HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-97-0000 - Decision - 1200 Airport DriveFINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Re: Findings of Fact, application of City of Burlington to construct a 13,240 square foot addition to an existing 72,625 square foot airport terminal building, 2) construct a multi -level parking structure for 1143 vehicles, and 3) construct new employee and long term surface parking areas, 1200 Airport Drive. On the llth day of February, 1997, the South Burlington Planning Commission approved the request of City of Burlington for site plan review under Section 26. 10 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations based on the following findings: 1. This project consists of: 1) constructing a 13,240 square foot addition to an existing 72,625 square foot airport terminal building, 2) constructing a multi -level parking structure for 1143 vehicles, and 3) constructing new employee and long term surface parking areas. 2. This property located at 1200 Airport Drive lies within the Airport and Airport Industrial Districts. 3. Access/ circulation: Access will be provided by the three (3) curb cuts on Airport Drive and via White Street Extension. The three (3) curb cuts on Airport Drive from south to north include a 28 foot ingress only curb cut, a 28 foot egress only curb cut and 16 foot ingress only curb cut. White Street Extension will provide ingress and egress access to the long term parking area. The long term lot access road should be for two (2) way traffic and the plan so modified. Circulation on the site is adequate. 4. Coverage/ setbacks: Due to the vast size of the airport property, building and overall coverages were not calculated. Front yard coverage along Airport Drive is 28.6% (maximum allowed is 30%). 5. The parking structure does not meet the front yard setback requirement (see discussion below regarding building height). The terminal addition will meet the setback requirements. 6. Parking: There are no minimum parking requirements for an airport terminal in the zoning regulations. This proposal will increase the total number of parking spaces from 1687 spaces to 2214 spaces or a 527 space increase. A bike rack and 16 handicapped spaces will be provided. 7. Landscaping: The minimum landscaping requirement, based on building costs, is $129,050 which is being met. This requirement includes the shortfalls on four (4) previously approved projects. Proposed plantings will include Downy Shadblow, Norway Maple, Red Maple, White Birch, Summit Ash, White Spruce, White Pine and Arborvitae. 8. The applicant is proposing a dense buffer of landscaping and low berms along Airport Drive. The berming and landscaping along the long term parking area should be installed prior to use of this area as an interim parking lot during construction of the garage. If this is not possible, some sort of screening (i.e. , fence) should be installed on a interim basis. 9. Sewer: The additional sewer allocation requested is 1500 gpd. The applicant will be required to pay the per gallon fee prior to permit. 10. Building height: The terminal addition meets the 35 foot height limit. The elevator tower on the parking structure will exceed the 35 foot height limit by 21 inches. Section 25.113(c) of the zoning regulations allows the Planning Commission to approve a non-residential structure with a height in excess of the limitations "provided the Commission determines that a taller structure: (i) will not affect adversely the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located; (ii) will not detract from the important scenic views from adjacent public roadways and other public rights -of -way." 11. In addition to the above criteria, Section 25.113(d) of the zoning regulations requires that for each foot of additional height above the normal 35 foot maximum, all front and rear setbacks shall be increased by one (1) foot. The additional 21 inches of front yard setback is not being provided. The Planning Commission does not have the authority to waive the setback requirements. The site plan should be revised to meet this requirement. 12. Section 25.113(e) of the zoning regulations requires that the request for approval of a taller structure shall include the submittal of plans showing the elevations and architectural design of the structure, existing grade, post - construction grade, and height of the structure. These plans have been submitted. The applicant will be required to abide by the approved elevations. 13. Traffic: A traffic study was prepared. This study concludes that "although this project involves the development of a parking structure to replace an existing parking lot, no increases in activity levels, and as a result in vehicular volumes, are anticipated for the airport site." 14. This study recommends the following improvements: 1 . A northbound right -turn lane at the Airport entrance. 2. A southbound left -turn lane at the Airport entrance. 3. A northbound left -turn lane at Airport Drive/Airport Road intersection. 15. The plans should be revised to provide details of these street improvements. These improvements should be constructed prior to occupancy of the parking structure. 16. Lighting: Exterior lighting will consist of the following: --- 145-250 watt metal halide lamps with downeasting shielded fixtures mounted 2 on 20 foot poles. --- 46-175 watt metal halide lamps with downcasting shielded fixtures mounted on 12 foot poles. --- 80-175 watt metal halide lamps with downcasting shielded fixtures mounted on 40 poles with a 12 foot height. --- 174-100 watt metal halide lamps mounted within the parking structure. 17. A point by point lighting plan was submitted which indicates an average of 2.74 footcandles for the total site. The zoning regulations have a 3 footcandle maximum. 18. Parking Structure Standards: It appears that the parking structure complies for the most part with recommended standards for parking structures in terms of dimensions of parking spaces and aisles, circulation patterns, distance between parking spaces and elevators/ stairwells, and lighting levels. The applicant should indicate the ramp slope within the garage (should not exceed 15%). Also, the applicant should address security in the garage (i.e., lighting only, foot patrols, cameras, etc.) 19. Other: --- site plan should show the r.o.w. boundaries for White Street Extension. --- site plan should show the exact footprint of the new parking structure with stairway towers. a third floor plan for the parking structure should be submitted. DECISION & CONDITIONS Based on the above Findings of Fact, the South Burlington Planning Commission approves the site plan application of the City of Burlington to: 1) construct a 13, 240 square foot addition to an existing 72,625 square foot airport terminal building, 2) construct a multi -level parking structure for 1143 vehicles, and 3) construct new employee and long term surface parking areas, 1200 Airport Drive, as depicted on a 25 page set of plans, page two (2) entitled, "Burlington International Airport South Burlington, Vermont," prepared by Web ster-Martin, Inc., datedl/29/97, last revised 2/3/97, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. For the purpose of calculating road impact fees under the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Planning Commission estimates that the proposed terminal expansion and parking structure will generate zero (0) additional vehicle trip ends during the P.M. peak hour. 3. The Planning Commission approves a sewer allocation of 1500 gpd. The applicant shall pay the per gallon fee prior to permit issuance. 4. The applicant shall post a $129,050 landscape bond or other surety prior to issuance of a zoning permit. The bond or other surety shall remain in effect for three (3) years to assure that the landscaping takes root and has a good chance of M surviving. 5. The plan shall be revised to show the changes listed below and shall require approval of the City Planner. Three (3) copies of the approved revised plan shall be submitted to the City Planner prior to permit issuance. a) The site plan shall be revised to indicate that a portion of the long term lot access road shall be for 2-way traffic. b) The site plan shall be revised to relocate the parking structure so it meets the additional front setback required under Section 25.113(d) of the zoning regulations. c) The site plan shall be revised to provide details of the street improvements required in condition #9. d) The site plan shall be revised to show the exact footprint of the new parking structure including the stairway towers. e) The plans shall be revised to correctly show the elevations of the proposed 36'911 high parking structure. f) The site plan shall be revised to incorporate the hydrant locations requested by the Fire Department in their memo dated 2/7/97. g) The site plan shall be revised to note the clearance height under the skyway bridge (minimum required is 12 feet). h) The site plan shall be revised to show the r.o.w. for White Street Extension. i) The site plan shall be revised to indicate the slope of the ramp within the garage which shall not exceed 15%. j) The site plan shall be revised to show 81911 parking spaces in the parking structure. k) The site plan shall be revised to show landscaping plan as presented at the Planning Commission meeting of 2/11/97. 6. Pursuant to Section 25.113 (c) of the zoning regulations, the Planning Commission allows the proposed parking structure to exceed the thirty five (35) foot height limitation by 119". The Commission has determined that the taller structure: a) will not affect adversely the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located; b) will not detract from the important scenic views from the adjacent public roadways and other public rights -of -way; and c) will meet the additional setbacks required by Section 25.113(d) of the zoning regulations. 4 The design of the parking structure shall be in accordance with the elevations depicted on Sheets A1.4 and A1.5. Any significant change to these elevation drawings shall require Planning Commission approval. 7. All new exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting shielded fixtures so as not to cast light beyond the property line. Any change in lighting shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. 8. The berming and landscaping along the long term parking area shall be installed prior to use of this area as an interior parking lot during construction of the garage. If this is not possible, some sort of screening (i.e., fence) shall be installed on an interim basis. The type and location of screening shall be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. 9. The applicant shall be responsible for the following street improvements: a) A northbound right -turn lane at the Airport entrance. b) A southbound left -turn lane at the Airport entrance. These improvements shall be constructed prior to occupancy of the parking structure. 10. The applicant shall submit a third floor plan for the parking structure prior to issuance of a zoning permit. 11. The drainage pipe under the proposed parking structure shall be relocated outside of the structure if possible. If not, the corrugated metal pipe should be replaced with plastic or ductile iron pipe. 12. The existing 12 inch C. M.P. under White Street Extension shall be checked for adequacy to carry the increased storm water runoff. The results of this investigation shall be provided to the City Engineer. If a larger pipe is needed, it shall be installed prior to occupancy of the parking structure. 13. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six (6) months pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 14. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/ Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to occupancy of the terminal addition and parking structure. 15. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Planning Commission. '6;f Cler-kv South Burlington Planning Commission /I,, Date 5