HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-77-0000 - Supplemental - 0833 Queen City Park RoadCITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON( APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW "-�4 /7a/7-3 t DATE Q � _ _ / 19 77 NAME OF I SG .? - 2- 7G OWNER L, fi►'1 C/ irF ah'd5 TEL.# ADDRESS i,.//Y/jE-/Y `%/tomes/�I, liC NAME OF DEVELOPER x'A l TEL.# ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSED SITE_ V33 ©uege / �'Tl� Pt��M' RD Sa. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS NAME :Tj5Ir &izT/t s ADDRESS C act-/y F �Tv PA- rev s.. gpk , At - SITE IMPROVEMENTS MUST BE DETAILED ON PLAN, BELOW LIST ESTIMATED COST OF: STOR1•1 DRAINAGE WORK ENTRANCE & EXIT IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPING COST_r��a c� a Zav UTILITIES (SEWER - WATER), © o TOTAL COST OF SITE IMPROVEMENTS $ ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ COMPLETION DATE OF SITE IMPROVEi,:ENTS MONTH DAY YEAR SOILS CONDITIONS, MININ,UM DEEPTh OF 4 FEET (ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE nEQULSTED BY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER) 13&LG 2/ip-E t fl bRf'bG�- "5 alt,- NOTE: APPLICATION AND SITE PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED TC ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER SEVEN (7) DAYS PRIOR TO MEETING DATE. SI A URE AP. ANT P7 -1--.Z�- 1-0 C) 1 26 0 k1n � �3,ifla p C4/, d IK4eleftAol � 14�4 -t� I —I- - 1-1 1 /., 0 04- -=w xmAp� WWI op a Boo &I &I / 16 A ao June 3, 1981 Maple Leaf Motel Mr. Robert Limoge 907 Shelburne Road LLunSouth Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: Queen City Park Road motel annex performance bond Dear Mr. Limoge: The site improvements related to your construction of the motel annex on Queen City Park Road has been inspected by the City Planner. As you are aware the City holds a bond for seven thousand dollars, it breaks down as follows: landscaping $5,200, curb work $500 and 260 feet of widewalk $1300. The City feels that approximately half the amount of landscaping was planted. I understand that you may qualify for a credit due to the saving of existing landscaping. We would require a statement from a qualified person regarding the value of the trees saved. The total landscaping plan would require a total value of $5,200. The sidewalk work has not been completed. I understand that you approached Mr. Szymanski about eliminating the sidewalk. We do not agree with this. You should arrange to meet with Mr. Szymanski to resolve this. The City is prepared to release one half of the bond at this time. If this meets with your approval please advised me as soon as possible. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer -j cc: Mr. William Szymanski, City Manager Mr. David H. Spitz, City Planner M ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKLIST YY PROJECT NAME/FILE REFERENCE Limoge Brothers V/ 1'. LETTER OF NOTIFICATION & APPROVAL MOTION OR FINDINGS & ORDER 2. BONDING OR ESCROW AGREEMENTS LANDSCAPING SEWER WATER STORM DRAINAGE ROADS CURBS S IDEWALKS (NOTE ALL RELEASES OR AGREEMENT REVISIONS) 3. LIST APPROVALS GRANTED INSPECTIONS COMPLETED, ETC.: DATES, AND PERMITS G 4. UTILITY EASEMENTS *, BILLS OF SALE RECORDED ACCEPTED 5. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE x 6. ROADWAYS & SITE ���/>> DEEDS FOR CITY STREETS ACCEPTED PRIVATE ROAD & WAIVER AGREEMENT j 7. FINAL PLAT OR RECORD COPY - STAMPED # SIGNED, & FILED OR RECORDED 8. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENTS ACCEPTED & RECORDED FILED 9. MISCELLANEOUS AGREEMENTS LAND FOR ROAD WIDENING OFFER OF IRREVOCABLE DEDICATION FUTURE ACCESS POINTS SHARED ACCESS POINTS OTHER 10. COPY OF SURVEY TO ASSESSOR (IF CHANGE IN PROPERTY LINES) 11. FEES - PAID/DATE HEARING BUILDING PERMIT ENGINEERING INSP. SEWER RECREATION (RECORD CALCULATIONS AND DEPOSIT IN ACCOUNT) 12. IMPACT FOLLOW UP i.e., "ON LINE" EVALUATION: SCHOOL KIDS CAR COUNTS May 11, 1978 Mr. Robert Limoge 197 Allen Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Bob: The performance bond requirements for your proposed 30 unit motel are as follows: (a) landscaping in the amount of $6, 200 wit T, a credit of $1,000 for the existing vegetation. (b) curb work in the amount of $500 (24' wide opening). (c) Sidewalk across the frontage in the amount of $1,300. The total amount of the bond required is $7,000. Attached is a copy of the conditions apl.lied by the Planning Commission, please note that approval of storm drainage is re- quired by the City Engineer. Upon compliance with these con- ditions a permit can be obtained. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call. Very truly, Richard ward Zoning Adminitirative Officer Rtir/mcg 1 Encl A - State of Vermont Dcpartnunt of Fish and (;:inc Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation Department of Water Resources Envirunnicntnl Board Division of Environmental Engineering Division of Environmental Protection Natural. Resources Conservation Council 21:MORA*inuM Fiw : Uunoec- f3w.0>. Av 1 tAl- AGENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION To: Steve Sease From: Russ Reay, Environmental Advisor V Re: Application #4C0317 Limoge Bros. l Motel in South Burlington e Montpelier, Verrnont 05602 DEPARTMENT OF FORESTS, PARRS AND RECREATION 111 I -Test Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 March 15, 1978 This site is adjacent to the I: -Mart Shopping Center in South Burlington. The existing buildings are the Maple Leaf Motel. The site is open and bordered on two sides with existing cottonwood trees approximately 15 feet tall. Soil erosion should not pose a concern because of the small acreage to be distrubed. Sight distances are good at intersections. The landscape plan appears to be sufficient. Proposed insulation is 10" ceilings and 6" walls. RS Rgn cc: Limoge Bros. C. W. Carter �ENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERV, bN INTERAGENCY ACT 250 REVIEW COMMITTEE RE: Limoge Brothers ) DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION 30-unit motel ) South Burlington ) APPLICATION #4CO317 MARCH 29, 1978 ENTRY OF APPEARANCE Please enter the appearance of the Agency of Environmental Conservation, State of Vermont, in the above captioned matter. PRE -HEARING COMMENTS Enclosed are comments of the Environmental Advisor. There were no additional comments on this application. I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing ENTRY OF APPEARANCE and PRE -HEARING COMMENTS was sent by U.S. Mail (Postage Prepaid) to all statutory parties. Dated on this 29th day of March, 1978 at Montpelier, Vermont. Respectfully submitted, AGENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION INTERAGENCY ACT 250 REVIEW COMMITTEE �1 � B,�o �.1� Stephe B. Sease, Administrator Land Use and Development 4 ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKLIST PROJECT NAf•fE/FILE REFERENCE LI � _ 1. LETTER OF NOTIFICATION & APPROVAL MOTION OR FINDI170S & ORDER yl 2. BONDING OR ESCROl AGREEMENIdTS LANDSCAPING 7f S Er; ti,R R ST0RF•f DRAIN A GE ROMs 0 CURBS SIDEWALKS Q 43oi �D (NOTE ALL RELEASES OR AGREEMENT REVISIONS) 3. LIST APPROVALS GRANTED, WITH DATES, AND PERMITS GRANTED & SITE INSPECTIONS COMPLETED, ETC.: 4. UTILITY EASEMENTS *, BILLS OF SALE RECORDED ACC EP T ED 5. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE x 6. ROAD:;rYS DEEDS FOR CITY STREETS ACCEPTED PRIVATE ROAD & WAIVER AGREEMENT x 7. FINAL PLAT OR RECORD COPY - STAMPED � SIGNED, & FILED OR RECORDED 8. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENTS ACCEPTED & RECORDED FILED 9. MISCE;LIZ%NEOUS AGRE:-14ENTS D-I D FOR ROAD WIDENING OFFER OF IRREVOCABLE DEDICATION FUTURE ACCESS POINTS "Tto SHARED ACCESS POINTS OTHER 10. COPY OF SURVEY TO ASSESSOR (IF CHANGE IN PROPERTY LIN'S) 11. FEES — PAID DATE HE; RING BUILDING P=AIT -:G IN EER ING INSP. El I ER r:E'CREATION (RECORD CALCUL::TIOivS } D DEPOSIT Ii CC�a i,T) I2. I. -:?':CT FOLLOill UP i.e., "ON LINE" E- VALUATION:: SC.—'00L - .1"DS CAR COU::1 S M E M 0 R A N D U M To: Planning Commission From: Stephen Page, Planning Assistant Re: Summary of Discussion with Bruce Houghton on Limon-e Brothers IvIlo t e I Date: July 20, 1977 1) L_qcatj_qjL of curb cut on l, _2uqen City Park RoaAdequate c sl-,o,�,n at midpoint of property, which maximizes separat'ion from the two nearby intersections (shopping center entrance and QCP x Rte. 7). 2) IntersectiRn. cp-pacity-,--�jb rid a, The proposed project will not have a significant adverse impact on this intersection; existing v/c ratios for the three approaches to this intersection (based on July 1976 counts) range from Wo' to 66'."% 3) Proposed connector between existinq and nronosed motels - This connection will have the advantage of providing improved access toto Shelburne road for traffic leaving the existing motel.; it has the disadvantage of possibly attracting more enter ing customers through the existing motel on Shelburne Road to -Ilet to the proposed r-ilotel. Bruce sury-ested that this connection not be made now, but that the option of providing it in the future if warranted, be maintained by retaining an easement. 4) Access to jusj�old pFqperties - A one way (in) acces... i"or the exist�nq motel to the Justgold Shopping Center would he extremely beneficial as it would provide two sionallized access points ulti-Mately onto Shelburne Road. A similar access for the proposed motel is neither necessary nor desirable. 11/&Cr*w Ors, /nay W9 S��a4ht. 1 L sw4Mt- •�v� M E M O R A N D U M To: Planning Commission From: Stephen Page, Planning Assistant Re: Summary of Discussion with Bruce Houghton on Limooe Brothers Motel Date: July 20, 1977 1) Location of curb cut on Queen City Park Road - Adequate, as down at midpoint of property, which maximizes separation from the two nearby intersections (shopping center entrance and QCP x Rte. 7). 2) Intersection czracity,—Shejmen City Pam Roads - The proposed project will not have a significant adverse impact on this intersection; existing v/c ratios for the three approaches to this intersection (based on July 1976 counts) range from 340' to 66%. 3) Proposed connector between existing and nronosed motels - This connection will have the advantage of providing improved access to Shelburne road for traf-fic leaving the existing motel; it has the disadvantage of possibly attracting more enter ing customers through the existing motel on Shelburne Road to get to the proposed motel. Bruce sucr_ested that this connection notbemade now, but that the option of providing it in the future if warranted, be maintained by retaining an easement. 4) Access to Justc�old properties - A one way (in) access for the existing motel to the Justgold Shopping Center would be extremely beneficial as it would provide two signallized access points (ultimately) on to Shelburne Road. A similar access for the proposed motel is neither necessary nor desirable. b�- GoIzP. rr e- • StfA 4AL- r- ) SUGG,ESTED i,,(ITIOI CIF A7�PRGVAL I move that the South 3,irlinoton Plapnino Commission approve the site plan of the Limooe Brothers, for a 30 unit motel, as devicted on a plan entitled "Proposed Miotel for Limooe Brothers", dated 14 February 1977 drawn by R.G. Blanchard Desi7n Associates, subject to the following stipulations: 1) Directional si^-ns shall be posted, and pavement arrov.s painted, so as to show the clockwise circulation pattern,att6- t.a--Por-eo LCI,.e....-F.xzes`a_. _fOx...-Mewl. 2) Storm dra inane shall be reviewed and a--�pr ved bov the Cit , Engineer. 3) A landscaninn bond of (p2a�t'� shall be posted; credit for existina vegetation shall b�e as approved by the Planning, Assistant. 4) A sidewalk shall be e;r.tended across the frontage of the property. 5) Bonds for curbing shall be posted, in an amount to be Atago determined by the City Engineer. 6) An access point to the Justnold property shall be shown on the plan; annlicant shall pave an interconnecting access to Justoold in'the event abuttor's permission ca:n be obtained; such an access shall be located so as to discourane high speed "through" traffic and serve local circulation purposes. I py/-a-INQ vwcq : / Z40 V,�w 1tta�} Viw1 �te � D,O0CVoW,L- `�I a4 (Or*-W,�vitic / is a4asr- M- Cot-kr-�c- T 6 Olt N . �4W LOLA� R q^a - 3� ly f Area Code 802 Tel. 864-5756 LISMAN & LISMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW 191 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 LOUIS LISMAN BERNARD LISMAN ROBERT E. MANCHESTER Mr. Richard Ward Zoning Administrator 1175 Williston Road So. Burlington, Vt. 05401 July 13, 1972 Re: Weight Watchers of Burlington Vermont, Inc. Dear Air. Ward: Marvin Juster of Just -Gold Properties, Yonkers, N. Y. has recently advised this office that his corporation will not consider leasing or conveying a right of way to Weight Watchers so that height Watchers and its patrons can park motor vehicles on the parking lot which is a part of the Just -Gold Properties shopping center located on Queen City Park Road in South Burling- ton, Vermont. In addition, Mr. Juster advised that he would not be interested in allowing Weight Watchers to construct curb cuts which would provide access to the shopping center or the access road which leads from Queen City Park Road to the shopping center. Mr. Juster stated that because of the nature of the lease agreements which have been given to the tenants who occupy buildings in the shopping center, he is precluded from allowing Weight Watchers or other businesses from parking or using the parking lot of the shopping center. It appears, therefore, that if Weight Watchers is to be able to use the property which it is presently considering purchasing, then it will be neces- sary for a curb cut to be made on the southerly side of Queen City Park Road. At the present time, Weight Watchers is preparing a new plan which should be acceptable to the South Burlington Planning Commission. We are attempting to finish the plans which were presented at the June meeting of the Planning Com- mission to satisfy your objections, especially pertaining to the original pro- posal that a curb cut be made in Queen City Park Road near the easterly edge of the property and pertaining to the so-called auditorium and its requirements. We will have our revised plan ready and delivered to your office prior to July 21, 1972, and we would respectfully request at this time that Weight Watchers be placed on the agenda for the next schedule meeting of the Planning Commis- sion which will be July 25, 1972. Sincerely, Robert E. Manchester REM: d1 :'� covwe . IA G 4t- A ---,? m c:,I--T- r:,41i _ 1 i+.- z Approved by resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of South Burlington, Vermont on the Ta day of ,19 77 , subject to the require - 4,. ments id co itions of said resolution. Signed thic w�day ofg , 19 ? . by Chairman or Clerk t ,ti c F m September 21, 1977 Mr. Curtis W. Carter, Environmental Coordinator District #4 Lnvironmental Commission 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Re: Maple Leaf Motel 1,nnex Queen City Park Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Carter: The above referenced project will be connected to the municipal water and sewer systems in conformance with the city standards. The sewage will require pumping to the City main located on Shelburne Road. Very truly yours, William J. Szymanski City Manager WJS/h