986 PAGE 4 4. The bank placement does not allow for sufficient cars at the drive -up windows. 5. The landscaping is insufficient to meet requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Mrs. Maher seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Burgess stressed that you do not deal with a bad situation by making it worse. Mr. Dooley added that the Planning Commission doesn't grant waivers with the anticipation that if expansion occurs the waiver stays the same. 3. Consider site plan application of/Jude Chicoine for construction of an automatic car wash including four self - wash bays at 408 Shelburne Rd (former Fish Banke Restaurant) Mr. Chicoine said his lease with Mr. Farrell for his present location is not being renewed and he hopes to move to this lot. This will be an automatic carwash with 4 self-service bays. One curb cut will be closed and the remaining one will be 30 ft. There will be 3 separate lanes of traffic, one for the automatic (which can stack 26 cars) and 2 for the self- service bays which also stack 26 cars. Sewer and water is already provided by Burlington. Mrs. Maher noted the site permits a maximum of 61 trip ends, and this use would generate 104-106. ITE suggests it may be as high as 132-149. Mr. Dickinson said they analyzed the traffic and felt it was operating at level "C" for this part of Shelburne Rd. He felt the ITE estimates don't take into account the number of bays, etc. Counts at the existing carwash in early March (the highest use month) supported this, they felt. He added that their traffic peaks when Shelburne Rd. traffic is at its lowest. Mrs. Maher noted that the exiting traffic lane for left turns would be at level "E". Mr. Dickinson said this is because of traffic going by, not at the intersection. Mr. Jacob questioned if they had discussed traffic with Burlington as it is their road. Mr. Chicoine met with the traffic engineer who only requested the driveway be 30 feet. Mr. Jacob asked who makes the traffic decision in this case. Mr. Dooley said he didn't see how S. Burlington could fail to apply its standards as it is land use in S. Burlington. He added he had no problem asking Burlington's opinion. Mrs. Maher said she thought it was a bad use for the lot and would be a detriment to both Burlington and S. Burlington. Mr. O'Brien said Mr. Chicoine has been a good neighbor and is being forced to leave through no fault of his own. There has never been an accident at PLANNING COMMISSION 25 MARCH 1986 PAGE 5 the carwash. He felt there would never be a carwash in the present location. Mr. Jacob said Mr. Farrell had indicated to the Board of Civil Authority that the building would be torn down. He added he had no big objection to moving the carwash from one location to another. A poll of members showed that a majority would not waive the traffic standard. Mr. Dooley then moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission deny the site plan application of Jude Chicoine for construction of a 4,380 sq. ft. automatic car wash with 4 self -wash bays at 408 Shelburne Rd. as depicted on a plan entitled "Seaway Carwash, Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vermont," prepared 12y Graphic/Construction Management Services, Inc., dated 3/14/86 for the following reason: 1. The proposed project will generate traffic in excess of the requirements of the Ordinance and the Commission will not waive these requirements. Mrs. Maher seconded the motion which passed 6-1. 4. Continue site plan application construction of an office building isting restaurant at 408 Shelburne of John Larkin for in conjunction with ex - Rd. Mrs. Lafleur noted this will be 2 separate buildings on one lot. It is neither a site plan nor a pcd, and traffic is the only issue. The site allows for 61 trip ends, and these uses will generate 46. Mr. Dooley raised the City Engineer's point of skewing parking at the north end for compact cars. Mr. Blanchard said this would force people to go in only one direction. Mrs. Lafleur advised that the applicant has agreed to change the variety of trees. Mr. Dooley moved that the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of John Larkin for construction of a 6912 sq. ft. office building on the property at 408 Shelburne Rd. as depicted on the plans entitled "Proposed Office Building for Larkin Realty" pre- pared by R.G. Blanchard Design Associates dated 11/18/85 with the following stipulations: 1. A $5100 landscaping bond shall be posted prior to permit. The landscaping plan shall be amended as approved by the City Planner_ 2. Permits must be obtained from the City of Burlington for curb cuts, curb closings, water and sewer prior to obtaining a South Burlington building permit. April 7, 1986 Jude Chicoine Seaway Car wash 25 Bacon Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Car Wash Dear Jude: Enclosed are the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting at which your site plan was denied. I will send you the findings of fact under separate cover. Sincerely, Jane B. Lafleur, City Planner JBLjmcp cc: Paul E. Wamsganz John Larkin x)2 ?kc-& N e)T�UZo *- n D 3/24/86 JBL MOTION OF APPROVAL That the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Jude Chicoine for construction of a 4,380 square foot automatic car wash with four self -wash bays at 408 Shelburne Road as depicted on a plan entitled "Seaway Carwash Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vermont, 11prepared by Graphic/ Construction Management Services, Inc., dated 3/14/86 with the following stipulations: 1. A $4,800 landscaping bond shall be posted prior to permit. The island in the center of the property shall be planted with large trees as approved by the City Planner rather than the proposed San Jose Juniper and Sargent Juniper. The revised plan shall be approved by the City Planner prior to permit. 2. Prior to permit, a permit shall be obtained from the City of Burlington for closing the curb cut, driveway work and sidewalk construction. 3. A sidewalk shall be constructed along the property frontage. A bond for this shall be posted prior to permit. It shall be depressed concrete and continuous across the driveway. 4. The driveway shall have two exit lanes and one entrance lane. 5. The method of handling site run-off should be shown on the plan and approved by the City Engineer prior to permit. 6. Prior to permit permits shall be obtained from the City of Burlington for water and sewer services. 7. The owner shall be responsible for de-icing the driveway, road and sidewalk in winter. 8. The building permit shall be obtained within 6 months. adequate for a maximum of three cars before there is a conflict with parking spaces. Although the relocation of the bank does permit compact car spaces in its former location, it adds congestion and a new circulation pattern in the front of the property. OTHER: See Bill Szymanski's and Jim Goddette's comments. 3. LARKIN OFFICE, 408 SHELBURNE ROAD John Larkin has submitted a traffic study prepared by Roger Dickinson on the impacts of the proposed office building and existing restaurant on the former Fish Banke property. This is the same lot as Jude Chicoine's car wash below. As required by your motion on January 28, 1986, a traffic study had to be submitted within 60 days or the site plan is automatically denied. This submission meets that deadline. The traffic study prepared by Roger Dickinson indicates that 61 trips during the peak hour would be allowed under the Traffic Overlay Zone. The maximum number during the p.m. peak hour would be 46 from this project. The Flynn Aveune/Shelburne Road intersection will be level of service "C" with an without the project. The level of service at the project's exit will be "E". If separate right and left turn exit lanes are provided, the right turn will be "A", the left turn will remain at "E". Craig Leiner agrees with these conclusions. 4. JUDE CHICOINE,, SEAWAY CAR WASH, 408 SHELBURNE ROAD Mr. Chicoine operates the Seaway Carwash on Bacon Street, just north of the Factory Outlet mall. His lease is not being renewed by Mr. Farrell. Mr. Chicoine is proposing to construct a new drive -through car wash facility with four self-service bays on the property owned by John Larkin. ACCESS AND CIRCULATION: The northern curb cut will be closed and all access will be from the centrally located, 35 foot wide, curb cut. Don Morley, from the Burlington Traffic Department, recommends a 30 foot wide curb cut. All work within the right -of way will require Burlington's approval. Circulation will be in a counter clockwise direction. Vehicles will enter the bays from the rear and will choose either a self 3 service or a drive -through car wash. The stacking space for the drive -through is 20 vehicles and 26 for the self-service. This should be sufficient to prevent any backups onto Shelburne Road. PARKING: The plan designates three employee parking spaces. LANDSCAPING: A $4,800 landscaping plan and bond is required. The plan meets this and shows new planting along the property boundaries. There are three existing crab trees in the Shelburne Road right-of-way. I suggest that the island in the middle of the property be planted with large trees rather than small shrubs. LOT COVERAGE: The proposed lot coverage is 61%; 70% is permitted. TRAFFIC: Roger Dickinson has prepared a traffic study (enclosed). The site permits a maximum of 61 trip ends during the peak hour. The proposed use would generate 104-106 trip ends per hour based on the present counts at the car wash. The ITE data suggests 132 to 149. The level of service on Shelburne Road north of Home Avenue is "C" and is "D" at O'Dell Parkway and Shelburne Road south. The level of service with the car wash will continue at "C" on Shelburne Road but at the project's exit will be "E". A separate left and right turn lane for exiting traffic will give right turns level "A" and left turns will remain at "E". Although the study argues the value of the relocation of this facility from a congested area of Shelburne Road to a less congested area, representatives of Tom Farrell have alerted me that this is not the case and indeed a car wash may continue to operate on Bacon Street. Craig Leiner agrees with Dickinson's analysis and findings and notes the significant increase in the number of vehicles created by the car wash in comparison with the office. OTHER: See Bill Szymanski's and Jim Goddette's comments. 5. MARQUIS, LOT #2, GREGORY DRIVE Mr. Marquis proposes to construct a 33,000 square foot commercial/office building on the 1.86 acre lot #2 on Gregory Drive. The construction is proposed in two phases. Phase I is a 9000 square foot footprint; Phase II is a 12,000 square foot footprint. This lot was once approved for the Park and Fly facil- ity that was constructed on White Street extension instead. The area is zoned Industrial -Commercial. 4 M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager Re: March 25, 1986 agenda items Date: March 21, 1986 2) THE RAMOS GROUP, FACTORY OUTLET MALL, SHELBURNE ROAD 1. Parking spaces should all be standard at least 9' x 18' unobstructed in part by planters and all within the site. Designating spaces by small and regular is impossible to' enforce. 2. Designating Shelburne Road, the interstate highway and private property as snow storage areas is not acceptable. 3. Site drainage plan shall be submitted. 4. Comments of February 25, 1986 memo still apply. 3) LARKIN REALTY, 1185 S SHELBURNE ROAD 1. Shelburne Road at this location is a Burlington City Street. Curb cuts, curb closing, connecting to water and sewer will require permits from Burlington. 2. A sidewalk should be constructed along the frontage of this property. This must also be approved by Burlington. 3. A drainage plan shall be submitted for approval. 4. Restricting parking to compact cars is difficult to enforce. If the parking spaces were skewed they would accommodate all vehicles. 5. I would recommend the parking between the two buildings be skewed for ease of ingress and egress. 4) SEAWAY CAR WASH 1. Any work on Shelburne Street, such as closing curb cuts widening drives etc. will require a permit from City of Burlington. 2. Frontage should include a sidewalk. This would also require a permit from City of Burlington. 3. Method of handling site runoff should be shown on plan. 4. Water and sewer service is from the City of Burlington. The adequacy of these services will have to be checked by them especially sewer. Memorandum March 25, 1986 agenda items March 21, 1986 Page 2 5. Cars outletting onto public streets after being washed create a road and sidewalk freezing problem. This we know from experience on Williston Road. It should be the responsibility of the operators to apply deicers when this becomes a problem. 5. R.P.M. DEVELOPMENT/MAROUIS 1. Water service shall run direct to main instead of askew as shown. 2. Because of a 15 foot grade difference the parking lot runoff will be at a high velocity. It should be intercepted and piped into the street system. 3. Entrance shall include a depressed concrete curb. 6) DENNIS DEMERS HANGAR 1. The airport should undertake some planning in this area so that at the very least utility line can be placed where they will not conflict with future buildings. 2. Water line relocation shall be reviewed by City Water Department. 3. A final plan shall be submitted that includes detailed design of the relocated leach field, site grading, drainange and utility relocation. 7) PRATT & WHITNEY - NORTHERN AIRWAYS, AIRPORT DRIVE 1. Site work as shown is acceptable. .�nut4 Nurtington -Yirr Drpartincut 575 Dnuset �trcet �vtttll R3urlington, llertuout I1540 1 MEMORANDUM TO: SO. BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: CHIEF GODDETTE RE: MARCH 25,1986 AGENDA DATE: MARCH 2O,1986 #1. rJEAWAV CAR WASW-: SHELBURNE ROAD AT THIS TIME T DO NOT SEE A PROBLEM WITH THIS PROJECT IN GIVING EMERGENCY SERVICE. a1. x OFFICE OF JAMES W. GODDETTE, SR. CHIEF 863-6455 #2. PRATT 6 WHITNEY ADDITTION : NORTHERN AIR: AIRPORT DR. THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE: A) 1- PARKING SPACE REMOVED AS MARKED ON SITE PLAN. B) 2 ND HYDRANT INSTALLED ON THE RAMP SIDE FOR AIR GUARD EQUIPMENT. C) A GATE INSTALLED FOR ACCESS FOR EQUIPMENT TO GET FROM FRONT OF BUILDING TO RAMP AND HANGER AREA. #3. DEMERS HANGER: AIRPORT BY T-HANGERS RELOCATION OF ONE HYDRANT TO BE PICKED BY THIS DEPT. OR AIR GUARD CHIEF. #4. R.P.M. DEVELOPMENT: LOT #2 GREGORY DRIVE THE FOLLOWING IS NEEDED FOR FIRE PROTECTION: A) ONE HYDRANT TO BE INSTALLED IN THE BACK OF BUILDING AT A LOCATION SPOTTED BY THE DEPT. B) UNDER BOCA CODE ROADS AROUND THE BUILDING FOR EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT MUST BE 30 FT. IF WE HAD FULL ACCESS AROUND THE BUILDING WE COULD LIVE WITH 24 FT. ROADS. March 20, 1986 Jude Chicoine 25 Bacon Street South Burlington, Vermont 054C1 Re: Car wash, 408 Shelburne Road Dear Mr. Chicoine: Enclosed are the agenda and memos from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Jim Goddette and me regarding your request. Please be sure someone is preseent to represent your application on Tuesday, March 25, 1986. Sincerely, Jane B. Lafleur, C i ty Planner JB L,/mcp Encls cc: John Larkin Paul E. Wamsganz mI Tl-zu� t