HomeMy WebLinkAboutVR-69-0000 - Supplemental - 0633 Queen City Park RoadHe;,.ring Date Advt. Dat-,Ode, '30"197ldvertlise 6 days prior to meeting. South Burlington Zoning Poard of Adjustment Souil-li Burilington, Vermont Gentler.rion: 1 horobey appeal to the Zoning Poar.d of Adjusl-Iment for the following variance, I understand that aye,-,,ular meetir�g dates are the first and third I Hadne-sdays of the itonth at 7.30 p.m, at the South Burlillgton High 1-N Si�hool. The legal advertiser,.ient- shall appear as below, and I agree to pay, ai,thor now or before the ad appe.,ars, a fee of �,;30.001) which fee is 1,0 offset costs of holding said hearing, S dress and a(, V 13 SOUTH .13URLINGTON Z0NI','ll(:'r NOTICE The South Plurlin.pton Zoning Board of Ak"justment will hold a public !.iearin- a-.-, t1he South Burlington lHigh. School Cafeterfa Il f Dorset St- -- e. e t South Burliri,.gton, Vermont on -jai day of v7rete.) 7month -a7ri—d k-�—at—e')-- at to conside'.-v the followin-: �f-Appeal see in: a variance from S-3 C w.the itle R IS t7,jT3.T)' go-ulu-�! -Burli-ngton Zioning: Ordinance Reques-l.- is for permission t0d-0�7tzzr 41- ZONING BOAR-11) OF ADJUSTMEJ,41T' TOWN OF SOU"INT-1 BURLINGTON? VEMMONT 555 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, V2,1RIMONT Date - Dear Citizen: Attached to this sheet is a copy of a legal notice that is to appear in the Burlington Free Press. The Board of Selectmen has instructed that this form be sent to adjacent property owners as a method of advising them of a public hearing that could or could not affect' their property. This is not intended to mean that they are; eithor in favor of or against the requostI but is merely furnished for your C--) informational purposes. Very truly yours, Zon-Jnrr Administrator CD RW/j ZONING }BOARD Or ADJUSTi•',.-2,?T =TING -3 - November 5, 1969 Item 2 Appeal of Louis E. Barnes seeking a variance from Section 6.40 Yard Re- quirements of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission to construct an addition to a garage 22' x 181 within five (5) feet of the easterly side yard and within three (3) feet of the rear yard, at 90 White St. There was considerable discussion among members of the Board and also with Mr. Barnes. As a result it was moved and seconded that: 1. The addition be no closer to the side line than 9 feet. 2. The addition be no closer to the rear line than the extension to*the existing rear wall. 3. The total length is not to exceed 26 feet. Vote by bn1 lot wris 5 to 0 in favor of granting variance per above stipulations. Item 9 - Appeal of Karl Andren seeking a variance from Section 9.10 Use Regulation of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission to construct 1 a building 34' x 34' in size on a parcel of land belonging to the Burlington Humane Society, on Queen City Park Road, Item 10 - Appeal of Ikarl A, hndren seeking a variance from Section 9:40 Yard Requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance, Request is for permission to construct a building within fourteen (14.) feet of the southerly lot line and within eighteen (18) feet of the westerly lot line, at the Burlington Humane Society, Queen City Park Road. x. Richard :lard suhmitted a copy of the plan and ix. Allan Paul, Attorney for the Burlington Humane Society explained that the purpose of the building is to provide an apartrnt for the assistant Humane Officer who must reside on the premises and an auditorium which will serve fbr educational training lessons for children in dog - training, lectures, etc. Overall space in the apartment will be approximately 1000 square feet, the equivalent of a small home. 111r. Martineau raised the question of placing a restriction on the use of the apart- ment by anyone other than employees of the Burlington Humane Society. Ilbwever,, Mx. Paul indicated that, while the Society had no other plans for the building, ZONING BOARD OF AWUSTIKN T J I;TIr1G — 4 _ November 5, 1969 they would not like to see such a restriction imposed. Mr. Reynolds asked if anyone wished to speak against the appeal and there were no objections. Vote by ballot was unanimous in favor of r�rantinry both variances. Mr. Reynolds explained that this matter must now go to the Selectmen and Mx. Word agreed to notify rr. Paul the date this would be on the Selectmen's agenda. Item 11 — Appeal of Earl Carpenter (Nationwide Insurance) seeking a variance from Section 7.80 Sign Requirements of the S6uth Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission to erect a facade sign containing thirty—nine (39) square feet at 516 Shelburne Road. Mr. Zadder explained that people are driving in from a 25 mile area and it is difficult to find their office without identification. .":r. Myette stated he feels a 39 square feet sign is more than required for a direc— tional sign. Ih-. Fayette comr,Lented that some thought should be given to more requests for signs when the remaining office space in the building is rented. He made the following motion, seconded by Mr. Iyette: That variance be approved, rrovided the sign does not exceed 20 suare feet and be placed on the same facing as the existing G. M. A. C. sign and does not extend above or below the facing. Vote b7 ballot was unanimous in favor of granting variance with stipulations. a OT172 IT:I D?SCUS= Mx. Reynolds suggested that the next Planning Commission meeting would be a good time to suggest the discussion of sign plazas when granting approval of shopping centers. Mr. Reynolds read three letters from Mr. Ward the the Town Attorney pertaining to d sign violations. Mr. Ward indicated that 62 of 102 violators have been contacted. A letter from the Town Attorney on the DesLaurier sign was read. 11r. Reynolds asked Nx. Stuart how final is the decision of the Zoning Board. October 31, 1969 Karl A. Andren 55 Bilodeau Ct. Burlin},ton, VT 05401 Dear Mr. Andren: This is to notify you that the :youth Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 5, 1969 at 7:30 p.m., South Burlington High School, Cafeteria II on Dorset Street to consider your .request for a variance. Please plan to attend. Very truly, Richard Ward Code Officer Bearing Date _ AdN;t. DateAdvertise 6 days prior to meeting. South Burlington Zoning Poard of Adjustment South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following variance I understand that regular meeting dates are the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7.30 p.m. at the South Burlington High School. The legal advertisement shall appear as below' and I agree to pay, either now or before the ad appears, a fee of �30.00, which fee is to offset costs of holding; said hearing. Signature and address � Date SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE The South Burlington Zoning Board of adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington High School = Cafeteria II, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on _. 9 day of Creek month and Oate ) at to consider the: following: tame ) 46jd Appeal of �. �., __..,... _.W...seeking a variance from iname ) Section ,"`moo ___ .y. ..� �. of tie 3.�umber) ��e o!' s onj _� _m, _� South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission toe.*-,� ZONING BOARD OF ADiUS TMENT T01111 OF SOU"'I-I BURLINGTON , VERMONT 555 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLITIGTONI VERTIONT Date 0 . Dear Citizen: Attached to this sheet is a copy of a legal notice that is to appear in the Burlington Free Press. The Board of Selectmen has instructed that this form be sent to adjacent property oimers as a method of advising; them of a public hearing that could or could not affect their property. This is not intended to clean that they are either in favor of or against the request, but is merely furnished for your informational purposes. Very truly yours, Zoning Administrator RW/j