HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-91-0000 - Decision - 0000 Queensbury Road (2)PLANNING COMMISSION 5 February 1991 page 4 a I -The _a lication_does-not_meet-there the_zoningMregulations, 484-parkinq-sp 397-spaces _are_bei_nq rovidedr _quirements-of-Table_I_of. . aces_are-required_and_onl- bI-The _a lication_does-not -meet -the _ requirements _of -Section 11,5Q4a_of_the_z2nin 4�ulations___The_sgecified_Allen Road_and Green_Mountain_Drive_intersections-have_level_of _service -of _E_and D_ r e sp e c t i v e l ram.. uirements_of_Section here_presentlV_exists_an tte_construction�c?f the_ r osed_commercial-buildings_ �1��� ����_�r_rAe_zoninq requlations.__ztae rogect_access-point_on ShelburneRdt _ is -not _aligned _withtthe -Imperial _Drive�Shelburne Road -intersection, eI -The_a lication-does_not-meet_the_re uirements_of-Section 11.5Q� o the _Zonin _re ulations___parkin _areas are -not located so -as _tR a2vide�,convenient_access_to_buildin _entrances.'�� f I -The _application -does -not -meet _the,requirements_of _Section_417d of -the -subdivision _requlationa ,_TTh_�u_n�ro ect_will_cause_unreason- able_highwa _con estion_and_unsafe_conditions_with_res ect_to_uue of -the -highways,.-existinq-or _proposed__ Mr__Sheahan_seconded-- Motion_ assed_5_l-with_Mr.._Bur ess_votin against, 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Revised Final Plat application of O'Brien Brothers Agency seeking approval to construct duplex residential units on lots 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 & 15 of the approved 18- lot subdivision located on the southeast corners of Kirby and Patchen Roads: Mr. O'Brien said there are problems with the market for $135,000 homes, but there is a market for more affordable homes. He felt the 9 lots were enough to convert to duplexes. All requirements are met for duplex construction. He said he was told duplexes are allowed in that zone. He agreed sewage capacity and the recrea- tion fee would both be increased. Ms. Hayes, adjacent owner, asked if there will be a sidewalk. Mr. O'Brien said there will be a sidewalk along Kirby Rd. to Patchen Rd. Mr. Burgess added that on Patchen Rd., the developer will donate money toward a sidewalk to be built by the city at some time. PLANNING COMMISSION 5 February 1991 page 5 A resident asked how this plan will increase traffic, noting he had trouble getting out of his driveway now and this will be adding 1/3 more housing. He also noted there is a blind area. Mr. O'Brien said he had the, intersection inspected and it meets all requirements for line of sight. He didn't believe going from single to duplex housing would significantly increase traffic. Mr. Menard said the area doesn't need more people and traffic. He said he didn't oppose single family homes but does oppose duplexes. Mr, -Austin -moved -the _Plannin _Commission_a proue_the-Rev ised_EinaI Plata lication_of_O'Brien_BrQthers_A enc ,_Inc,_for_subdivision of_a_10.84_acre-parcel-into_18_lots_and_construction,of-a-4=unit— residential_buildin�_on_one_of_the_newl _created_lots-created 8 sis le_famil _dwellin s_and_9_two=famil _dwellings-as-depicted_an a-2= a e_set_of�plans_titled_"L{irb ,CPatchen_&oad_Site_&_Utilities lan,-prepared- bFitz atrick_Llewell n,_Inc,_and_dated4Aori1,--- 1989,_last_revised_8 1 90,._with_the_followin _stipulations; 1. -All -stipulations -contained_in-the -August _29,_1989_approual shall -remain -in _effect -unless -superseded �b�rMthis_approual� 2.._The-recorded -plat -and -constructiioon-drawings-sball.-have -a-note indicatiboµthat-this -approval -is -for _8_sin l� e_family-lots,49-two_ familylotsMandMorie-4=unit-multi =family -lot -only -and -that -any Shame -in -these -numbers -would -require _a roval_from_the_Plannino Commission � 3, _A _sewer -allocation _of _ 13,.336 _qpd_ is _ ranted, --The _ $2.550 _per 2,allon_fee-shall_be, aid_ rior_ta_ ermit, 4. -The _final -plat _shall_be-recorded_within_90_da s_or_this a roval_is_null_and_uoid, Ms-_Peacock_seconded.__Motion_ assed_6=0-with _Mr,-Sheahan a b s t a i n_ i no, 5. Sketch Plan application of Judge Development, Inc., for a 89,850 sq. ft. office/retail/restaurant planned commercial development in 6 buildings on 4.5 acres, 100 Dorset Street & Corporate Way. Mr. Wagner said they reviewed the previous plan and found problems with fire access. The_yc:$l-So want more retail on Corporate Way. He noted the previous plan was non -conforming because buildings were too close to Dorset St.