HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-92-0000 - Decision - 0000 Queensbury RoadPLANNING COMMISSION 9 June 1992 page 6 change in use will reduce vte's during peak hour from 113 vte's_ to 50 vte's and therefore ap roves the estimated 50 peak hour_ vte's estimated to be generated by-this-project.- 6. Prior to issuance of a zoning/building permit, the applicant shall submit a drainage plan to the City Engineer for approval. 7. A sewer allocation of 4,800 g d is granted. The applicant shall ay the $2.50 per allon sewer fee prior to issuance of a zonina/builina permit. 8. All lighting shall be downcasting shielded luminaire and shall_ not cast light beyond the property line. 9. The Plannin Commission does not approve a building height over 35 feet as shown on sheet A5. Prior to_ _permit_, sheet A5_ shall be revised to show a maximum b ulj di ng height of 35 ft. 10. The plan shall be revised prior to issuance of a zoning/ building permit to show the width of the driveway access_ con- nectin the front and back parkin lots no less than 12 feet. 11. The number of oarkinq spaces required by standard is 118. The applicant proposed 94 spaces which represents a shortfall of 24 spaces, or 200. Due to the shared parkin opportunities offered by the two uses, the Planning Commission approves 94 spaces. 12. Prior to issuance of a zoning/building permit, the owner of the adjoinin property to the north (45 Swift Street) shall re- cord in the South Burlington land records an easement allowing the applicant to store snow on 45 Swift Street ro ert alon the portion of the applicant's driveway where the driveway abuts the property line of 45 Swift Street. If property owner of 45 Swift Street does not aqree to the easeemnt, snow shall be removed from the site. 13. As expressly represented by the applicant, there shall be no overnight parking of trucks on -site which require the engine or other equipment to run continuously. 14. A zoning/buildin permit shall be obtained within 6 months or this approval is null and void. Mrs. Maher seconded the motion which then passed 5-1 with Mr. Sheahan opposing.__ 5. Revised final plat application of O'Brien Brothers Agency, Inc, to amend the landscaping plan for a 4-unit residential building on lot 17 of the 18-lot Kirby Road/Patchen Road subdi- PLANNING COMMISSION 9 June 1992 page 7 vision: Mr. D'Elia said a lot of landscaping that was going to be removed has been retained. They are asking to reduce some landscaping at the back of units and on the curve of the driveway. Mr. Burgess noted that staff had said this seems logical. Members agreed. Mr. Austin moved the Plannin Commission approve the revised final plat application of O'Brien Brothers A necy, Inc, to amend the landscaping plan for a four (4) unit residential buildin on lot 17 of the 18 lot Kirby/Patchen Road subdivision as depicted on a plan entitled "Kirby/Patchen Road, Detail Landscape Plan,". Prepared by CCD and dated 4/29/92. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimousl 6. Site plan Application of Philip Kiley for use of 4100 sq. ft. within a 16,988 sq. ft. building for retail sales and rental of billiard tables and accessories, 358 Dorset Street: Mr. Kiley said this is formerly the Lighting House facility. Sales will involve showroom/display. The bulk of the area will be for tables for rent. Regarding landscaping, Mr. Kiley said there isn't much area to do much with. They propose some dense yews. The San Remo end of the property is already landscaped. Mr. Weith agreed and also suggested a deciduous tree in the front area. Members agreed to another red maple in front. Mr. Kiley said they will remove the gate and fence. Mr. Burgess noted this is a non -complying structure but the building is not being modified. Mr. Kiley noted that most of the facility's business will be done in off-peak hours. Mr. Austin moved the Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Philip Kiley for use of 4,100 sq. ft. within a 16,_988 sq. ft. building for retail sales and rental of billiard tables and accessories as depicted on a plan entitled "358 Dor- set Street, So. Burlington, Vermont," prepared by Somerset As- sociates and dated 6/3/92 with the followin stipulations: 1. The applicant shall post a $900, 3-year landscaping bond prior to issuance of a zoning/building permit. The plan shall be revised rior to ermit to show $620 worth of additionalplant- ings in the front yard as approved by the City Planner.