HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-99-80 - Supplemental - 0503 0533 Queen City Park Road1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 I. Raymond J. Belair, City of South 'C-:::.igton Administrative Officer, hereby acknowledge the following: The final plat approved by the South Burlington Development Review Board on December 21, 1999, as set forth in the Findings of Fact and Decision, signed by the Chair of the Development Review Board on January 18, 2000, entitled "Subdivision, Reconfiguration and Exchange of Parcels Between the Champlain Water District, The Humane Society of Chittenden County and Green Mountain Power Corporation, Queen City Park Road, South Burlington" dated October 28, 1999, last revised pursuant to the above approval on January 11, 2000, has been recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records at Map Vol. 450, Page 86 (the "'Plat'. 2. Condition #3 of the Findings of Fact states that "Prior to recording the final plat the applicant shall record a pedestrian easement deed approved by the City Attorney." A pedestrian easement has not been recorded. The City Attorney approved the depiction of the easement on the Plat, and acknowledges that the required easement is to be reserved by Champlain Water District in a Warranty Deed from Champlain Water District to Green Mountain Power Corporation to be recorded in the land records of the City of South Burlington. A copy of the draft Warranty Deed from Champlain Water District to Green Mountain Power Corporation is attached. The language contained in the Warranty Deed has been approved by the City oey. In consideration of the above, condition #3 of the Findings of Fact, dated January 18, 2000 will be satisfied upon recording of the Warranty Deed from Champlain Water District to Green Mountain Power Corporation with language to reserve the pedestrian easement substantially in the form attached hereto. rr „r / 1 Raymond J. Belair, City of South Burlington Administrative Officer 03/14/01 15:00 K0LU00FD,CVEFT0N 9. WILS01., PC � 1 E02 65E 474= `-'O.767 P 1 Fax TRANSMISSION KOLVOORD, OVERTON & WIL.SON, PC Three Main Street Essex Junction, VT 05452.3109 (802) 878.3346 Fax: (802) 879-0964 DATE. March 12, 2001 Ray lBelair, South Burlington Zoning Administrator $46-410 t WBliarn S. Smith ]ll RE: Green Mountain Power to CbamplaunWater District Number of pages in trarismissiort (including this cover sheen: If you do not rteeive all pages or if this copy is not legible, please call (802)S784346 as soap as possible. Our fax number is (802) 879-0964. Attached please find language which Green Mountain power would like incorporated into a letter from your office regarding; condition tliree of the Water District municipal approval dared December 21, 1999 and Jartuw)y 11, 2000. I believe the attached lang iiage sufficiently explains the agreement of all the parties hereto. ' u'hiLh is specifically referenced in the statement. I ask that you put this letter on City of South Burlington stationery and fax it to both Diane McCarthy at Sheehey Furlong R.eadall & Behin FC. (Fax No. 864- 6815) and to myself at 879-0954. i Thank you for your flexibility and attention, to tlus matter. William S. Smith III cc: Mr. Jim Fay 864-0435 Diane McCarthy 864-6815 NOTri This iransmiss!"M WILIMS 001cgcd ,ind ;onfidC11Lizl inrort&klon intnided only for the addressee Weaned abavc. It the raatlCr of tliis transmintil 4 not tho intended recip.sert or th4 employee at apettt respornst`ble for delivering the trartsniitul to d1c intended recipimit, you are hereby notifiod that env lise, dirwrnt"alio". dignbuieon pr cx�p�frp or this caimm�ttictttitan by any person or entity Oilier them the addressee is strictly prohibued . if you have recahed this transaussion Sn error, plange ngf.lt,�' 1ts imwediotely by telephoric and return the origmat tmn6missiai9 to us a1 llic :iddriess al3m c. Tbantr you. 2:5,-14,01 LAW OM;$= OF Wei-MM, aMM14 vil"M PC 9 tllA& WIMOr I XA*JCM14.LSA&6 05457-3199 15:00 KOLJOORD.OVERTON L WI_SON RC i 1 S01 65S 4749 NO, 7 7 003 ` 1 1 WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT, a Vermont municipal corporation Kith its principal place ofbusiness in South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, Grantor, in consideration of TEN OR MORE Dollars paid to its fall satisfaction by GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION, a Vermont corporation with its principal place of business in Colchester in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, Grantee, by these presents, do freely GIVE, GRANT, SELL, CONVEY AND CONFIRM unto the said GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION, and its successors or assigns forever, certain piece of land in the City of South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as followers, via' Being; a portion of those lands conveyed to Champlain Water District. by The Hunwe Society of Chittenden County by Quit Claim Deed dated August 30, 2000 and recorded in Book 483, Pages 596-598 of the Land. Records of the City of South Burlington, Also being a portion of the lands conveyed by Green Mountain Power Corporation to Champlain Water District by Warranty Deed of approximately even elate herewith. The property herein conveyed is more particularly described as follows: Being a parcel of land containing 2.4 acres, more or less, and being depicted as parcel no. 1, "Exchange Parcel to Green Mountain Power Corporation, 2.4 acres" on a rnap entitled "Subdivision, Reconfiguration and Exchange of Parcels Between The Champlain Water District, The Humane Society or Chittenden County and Green M.oau nil Power Corporation, Queen City Park Road, South Burlington" dated October 28, 1999, last revised January 11, 2000, and recorded at Map Book 450, Page 86 of the Land R cords of the City of South Burlington {the Being more particularly described as follows'. Commencing at a 3/4"-diameter iron pipe set on a concrete head wall above the centerline of the Potash Brook along* the southerly right-of-way of Queen City Park Road; thence proceeding in a N64143'50"W a distance of92.37 feet to a 03 iron rod; thence protecting N651154130"W a distance of 105,38 feet to E 03 iron rod; thence proceeding M67°05'20"W a distance of 18,35 feet to a 34'-diameter iron pipe, thence tumi.ng an angle to the Left and proceeding S 19"59'A0" W 150.20 feet to a 3/4"-diameter iron pipe; thence turning an angle to the right and proceeding; S66°26'50"W 68 97 feet to an iron pipe; thence t?aning an a ale to the K and proG*,citing S 19° S 9'00")k' a di stance of 26034 feet, to a 3/4"-diameter iron pipe, thence turning an angle to the left and proceeding S70'01'00" E a distance of 255.00 feel to a 3/4"-diameter iron pipe; thence turning a, angle to the left andproceeding 03,14,01 1s : Qe KOL_OORD , JVERTON & L0 [ LSON Pr 11 1 502 656 474E l';O , 757 0;04 Law OFAM 0. 6e VOLSON, Pc "AM rraarr jFs cAmcw'* ve-m- i 054W-119G Ii ii II NiV59'00"E a distance of approximately 365.00 feet to the centerline of the Potash Brook; thence proceedin6 along; the centerline of the Potash Brook approxirmate'.y 90 00 feet to the place of beginning. RESERVED to the Grantor in this conveyance is a 20-foot wide pedestrian mement for thepurposes of a Champlain Water District customer educational nature trail. ibis nature trail shall exist for the purposes of Champlain Water District education of the public concerning the Potash Brook natural area, as well as the properties and purposes of Champlain Water District. Champlain Water District, its successors and assigns, shah be solely responsible for the maintenarce, upkeep, repair and use of said ilatwe tail which shall be unpaved and kept in a good, safe state of repair, and shall indemnify and hold Green Mountain Power Corporanon, its successors and assigns, harmless from any damages, costs (Includirg reasonable attorney's fees), claims or actions arising out of the use thereof The location of said 20-foot wide easement is depicted on fife above - referenced flat and is more particularly described as follows. Beginning at a poinr 61.70' easterly along the southerly boundary of the right -of --way of Queen City Park Road from a 4-3 iron rod set easterly of a gravel drive serving the abvve- described parcel; thence proceeding S31117'40" W a distance of 113.73 to apoint; thence turning; an angle to the len and proceeding S64°29'20"E a distance of 4162 feet to the easterly boundary of the above -described parcel; thence turning an angle to the left along said boundary and proceeding N 19°59'00"E a distant: of 20 00 feet to a point; them turning an angle to the left and proceeding in a line parallel to the bearng S6412920T a distance of approximately 22.62 feet; thence turning an angle to the right and proceeding in a line parallel to bearing; S3 I' 17'40"W and proceeding in a northeasterly direction so as to create a 20-foot right-of-way, to a point in the sout'ierly boundarny of the right-of-w3y of Queen City Park Road; thence fuming; an angle to the left anti proceeding, along said ng;ht-of-quay 20.G0 feet °o the point of beginninf-1. IN ADDITION to the parcel conveyed above, Grantor also herein conveys to Grantee, its successors and assigns, a 50-foot -mde easement across Parcel 442 depicted on the Plat, to connect to Grantee's existing 5o_foot easement over the parcel of land owned bg Champlain Water District, as reserved in the deed from Grantee to Grantor, recorded at Book 104, Page 371 of the Gand Records of the City of South Burlington. Said easement and right -of way is 50 feet wide, along the south side of Queen City Park Road, for I&e entire distance of the frontage of Parcel No. 2 on said street. Said right-of-way includes the perpetual right and easement to consttuct, repair, reconstruct, maintain, operate and patrol for the transmission and distributicrrt of electric current, poles, towers, wires, cables, anchors, guys turd related equipment, and to clear and keep clear the land within s;,aidright- of-way, all facilities installed hereunder to remain the property of the Grantee, its successors and assigns; providing, however, that the within Grantor will have the ri&ta install underground water pipelines ir. and across said right -of --way, and to make rather use of said property, provided it is in a manner which does not conflict or inteafere with Grantee's use thereof. in the event of any future conr3ict, Grantee will have the right to require Grantor to restrict its use thereof, Said easement is more particularly described as fiollows� n L Ez" 14%-01 1=; cc r',rDLUOOfSD, •VCrTTOr, a, UJ I _ti ON rC � 1 COZ *= 474C, rIC. 767 5;0= Beginning at a 43 iron rod set in or near the sorathUly boundary of the 3-rod wide riglrt-of- way of Queen City Perk Road; said iron rod marking the northeast corner of lands conveyed to Champlain Water District by Breen Mountain Power Corporation by deed roc irded in Book 104 at Page 37 1 of said Land Records, thence proceeding S57" 05'20" E a distance of 110.14 feat to a 3/4 diarnetar iron pipe marking, the northwesterly comer of the parcel beir+t; herein conveyed to Green Mountain Power Corporation above; thence tc►ming an atg)e to the right and proceeding S I9°59'OO'W a distance of 50 fee'; therxe teaming an approximate right angle to the right and proceeding approximately 110.14 feet to a point which is the southeasterly corner of the existing above -named Crreett tvlat nt>tin Power easement; thence turning an approximate right angle to the right and proceeding N 19°59'00'E a distance of 50 feet to the point of beginning Grantor specifically reserves a license to use, in common with Grantee: and also reserves solely the duty to maintain and reconstruct The currently existing gravel road across Parcel No. I as depicted on tite Plat for access to other lands of the Grantor depicted as Parcel 42 on the Plat, This license and duty to maintain and reconstruct shall be revocable by Grantee upon ninety (90) days written notice delivered to Grantor's prtncipai Place of business In the event this license and duty to maintain and reconstruct is not revoked specifically by Grantee, it shalt expire an its own terms upon the earlier of, (1),fve (5) years from the date of this deed; or (2), when Grantor has constructed oilier means of access to said Parcel 42. IN ADDITION to the above reserved and granted easettnents, Grantor hareby coavey$ to Grantee a drainage easement as follows'. From t"ne southeasterly comer of the above -described parcel conveyed to Green lyifatattRU, Power Corporation, Grantor herein conveys a 3o-foot wide drainage easement over, across, under and through Parcel 2 to the Potash Brook, together with the rip;- to sitter upon Parcel 2 to construct, maintain, repair, replace and relocate the drainage structure located within the drainage easement. The exact easement location will be determined by the drainage structure whic) is to be built and will be a 30-Foot wide easement centered on the centerline of the drainage structure. _1 AIVER,OF. -DEVELOPMENT Rl HTS:InordertocomplywiththeStatecfVw'rmotrt Environmentrl Prctectian Rules pertaining to subdivision of land and disposa_ of waste including sewage, the Grantee shall not construct or erect a. structure or budding on the parcel of land conveyed herein, the useful occupancy of which would require the insta1ation of plumbing .and sewage treatment facilities, or convey this land without first complying with said State regulafions. The grantee by acceptance of this deer: acknowledges that this lot msy not qualify for approval for development tinder tt,e appropriate environmental protection orinealth regulations, aid that the State relay deny an Application to develop the lot. To said deed, plat, the records thereof and to all deeds and records therein referrsd to, reference is hereby made in aid ofthis descrVlott. 03-114.101 15:00 KOL00¢0,4D.01JERTON & W[LSON PC 4 1 202 65S 474S NO.767 DOS L%W w9m W MLVOC , OVEWON V4650M. PC MAIN yT1Rkf f tic JL*W 4K' VEWOM OB45d.9112 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said granted premises, with all the privileges smd appurtenances thereof, to the said Grantee, GREEN MOIJNTAmt POWER CORPORATION, and its successors and assigns forever, to its own use And behoof forever; and the said C14AWLAIN WATER DIS7111CT, Grantor, for itself and its successors and assigns, does covenant with the said GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION, Grantee, and its successors and assigns, that until the unsealing of these presents it is the sole owner of the premises, and have goad right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid., that they are FREE FROM EV E RY ENCUN4B RANGE: except as aforesaid, and it des hereby engage to WARRANT AND DEFEND the same against all lawful claims whatever IN WiTNFSS WHEREOF, it has hereunto caused its hand and ,saal to be affixed this day of In Presence Of, Witness STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At A.D. 2001. CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT By Its duly authorized agent. this day of _ A.D, 2001, , duly authorized agent of CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT, personally appeared, and he/she acb,owledged this instrument, by hifflAer sealed and subscribed, to be hisrher free act and deed and the free act and deed of CHAN TLAN WATER DISTRICT My Cotrlmission expire 02-10-03 gluuu�uvaldn'd Before me, Notary Public E P�NEIJ CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT *-I AEE D e d i c a t e d t o 0 u a I i t y W a t e r & S e r v i c e J w` First In The Nation - Excellence In Water Treatment, Partnership For Safe Water Date: Friday, January 12, 2001 + /I To: Ray Belair, City of South Burlington From: Jim Fay, CWD RE: Request for a Clarification Amendment to Condition #3 of #SD-99-80 Dated January 18, 2000 (Attached) As discussed, the present language of Condition # 3 in the above captioned, "Findings of Fact and Decision" is not clear as to who is receiving this pedestrian easement. CWD initially, and is still requesting, this easement to benefit CWD for our future use. Our use is for a nature trail for source protection and watershed educational purposes, as part of "extending" CWD Water Treatment Plant tours for our consumers to include a presentation of watershed issues. Therefore, the present language of Condition #3 is as follows: "Prior to recording the final plat the applicant shall record a pedestrian easement deed approved by the City Attorney." We would like to modify Condition #3 to read as follows: "Prior to recording the final plat the applicant shall record a pedestrian easement deed to benefit the Champlain Water District, approved by the City Attorney." Thank you. 4 0 3 0 u e e n C i t y P a r k R o a d - S o u t h B u r I i n g t o n V T 0 5 4 0 3 T e I e p h o n e( 8 0 2) 8 6 4- 7 4 5 4 - F a x: ( 8 0 2 ) 8 6 4- 0 4 3 5 LAW OFFICES OF KOLVOORM OVERMN & WIL50N, PC THH= MAIN STREET ESSEX JUNCTION. VERMONr 0540RI00 TELEPHONE: (90E) 191e-_"4e FAX: MOO) 879H09" E-MAIL- wwO�rr.%ET ALAN U. OVEMN GAEgO H. WMLWKI Dv:NIEL L OVERMH HEMM J. DOWNING W U' AM S. SKRH In CAROL N. ANOUS January 10, 2001 FAX to-, Jim Fay, General Manager* Champlain Water District (CWD) 964-0435 5 pages, total re: Conveyances on Queen City Park Road l Pertrutting Dear Jim: OR C WN-C1 PHIOP A, KOLVOORD LOUISE E. JLKSEN PATR)C1A Q- DENLSON I received your messages yesterday. Attached is the proposed deed from CWD to GNT for the final CTW parcel. My henscratch indicates where the Trail is described, Please make any chi you believe appropriate. The indemnification language is from GNP, and is not unusual Is CWD on the City agenda for an amendment?? . I'll be in all day today if you wish to discuss, Very truly ours, William S _ Smith III, Esq. T Ba 10e ' ON SEPOV98Z08 F 0d NOS-1 I M '8 N01ZdAn0 ` Gd00f1_10A L0:60 10/OT/TO Diid—li r 4 VRAFT KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT, a Vermont municipal corporation with its principal place ofbusiness in South$urlingtoL in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, Grantor, in the consideration of TEN OR MORE Dollars paid to its full satisfaction by GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION, a Vermont corporation with its principal place of business in Colchester in the County of Chittenden and State ofVermont, Grantee, has REMISED, RELEASED, AND FOREVER QLJITCLAJMED unto the said GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION, and its successors or assigns, all right and title which CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT, or its successors or assigns, have in and to a certain piece of land in the City of South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows, viz: Being a portion ofthose lands conveyed to Champlain Water District. by The Humane Society of Chittenden County by Quit Claim Deed dated August 30, 2000 and recorded in Book 483, Pages 596-598 of the Land Records of the City of South Burlington. Also being a portion of the lands conveyed by Green Mountain. Power Corporation by Champlain Water District by Quit Claim Deed of approximately even date herewith. The property herein conveyed is more particularly described as follows: Being a parcel of land containing 2.4 acres, more or less, and being depicted as parcel no. 1, "Exchange Parcel to Green Mountain Power Corporation, 2 A Acres" on a map entitled "Subdivision, Reconfiguration and Exchange of Parcels Between The Champlain Water District, The Humane Society of Chittenden County and Green Mountain Power Corporation, Queen City Park Road, South Burlington" dated October 28, 1999, last revised January 11, 2000, and recorded at Map Book 450, Page 86 of the Land Records of the City of South Burlington (the "Plat"). Being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 3/4"-diameter iron pipe set on a concrete head wall above the centerline of the Potash Brook along the southerly right-of-way of Queen City Park Road; thence proceeding in, a N64°43'50"W a distance of 92.37 feet to a 43 iron rod; thence proceeding N65°54'30"W a distance of 10518 feet to a #3 iron rod; thence proceeding N67°05'20"W a distance of 1 8.3 5 feet to a 3/4"-diameter iron pipe; thence turning an angle to the left and proceeding S19°59'00"W 150.20 feet to a 3/411- diameter iron pipe; thence turning an angle to the right and prodding S66°26'50"W E06 TOE'ON SSbeb98Z08 F Od NOS-III'1 '8 NOiaJOO,aaoon-io i 50:60 TO/OT/Z0 68.97 feet to an iron pipe; thence turning an angle to the left and proceeding S19059'00"W a distance of260.34 feet to a 3/4"-diameter iron pipe; thence turning an angle to the left and proceeding S70°01'00"E a distance of 255.00 feet to a 3/411- �' diameter iron pipe; thence turning an angle to the left and proceeding N19'59'00"E t a distance of approximately 3 65.00 feet to the centerline of the Potash Brook; thence proceeding along the centerline of the Potash Brook approximately 80.00 feet to the place of beginning. RESERVED to the Grantor inthis conveyance is a 20-foot wide pedestrian easement For the purposes of a Champlain Water District customer educational nature trail. This nature trail shall exist for the purposes of Champlain Water District education of the public concerning the Potash Brook natural area, as well as the properties and LP purposes of Champlain Water District. Champlain Water District, its successors and assigns, shall be solely responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, repair and use of said nature trail which shall be unpaved and kept is a good, safe state of repair, and shall indemnify and hold Green Mountain Power Corporation., its successors and assigns, harmless from any damages, costs (including reasonable attorney's fees), claims or actions arising out of the use thereof The location of said 20-foot wide easement is depicted on the above -referenced Plat and is more particularly described as follows. Beginning at a point 61.70' easterly along the southerly boundary of the right-of-way of Queen City Park Road ff'om a #3 iron rod set easterly of a gravel drive serving the above -described parcel; thence proceeding S3111740"W a distance of 113.73 to a point; thence turning an angle to the left and proceeding S64°29'20"E a distance of 42.62 feet to the easterly boundary of the above -described parcel; tbeance turning an angle to the left along said boundary and proceeding N19°59'00 "E a distance of 20.00 feet to a point; thence turning an angle to the left and proceeding in a line parallel to the bearing S64°29'20"E a distance of approximately 22.62 feet; thence turning ar angle to the right and proceeding in a fine parallel to bearing S31°17'40"W and proceeding in a northeasterly direction so as to create a 20-foot right-of-way, to a point in the southerly boundary of the right-of-way of Queen City Park Road; thence turning an angle to the left and proceeding along said right-of-way 20.00 feet to the point of beginning. IN ADDITION to the parcel conveyed above, Grantor also herein conveys to Grantee, its successors and assigns, a 50-foot wide easement across Parcel #2 on the Plat, to connect to Grantee's existing 50-foot easement over the parcel ofland owned by Champlain Water District, recorded at Book 104, Page 371 of the Land Records of the City of South Burlington. Said easement is a right-of-way 50 feet wide, along the south side of Queen City Park Road, for the entire distance of the frontage of the parcel above -described on said street. Said right-of-way will include the perpetual right and easement to construct, repair, reconstruct, maintain, operate and patrol for the transmission and distribution of electric current, poles, towers, wires, cables, anchors, guys and related equipment, and to clear and keep clear the land within said right-of-way, all facilities installed hereunder to remain the property of the Grantee, its successors and assigns; providing;, however, that the within Grantor will have the right to install underground water pipelines in and across said right-of-way, and to make other use of said property, provided it is in a manner which does not conflict with Grantee's use thereof. In the event of any future conflict, Grantee will have the right to require Grantor to restrict its use thereof. 2 Son TOE ' ON S2b0b98Z08 E- Od NOS1 I M 2 NOi�j3n0 ` c d00n-iom 20 : 60 TO/2 T / T 2 Said easement is more particularly described as follows. Beginning at a #3 iron rod set is or .near the southerly boundary of the 3-rod wide right-of-way of Queen City Park Road; said iron rod marking the northeast corner of lands conveyed to Champlain Water District by Green Mountain Power Corporation recorded in Book 104 at Page 371 of said Land Records; thence proceeding by deed reco d g p ding S67005'20" E a distance of 110.14 feet to a 314"-diameter iron pipe marl;dng the northwesterly comer of the parcel quit claimed to Green Mountain Power Corporation above; thence turning an angle to the right and proceeding S 19°59'00"W a distance of 50 feet; thence turning an approximate right angle to the right and proceeding approximately 110.14 feet to a point which is the southeasterly comer of the existing above -named Green Mountain Power easement; thence turning an approximate right angle to the right and proceeding NI 9159'00"E a distance of 50 feet to the point of beginning. Grantor specifically reserves the right to use, in common with Grantee, and also reserves solely the duty to maintain and reconstruct the currently existing gravel road crossing Parcel 2, for access to other lands of the Grantor, When Grantor has constructed other means of access to the aforesaid other lands of the Grantor, Cn-antor Shall convey its interest in the easement over the gravel road to the Grantee by Quit Claim Deed. Grantor shall construct its other means of access to the aforesaid other lands of the Grantor within ten (10) years of the date of this deed. IN ADDITION to the above reserved and granted easements, Grantor hereby conveys to Grantee a drainage easement as follows: From the southeasterly corner of the above -described parcel conveyed to Green Mountain Power Corporation, Grantor herein conveys a 30-foot wide drainage easement over, across, under and throughParcel 2 to the PotashBrook, together with the right to enter upon Parcel 2 to construct, maintain, repair, replace and relocate the drainage structure located within the drainage easement. The exact easement location will be determined by the drainage structure which is to be built and will be a 30-foot wide easement centered on the centerline of the drainage structure_ W,AJ- OF DEVELOPMENT KG dPTS: In order to comply with the State of Vermont Environmental Protection Rules pertaining to subdivision of land and disposal of waste including sewage, the Grantee shall not construct or erect a structure or building on the parcel of land conveyed herein, the useful occupancy of which would require the installation of plumbing and sewage treatment facilities, or convey this land without first complying with said State regulations. The grantee by acceptance of this deed acknowledges that this lot may not qualify for approval for development under the appropriate environmental protection or health regulations, and that the State may deny an application to develop the lot. To said deed, plat, the records thereof and to all deeds and records therein referred to, reference is hereby made in aid of this description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all its right and title in and to said quit -claimed premises, with the appurtenances thereof, to the said Grantee, GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER 3 bea TOE 'ON 9LV0b98Z08 F Od NO51IM '8 NOiNIInO,aao0muA 20:60 T0i0T/TO Said easement is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 03 iron rod set in or .near the southerly boundary of the 3-rod wide right-of-way of Queen City Park Road; said iron rod marking the northeast corner of lands conveyed to Champlain Water District by Green Mountain Power Corporation recorded in Book 104 at Page 37 L Records; thence proceeding by deed reco d g Z of said and a p digs S6700520 E a distance of 110.14 feet to a 3/4"-diameter iron pipe marbdng the northwesterly comer of the parcel quit claimed to Green Mountain power Corporation above; thence turning an angle to the right and proceeding S 19°59'00"W a distance of 50 feet; thence turning an approximate right angle to the right and proceeding approximately 110.14 feet to a point which is the southeasterly comer of the existing above -named Green Mountain Power easement; thence turning an approximate right angle to the right and proceeding N 19'5 9'00"E a distance of 50 feet to the point of beginning. Grantor specifically reserves the right to use, in common with Grantee, and also reserves solely the duty to maintain and reconstruct the currently existing gravel road crossing Parcel 2, for access to other lands of the Grantor. When Grantor has constructed other means of access to the aforesaid other lands of the Grantor, Cnantor shall convey its interest in the easement over the gravel road to the Grantee by Quit Claim Deed. Grantor shall construct its other means of access to the aforesaid other lands of the Grantor within ten (10) years of the date of this deed. IN ADDITION to the above reserved and granted easements, Grantor hereby conveys to Grantee a drainage easement as follows. From the southeasterly comer of the above -described parcel conveyed to Green Mountain Power Corporation, Grantor herein conveys a 30-foot wide drainage easement over, across, under and through Parcel 2 to the Potash Brook, together with the right to enter upon Parcel 2 to construct, maintain, repair, replace and relocate the drainage structure located within the drainage easement. The exact easement location will be determined by the drainage structure which is to be built and will be a 30-foot wide easement centered on the centerline of the drainage structure_ WAJ-VE , QF DEVELOPM In order to comply with the State of Vermont Environmental Protection Rules pertaining to subdivision of land and disposal of waste including sewage, the Grantee shall not construct or erect a structure or building on the parcel of land conveyed herein, the useful occupancy of which would require the installation of plumbing and sewage treatment facilities, or convey this land without first complying with said State regulations. The grantee by acceptance of this deed acknowledges that this lot may not qualify for approval for development under the appropriate environmental protection or health regulations, and that the State may deny an application to develop the lot. To said deed, plat, the records thereof and to all deeds and records therein referred to, reference is hereby made in aid of this description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all its right and title in and to said quit -claimed premises, with the appurtenances thereof, to the said Grantee, GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER. h06 T0C'ON SLPOV98EOB F 0d NOSEIM 2 N0ia3n0`Gd00 10A E0:60 TO/OTiT0 CORPORATION, and its successors and assips forever, AND 1~ URTHERMORE, the said CHAMPLAIN WATERDISTRICT, Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant with the said Grantee, GREEN MOUNTAIN 10!��fl POWER CORPORATION, and its successors and assigns, that from and after the ensealing ofthti_ presents the said CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT, will have no right in or to the said quit -claimed premises, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, it has hereunto caused its hand and seal to be affixed this day of In Presence Of - Witness STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At A,D. 2000, CHAWLAIN WATER DISTRICT By - Its duly authorized agent. this day of A.D.2000, duly authorized agent of CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT, personally appeared, and he/she acknowledged this instrument, by him/her sealed and subscribed, to be his/her free act and deed and the free act and deed of CHAMI'I.AIN WATER DISTRICT. My commission expires 02-10-03 d6cd\cwd4.gcd Before me, Notary Public 4 Sot] IBZ'ON SSbab98Z08 F Od NOS_1IM '8 NOidAnO`GaDo -iom 20:60 TO/OT/To J DEFERRAL OF PERMIT RETAINED PARCEL LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED: 18 VSA §1218-1220 and Environmental Protection Rules, Chapter 1. Subchapter 3-Subdivisions, §1-305 Deferral of Permit PERMIT NUMBER: DE-4-2497 APPLICANT AND ADDRESS: (Person Retaining Parcel) Champlain Water District 403 Queen City park road South Burlington VT 05403 LOCATION OF SUBDIVISION: (Road and Town) Queen City Park Road, South Burlington DESCRIPTION OF SUBDIVISION: Retain 3.4 acre parcel with 4.2 acres subject to Subdivision Permit #EC-4-2357. CONDITIONS: (1) The parcel retained under the provisions of this permit may not be resold unless a subdivision permit is obtained, or the waiver of developmental rights is included in the deed or lease and notice of the purchaser's name and address is filed with the Division prior to conveyance. Any waiver of developmental rights shall be made a term of any contract of sale or of lease of the parcel, and shall be recited in any deed in the form as follows: "WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENTAL RIGHTS" "In order to comply with the State of Vermont Environmental Protection Rules on the subdivision of lands and disposal of waste including sewage, the grantee shall not construct or erect a structure or building on the parcel of land conveyed herein, the useful occupancy of which will require the installation of plumbing and sewage treatment facilities or convey this land without first complying with said State regulations. The grantee by acceptance of this deed acknowledges that this lot may not qualify for approval for development under the appropriate environmental protection or health regulations and that the State may deny an application to develop the lot." (2) If the parcel is to be considered for building development at some future date, the applicant(s) understand(s) that the information required by Section 1-307 of the Rules must be submitted for evaluation. If such information does not meet the Environmental Protection Rules, permission to build on the lot will be denied. (3) The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the permittee and all assigns and successors in interest. The permittee shall be responsible for recording this permit and the "Notice of Permit Recording" in the South Burlington Land Records within 30 days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. (4) This permit does not constitute Act 250 approval (10 VSA §151). The permittee is hereby reminded to procure all relevant state and local permits prior to proceeding with this project. s—" Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, orf 2001. C e�jDalmassw Commissioner Departmof Environmental Consetion By /- r� -Irene L. Roberge DEC Regional Office Coord. cc: For the Record Citv of South Burlinqton Planninq Commission and Selectboard CITY OF SOUTH I3I.JRLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 February 9, 2000 Terry Harris Knight Consulting Engineer 51 Knight bane Williston, VT 05495 Re: Preliminary and Final Plat Applications of Green Mountain Power Corporation, Humane Society of Chittenden County, and the Chittenden Water District, 503 and 533 Queen City Park Road Bear Mr. Harris: Enclosed is a copy of'&e December 21, 199E Development Review Board minutes on the above referenced project. Please note the conditions of approval which include that the final plat plan be recorded within 90 days. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, Sarah MacCallum Planning & Zoning Assistant DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 21 DECEMBER 1999 8. prior to permit issuance, the applicant shall submit additional information for the specifications report which shall include details and specifications of all proposed materials, lighting, windows/doors, etc. 9. Prior to permit issuance, the applicant shall submit a design detail for the HVAC equipment screening. 10. The applicant shall construct the streetscape improvements (e.g., sidewalk and street trees) as required by the Director. 11. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit for Phase I within six months and Phase II within two years pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 12. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to the use of the newly converted space and addition. 13. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Development Review Board. Mr. Farley seconded. Motion passed 6-0 with Mr. O'Rourke abstaining. 3. Public Hearing: Preliminary and final plat applications of Green Mountain Power Corporation, Humane Society of Chittenden County, and Chittenden Water District to subdivide two parcels resulting in a newly configured lot of 2.4 acres and two parcels of 4.2 acres and 4.0 acres which will be merged with two adjoining properties, 503 and 533 Queen City Park Road: Mr. Dinklage noted receipt of a letter from Lisa Yankowski expressing concern about runoff into the Lake. Mr. Dinklage also noted receipt of a letter from GMP regarding the easement. Mr. Dinklage directed attention to staff comments regarding the floodplain and the property lines between the parcels to be merged. Mr. Harris noted the city map is incorrect and does not show the correct location of Potash Brook. Mr. Belair said he understands that. The concern is that there be no development in the Humane Society piece that is in the floodplain. 3 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 21 DECEMBER 1999 Mr. Belair also indicated that the metes and bounds of the existing Humane Society parcel need to be shown. Mr. Harris said they could get that information and incorporate it. Mr. O'Rourke moved the Development Review Board approve the preliminary and final plat applications of Green Mountain Power Corporation, Humane Society of Chittenden County, and Champlain Water District to subdivide two parcels resulting in a newly configured lot of 2.4 acres and two parcels of 4.2 acres and 4.0 acres which will be merged with two adjoining properties, 503 and 533 Queen City Park Road, as depicted on a plat entitled "Subdivision, Reconfiguration & Exchange of Parcels between the Champlain Water District, Inc., The Humane Society of Chittenden County and Green Mountain Power Corporation Queen City Park Road, South Burlington," prepared by Knight Consulting Engineers, Inc, dated 10/28/97, last revised on 12/2/99, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The plat plan shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. Four copies of the approved revised plat plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning & Zoning prior to recording. a. The final plat plan shall be revised to show a 20 foot pedestrian trail easement within the C.O. District near Queen City Park Road. b. The final plat plan shall be revised to show lot #3 and the existing Humane Society parcel merged. c. The final plat plan shall be revised to note that the property lines between parcels to be merged are to be dissolved. 3. Prior to recording the final plat the applicant shall record a pedestrian easement deed approved by the City Attorney. 4. Any change to the final plat plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Development Review Board. 5. The final plat plan shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plan shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant shall submit a copy of the survey plat in digital format. The format of the digital information shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 21 DECEMBER 1999 Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Application of National Gardening Association seeking conditional use approval from Section 26.05 Conditional Uses, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to use 1600 sq. ft. of a 4500 sq. ft. structure for a not -for -profit organization whose primary purpose is the provision of educational or research services related to agriculture, horticulture, forestry, natural resource preservation, the arts or recreation, 1100 Dorset Street: and 5. Site plan application of National Gardening Association to convert 1600 sq. ft. of a 4500 sq. ft. building for use by a not -for -profit organization whose primary purpose is the provision of educational or research services related to agriculture, horticulture, forestry, natural resource preservation, the arts or recreation, 1100 Dorset Street: Mr. Miller said they are developing a botanical garden, which will use the better part of 100 acres of the Calkins property with the Calkins House in the center. Eventually, parking will be so there is access from the Swift St. side. But for a few years, things will stay as they are now. They will eventually build a 10,000 sq. ft. office building for National Gardening Headquarters. This has been discussed with the City Council. Mr. Dinklage noted the area has been a "jumping off place" for cross-country skiing and asked if the applicant will allow this to continue. Mr. Miller said absolutely. Regarding staff comments, Mr. Miller said they are happy to make parking perpendicular. The gravel base is only because this is a temporary use. Mr. Belair said this can be constructed for a three-year period and can be worked out with the City Engineer. Mr. O'Rourke moved the Development Review Board approve the site plan and conditional use applications of National Gardening Association to convert 1600 sq. ft. of a 4500 sq. ft. building for use by a not for profit organization whose primary purpose is the provision of educational or research services related to agriculture, horticulture, forestry, natural resource preservation, the arts and recreation, 1100 Dorset Street, as depicted on a plan stamped received on November 18, 1999, with the following stipulations: 5 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 January 20, 2000 Terry Harris Knight Consulting Engineer 51 Knight Lane Williston, VT 05495 Re: Two (2) Lot Subdivision, Queen City Park Road Dear Mr Harris: Enclosed is a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project approved by the Development Review Board on December 21, 1999. Please note the conditions of approval. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Lisa. Mahoney Planning & Zoning Assistant LJM/mcp Encls 1) N 3 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - Sketch Plan Name, address, and phone number of: a. Owner of record Howard Center for Human Services 300 Flynn Avenue, Burlington VT 05401 660-3678 Green Mountain Power Corporation 163 Acorn Lane, Colchester, VT 05446 864-5731 b. Applicant Howard Center for Human Services 660-3678 300 Flynn Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401 Green Mountain Power Corporation 864-5731 163 Acorn Lane, Colchester, VT 05446 Champlain Water District 864-7454 403 Queen City Park Rd. S. Burlington, VT 05403 Humane Society of Chittenden County 862-0135 Queen City Park Road, S. Burlington, VT 05403 c. Contact Terry, Harris, Knight Consulting Engineers, Inc. 879-6343 Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use(s). 1) Champlain Water District & Humane Society of Chittenden County propose to jointly purchase the Howard Center parcel south of Queen City Park Road. 2) After purchase the parcel would be subdivided along the centerline of Potash Brook; Champlain Water District would obtain lands west of the brook and Humane Society of Chittenden County would obtain lands east of the brook. 3) Champlain Water District and Green Mountain Power propose to reconfigure and exchange parcels between Potash Brook and the present Champlain Water District Parcel. Applicant's legal interest in the property (fee simple, options, etc.) Howard Center for Human Services and Green Mountain Power - Fee Ownership Champlain Water District & Humane Society of Chittenden County - Purchase and Sale Contract 4. Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties Humane Society of Chittenden County, Green Mountain Power Corp., Juster Development Corp, Southland Enterprises Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. Existing easements: 50' & 22.5' Champlain Water District Right -of -Way along southerly boundary of Green Mountain Power and Howard parcels. Proposed easement: Extension of 50' Green Mountain Power Right -of -Way along Queen City Park Road across Champlain Water District parcel to be obtained by exchange with Green Mountain Power. 6. Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. No changes in municipal facilities are proposed. 7. Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affects the proposed subdivision, and include the dates of such actions: N/A Submit five copies and one reduced copy (81/2 x 11, 8'/z x 14 or 11 x 17) of a Sketch plan showing the following information: a) Name and address of the owner of record and applicant. b) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. c) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). d) Boundaries and area of: 1) all contiguous land belonging to owner of record, and 2) proposed subdivision. e) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and covenants. f) Type of location, and size of existing and proposed streets, structures, utilities, and open space. g) Existing zoning boundaries. h) Existing water courses, wetlands, floodplains, wooded areas, ledge outcrops, and other natural features. i) Location of existing septic systems and wells. j) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. k) All applicable information required for a site plan, as provided in the South Burlington Zoning Regulations, shall be submitted for subdivisions involving a commercial or industrial complex, multi -family project, planned unit development, or planned residential development. (Signature) applicanl—or contact person /0 9 9 ate KNIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. P.O. BOX 29 WILLISTON. VERMONT 05495 Tel: 802-879-6343 Fax: 802-879-6376 STEPHEN C. KNIGHT, JR., P.E. MARTIN W. HAIN, P.E. ERIC H. GODDARD, P.E. ALBERT W. HARRIS, L.S. ROBERT A. LOVGREN, P.E. BARBARA J. EVANS, P.E. 10 August 1999 Mr. Ray Belaire South Burlington Planning Office 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Sketch Plan for subdivision & exchange of parcels along Queen City Park Road Dear Ray: CIVIL ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CONSTRUCTION TESTING SURVEYING As we have discussed recently Champlain Water District, The Humane Society of Chittenden County, Green Mountain Power Corporation and the Howard Center for Human Services propose to subdivide and exchange parcels on the south side of Queen City Park Road. In compliance with the city's subdivision regulation Sketch Plan submittal requirements, please find the following: 1. Completed and signed "Subdivision Application - Sketch Plan"; 2. Five full scale and one reduced copy of "Sketch Plan A - Existing Parcels of the Champlain Water District, Green Mountain Power Corporation, The Humane Society of Chittenden County, and Howard Center for Human Services"; 3. Five full scale and one reduced copy of "Sketch Plan B - Proposed Subdivision"; 4. Five full scale and one reduced copy of "Sketch Plan C - Proposed Reconfiguration and Exchange of Parcels" Please initiate staff review of this submittal and schedule it for the earliest possible sketch plan review. Feel free to call me if you have any questions or if you need additional information. Sincerely, A� A.W. (TerryHarris, L.S. enclosures copy: Jim Fay, Champlain Water District Green A/oun101i7 Power Corporation OWFW9p At txd C~ br /lwnan svr *W .ice A)," Asvc & Vdn 7 awy crew, Aftp lm AbWW 0047"O , ors /board COPA r for /#arias SWW~ 6hW A"Wan Abow cbmv,a . gb**:f .s« yr af4w •ice of , ax W .sue,► = Yrnda34W cbft k✓ / Lfrhid COAR&WINM & cmw sm"t L"JW / i \ L OCATtON NAP i Chomp/airs l//oter District 7.6 acres f RECEF rcb• \ �, IF. f 011 1 1 1999 City of So. Burlington Green .t/ounta/n Power Corpor�t�ion i� � /� JJie Hormone � � �0 acres / Sonce of CAMwoban County a 412. f Howard Center r for Humors Sele es 47 acres awes i Southland Enterprises '00 0 !00 200 300 Jesfer L-Whpmenf Co. kla- n's Foods ,SJfreha�i P%" 4 - Edsbng a� H� a"rprw? ~ a&&kf Araer� Aba AW;7 PoOW arAWV4(%7, my Hie S of Owmxw am'"O; wad frhoVA:f CmAv l r hbmw Sovi w alow O?y f%* Road, .S' & &#*wao POU m 99341 1 R- M KNICHT CON5ULIING FNCINEERS, INC. 7D, uuwm v, cbm - m. e%-cw I mm 8 9 9 — AWH — AWH I � 1'-10i � e I Iyyrr1; AboM I~ AW / \ LOCATION .YAP Champ/Win /Voter DistrictE C E I V Oreen Alountain Power Corporation proposed subaYasion 1 \ of J I acres to the , \ AUG 1 1 1999 Champlain Water Oishict J \ City of So. Burlington Potash` ° \ Cram Alountoin Jr line Power Corporation / subd�'"s' \ � �� f i Hurone Society oI �' Chitlenobn County 000*W Abrurd COAAW )bP AOTAan SPU w ~ rbr rAai, 1%" emp ak" W AWM taq, chkheadw yr as~ +aT Anwr c)y ~ AbO4 sue► yr 054W � ,sue c«a4 stern �� yr as+a� zcur� GbnunsK+6✓ / abbot cA%twm o,7 e amw uA" a667w \� ebb .$SOuthland £nterprlses proposed subdivision of 4.4 orms to The Humane 5Ac -tf' of Chitf >rden County 'OG G "1 200 900 ✓ester &-w bpment Co, A/ortin'P Foods . I warm f�YM tq — ,Parmwe .Q�XGYf a h(OMMIl Centex' fpr htvw Sds►► Cmw pmrw O6v /vtdm� &Mt %r a"WI Vmv tO aw am"Abo ~ a: ihmCt a71d lhw m77 m Sa6 wy Of am9YAob? COY//ltf � 4~ mil' fb* Road, Sm& &.#Y +gtca — w 99341 1 - - (y am KNIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. t1Y.L� PAL IMI A MAMk V- OWN - ML 876-00 046 8 9 ow AW H w AWH J \ L O CA r1 v# AYA p C \ prWosed exchange Charrrp/oin �f-ater Orsfrict of 2.4 oores to \ Green -, dlountain "ECE IV r.s D Green t/ountain Power Corporation. G Power Corporation \ \. \ AUG 1 1 1999 i � City of So. Burlington proposed exchange j of J9 X/&s /o J Chomplahh Moter Oisfiict _ // ootosh �°k g Humane Society of / Chrtfenafen county o~ rro.aov CAOAW 1b, Mmmn -gwwbm .v A)v" AAA i Yr awl Oaen Ibuxb* 9 co pwadi- rAs wwm to.,4 Catrlemla Yr a5rW ACOWAXars Abwxd LYaAir for rtwom S^-bftx+ d>aw MmoWam RHw Awpaanbn Lha "Mt* water- a6p r .cti auen Aer4 wont sown► &..sy�ta.r, yr cvrar 7A�e /,trwrnaat aJ A7 Garsf(r .58uth � �* 7 CtS..KI 6G'ir9ta2 X..W4C Aamvnarew✓ / Abhiet coewawt on d 0AW sm" ar nxr Southland Enterprises .100 0 100 200 MO s pie , = "ro /r Jesfei a-W/ lament Co. A/ortih'v Foods . ►�ll�! �OYI L' — /9't7�01p1s1sld R41G�OYll�ffiVt7bGYI GY1a9pb* #&,A* (IIJ(/Rri mV Aait W agv Rm* Rand, -cav/& 6~4W mm m 99341 1 .a - [y�� KNIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. IM s 9. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 December 16, 1999 Terry Harris Knight Consulting Engineer 51 Knight Lane Williston, VT 05495 Re: Two (2) Lot Subdivision, Queen City Park Road Dear Mr. Harris: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and myself. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, December 21, 1999 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerel , Raymond J. Belair, Administrative Officer JW/mcp Encls GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION 163 ACORN DRIVE COLCHESTER, VT 05446 -6611 PHONE (802)655-8410 • FAX (802) 655-8406 PHONE (802)655-8408 •E-MAIL TERRY@GMPVT.COM STEPHEN C. TERRY Senior Vice President, Government/Legal Relations December 21, 1999 MEMORANDUM OF INTENT TO GRANT AN EASEMENT Green Mountain Power Corporation by this Memorandum hereby promises to grant an easement upon terms to be mutually agreed upon at the written request of the Champlain Water District (CWD) to CWD on lands and premises as set forth upon a boundary survey worksheet entitled "Burlington Humane Society, Queen City Park Road, South Burlington, Vermont" prepared by Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated June 17, 1998. Said easement shall be 90' by 20' to be used by CWD for a planned, future nature trail. It is the intent of CWD that the nature trail will be used by CWD's consumers for educational purposes. (L C),C lu,fC 0.� Stephen C. Terry, Senior Vice President 3) GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER & HOWARD CENTER FOR HUMAN SERVICES - SUBDIVISION & EXCHANGE OF PARCELS - PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLATS This application involves the subdivision of two (2) parcels resulting in a newly configured lot of 2.4 acres and two (2) parcels of 4.2 acres and 4.0 acres which will be merged with two (2) adjoining properties. The applicants involved in this project are the Howard Center for Human Services, Green Mountain Power, Champlain Water District and the Humane Society of Chittenden County. The sketch plan was reviewed on October 5, 1999 (minutes enclosed). The project consists of the joint purchase of the Howard Center parcel south of Queen City Park Road by the Champlain Water District and the Humane Society of Chittenden County. After purchase, the applicants propose to subdivide the parcel along the centerline of Potash Brook. The Champlain Water District will obtain lands west of the brook and the Humane Society will obtain lands east of the brook. The Champlain Water District and Green Mountain Power then propose to reconfigure and exchange parcels between Potash Brook and the present Champlain Water District parcel. This property located at Queen City Park Road lies within the C1 District and the Conservation and Open Space District. It is bounded on the north by Queen City Park Road, on the east by Martin's Foods and U.S. Route 7, on the south by Southland Enterprises, and on the west by Green Mountain Power Corporation. Lot size/coverage: Minimum lot size requirements have been met. Minimum frontage requirements have not been met for parcels # 2 and #3. However, when the subdivision and exchange is completed, merger of lot #2 and the existing CWD parcel, and the merger of lot #3 and the existing Humane Society parcels will eliminate this problem. The plat should be revised to show lot #3 and the existing Humane Society parcel merged. Other: — the final plat does not show the location of the floodplain overlay district due to inaccurate base mapping on the City overlay map. — the plat should be revised to note that the property lines between the parcels to be merged are to be dissolved. 4 & 5) NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION - CONDITIONAL USE & SITE PLAN 11 E Lisa Yankowski 35 Central Ave S Burlington, VT 05403 October 4, 1999 Planning Office City of South Burlington Dorset St S Burlington, VT 05403 Ref:Proposal for division of 2 parcels of land on Queen City Park Rd into 3 parcels. 1 piece going to The Greater Burlington Humane Society, for expansion. 1 piece being retained by Green Mountain Power. The 3rd piece for further expansion by the Champlain Water District (CWD). (NOTE: The information regarding expansion was in the Burlington Free Press notice about the meeting.) It is my hope to convey some of the ramifications which may result should this project be approved. One formerly unused, tree covered parcel of land on Queen City Park Road owned by Green Mountain Power now houses a power substation by owned by VT Electric. My neighbors and I are subject to the intense electomagnetic fields and the never ending "humming" emanating from the station. This station is much larger than the GMP substation on the east side of the railroad tracks. Another concern is that. CWD has just finished a large expansion to their facilities. An area which was formerly trees surrounding a quarry is now covered with tanks, trucks, buildings and the quarry being used for unnatural purposes. The oil and gas fumes from the trucks & equipment along with chemicals leaching from the paved areas and the erosion of soils caused by the trucks flows right into Potash Brook and ultimately into Lake Champlain. We must also remember that CWD has the audacity to pump their water supply directly from Lake Champlain. They keep increasing the area which they service constantly adding more customers. Most of these "new customers" do not live in the surrounding area of the lake. With CWD's increased drawing of water comes the threat to the biological well being of the lake, especially in times of low water levels such as this past. summer. The lake level was very low due to lack of snow and rain and CWD wants to expand their operation? We don't yet know what damage they may have cause to the marine life. Allowing CWD to obtain more land in which to expand even more is a hideous crime against the lake. I hope the planning board puts thoughtful consideration into their decision and what future ramifications may be. Thank you for the considering my letter. Lisa Yankowski 12/21/99 MOTION OF APPROVAL GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER & HOWARD CENTER FOR HUMAN SERVICES I move the South Burlington Development Review Board approve the preliminary and final plat applications of Green Mountain Power Corporation, Humane Society of Chittenden County, and Champlain Water District to subdivide two (2) parcels resulting in a newly configured lot of 2.4 acres and two (2) parcels of 4.2 acres and 4.0 acres which will be merged with two (2) adjoining properties, 503 and 533 Queen City Park Road, as depicted on a plat entitled, "Subdivision, Reconfiguration & Exchange of Parcels between the Champlain Water District, Inc., The Humane Society of Chittenden County and Green Mountain Power Corporation Queen City Park Road, South Burlington," prepared by Knight Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated 10/28/97, last revised on 12/2/99, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The plat plan shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. Four (4) copies of the approved revised plat plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning & Zoning prior to recording. a) The final plat plan shall be revised to show a 20 foot pedestrian trail easement within the C.O. District near Queen City Park Road. b) The final plat plan shall be revised to show lot #3 and the existing Humane Society parcel merged. c) The final plat plan shall be revised to note that the property lines between parcels to be merged are to be dissolved. 3. Prior to recording the final plat the applicant shall record a pedestrian easement deed approved by the City Attorney. 4. Any change to the final plat plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Development Review Board. 5. The final plat plan shall be recorded in the land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The plan shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant shall submit a copy of the survey plat in digital format. The format of the digital information shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Development Review Board From: William 3. Szymanski, South Burlington City Engineer Re: December 21, 1999 Agenda Items Date: December 1E, 1999 NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION - (CALKINS HOUSE) DORSET STREET 1. Plan should include dimensions, especially of the work planned such as the parking lot. 2. Parking lot construction should include a gravel base at least twelve (12) inches thick. Before the gravel is placed, the sod and topsoil shall be removed. 3. Concrete bumpers should be placed at each parking space especially if the lot will be gravel and not paved. CHAMPLAIN ,HATER DISTRICT, C.M.P. - HUMANE SOCIETY - LAND SWAP - QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD I. A pedestrian trail easement (20 foot in width) should be shown on the plot plan especially from G.M.P, or the Humane Society within the conservation zone near Queen City Park Road. A & M CONSTRUCTION - OFFICE BUILDINGS - HINESBURG ROAD I. A S foot sidewalk easement shall be deeded to the City for the sidewalk .and water service line. 2. City dater Department shall review the site plans especially the location of the curb stops which should be within the public r.o.w. 3. The serer main shall be bedded in crushed stone (3/4 inch). 1 I 04 IIIIIAtIO ��,µ P /ems o��- �) r���/j�gKJ c�� J2( ,wc ,:�!'��4 s, Eat .c.4 � fiwlc e4if No Text DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 OCTOBER 1999 surrounded by asphalt. He also feels the area is being developed piecemeal, and he would like to know what the whole thing will look like. Having three buildings perpendicular to Dorset St. surrounded by asphalt is not what the city has in mind. Mr. Farley suggested a time limit for the removal of the drive in front. Members felt that if they can do it in the future, they can do it now. Mr. Dinklage said he had heard nothing from the Board that disagrees with staff comments regarding the removal of the traffic lane in front. Mr. Belair noted that a decision couldn't be made at this meeting until the site plan/PRD issue can be cleared up. Mr. Roth moved to continue the application to 19 October 1999. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. O'Rourke rejoined the Board. 10. Sketch plan application of Green Mountain Power Corporation & Howard Center for Human Services to subdivide two parcels resulting in a newly configured lot of 2.4 acres, and two parcels of 4.4 acres and 3.8 acres which will be merged with two adjoining properties, 503 and 533 Queen City Park Road: Mr. Fay of Chittenden Water District explained that CWD and the Humane Society jointly purchased the GMP and Howard Services lot. They want to subdivide the lot at the brook so the Humane Society can expand its lot. CWD would acquire the land to the west of the brook. There would be a stipulation that GMP could put in a sub -station in a few years. Two parcels of land would be exchanged so that the CWD land would be contiguous. The GMP lot would also become a fully complying lot. The applicants are trying to work out a quit claim deed process for all of these lands. Mr. Fay noted that Bill Szymanski had asked why the brook isn't the GMP boundary. After an explanation, he now agrees with what is proposed. At some point in the future, CWD would like to put in a nature trail along the brook and let people become aware of the watershed and the impacts on people's lives on Shelburne Bay. Mr. Fay then showed the site of a future water tank. 7 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 5 OCTOBER 1999 Terry Harris then reviewed the plans and showed the flood plain boundary which staff had requested. All zoning districts were also shown. Mr. Fay questioned the need for a wetlands delineation at this time and asked if it can be postponed till it is timely with a proposed project. Mr. Rabinowitz said they would be determined it be done this month so they can proceed with plans for the east side of the property. Terry Harris questioned doing it now and then not needing it for a number of years. Mr. Belair felt it would be satisfactory to do it on one side of the brook. Members were OK with hearing both preliminary and final plat at the same meeting. 11. PUBLIC BEARING: Final Plat Application of Fairway Estates, LLC to amend a previously approved planned residential development consisting of 298 residential units and an 18-hole golf course. The amendment consists of re -subdividing lots #1, 2 and 32-37, Nowland Farm Road: Mr. O'Leary said they had made all the changes requested by the DRB. Mr. O'Rourke moved the Development Review Board approve the final plat application of Fairway Estates, LLC to amend a previously approved planned residential development consisting of 298 residential units and an 18-hole golf course. The amendment consists of resubdividing lots #1, 2 and 32-37, Nowland Farm Road, as depicted on a plat entitled "Economou Farms Nowland Farm Road & Four Sisters Road South Burlington, Vermont Sketch Plan Boundary Line Adjustments Townhouse Lots 1, 2, 32-37," prepared by O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC, dated 6/25/99, last revised 8/11/99, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations, which are not superseded by this approval, shall remain in effect. 2. The plat plan shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. Four copies of the approved revised plat plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning & Zoning prior to recording. a) The final plat plan shall be revised to indicate that the plan is a final plat plan and not a sketch plan. b) The final plat plan shall be revised to include the stamp of a land surveyor. L EGENO r teen Mountal;f Power Cofpofation Yo/lrme 12,, Poge 545 Green Afotntodv Power Corporw/ i 16J Acom Lane; Cok-hesMr, Yr 05446 Chorq4oAain Avatar 46;&ici 40.E 4ween my Pork hood, South &rhngtov, yr t254Q3 the flu vane soc%ty of a4mtenden County Owen City Park Road South bwh7gton, Yr 05401 MA&W Commercial / OWIk't Conservnt/an & G)oen ,''ova V O.islr Ct Food Pbow LAirtr/cl- saw Able 4 NOTES Q _T/4' OAa .van py'tae set • fJ A w iod per RobentstAw pot O 4' Sq. COMY to rlwrrament fbwnd ar pravptfs* set ® 1 1/4' Oa #w ~ f "d t e Sa conc- moaw "ent per Robenst*n plat Property Aiae offer 3WdV6xr17 and exchange — — — Prgoerty A- of adjo/naay ponW Existing pryoar7y the to be 4rbf tfrsMd ffi-40 --C orw ar barnabry agreement — • — • — Prgoerty Aim to be exlhgwxnrfed ats exiring Old resuf7hg adphnag C*V and HSCC panCS& merge s AU"am .Sk� 04WO' A * awe AbWm ae Omm OFY ~ AbaW - au Aar Mir AO*w* J and ear. Bob" (wm v naal Mw arwlrAbw of My oveme inn~ mw of Aw load - J%W d*& e r�ri_ ���•�Qb °� M&Ild woo* ArwW \ d ' exchange pofsr�!�to Champ/aifl irater Ofstfic[, /nc. /4/ ¢ O Acres ._ I 4 27I II OZI , A0 IN State Of Alfmool 189 Connector \` kA� `psi ••• � r existing pafze/ of % � o/ � / exchogg ,ponce/ !n Chamgbiff Muter Drsfiicf, /f1c. rlyA t � Akwntofif 1 YO/ame 104, Page J71 Poweti eorpofr�fion %1'v 1 7.5 Acres / P y t w N * ,`' �' �' � �11� �r 1. A ho"Zwrta✓ corfho/ tramew ruts canductad A7 19AY and extartdad m 1999 us/ng o total stalAW and slee✓ tope. Cerlo/n survey data shorm haraan moy wrory ham IffCOrOad aFJta OkA! In okfferencies n7 aa+cAiaotan, orlsnlnlian or rrxMods of ineVscrersent ?. Are prgoased suOofmoo Ane o*wg Potawi &volt rtfats m otfd oAong Me cvrftbrAhe of Mee book % flue wetkw& oWneo&w &as ctw4vted 61' Maiarn 0 Covnhyman m O tober of 1999 and ffaappect tSy KreQs d' Lonshy CaesurYaay Enghe�ers: 4. Are fbad PXom Aistricf hats flat bean orwfaid dirc�oxcse of maocuatw basr n74W#V of Me Axvttart of Potosh &aooh on Me troy nxriag ovw y atop. The AWAVY9 Humane -q + bulb(VW ,is sf7ed of an e*wb iw7 of "' whale Potbtsfi bDaok /bws soutfiery WOLVh the parse✓ 1Mm AftWAan 14B' to f-Lr S. Atss mfomratiaf show» 6= Ar o aOMpwb&W7 of data 4WAMCted by Kn y7h! Cansut7iry Engineea s (wtssterly of Potosfr =tz to stA•wy restf/ts shown art PXat of Survey - Rof0 n of bbwd Center Pruperty - 7Aff ac PrePmrd by Mew" hohmutim LS ooted .bw w 30, 1999 (sas&N* of Potash �&aok) and to Aron(• cra' AW60170r 4%PAhg Oy A' s&AT & Lorufrtg m IS"-1999 bauoobry and lopap VAAc .srwwys for Ale Htnna w Society. G. Are aibow referenced scvwys by alfferw how d c*WW botwabry t wwniorrftres w/M odvwmg Awm& of hbr7nv6rd BroMers (SouMAand EoMprows and Atbwfms rap*and wth the Avv~it Ax� of aj~ 00, Pork Rood (the t fof of -q; M &,#, gton and dia**7,7) Au offeaoe Awem r sbotfld ek"#5, bkw imceribmAAes nsM bormobry agreements or other, ogargwwte Asga, a7stnsrferfts for the hmme nistr shown hereon to ctw&M4 7. Lot 1 a benefytted by a JO' wiab ofvhmgtr eam meet a+crotss Lot ? to Potash bboak Au exu+errfeni AWO air shop" is for t7AAMWliw Au�pas�s anN and cs not c�aotr Of AY1Aen exeVz d Me damment .bc�o&w ►s7Y be abtevfnined and the ecaemenf re% be CenMrad 00 Me d Wiaoge structtiro as aomstruv*d. OV i yd / existing pome/ '0�-�Go � Abe Humane Sociefy of ChMtenden County {ro% isi / sllhdiYfsion palze/ to The Humane Sociefy of Chittenden County f1.4cfes % �r il, l/affin's Fonds of b6ynebic Abrth 19W .ggorored by Reso✓ution of the I,bnnbornartt ReMinr hurl of the Cr7y of South Bun'atglev, Ydrnaont an Me day of , subject to the requirements of sce c»nd7.v"s of so'd hatso/utnn. SR7ned Mrs_ day of by C/Aanmon or C.NrA: DFC 1 5 1999 South Buffington, tnc. I/o/ume 408, Page 119 - ioo a too 200 Soo South/and Enterprises, /r1C. s�sr�0"AT7Y Scale v� = ioo At lfo/ume 178, Page 479 ?� At/s survey As detsv+o on an ortarjxis of physaa/ endertc�e focead on Me grmnfrf and hlormot/on adtrhoctd from obaa's and other par- tment facwft fits plat is consistent atM rn* 27 vsA cAwiar 17, Sectbru /401 - 1496. Alban All hbms; Yr L.S. M4 AV"%"• mosefFd nod 6 mid a — * I , Awtir✓ nr sb"w of CO- ffd - A w - fZez tV hbm&br #AMNW 14,00010 aw OW & OZ l A VCW A wwC aob6d OP alwiscy7w' awwwnwnl` A &V - Apw - fl Abw mi-- owawlilbd krawt MAwr 444. awb6d next 7 4W daimgs xwa- - - - vet ! 04W AW A" - AAW - 11 1t;ISw9 h bHT CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. P.O. BOX 29 WILLISTON, VT 05495-0029 Tele(802) 879-6343 Fax (802) 879-6376 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: kA We are sending you the following items: DATE: /-)-/ /S/ 99 JOB NO: 9334-/ RE: SuC3 �>J t S d- E^X�-1,o n3 6 PA2!t P-oAd COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION r k,1 V l S lA��� CLr.J'i' l c, Q-A-rI &-J -�- LL C PA 2L -S 6 (27rw c C-NAr-\ (J-A )^v C-0 P ) Z-A SY (OA-r�R CSC )IBC, , I-)4 e- )�u✓"-A '--)� So C-A. C—,-r' S 0� Ck Tl"*'e--('- E<S e o LA-N-T7 tl A f-i p-/ a-- f qq , w 'OLA-N -v tOOLU6,0— REMARKS: t—)�f)C O� `T IE 2�-=v I S cat,-DS is off - A SuQ ST'A V t-D A TLk2-E 2 .1L A-T1 V E- -r6 )NE S c� Qp \ V 1 S L o►�) �- �� PLEASE. CAL _ l-F ou A� A ry i:�, C�,u S i L S Signed: PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Reviev Board will hold a public hearing at the South Bur Iinyton City Hall, Confer ante Room 575 borse Street, Sout} Burlington Vermont on Tuesday December 21, 1999, ai 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1 J Preliminary plat apppli- cation of A & M Con- struction to convert a 1540 square foot single family dwellingg� to general office use, 1035 Hines- burg Road. 21 Preliminary plat a�pPpli- cation of A & M Con- struction to: 1 raze an existing $Ingia family dwelling, and 21 con- struct a 10,500 square foot general office buiid- Ing, 1045 Hinesburg Road. 3J Preliminary plat and final plat applications of Green Mountain Power Corporation, Humane Society of Chittenden County, and Champlain Water District to subdi- vide two [2] parcels re- sulting In a newly config- ured lot of 2.4 acres and two [2) parcels of 4.2 acres and 4.0 acres which will be merged with two 2] adjoiningg properties, V83 and 533 Queen City Park Road. 41 Application of Roman Catholic Diocese of Bur- lington seeking condl- tional use approval from Section 26.05, Condi- tional Uses, of the South Burlington Zoning Regu- lations. Request Is for permission to construct a 44tl square foot addition to an existing 1500 square foot accessory structure for a church, 5) ff 7) 8) CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - PRELIVIlNARY PLAT Name of Applicant Champlain Water District (CWD) Humane Society of Chittenden County (HSCC) Green Mountain Power Corporation (GNP) Name of Subdivision CWD, HSCC & GMP Subdivision & Exchange Submit Subdivision Fee Preliminary Plat = $205 Final Plat = $85 Total = $290 Describe Subdivision (i.e. total acreage, number of lots or units, type of land use, gross floor area for commercial or industrial uses): The former Howard Center parcel (7.5 acres) would be divided into a 3.3 acre parcel (CWD) and a 4.2 acre parcel (HSCC). CWD & GNP would reconfigure and exchange parcels resulting in 4.0 acre (CWD) & 2.4 acre (GNP). Indicate any changes to name, address, or phone numbers of owner of record, applicant, or contact person since sketch plan application: Same as in sketch plan application. Name, address, and phone number of: a. Engineer b. Surveyor A.W. (Terry) Harris, Knight Consulting Engineer, 51 Knight Lane, Williston 05495 879-6343 C. Plat Designer A.W. (Terry) Harris Indicate any changes to the subdivision such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, etc., since sketch plan application: The 7.5 acre Howard Center for Human Services parcel was purchased jointly by Champlain Water District and Humane Society of Chittenden County. List names and mailing addresses of owners of record of all contiguous properties: State of Vermont - I189 connector Southland Enterprises, Inc. (Hannafords) P.O. Box 1000 Portland, ME 04104-1000 Martin's Foods of South Burlington, Inc. (Hannafords) P.O. Box 1000, Portland, ME 04104-5005 9) State title, drawing number, date of original plus any revisions, and designer(s) of the preliminary map(s) accompanying this application: "Subdivision, Reconfiguration & Exchange of Parcels between the Champlain Water District, Inc., the Humane Society of Chittenden County and Green Mountain Power Corporation" dated 10/28/99, Project No. 99341 by Knight Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10) COST ESTIMATES for Planned Unit Developments, multi -family and commercial and industrial complexes: See Item 14 11) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC for Planned Unit Developments, multi -family projects, and commercial and industrial complexes (2-way traffic, in plus out): See Item 14 12) PRELIMINARY MAP - See enclosures 13) Development timetable (including number of phases, and start and completion dates): HSCC - The land immediately adjacent to the existing Humane Society Facility may be utilized in site renovations to the facility planned for the year 2000. CWD - Possible future filtered water tank - year 2007-approx. GMP - Possible future substation - year 2018 - approx. 14) List the waivers applicant desires from the requirements of these regulations: 15) The intent of this proposed subdivision and exchange is to provide for potential future land needs of the applicants. The applicants do not anticipate any immediate or near -future development of the parcels resulting from this subdivision and exchange. Consequently, waivers from the following requirements are requested: Item 10; 11; 12 g, j, k, 1, m, n, p 1) See Plat 2) See Plat 3) N/A (Signature) applicant or contact person Date ��,d -5'i �-8(3 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - FINAL PLAT 1) Name of Applicant Champlain Water District (CWD) Humane Society of Chittenden County (HSCC) Green Mountain Power Corporation (GMP) 2) Name of Subdivision CWD, HSCC & GMP Subdivision & Exchange 3) Indicate any change to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application: Same as in the Preliminary Plat Application 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: Same as in the Preliminary Plat Application 5) Submit five copies and one reduced copy (I Ix17) of a final plat plus engineering drawings and containing all information required under Section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under Section 204.1(1) for a major subdivision. 6) Submit two draft copies of all legal documents required under Section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under Section 204.1(b) for a major subdivision. N/A (Signature) applicant or contact person Date KNIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. P.O. BOX 29 WILLISTON, VERMONT 05495 Tel: 802-879-6343 Fax: 802-879-6376 STEPHEN C. KNIGHT, JR., P.E. MARTIN W. ]LAIN, P.E. ERIC H. GODDARD, P.E. ALBERT W. HARRIS, L.S. ROBERT A. LOVGREN, P.E. BARBARA J. EVANS, P.E. 4 November 1999 Mr. Ray Belaire South Burlington Planning Office 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 CIVIL ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CONSTRUCTION TESTING SURVEYING Re: Preliminary/Final Review for subdivision & exchange of parcels along Queen City Park Road Dear Ray: To refresh your memory and follow up on our Sketch Plan approval in October, the Champlain Water District, The Humane Society of Chittenden County and Green Mountain Power Corporation propose to subdivide and exchange parcels on the south side of Queen City Park Road. In compliance with the city's subdivision regulation Preliminary and Final Plat submittal requirements, please find the following: 1. Completed and signed "Subdivision Application - Preliminary Plat & Final Plat". 2. Five full scale and one reduced copy of "Subdivision, Reconfiguration & Exchange of Parcels between the Champlain Water District, Inc., The Humane Society Of Chittenden County and Green Mountain Power Corporation" dated 28 October 1999 and prepared by this firm. 3. Champlain Water District check #20127 in the amount of $290 for combined application fees for Preliminary and Final Plat review. Please initiate staff review of this submittal and schedule it for the earliest possible board review. Also, please call me if I have omitted any information necessary for the city's review or if you have any questions. Sincerely, A. W. (Terry) Harris, L.S. enclosures L E0ENO NTS L O CA T/ O N WAR Green Mountain Power Corporation x0lume 12, Page 545 APPL/G4NU Green Mountain Power Corporation 163 Acorn Lone, Cotcheste,, VT 05446 Champ/o/n water Dlstrict 403 Oueerr G7'ty Pon* Road, South Burt/ngtor, YT 05403 lire Humone Society of owttenden County Queen C/ty Pont Rood South 8ud/ngton, VT 05403 ZONING Commercial I District Conservation & Open Space O/strict flood Plam O/strict- see Note 4 '\ PAL tj / \ 105,20 561$ existin orce/ of 9 P Chomplain ff'oler District, Inc. 1 �reenr .tlauntoin I f/o/ame 104, Page 371 Power' E'ofporofion / I 7.5 Acres ���ho'�0'ha • : // �� � Acres %� c 0 3/4' Oia iron pipe set a /3 iron rod per Ro&wsi— plat p 4' Sq. concrete monument found ® 1 114' Did. imW pipe found e Sq. cone. monument per Robensben plat Property //ne offer subdiWSIbn and exchong& Praperfy tine of Oi*117/nq poroe/ • • • • • • • Former parcel proper)tine State of yermont / 199 C.'Onnectar Qb c m, 0 drd� i � � a. I� 41, / f RAW, Avodb 0c4/.� '' "?� ♦ F ` J exchange3 /Champ/ain ,Water 01StrICI /nc. I � / 4.0 Acfe g(oOV e J OrAwd WOO* 8 P !!! ` / existing parcel $ Cr/h� �° The Humane Society � 700 o /11)0 200 SCO/E / - = 100 ft NO rES 1. A horiaontol conhtat tevWme was conducted /n 1998 and erlenofrd M 1999 using o total stofibn avid steel tape. Certain survey data shown hereon may vary MOM recorded data due to differences N7 arc//n7602 orieWtot/on or methods of measurement 2. the proposed subd/v/sion fine a1017g Potash Brook runs /n and o%nq the centerline of the brook ..3 The wetlands del/notion #VS conducted by #Mliam 0 Caunfiymon October of 1999 and mopped by Krebs & Lansing ConsilhW7g Engineers 4. The Flood r°lain D/stnbt has not been owrraid because of moccourote bare mapping of the /ocof/on of Potash brook and the variable positron of the flood p/don relatlm to the brook's focobon shown on the c/1), overlay map. 5 The /rrfomwfibn shown hereon is a comp labbo of survey dato collected by Knight Consult/ng Errq/rreers OWsteny of Potash Brook h ed to survey Wrsu/ts shown on Plot of Survey - Portion of Baird Center Pmperty - 7.48 oc " prepared by women RobenstIM, L.S. dated ✓onomy JO,, 1999 sastwOl of Potash Brook orrd to brook and wetlands maop/nq by Krebs & Lons/ng /n 1998-1999 boundary and fopogrophnc sanwvs for The Humone Soemly. 6. The above rt9ferenced surveys by others hove disclosed boundary uncertamt/es with several abuttals orrd the present lacotron of Queen City Pon* Road Me affected porfies should clonfy uncertowMes w/fb boundary ogre 6m6rrts or other \V The Humone Society l 'W 40,V of Chiftenden COMM)' { 4.2 Acres SDI ' miaow woo*h 1kro'o °yf � Aza* h Foods of Bur/ington, /nc. Jj >�'d fio/ume 408, P679e 1>9 Alagnetic North 1999 Approved by Resolution of the &-ml pinent Review board of the City of South Burlington, Yermont on the day of , subject to the Mqu/rements of said conditions of said Resolution. Signed this day of by Choifmon Or GYen* RE tl•l u]iww NOV 0 5 1999 Southland -17MrpliSeR, Inc. SIrIOWIV Volume 27e Page 479 2z50' City of S®. BI�!'1ft1 $i ;3 SubdUsion, Reconfiguration & Exchange of Parcels This survey IS based On an anarysis Ofph ewafence found on AM ground 717d /nfonnotion oAshnctewd from 01ve06S arid' other per- between the Chomo%in WaMr ©1Sbi►`t, 1/%C., tirrerrt records This plat is consistent with Title 27 V.S.A. Chapter 17 Sectrons 1401 - 1406. The Humone Society of Chiftenden County Albert W hb"is, VT L.S. 594 and Green M01117fain Power Queen Ciy Pork Rood, South Burlington -- _ _ ,., -11, ,,,..,r - rnininirrnc ,sir, InAm 10/28/99 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 November 5, 1999 Terry Harris Knight Consulting Engineers, Inc. P.O. Box 29 Williston, VT 05495 Re: Sketch Plan, 503 & 533 Queen City Park Road Dear Mr. Harris: Enclosed is a copy of the October 5, 1999 Development Review Board minutes. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely,, Raymond J. Belair, Administrative Officer RIB/mcp 1 Encl Memorandum - Development Review Board October 5, 1999 intersection is proposed to be closed. The plan should clearly indicate how circulation will interact with the Donny's Pizza portion of the property. As stated above under the landscaping discussion, staff recommends that the pavement and parking in front of the 366 Dorset Street building be removed and replaced by lawn. This access drive is clearly not needed. Circulation on the site works well for both 364 and 366 Dorset Street and can be further enhanced with a connection behind the two buildings. Exterior Lighting: The applicant is proposing soffit lighting under the canopy and three 150 watt pole lights. Details of the lighting should be submitted. All existing pole mounted floodlights should be removed. Nature's Events: See applicant's comments. Security & Safety: See applicant's comments. Streetscapg Improvements: The zoning requires applicants to implement streetscape improvements (i.e., sidewalks, street lighting, street trees, etc.) within the portion of the public ROW directly fronting the parcel of land for which development is proposed. The applicant is not proposing any streetscape improvements. It should be noted that the City has not yet agreed on appropriate streetscape design for San Remo Drive. Other: Enclosed is a letter from Charles DesLauriers expressing concern over the applicant's proposal to retain a paved access in front of the building. 10) GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER & HOWARD CENTER FOR HUMAN SERVICES - SUBDIVISION & EXCHANGE OF PARCELS - SKETCH PLAN This application involves the subdivision and exchange of two (2) parcels of 7.5 acres and 3 acres. This will result in a newly configured lot of 2.4 acres for Green Mountain Power (GMP), a 4.4 acre parcel to be merged with the Humane Society parcel, and a 3.8 acre parcel to be merged with the Champlain Water District (CWD) parcel. The applicants involved in this project are the Howard Center for Human Services, Green Mountain Power, Champlain Water District and the Humane Society of Chittenden County. 13 Memorandum - Development Review Board October 5, 1999 The project consists of the joint purchase of the Howard Center parcel south of Queen City Park Road by the Champlain Water District and the Humane Society of Chittenden County. After purchase, the applicants propose to subdivide the parcel along the centerline of Potash Brook. The Champlain Water District would obtain lands west of the brook and the Humane Society would obtain lands east of the brook. The Champlain Water District and Green Mountain Power then propose to reconfigure and exchange parcels between Potash Brook and the present Champlain Water District parcel. These properties located at 503 & 533 Queen City Park Road lie within the C1 District, the Conservation and Open Space District, and the Floodplain Overlay District. They are bounded on the north by Queen City Park Road, on the east by Martin's Foods and U.S. Route 7, on the south by Southland Enterprises, and on the west by Green Mountain Power Corporation. The owners of record of this property are Howard Center for Human Services and Green Mountain Power Corporation. Lot size/coverage: Minimum lot size requirements have been met. Minimum frontage requirements have not been met for the two (2) parcels to be merged. However, when the subdivision and exchange is completed, merger of the two Champlain Water District properties will eliminate this problem. The new GMP lot will meet the frontage requirement. Zoning boundaries: The preliminary plat should show the Conservation/Open Space District boundaries along Potash Brook on all plans. The preliminary plat should also show the 100 year Foodplain and the delineated wetlands along the brook. 11) FAIRWAY ESTATES - LOT REVISIONS - FINAL PLAT This project consists of amending a planned residential development consisting of 298 residential units and an 18 hole golf course. The amendment consists of resubdividing lots 1,2, and 32-37. The lots being resubdivided are located on Nowland Farm Road and Four Sisters Road. These "foot print" lots are being increased in size and the common areas are being decreased in size. The sketch plan was reviewed on August 3, 1999 (minutes enclosed). Setbacks: The lots are being reconfigured in order to meet the 10' side yard setback requirement for lot 1. The setback requirement for lot 1 is now being met. All other 14 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 (802) 846-4106 FAX (802) 846-4101 October 1, 1999 Terry Harris Knight Consulting Engineers, Inc. P.O. Box 29 Williston, VT 05495 Re: Subdivision, Queen City Park Road Dear Mr. Harris: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Development Review Board meeting and comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, the Fire Department and myself. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Raymond 1. Belair, Administrative Officer RJB/mcp Encls MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Development Review Board From: William J. Szymanski, South Burlington City Engineer Re: October 5, 1999 Agenda Items Date: September 30, 1999 CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT - BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS - QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD 1. Plan C should show the Conservation District boundaries. The new Green Mountain Power lot will be impacted. 2. The east boundary of the Green Mountain Power lot should be Potash Brook and not leave a narrow strip to the Water District. If not, they should have an easement to the brook for site drainage. DORSET FARMS - BRANCH & BOWER STREETS - DORSET STREET 1. Revised lot layout plan prepared by O'Leary - Burke, Civil Associates dated 8/11/99 is acceptable. 2. City Water Department should receive a copy of the revised plan. ECONOMOU FARMS - NOWLAND FARM & FOUR SISTERS ROADS Boundary line adjustment plan for lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 prepared by O'Leary Burke, Civil Associates dated 6/25/99 is acceptable. SOUTH BURLINGTON REALTY - 366 DORSET STREET 1. Lot 366 should have a drive easement from lot 364 for access to parking spaces 7 through 12 on north side of the building. 2. Lot improvements should include a concrete sidewalk along San Remo Drive. MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Development Review Board From: South Burlington Fire Department Re: October 5, 1999 agenda items Date: October 1, 1999 1) GMP & HOWARD CENTER FOR HUMAN SERVICES Queen City Park Road Acceptable 2) Michael Dugan 46 Swift Street Acceptable 3) Fairway Estates Nowland Farm Road Acceptable 4) MBL Associates Dorset Street Acceptable 5) South Burlington Realty 366 Dorset Street Acceptable Dated 9/1/99 Dated 8/12/99 Dated 8/11/99 Dated 8/12/99 Dated 5/7/99 Green AIoL/ntain Power Corporation OANWR howme aw&y har hfwracrr .Sari Yb f�m Am, Bum, Yl Q5I0> ava" Akx d Por s LtvyanAFvr IQS Acorn LORA lZi� Yr a3kW A4RAX41S At r"W awtsr for d%#Mrr Serve a> 4xirlah Raw 0w^m*w cAW,wai, ,we- ZW*le au a~ cmy AW* maaa sort e,#*V*n Yr 0546U /Ar Mrrrax s of OW04albn 4 w of 0~ o!Y � Sbrd* Yr 0544i Mww colrvrrormb✓ / Afstrxt Jt i i \ L OCAT/o# NAP 4 CEI Cham loin �Yotei District ,� � ,. ;, 7.6 OC/es r `Pv► E 0 ram' 1 'V \ \ SEP 0 1 1999 \ City of So. Burlipat, Potos_h Green Alounta/h Power Corpor{yiYion �// SocHtmocne J D orms y � � Chitfenoen County 1 Howard Centel 1.7 acres 49_ - for Humon Selk'es cx'res r•._ ti x i t/orti7of South ga Bur/inglongfon, /nc. • • . �, D- %\ Remsbn.- M*W M' .aw am..+w+t -m .1~ a!hO'rr' AW - 4IJf,*W Southland Enterprises, /nc. '00 "GG ?OU 300 .S Wrh Hon A - Exrsbbg Pb�s of fhe LnomA&h? #&ff a cf, &m7 AwWa b Fb^v- Cavpdvv&w, The Hormone ,Smhpe of GYiiffermW Cow#,, and Hbmm' Cmtdr hr Humon S�VVCOS Ave* Rued, .So&& Ain'mgfao nog w1 99341 R - !!NIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. l/�Y73 PA, M 70. VALXOk v . OWN - iG. 00-4W oar, 8 9 as 1 nw AW H c m. AW H N Ans L ocAT/oN A(AP Green A/ountam Power Corporation ymmy e 12, Page 545 *ores 4vCc State of Yermonf / O 1 1 Champlain !voter Oisfixf, /nt: 11.5 Acres Al, t 1 1 dMW MA0. 1. A hanroo&v' contra/ trv&w3v am conabcArd m 1998 and erArnatid m 1999 O fats✓ 91btM0 arid 9teM✓ t7pe. CertaVn ,AWYVf' ahta 9Jiawn A*W4007 rnoy rp7' fiovn recaMird ahta ate to a4if16rance s m abaf6rotro+3 orJirn/ah on or metharb of meaMzrament 1. 7hs RMAX sud JXA04klMfo7 ,tne dPbOg Potash 6i040 n"S m and 46ny the cdv?Aw im of Ms Amok .I Mw *Av7rotAx7 -9c n heraan a a compAbtlon wr atJta coArciad by Anphl t5r CavxsrA7ia�1 E �reesMrry ar RO/river AhOo l hed /o szrrsry ns�xw sha�wn on Hht of �y wd Pavi'iaa of bbcwter ATPO.0, - 7. 46 ca " ,wVPorsd by Ybrmn fibloo sem" 15£ aloud .knuovy A7 1999 (avteny of Fbtash Laaokj and to bract and rnwtonalr mgvang by rmbs & Laaskv A7 19M-1999 bmmabvy and tapogvq7Ak- .stomVs for !lie it#JA" Sooety. A Are otlora mf rencad .rrAnww bbyy oMays horn akrobsod boc� uacavtawrfiirs with adjiavriry hnao- of hf.IVW d Brvt/wrs (-SouttAhnd Enterpnsae and Able FAs Fos V and with the prasant ,baob6rr of Gt aerr Ci{y Port h7aad (/he CdMW of South Btw�lviglon and BlA�oirgrlan). The affected porL should ,*ri Mm" zmsW4m es rith bornakxy agreements ar oMer gopvgwvate 4toa msirzrnents for /hs tar nab"W s*own hersion tb aront,-aC .1 Lot 1 & benefiTted by a .t0' AW* a9 ai ago easammt arruss Lot 2 to Potash 4WVO* Me easement *COW" .sham a AOr Alaustrc%r jipyyand a not nMO& �mn (1;:;h ed anal alehant temcwAsred an the afawroye s6zrtwe as cnnts*z ctrd � / 6reery'.l�fountoin � Powe/� Corporafion /� ,/��� mo'�"r j .f s� (00K a5r 8 P°t Southland Enterprises, Inc. 51910 �, Yo/ume 278 Doge 479 Zl err Mkv surrey <s based an an anar#ms - of phys>bW oobence found on the grVWW arrd Aofarmatian OAV&Medd liven abedr and other per- tAxn/ re+r OM& Ave p/vt 4T cans /ent ,rrth A* 27 Y SA C/qvMr 17, Sectnrrs 1401 - 1406 Atert U' hb7*, Vr L. S JW L EGEND • /J om rod per RoAmisdi" pht p f' Sqc caacrsrf► nroaranwrt fo"'d ar pfv"OW* SW ® 1 1/4" Liia OW pjoe fozwd ■ e Sq cones miaaument per Roheenhee PAW — — — Rmper , Airs o/%r suOiYtip� and sxcnae9r a�owid mmk~ Sooiry mao.'0' r.. arw aubfm a l 4trw. ab' An► &vo' - aar A W me *W*.,x r me jean am e2%Kr5y ^W bb aawfrrbe a/ mr prwaM brnWAV OW or hAr mad - aw Abut if v c� �• � 0 a \ the f/umone Society 1 -�"� of Chitfenden County 5.1 ACres a. / 1 AC1T.X!'rf0"f' � 17.ZT / I/kirtin's Foods of / South Bur/iJgton, 1M. 1 !ro/ume 4 9,, Poye 119 A&b meek Abrth 1999 100 O 100 200 J00 Scc% I" = 100 ft Final P147t of Resu/ting Pawls of Champlain Mater District, /nc., The Humane Society of Chittenden County and Grb+en A/ountain Power Corporation Queen City Parlr Road, South Burtinyt 17 wog. mm 99341 ra — KNIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. oae 12/ 20 awe AWH amp AWH M-9 r.a WX sa. wwsroa. vr., 0540 - i¢. esa-asrs A" t.Q" Green 40'01Woirt Power Corporation OWWW hbrwd CWWW hr AtOYNXl -qW%* r JX A3nm Ann., &o*vA i Yr aW/ Oven Mxntan Aver awpwoAwi taf Acvm Lan% Cc+Erkvd*; Yr 6-OI6 fhswd abater /or M#PA07 SOrMOM 4W a mm 00, Pant trbz{ som* 6Fwhgtaz yr aWW Amp Atr)x v SocAW or QwC/aaoba CuwW amen ob Pov,� Sbvl3 6tvaifytan, Yr afow 11�AM4C Wmmnck� t air Comwwti 7 J aw" -To" L k+W i \ LOCArIv# MAP oiit *oter District \ ,a proposed subdi�rsion \ - E of - 2 acres to the 1 \ Champlain Water Otshrct \ \ SEP 0 1 1999 f City of So. Burlip,til potosh B Green VOVntoirt /r''D Power Corporation � Gvnone Society of �' Southland Enterprises, 1,7C. BOO O f0O 200 -TOO A/artirt's Foods Of South Bunington, lrtC. V~ 10' wkpr wasp, a*~ pyw ^**AV A "W CAMOsW O*Wm - MW - JW swat t t%V B — plwmse,Sb6dl►1&W of 110/ ule cWta, fGr /*/Mw .%vH'cm Po/ew okv�g P Amo 63w* / r Cwor,,"w" to / Me Hainan Sanigy of Lnittmew County a~ OO Fbn* Road, JCM& 6�irtIlWa? nn� 99341 n — 'NIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS, !NC. VA WX 49. VALMM W. OBW - 11L A9-au ao[8 9 ow AWH ma AWH m �"_ Atpw& AWM AftV Green VOZIIMain Power Corporation 0~ Abwtrd Lbnriir Ar MA"am . wWam avin A6 wAah sorer Clc p aeao 18Y Acvm Lamm 6b*Amdp,, Vr 0-v~ Abrnnf 4WAV for AFrad" SOPMW aar, I*xaAah sort.- LbrpAatkv au aei o 00' Air* MW4 sm * &O*v,b c yr mr-W 17AP i%#?XW r SX401 O/ o , C06r701 a&W ob, par* SLVO AW rr L?3 2w cw� r AisldCr cAWWm2A" & amm -WLIV Zkmwl Qc 9 .So' arr deaeuR'Ai�g Gy/° � Champlain W0161- District pro^veo' exchange of 2 4 ocros to Green Vbunloin Power Corporation proposed exchange Of JLF acres to Champlain f aMr astrict ' potash f 1 I Southland Enterprises, Inc. 'OG O 1LY7 2L{'J 3GG Scole >" = lag & Humane Society of Chitfenden County Nu L OCAT/ON MAP \, c E SEP011"9 \ City of So. Bur(ipgti"1 ,l/ortin's Foods of South Burlington, tnc. .aI i i - a*iW A mocwd SO' OF .w.,,.+r AWW a", v - a4Wya now - 4AW - 4/Jfi .Saht Ch IcYM C - PIVRAV d RaCWrWA76ti,7 a qe Exataw of PmtWs &vWw 6Y0 aampla* #btff A h f me Gig Ma IMIW17 ROMW Co, pWV?5a7 a� Rm* Road, SM& �iagtc» woam 99341 ra— (yam} KNIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. I wV y PA WX to � O UKUMM v . 08M - 4-4W y 8 9 ow AW H oa AW H 1' — KNIGHT CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. P.O. BOX 29 WILLISTON, VT 05495-0029 Tele(802) 879-6343 Fax (802) 879-6376 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL -fo: S'o �-�-1 Q�i�-L� � C,-r�J �1� r�� •J G VS' o S4Da We are sending you the following items: DATE: 3 9 9 JOB NO: 3 ! RE: A1.yA—)cl e-{ r-a COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION S—02-) N,-7-s 4' 1 (Z_C Lk-C-F-A C�oP-i 0� P,-;A►J A � (3� � C AL (,Lt-vIS IA 8�3)� 99 S 44ow�� So -) lO J-A a-6 ezwycs-2_ T(tti.r„A� SE2V 1 LLC S o REMARKS: A v E S T I- csrJ S a Signed: 77�� -,� )44puev Q�ce� A I/ ;� �P� ' Axle of Vetmorlf 189 Connector MY L OCAT/ON VAR / �k r 61-een 41bunto/n Power Coeporabbn volume 12, Pogie 545 NOTES L EGEND 0 /s' au Wo" tiw ",e a IJ .ran red per RoberirAVVY pbt 0 f" .5yc ciao moavanent fovad or PWmmws l sbt 0 > 1/s' aiac war, Apo famed ■ r 4 Q7nc. monunfen! per Ra&WSt,en puht Afvpedy km ayl w AOd svnw and sxchw?ga r-wowd At— 3'0 4 aawb Ar and sk*Am o✓ 4man c7y %,* Aired - WW Aar Me AWW* .1 rod RaM nIll (W15/ Awn X/ aw o.xw*m of m. awwu MW of ab fend - AW ** e 1 ChoPo rf Corpornfion � mploin K'ofe� Orsfn�f, /nc. � .f Acfs / • o 11.5 Acres ;�- the h lmone Society of Ch/ffenden County 1 esd eh.r r. A Aoriran W canhaf tfv►wse rev cnaobM d m 1996 and ex*wand n 1999 ashy o toted sfbtArn and stab✓ AWo Certain sarmy obta shown A*-wn may ►ay fmm Arcoly d obta ales to oW1vranars A7 a&cAaalar, or nlo*oa or methm* of meastaement 1. Ate proparad srrdaivavtw7 Awe abag Potowh biook nny rt and abng the cWaAW4ias of Age AVO* J gm ,nfbr77noAuv7 .srtown hereon is o compbbba of szvrty abda CoAretbd by fo*Ot Ccvxsrvl7iay E (rd<s/wfy a✓ OMM6 �oarP7z to surrey reeves& shown on PJbt of �- pLrlian Ot bb W Center *' - 7. IB a� " orapoorad by 017,— Radanslnr, Lbted S arbsuRxy M 1999 (dOW*ry of Polaes/f 6iaot') and to brook and rwA4anods mapping bl' Ir/VA9 It Lonsrfg n 1~-W.99 bow7obry and MpagrgoJtb srr►vys for fie ht#7xww Socrety. 'I the adwrAs feV6ravxad xrveys�by aAlers hpw aks�furd bawrabrr .rxarAaG,Aiu wrM ad�awftwfy .bnatr of tbrd tYraA'krs (SoutShhnd Enlerpn�snv and /rfortias FaoofsJ artd tntjh tree pvacsent bc�vGav of Ltfaan City PonF hhod (Ahe GSfWes of .SouM �wdiegton and �mMtghxtJ the at5r6cted partros slrouH obrify lhesr txxvrtmMAts ry& bmwvbry ap vw77 nts or other appmpn7te le!o' inshzrrxnts far Me tbrovrtobnW shown ha ow to cooftiL .5 Lot 1 ,is benehYted by o .30' aia(s aft* yis easw7j nt aarass Lot 1 to Pota h 6hook Ate enxrnent .booAba avfown a fbr .JLustrtshiv puposar any and i9 not cbn&OA Mhen exefzxsvd Me OOW&7tent bC47 ion rni be obtbrmNtad aril Me eaa�efnwvl wr'PI be cwtered on the ahzi7 gr strzctwer os constructed p WOO torn QO .mow wMO South/and Enterpr/ses, Inc. sry ro so sr VO/Ume 2% , Po9e 479 fAw srnrey w basad an m anar}azs of physr'ca/ emubme found on Me pvcrtd and ivfb maeian aAs6vc&Y Imm oWft * and other per - Anent rxwalc Ages PAW is COiMStent rrM rlt* 17 YSA 6hWt&- 17 SectrovW 1Io1 - l4rob: AOsrt U! Ab77k W LS -W 5.7 Ades a c' s friar- E ■ntcrr AEt7.*7W-W 171r A47rl/n's Foods of South Bur*7gl0n, Inc. / Volume 4Q9, Page 119 1 Ltbyrnet* Abdh 1999 100 O 100 200 TOO SCO/C 1 " = 100 fe Fino/ P/at of Resulting 047fCe S Of Chomploin MUMS Dishict, lnC., The muimone Society of Chitten+den County and 49fWl7 W0&17 ill Power- Ca POlt7 iafl (amw City Pa/* Rood, South BMdI17 ar/ ►�+ p 99341 '1* -- KN vi IT CO"JCULTING CNGNLcRS, NC. 12�20�95 a.e AWH — AWH P a eox �. ra�motl K, oa+ae - ,a era-asu SC , 1' -100'