HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-79-0000 - Supplemental - 1200 Airport DriveAugust 28, 1979 Adams Construction Company Mr. Walter Adams 29 Intervale Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Adams: Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Hall, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, on Monday, September 10, 1979 at 5:00 P.M. to consider your request for a zoning variance. Please plan to attend this meeting. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW /mc g September 11, 1979 Adams Construction Company Mr. Walter Adams 29 Interval Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Adams: Be advised that the South -Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment has granted your request for a variance (Air North application). This proposal is subject to site plan review, contact Mr. Page for proper scheduling. The Zoning Board will issue formal findings at a later date. If you have any questions feel free to contact nee. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Utficer RW/mcg r - , LEGIT NOTICES SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Sur- Iington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 31 V.SJL the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjust- omd will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington CRY Offices. Conference Room, 117S 'Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, Seolember 10, 1179, at S:00 P.M. to consider the following: 1 ` Appeal of Champloln ON 6m . seeking a vorionce,-from Section 11.00. Dimensional reaulrements-of Me South Burlington Zoning Regu- lations. Request Is for Permission to' construct a gasoline pump bland' canopy (19' x SC) to within six (4) feet of the required troll yard and a 10' a 20' -walk-in cooler to -within twelve (12) feet of the rear yard, at Hank's USove, 13M Williston Road. 2. Appeal of Sixteen ninety Shelburne Rood d.b.a. Alleabrook Home for Boys seeking a variance, from Sec- tion 8.00. Permitted uses and Section 1 11.15 Multiple Uses of the South Sur-, linglon Zonkg Regulations. Request Is far permission to relocate a single family dwelling unit (9' x e0') with attached 23, x W' garage. and ac- eualed as a group halne In conjunc- tion with other strictures on a lot cmWnkw SS acres, at 100 Allen 3. Appeal of Leland Calkins and diode Smith seeking a variance, from Section VA. Permitted Uses othee South Burlington Zoning meou- altions. Reauesf Is for perinisslonto occupy an existing stnKture as o car and truck fentol agency. of 2 Calkins Court. wit �t/Oe73j 4. Appeal of Tiraskls■OwMMr eking o Varlance, from Section ))A. Deminblonat re- qulrnnents (sub -section 11.00)) of the South Surilnumarn Zoning Regu- lations. Request Is for oermisslon to eanstrueta A, x 130' addition, a por- tion of sold addition to be located within sixtv-tive (6SI tees of the re- aulred front yard. of fin Burlington International Alromt, Airport Drive. Robert M. Mortlnem, Chalrman South Burlington ZonW4 Soord Of Ad►usfinent August 2S,19N r Ci Au9US1 V, n. �eD�e1UYi, a SOUTH BURLINGTONIr ZONING NOTICE In the legal notice published August, 25. IM on error was made In Appeal 4. It should read as follows: 6. Appeal of Air North, Wolter Adams Jr., agent seeking a vari- ance, from Section 11.00. DlmensloW rpgulrements (subsec- tion 11.0011 of the South Burtington Zoning Regulations. Request Is for permission to construct o 60' x )60' addition, a portion of sold addition to be located within dirty -live (65) feet of the required front yard, at the Burlington International Airport, Airport Orlve, August 29, IM Aeul, M„a,__ — - 3. : I.NG BCAP D �F _DJ7u 3T.'C-,' NT 12, 1979 ir. his area. ^he hours of o err�t?�:1 gill be 7 am to 5 _ Y t-,' e.,`'_e may bein ?:'1':d Du . of t..e lot 'in`il 11 . .a:.i a--i t"i ! i r _11 ce re ntC; :e nee'.Z to be close to the a1" t ' ._r. --., said this was ^ley could find that was re' )r c;, e-a :.7:1. .:hey are In rca �_,_..ess n)w in _'few aamPshire and `-nta is a br^ nca. _they lo')kefd in the yi ^_ (-,rt _ :du tr _i! zone f:)r land, where this use i3 cr:...t 1, but none 'after zort-'3 z3tarcn. .:ere will be a _ :one at the a c:urteSy c-ir will 1C'-r :':3:C "rs and brim. then to t:1i3 buil'din `_o ...'_�,n t:e for;:.. .he fra::c =iocL..;Car. to will- re't 5 tr-i' r, aL: n::e -+ tr_'tcr', and ill 6 3trai-at tr_,cks. 25 cars will. 'be recited. nC« truck blusiness is ao ,i t 1%[ of the total Dames... They will o_^,erate 7 days -er deer and after 5 C_ t`_e a:1._. will be closi_d but there will be traffic on an.: ): -' the lot. ttien ve^icles are returned, t ney will be returned here• and the curt,-)mers will be driven. to the air rt. - e boar? ;;anted the pla nni cory.:,ission to loot: at the Plan. A,o ed 2L tut traffic, . r. Adams noted that T-.iiri .,tate .lectric'3 traffic was much aid;her t',-an this busi_%e03 would be. Fir. 3infl3 e warned that traffic on that part of ',iilliston -oad would increa_2e .. and r,r. :`a. tineau stated that if the use were a'san.ioned, the variance uculd end - it d_;e3 rct run with -.he land. :he tr...{3 'trailers) .... up to 4,)', .'r. ..W_tn said. JiP.13.TF' C.'e3 to VO`� " e 3 Jell _.t' - etiue3t �:lt:•`� • the o1ioWE. _^ st' culition i.^at the' obtain .t? 71a n ac":rOyal from ne-,la.:ninz t' C ^e^bin, .Si^.e35 ObPrat o n3 -fir. Grive3�secoaded the=)ticrl a ni rii lorwere in favir. - ne a eai . 'w,s --ranted unsnim st yr_ eat of :sir .i. rt:_, .(al ter nd?_'3 Jr., _, -. t = in a 'r Rrian ,.e _ _ ... Dc `-1^.:. t':-3 _ ut" ?ur___ -- ZonirE Regulatly':s. ::aiuest is for-era_ssion t:.'c_)nstruct a 4�' t 16" a Portion of s-i_i alditio.^, to be located wit:­._n :kitty-fi-:e (6j) feet o: the required fr ht yard, st the 3urlindtcn Internatic^al Airport, airport Drive. :r. mar..-.�d tie area was zoned airport industrial end that the minimum front mar.- _ `._ui_ed was 75' . 'Proposed is 65' A tr lan�,ilar portion (2200 sq. ft.) of t:e ouf.L__n will _e wit' -.in the Airport Drive set.ac'-. s. trait !dams said that Pratt-,�hitney of :a-ala occupied some space _: ently in .he t';iia.`_^_ and wanted more (6400 contig-uous 3ivare feet). .•_r. Ada3 said he '-ad cc..= .her d tuttif� the addi tic 1 several of her _laces Dr, the buildi ,- but had bee:. .::._able to do so for vari:,us reason-3. :,non -.att-,.._tr.ey r7a5 as__ed if they could Wa__e iue with less space, so the o•.=tjin^ :i co'_: be constructedDutside 'he setback and souared off trev s-= i : rb. ''__ . Aiams felt the bui'_di.^.r ouid look odd if the addition took a jog to met it out of the setback. He also noted that if allowed to, they would corstr-.ict the cf`ice of t:^.e aaditicr in area within the setback line, because that is here tney's of_'ices are now and they would like their office s ace to be contiguous. '.4r. '�artireau asked hcw far t'nis building was from the road. Airport give has a 66' ri;1. Z Hay and Hr. .ydams said it :gas 15-17' frc7- tie :avemert to the boundary of the leased property, before one reaches the 65' . Yr. J1?l{lade was concerned because he said there was some planning bein,, dL::_ in the cit,,- to widen this road and make it a traffic bypass by ebnnectir - it to Airpert Tar way in the Li-ekiln area. ::r. i,Iartineau said the City ',:araEer could be asked to cr =e nt- Z'ON'ILG BOARD 2F ACJ U5':*,C . i 1 lq7 i 'r. Ward noted that all the hoes along the road were c:o: =. .:.an 65 a:_d 1 the board did not think the roai .;clla be widened to z.re `_ an Y _ _^��. "r. X-artineau said he did not feel `_hE : ur: esc of the doc i— 11 wc•:1 : ::} _:s t _. t :is were approved. 3e stated t at he would li_se to see the setback section of the ordinance be more exact than it has been, because he felt that sometimes t::e setbacks were minimum distances and sometimes they were much more tan needed. The appeal was granted without dissent. Tabled aa-eal of Twin Oaks Associates, Ronald )'Bryan, a.ent (tabled August 27) Xr. Milot said the appeal had been tabled so a written reanonse could be obtained from the planning commission (cope attached). This board had also asked that t:.e distarce building a was from the right of way be measured. The discussion at the la:t meeting indicated it was 148'+ , putting it in violation, but a measurement by :,:r. C'Bryan and i:r. lard indicated that it was actually 153' from the Interstate fence, so it conforms to the ordinance. The board determined that it was now only considering buildings 11 and 12. 'r. ':ilot was asked if he objected to '-'X. Di-klage hearing the a;Ieal an he stated he did not object. He reviewed the testimony for .__ . Dirkla,,e. :he beard felt the spirit of the ordinance was maintained if a variar_ce were granted, althou.,h Mr. Dinklaee was concerned that developers seemed to feel free to come to the board to request to build in the CO zones of the city. :X X. ::artineau did not wart to discourage anyone in the city from asking for relief and he noted that frequently what hapzened was that a request would be r e .'d ju,z :ed by the board and a coc3romise reached. The appeal was granted unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm. Clerk 9/11/79 rn> SSP SUGGESTED MOTION OF APPROVAL - Air North Addition - I move that the South Burlington Planninc Commission approve the site plan proposal of Adams Construction Company for a 40' x 160' addition to the Air North building, as depicted on a plan entitled, "Proposal for Air North...", drawn by Adams Construction Company, Inc., dated 8/1, 13,21/79, subject to the following stipulations: 1. a landscaping bond of $2,000 shall be posted 2. this approval expires 6 months from this date ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKLL PROJECT NAME/FILE REFERENCE Air North A9ition-Site Plan Review 1. 2. BONDING OR ESCROW AGREEMENTS LANDSCAPING SEWER WATER BTURN DRAINAGE ROADS CURBS SIDEWALKS (NOTE ALL RELEASES OR AGREEMENT REVISIONS) 3. LIST APPROVALS GRANTED, WITH DATES, AND PERMITS GRANTER & SITE INSPECTIONS COMPLETED, ETC.: 4. UTILITY EASEMENTS *, BILLS OF SALE RECORDED ACCEPTED 5. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE x 6. ROADWAYS DEEDS FOR CITY STREETS ACCEPTED PRIVATE ROAD & WAIVER AGREEMENT x 7. FINAL PLAT OR RECORD COPY - STAMPED -,q SIGNED, & FILED OR RECORDED B. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENTS ACCEPTED & RECORDED FILED 9. MISC,ELLANDOUS AGREEMENTS LAND FOR ROAD WIDENING OFFER OF IRREVOCABLE DEDICATION FUTURE ACCESS POINTS SHARED ACCESS POINTS OTHER 10. COPY OF SURVEY TO ASSESSOR (IF CHANGE IN PROPERTY LINES) 11. FEES - PAID/DATE HEARING BUILDING PERMIT ENGINEERING INSP. SEWER RECREATION (RECORD CALCULATIONS AND DEPOSIT IN ACCOUNT) 12. IMPACT FOLLOW UP i.e., "ON LINE" EVALUATION: SCHOOL KIDS CAR COUNTS 1JdLC -MUCU-LVU0 by Date Applic6t:r , CompletW and Received CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIE:4 1) NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUI4Br�t OF: (a) Oimer,of Record E.A. Deeds- Building Burlington International Airport- Property (b) Applicant Adams Construction Co., Inc. Burlington, 'Vermont (c) Contact Person Walter M. Adams Jr. 2) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS 3) PROPOSED USE Office, Shop, and Storage 4) SIZE OF PROJECT (i.e., T of units, floor area, etc.) Office- 40 ft2, Shop- 6400 ft2, Storage- 4800 ft2 5) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (full & part time) No Change 6) COST ESTIMATES: (a) Buildings $ 100,000.00 (b) Landscaping 2,000.00 I BY (c) All Other Site Improvaments (i.e., curb work) $ 2,000.00 7) EST -MATED PROJECT COI•IPLETION DATE 1 JanLary 19RQ 8) ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (in & out) No Change 9) P aAK HOUR (S) OF OP SAT ION 8 AM - 5 PM 10) P:-,:AX DAYS OF OPERATION Monday -- Friday �.x4y5T 1z�, \R 1 •� � kam 1 _-_.. DATE S IGINATli -iE OF �PPLICAN-T B`a�/zq ( ( r � .,�- . �. ���, � � � (r �� i �1�;'-,�:� �z�. �-� J - � '�' 1 �,-: y, , � (fie>��� Z r,r -<,5a� �-�- r (�{ � ��T`,� -mot lr°:�y�� 1 �, C,� �� , 2. PLANNING COTOUSSION SEPTEMBER 11, 1979 at Kennedy Drive and try to determine how many curb cuts it would like to see along this road. Fr. Page said the proposed east-westAstreet should be moved south to avoid running into the buildings on this lot. The boundary line between the two lots will also have to be moved a little so the cottage will have a conforming side yard. Mr. Woolery noted that there was a lot of undeveloped land in the area and he felt the commission should see a street layout before the rest of the land was subdivided. Site plan review for Sears Rent-A-Car agency, at corner of Hough Street and Shelburne Road Mr. Backiel said the plan was to renovate an existing building on the site, and gravel some areas of the yard for. display of rental cars+ customer parking, There will be a 6' high stockade fence in the rear of the lot to screen this use from the building housing tenants of the business. The building in question has not been used since it was purchased 2 112 years ago and it will now house the rental agency. Asked about lighting, Kr. Backiel said there probably would be a spot on the parked cars but he did not expect there would be many of them parked at any one time. This operation is currently run out of Val Preda and it is just being moved to another location. There is access between this location and Val Preda, so they would not have to go out onto Shelburne P.oad to move between the two businesses. Mr. Backiel said he would have 20-25 rental cars but most would be off the lot most of the time. He did not think there would be more than 8=10 on the lot. He also runs a rental agency at the airport, but those cars could not be stored at this location because the franchise does not allow it. Hr. Backiel said it was not his intention to park cars along Hough Street. If cars did begin to do that, and they tore up the grass, Yr. Backiel said he could put railroad ties along the street to discourage that. The commission did not have the power to require low shrubs to be put in front of the area where display cars would be parked, but they did request it. Yr. Backiel said he would be glad to put in some l' or 1 112' shrubs. Mr.. Woolery moved that the -South Burlington Planning Commission approve the site proposal of Richard Backiel for use of the premises at 1048 Shelburne Road as a car rental facility, as depicted on the plan of record, subject to__the following stipulations: 1. Existing landscaping along the perimeter of the building and the perimeter of the property lines shall be retained. 2. A 6' high privacy fence or hedge shall be installed along the east oro_rert;; line; a bond of z3 0 shall be posted. Mr. Ewing seconded the motion and all voted aye. Site elan review, addition 1�o Fir North,)off Airport Drive Mr. Walt Adams said they proposed to add more office and shop space to the building for the use of Pratt=Whitney of Canada. They want to add 40' of space the entire width of the structure, for a total addition of 6400 sq. ft. A group of trees will be relocated and some will be added for screening. A second gravel access to Airport Drive will be closed. No more traffic is anticipated since the addition is just to allow the existing businesses more room to work. There are currently a bout 20 people working in the building, on two shifts. PLANNING COMMISSION t 3. SEPTEY3ER 11, 1979 Mr. Woolery moved that. the Sough Burlington Planning Commission approve the site plan proposal of Adams Construction Company for a 40' x 160' addition to the Air North building, as depicted on a'plan entitled "Proposal for Air North..." drawn by Adams Construction Company, Inc., dated 8 1, 8 13, and 8 21 79, subject to the following stipulations: 1. A landscaping bond of S2,000 shall be posted. 2. This approval expires 6 months from this date. Fr. Ewing seconded the motion and all voted yes. Site plan review, car and truck rental business off_ Calkins Court ;;r. Walt Adams said the building had formerly been used as a do-it-yourself garage and then as a repair shop for second hand vehicles. 1:r. Smith wants to use it for the Econocar rental agency. They will rent about 20 cars, 6 stake - body trucks, and 4 tractor trailers. There is adequate parking both outside and inside the building. The building will be used for light repairs. Operation will be from 7am to llpm. They expected about 60 trips per day. The existing structure will stay the way it is, except one door will be raised. 3 gas tanks will be installed and pine trees will be planted to screen the cars from Williston Road. Outside lighting has not been considered at this time. Xr. Adams was told that lighting, if requested, should be shown on the site plan. The co-7ission agreed to let Planner Stephen Fa€e OK the lighting plan. Mr. N'oolery moved that the South Burlington Plar-ning Commission approve the site plan proposal of Walter Adams, for a car and truck rental business as depicted on a plan entitled "Proposal for Leland Calkins..." drawn by Adams Construction Company, Inc., dated 8 21 79 revised 9 111 79, subject to the following stipulations: 1. No further planning commission action will be taken on developments within the Calkins Court subdivision until the final subdivision plat has been approved and implemented. 2. This aDDroval expires 6 months from this date. 3. A landscaping bond of £1200 shall be posted. 4. Outdoor lighting shall be as approved by the City Planner and added to the plan of record. Mr. Jacob seconded the motion. Yr. Page was asked how Xr. Catkins could fill on this land Without a final subdivision plan and he replied that the filling predated the zoning ordinance. The motion carried without dissent. Review draft outline of Schools c^suter Mr. Levesque felt the school transportation system should be revised. There was some discussion about new develop=eats providing :laces for school kids to wait for the bus and about areas where school busses could turn around. After discussing the draft of the chapter, the co=ission felt it should be sent to the :school Board for their comments, tc be submitted by a certain date. If they do not respond, the draft will be adopted as it is. October 11 was suggested at the last date for comments.