HomeMy WebLinkAboutVR-74-0000 - Supplemental - 0303 Queen City Park RoadGREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION P.O. Box 486 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE, MONTPELIER, VE.RMONT 05602 802/223-5235 December 30, 197h Mr. Richard Ward Zoning Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington So, Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Ward: This is in regard to the zoning permit for our Queen City Substation project, granted by variance on July 15, 1974. Per our previous correspondence, we are hereby requesting that the permit be issued to the company just prior to January 15, 1975. This will make it effective prior to the six months expiration of the variance. The permit should be sent to my,attention* Due to the delays on the VELCO 11.5 KV project, Green Mountain Power Corporation feels that it should not have to start construction on its facility until the VELCO project is assured. Thus, we are requesting that the six month starting provision of the permit be stricken, so that we are not obligated to expend -time and money on a facility that would not be necessary should the VELCO project be halted. We have postponed ordering of the substation structure, fence, control house, etc., pending a firm construction schedule by VELCO, and due to the long delivery time on some of these materials, it is unlikely that we will do any major work in 1975• Your consideration of this request to waive the six month starting provision will be appreciated. Very truly yours, , -r -(;; Z-' " - �t �p B. F. Brault Chief Engineer BEB/ng Eno: cc: E. G. Whitney J. E. Frank January 39 1975 Grp,an Mountain Power Corp. P. (,-. 1-5cy 1+86 ortPelier,) 1 V 7'j_ CU02 u tenton: r. rerna-d 'Tault .L Dear Mr. Brault: Lnclosed please find an applicat--lon for a 11-oninc Permit. Upon completion of the applicat on please return it to this 01"Lice. The poisnitflee is base on one dollar per - thousand o -- tL, � project cost. The fee must be p"--id at the Time the permit is issued. In Your letter dated, December 30, 1974 you request a waiver of the six expiration period, unfortunately ,ot .4.-;I o1 4 �)ossLle. I-fI cons',"ructf.on - the project, C oe Sri t start within sf-x (6) mcn.ths of th-, Cate of isuan--e, bmi perr,,it expires. You t,!ould have: to resi Lt :for` another i -aninc, permit, -which would mean appear -In& before the Z.,oning I'loard of AdJustrnerit and the Planning, COTIMiSsicln, as you did back in July. T" it is unlikely that pork vould begin in 1975, 1 would recommend that you do not reque6t- a per, it at tK-IL's tiir;i,e!/ If you have any questions, don tt he:Ata4--e to call Very truly , Richard Zoning AdministrativeiO�fficer P14/i Enclosure GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION P.O. Box 486 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE, MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 802/223-5235 July 18, 1974 Mr. Richard Ward Zoning Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington So. Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Ward: Thank you for your letter of July 16, 1974, confirming the zoning variance approval for our Queen City Substation project. It is our understanding that the variance holds for six months, and that prior to January 15, 1975, we shall obtain the permit, which will cover the construction provided it is started within six months from that date (i.e. July 15, 1975). In regard to the last paragraph of your letter, pertaining to the Planning Commission's recommendation that additional trees be considered, please be advised that we have agreed to do so. In accordance with the order of the PSB, dated July 15, 1974, we will submit a landscape plan following construction, for approval by the PSB and carry out the plant- ings required. Very truly yours, B. F. Brault Chief Engineer BFB/orf cc: J. Frank 4 STATE OF VERMONT PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD No. 3849 Petition of Green Mountain Power X Corporation for a Certificate of X Public Good under 30 V.S.A. §248 X authorizing construction of an Hearing at addition to its existing 34.5 KV X Burlington, Vermont transmission substation on Queen July 2, 1974 City Park Road in South Burling- X ton, Vermont Findings and Certificate Dated: July X , 1974 PRESENT: Hearing Examiner, Wayne L. Foster APPEARANCES: Joseph E. Frank, Esq. for Green Mountain Power Corpo- ration Terrence J. Boyle for Office of Terrence Boyle INTRODUCTION This case concerns a petition filed by Green Mountain Power Corpo- ration on April 8, 1974 requesting a Certificate of Public Good under 30 V.S.A.1 §248 for the construction of an addition to its existing 34.5 KV transmissioz substation on Queen City Park Road in South Burlington, Vermont. The propose substation addition and associated transmission line tap to the VELCO sub- station, located across the railroad tracks to the west of the proposed sub- station addition, will provide additional capacity and a second supply source to the existing Green Mountain Power transmission and distribution system in the Burlington area. I Notices of the hearing were sent by certified flail on May 31, 1974 to all parties specified in 30 V.S.A. §248. In addition, notice of the hearin was published in "The Burlington Free Press" on June 11 and June 18, 1974. a -2- The hearing was held as scheduled on July 2, 1974 at the Burlington Electric Department in Burlington, Vermont. FINDINGS Based upon the substantial evidence of record and the testimony presented at the hearing, I hereby report the following findings to the Board in accordance with 30 V.S.A. §8: 1. Substantial testimony was introduced supporting the fact that the proposed construction will not unduly interfere with the orderly develop ment of the region. 2. Substantial testimony was introduced supporting the fact that the proposed construction is required to meet the need for present and future demand for service. 3. Substantial testimony was introduced supporting the fact that the proposed construction will not adversely.affect the system stability, reliability, and economic factors. 4. Substantial evidence and testimony was introduced supporting thel fact that the proposed construction will not have an undue adverse effect on aesthetics, historic sites, air and water purity, the natural environment an( the public health and safety. S. Mr. Terrence Boyle, the Board's environmental consultant, recom-I mended that the Petitioner's proposed landscape plan, to be submitted to the Board upon the completion of construction, include some inexpensive plantings in front of the existing substation, to minimize views through the existing structure by persons passing by en route to Red Rocks Park. Mr. Boyle indi- cated that the cost invested in such plantings would probably amount to less than $200.00, thus minimizing the loss which would occur should these planting -3- need to be removed at a later date when the existing substation is removed and other additions are required, possibly including new underground lines in the area which is now the front of the existing substation. In addition, Mr. Boyle stated that the City of South Burlington may wish to construct a side- walk along the roadway in front of the existing substation and asked for the full cooperation of the Petitioner in assisting the city to locate the side- walk to minimize any interference with the electric facilities and plantings. The Petitioner agreed fully with Mr. Boyle's recommendations. Dated at Montpelier, Vermont this `�" day of July, 1974. Wayne L. Foster -Hearing Examiner ."OPINION Based upon all the foregoing findings in this case, the Public Ser- vice Board of the State of Vermont hereby finds that the construction of a: addition .to an existing 34.5•KV transmission substation on Queen City Park Road in South Burlington, Vermont will promote the general good of the State and (1) will not unduly interfere with the orderly development of the regic (2) is required to meet the need for present and future demand for service; (3) will not adversely affect system stability and reliability and econcmic factors; and (4) will not have an undue adverse effect on aesthetics, historic sites, air and water purity, the natural environment and the public health and safety. -4- Dated at Montpelier, Vermont this day of July, 1974. PUBLIC SERVICi BOARD OF VERMONT OFFICE OF CLERK FILED:��-.1 .;f, i ��41 AT CLERK I No. 3849 Petition of Green Mountain Power X Corporation for a Certificate of X Public Good under 30 V.S.A. §248 authorizing construction of an X addition to its existing 34.5 KV X transmission substation on Queen City Park Road in South Burling- ton, Vermont X CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC GOOD UNDER 30 V.S.A. §248 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the Public Service Board of the State of Vermont this day found and adjudged that the proposed construction by the Greer. Mountain Power Corporation of a 34.5 KV transmission substation on Queen City Park Road in South Burlington, Vermont will promote the general good of the State of Vermont subject to the following condition: 1. Within 30 days after the construction of the sub- station addition is completed, the Petitioner shall prepare a landscape plan for the site, review it with the Board's staff and submit the final plan, along with an estimated cost and completion schedule, to the Board for approval. Dated at Montpelier, Vermont this "'day of July, 1974. \ ) PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD OF V ER."!ONT OFFICE OF CLERK Filed: Attest:. CLERK GREEN 140UNTASN POIe ER Area is zoned B.I.D. District Proposal is an addition to substation #32 located on Queen City Park Road. Present structure has a fair market value of $P8,100. Green Mountain Power is proposing an addition to the structure at an estimated cost cf $164,000. This addition is Green Mountain's portion of the new Queen City Tap proposed by VELCO. r s1, /0,/ o No Text � � - ' /j/e �,�. 'e�w Re o c� :.S"O � .�' .� SOO = /�e �/�c�� s June 11, 1974 Green Mountain Power Corporation Attention. Mr. Bernard F. Brault Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Re: Addition to ',queen City Substation #32 D ar Mr. i3rault: In an opinion letter from our City Attorney, Ntr. .ichard Spokes, we find that site plan review by the Planning Commission is applicable. On April 30, 1974, the Planning Commission did in fact approve your plan with a condition that the landscaping be ro- viewed by the City Tree Planting Committee. As a result of their inspection they found that additional plantings should tame place, however they did not offer any suggestions at that time. In re:jard to your application for a zoning permit I find that your present substation is a non --conforming use and therefore your application for a permit must be (aenied. Section 13.00 of the Zoning Ordinance would allow an alteration to a structure provided that such alteration sloes not exceed 25 percent of the fair market value of the building or structure. rased on information supplied on the application my findings are that your l-)roposed alteration would in fact exceed 25 percent. In a telephone conversation on this date we discussed the pro- cedures for an application before the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Lnclosed is an application form, which if you decide to appeal, should be returned to this office no later than June 24, 1974. Presently I have enough information to warn for a public hearing which would be scheduled for 14onday, July 15, 1974. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact me at 863-2891. Very truly yours, !Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator � E ve 2)i Aec' 1- 1) 7 4- /ee z) Q MA-e - 1d���I V6, 3 � a � / �o 3J4,1 c200 .. 0,vd U 1 PERMIT NO. _......................... Code Officer Copy 1P OF SOUTH BURLINGTON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Z014ING ZONE ....... .... _........ DATE, .........../�� ...lf�.. .... ...I r.................................... 197, The undersigned hereby applies for permission to make certain building improvements as de' scribed below. (Plans to be submitted if required by Building Inspector.) All construction to be completed in accordance with the Zoning Laws and Building Regulations of the Town of South Burlington and the State of Vermont, and conform to the Regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and any and all Federal Regulations now in effect. • • • ••' • • • Single Family Two Family • BUILDER ApartmentUr SUPPLY:WATER ■Pri Steva ■ Store Offices DISPOSAL:SEWAGE ■ Septic Tank Permit # Warehouse Comm. Garage ROAD •PPermit •es. Garage ELEC. WIRING: Under-roundE] OverheadE • ■ Att.E111 ••• H■ u■■■■/rr/■/■■■■■/■/■r/■■-- ■■r■■■////■/■/ ■/■ . ::::::CC to ... ......................................... woman MOORE 0 :. ■:" MINERM ONE :::�:.i .■�OMNI . ::� n::.:::::::::■ MaIMME:::: wagonMae Cellar Area Full 0 an ■/soon 0 '•• ■.H■�i!■■■ 1H■SlE■■in 'Fireplace on ii0089*1 ommumE,�iiiii■i■iiiiiiiiiiiiiii HERiiiii■iii■■■■■■■i■i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ HEATING NONSENSE i■ii■■ii■�iii�i■■ii■ii�i Pipeless Furnace am .., ■■■■.■■'s ■ n■■■tr■■■■■■■ /■.a■MmH■■ ■E■E■EMEM■ME■■ ■u ■/■/■/.■ r:■ ■■■■■■■■■/■■■fir■■■■//■■■■■■■■■■■/■■■ ,. ■H■■■■■HE.HH■�H■Hr ■■■■■■■■■r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ... 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IzP--jel--'.................... SIGNATURE of OWNS or AGENT Plans received Yes R No. ?.-.cf�:-...-.._.-.�,7-_vr� /!/ ?.- ..f �2. j Lam. (...h.................... ADD SS of OWNER APPLICATION:, REJECTED APPROVED /�� •y r d�G %� ,/SIGNATURE OF CODE OFFICER --------------------------------------- -_------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ _ D Date ......... ........ ...... ................... O� 19ZI PERMIT VALID FOR SIX MONTHS C'o.i.rl; P/�s,nou! Aor /V71r— i j March 22 9 1974 Mr. Richard R. ITard,, Zoning Admn. City of So. Burlington Manicipal Office 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont Dear Mr. Wards Enclosed are an application for building permit, and plan and profile drawings for an addition to our Queen City Substation, on Queen City Park Road in South Burlington. Please advise to of the date and time that a hearing will be held, and if there are any questions on the application, do not hesitate to Contact me. Very truly yours, B. F. Brault Chief Engineer BFBt er.c J o..1%✓i�i %e' �Iw� / �ii, n'i'..,C CMG+^+ rw .'l✓' � O /� Ih GI•�Y G. fi ✓A/CI / NOTICE OF APPEAL SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTIMNT I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following: �ffi� 31%10KX1x 1§ var i fnce � �� , alternatively, for de ermina ion a regu atidn is imi e un er ��c. 4409(a) or that state 5e?g�jobwur -empts under 24 VSA sec. 4409(b). Property location & description south side of Queen City Park Road between railway and water plant, 212 feet of frontage by 850 feet deep. Variance of erection -� (n=bBr) (title of sectioi) A pellan is entitled to vari4nceunder standards specified in 2 VSA sec. 4468 or to determination that regulation is Basis of appeallimited under 24 VSA sec. 4409(a) or that stage regulation pre-empts under 24 VSA sec. 4409(b) I understand the regular meetings are held twice a month on Monday at 5:00 p.m. at the City Hall, Conference Room. The legal advertise- ment must appear in the Burlington Free Press a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the hearing, I agree to pay a fee of $30.00 which fee is to off -set the costs of advertising and the hearing. GREEN yjOUNTAkN POWER CORPORATION By a Hearing Date Si tore f pell ------------------------------------------------- VIA ---------------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 911 Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room Williston wml South B lington, Vermont on W,/, � / i 7 . at day of week month and date (time to consider the following: Appeal of Green Mountain Power Corporation seeking a name variance from Section 13.00 Non -conforming Uses and Structureef number title of section the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to construct an addition behind the existing substation on the south side of Queen City Park Road. Alternatively to a variance, appellant seeks a determination that zoning regulation is limited under 24 VSA sec. 4409(a) or that state regulation pre-empts under 24 VSA sec. 4409(b). PAUL, FRANK & COLLINS R. ALLAN PAUL ATTORNEYS AT LAW JOSEPH E. FRANK PETER M.COLLINS 135 COLLEGE STREET JOHN T. SARTORE BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 B. MICHAEL FRYE June 21, 1974 Mrs. Helen D. Paquin, City Clerk City of South Burlington 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mrs. Paquin: TELEPHONE AREA CODE 802 658-2311 Enclosed for filing is the Notice of Appeal of Green Mountain Power Corporation and our check for the appeal fee. Please note the appearance of our law firm on behalf of the appellant. Kindly schedule this appeal for hearing as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, PAUL, FRANK & COLLINS doseph E. Frank JEF/bb Enclosure CC: Mr. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator PAUL. FRANK & COLLINS ATTORNEYS AT LAW 135 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON.VERMONT 05401 R. ALLAN PAUL 3OSrPH E. FRANK PETER M. COLLINS TtLtPMONt JOHN T. SARTORE AREA COOK 802 OEB-1311 R. MICHAEL FRYE Mrs. Helen D. Paquin, City Clerk City of South Burlington 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mrs. Paquin% Enclosed for filing is the Notice of Appeal of Green Mountain Power Corporation and our check for the appeal fee. Please note the appearance of our .law firm on behalf of the appellant. D Kindly schedule this appeal for hearing as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, PAUL,, FRANK 6 COLLINS oseph E. Frank JEF/bb Enclosure CC Mr. Richard Ward, Zoninq Administrator NOTICE OF APPEAL SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board coofx Adjustment for the following: 2P$t$*f�?[$X a4 varifnc � "� cI �WK�lo (a)aorethativel3 for de mina ion a regu atfdn is imi a un er 4 sec. state M} tiobwRii _empts under 24 VSA sec. 4409(b). Property location & description south side of Queen City Park Road between r railway and water plant, 212 feet of frontage by 850 feet deep. Variance of Section S.0a O.�"�o �M/Av !/rt ��► "`«fu�t�s e )+ it e of secti A lvari ce un a standa d$ spified 2�pySA secs 4�Wtled_qo eta ion t at re uatioleis , Basis of appealLimited cue ec. 4 " a tion I understand at 5:00 p.m. pre-empts under 24 VSA sec. 4409(Y the regular meetings are held twit at the City Hall, Conference Room. went must appear in the Burlington Free Press a (15) days before the hearing, I agree to pay a fee is to off -set the costs of advertising and GREEN IWUNTI Hearing Date M. SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE e a month on Monday The legal advertise - minimum of fifteen fee of $30.00 which the hearing. TION In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 91, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room 1175 Willistonrc/ tngtonVermt onisjato� day off week)' month and date(time5 Ow to consider the following: Appeal of Green Mountain Power Corporation seeking a I name variance from Section 13.00 Non -conforming Uses and Structuree�f (nunbe� title of section the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to construct an addition behind the existing substation on the south side of Queen City Park Road. Alternatively to a variance, appellant seeks a determination that zoning regulation is limited under 24 VSA sec. 4409(a) or that state regulation pre-empts under 24 VSA sec. 4409(b). 7 S) Paul, Frank & Collins Attorneys at Law Burlington, Vermont STATE OF VERMONT PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD Petition of Green Mountain ) Power Corporation Under 30 ) V.S.A. sec. 248 for Authority ) Docket No. 3849 to Enlarge an Electric Trans- ) mission Substation on Queen ) City Park Road in the City of ) South Burlington ) PETITION NOW COMES the petitioner, Green Mountain Power Corporation, and respectfully represents that: 1. Petitioner has a substation on the south side of Queen City Park Road in the City of South Burlington. This substation is situated between the properties of Champlain Water District and the railroad right of way of Vermont Railway, Inc. 2. This substation needs to be expanded to meet the increased and increasing demand for electrical power and energy in the greater Burlington area. 3. Petitioner proposes to construct an addition behind the existing substation in 1975 at an estimated cost of $164,000. 4. The proposed construction will not unduly inter - fere with the orderly development of the region, with due consideration being given to any recommendations of the municipal and regional planning commissions and the municipal legislative body. r Paul, Frank & Collins Attorneys at Law Burlington, Vermont 5. The proposed construction is required to meet the present and future demand for service. 6. The proposed construction will not adversely affect system stability and reliability and economic factors. 7. The proposed construction will not have an undue adverse effect on aesthetics, historic sites, air and water purity, the natural environment and the public health and safety. 8. The proposed construction will promote the general good of the State of Vermont. WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays that: (a) The Board hold a public hearing pursuant to 30 V.S.A. sec. 248(a); (b) The Board make the findings required under 30 V.S.A. sec. 248(b); and (c) The Board find that the proposed construction will promote the general good of the State of Vermont and issue a certificate to that effect. Dated at Burlington, Vermont, this 8th day of April, 1974. Countersigned: G, aul, Frank & Collins Attorneys for Petitioner GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION Ls VERMONT PUBLIC SERVICE' BOARD DOCKET NO. 3849 IN RE: PETITION OF GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION UNDER 30 V.S.A. SECTION 248 FOR AUTHORITY TO ENLARGE AN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION SUBSTATION ON QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON TESTIMONY OF BERNARD F. BRAULT Q. Please state your name and residence. A. Bernard F. Brault. I live in Barre, Vermont. Q• By whom are you employed? A. Green Mountain Power Corporation. Q. What position do you have with Green Mountain Power Corporation? A. Chief Engineero Q. Will you tell the board of your educational background and professional experience. A. I graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1958 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering. I was employed by New York State Electric and Gas Corporation from 1958 until 1970. While there, I held positions in operations and engineering involving electric transmission and distribution facilities. In 1966, I was promoted to Resident Engineer for the Northeast Area. In 1970, I joined an electrical contracting firm in Maine, as Assistant to the President. While in Maine, I was involved with construction projects on commercial, civic, and industrial buildings, plus several substation projects, including a 345 KV substation built for Central Maine Power Corporation. In August 1971, I joined Green Mountain Power Corporation as Chief Engineer. My duties consist primarily of system planning and engineering. I am a registered professional engineer in Vermont, my registration number being No. 2925. .� -2- j Q. Are you familiar with the proposed const-ruction project for the Queen City Substation? A. Yes. The design of the addition to the existing substation was carried out by our Engineering Department under my supervision. Q. For what purposes or functions is the proposed addition to the substation designed and intended to perform? A. The proposed addition of a 34.5 KV structure at Queen City serves several purposes: 1. It will provide a second source from the 115 KV system to feed the GMP 34.5 KV loop around the greater Burlington area. At the present time, there is only one tie to the 115 KV, at Essex, and the loss of that source would drop the entire 34.5 KV system to an unacceptable voltage level. 2. The proposed circuit -,breakers to be installed in the new station will provide individual protection for -the three 34.5 KV lines that terminate there. Presently, a fault on either the line towards Burlington or the line towards Essex will cause breakers.,to open at the far ends, result- ing in outages to 5 substations. With the new protection scheme, the number of customers affected by any one line fault will be greatly reduced. 3. The proposed station will provide a closer source for supplying Burlington City load requirements. During high load periods, particularly if generation at Burlington is off, loads of 20-30 MVA are carried over the GMP 34.5 KV system from Essex. This results in higher transmission losses and could cause circuit overloading when demands at the GMP substations are high, as these loads have to be carried in addition to the Burlington City requirements. )�. The new structure is being planned in such a way that a distribution station can be built later. This paves the way toward modernizing the entire Queen City Station along with the subsequent removal of the existing structure. Q. Please describe the Queen City Substation site. A. The Queen City Substation is located on the south side of Queen City Park Road, in the City of So. Burlington, and is situated between the Vermont Railway, Inc. and the Champlain Water District property. The present station was built there about 1954. The property has a frontage of 2121, and a depth of approximately 8501. In connection with the new structure, it is planned to install new fencing and add screen plantings along the front. Q. Have you indicated the location of the proposed substation on various maps or sections of maps? A. Yes. Q. Please identify them. A. The section of map marked Petitioner's 1 for identification is from a U.S. Geological Survey Map, and I have marked the site of the proposed substation on that map. The map marked Petitionerle 2 is a city map on which I have shown the site of the proposed substation. The map identified as Petitioner's 3 is a county map, and again, it indicates the location of the substation. Q. Would you describe the construction features of this project? A. The addition to the substation will consist of a new steel structure behind the present station. The structure will be approximately 60 ft. long x 28 ft. wide x 29 ft. high, and will contain the 34.5 KV busses, line terminations, switches, and circuit breakers. There will be 8 bays available for the following functions: a) Two lines for ties with VELCO, b) Two 34.5 KV lines to Burlington and Essex, c) One line toward Shelburne, d) One future 34.5 KV line position, e) Connection for future 12 KV distribution station, f) Mobile Substation connection. There -4- I ' will also be a 25' x 15' metal control building towards the southwest corner. Three 34.5 KV oil circuit breakers will be initially installed under the structure, and approximately 640 linear feet of 7' high chain link fence will be added. Initially, there will be a single 34.5 KV line constructed from the VELCO substation to the rear of the Queen City Station. Q. I show you a plan marked Petitioner's 4 for identification. Was that plan prepared under your supervision? A. Yes, it was. Q. Please describe it.. A. It is a plot plan of the site showing the property lines, the fenced area and the location of the structures. Q. I show you another drawing marked Petitioner's 5 for identification. Was it prepared under your supervision? a A. Yes. Q. Please describe it. A. It is a profile drawing of the existing and proposed structures. Q. Are there any plans for other additions or changes to this site in the future? A. Yes, in anticipation of the need for increasing the capacity of our distribution system, when load levels necessitate it, we plan to install a 12.47 KV distribu- tion step down transformer and circuit positions for three or four feeders. At that time, the existing distribution circuits would be converted from 4.16 KV to 12.47 KV operation over a period of several years. Q. When would you expect to be making these additions? A. Based on the growth pattern of the area served by the Queen City Substation, coupled with the effect of energy conservation measures, it appears that conversion to 12.47 KV operation would commence about 1980, and'be completed during 1983 or 1984. Q. Would there be any other major changes at the Queen City Substation? A. Upon completion of the voltage change over on the circuits, the existing sub- station would no longer be required, and it would be removed. Q. What is the construction schedule for this project? A. We plan to start construction in the spring of 1975, and complete same by fall. Q. In your opinion, is the proposed construction required to meet the need for present and future demands for service? A. Yes, as mentioned in parlier testimony, this connection to the 115 KV system is vital for reliability of service in the Burlington area. It is planned to move one of the two 50 MVA transformers, presently at Essex (VELCO) to their proposed 115 KV Queen City Substation. As there have been times when both transformers were required to be operated in parallel at Essex to meet system demands, the tie at Queen City is required to achieve the,,same level of capacity that now exists. Q. In your opinion, will the proposed construction unduly interfere with the orderly development of the region? A. No, the site is within an area that has been used for utility purposes for many years; namely, electric, railroad and more recently, water system. We understand that the area is in a business, planned development zoning classification. Q. Do you feel that this project will have any undue adverse effect on esthetics, historic sites, air and water purity, the natural environment or the public health and safety? d A. Due to the type of construction planned, and the proposed landscaping, I do not feel that there will be an undue adverse effect on the esthetics of the area. I do not know of any historic sites in the proximity of this location. The construction and operation of this facility will not, in my opinion, have any adverse effect on air and water purity, or on the natural environment. Since the construction of the additional substation facilities will be in accordance with the National Electric Safety Code and recognized industry safety standards, as well as being protected by a fenced enclosure, with locked gates, I do not feel that this project will have any adverse effect on the health and safety of the public. Q. In your opinion, will -the proposed construction adversely affect system stability and reliability and economic factors? A. No, stability and reliability should be increased because of new equipment and controls. Increased load must be met with adequate and orderly planned facilities the to provide expected reliability of today's electrical service, and this project, the cost of which is estimated at $164,000, is economically justified by this requirement. Q. Mr. Brault, based on your testimony, your professional experience and qualifica- tions as an electric utility engineer and your knowledge of the situation with respect to this particular substation and the distribution system to which it will supply electricity, is it your opinion that the use of land as proposed in the petition, and the electric substation and associated structures proposed to be constructed and operated on such land will promote the general good of the State of Vermont? A. In my opinion, the general good of the state, and in particular its residents who are customers of Green Mountain Power Corporation in the Burlington area, will be promoted by the construction and operation of this substation. Q. Have you or are you ascertaining the recommendations of the South Burlington Planning Commission, the South Burlington City Council, and the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission? A. I have a session scheduled with the South Burlington Planning Commission on April 23, 1974 and should be able to report their recommendations, if any, at the time of hearing. I also expect to have the recommendations, if any, of the South Burlington City Council and the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission by the time of hearing. F . n 7 r 1 *! 1-1A 1.V 'M I,{ N'I' 010 T1114 'INT11,1 Eia.OR J. �. UP, L0(4MAL SURVEYop , 13 �' r' �•� o ! • �' r{ .. n 0it ate` 1` KE W CENErfRY 31711 i C • �:ti HC.'1 t�l[Tlf'�111I1 - �( ,� ••,.+'�'¢v •p` 9 •3� �i @�LLZll {i ,^^f V.r V \ 35 Lone Rock Point d��,r.. ��� NNOUN �v........,►[J`►'� � �rj ������ �� �' �y`gi�7Mp7i�},t�, «_ ._.i 1, I mi" � � o l �(I\^ �. ����.�, �_-_�.�- di i 'i/ ate•• ( Q- � •�- ;r� *329 o r h� e° �. Q r,.' g/�}•Q a �� °Iti _ -� �� .ram �� �� V�' _ �� 0,j ,' •� r v' jl goo / i l i 'H,� '�- E ��/ // I • - 1 Redrock Point. �. ggqggg Itj It � � ate• ,i �I �:�� �< �/ /�� so C .r ��:� 1 !f ' - � � _ 4.. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAP , BURLINGTON QUADRANGLE SO. BURLINGTON, VERMON T CONTOUR INTERVAL 20' %/ I �,� January - 1973 1" = 1 Mi. PROPOSED SUBSTATION SITOpp < GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION el; 41:% 40 /Ty tl f 4 It "tis do a t 1 �A .��yyXA , t +'1 .r� T t . , a l 'a ... • .e¢t Rr i r Af IV OOP'8®. I� Jxh'�3 fs it �j4:' 4/ � S `.� � • }�•�'� .,� �+. 7 ;y R' , IAA t t'"'b. � c �+' '�,^�� 3•«c•1,c .7G � } f,`;� -� ii ". .,Y t t1 i4 � / -'i �,f`�` j1. Viz"! • ' �9 �% �r r ` r TOWN HIGHWAY MAP CHITTENDEN COUNT`.' So. BURLINGTON) V FIRMU :T January 1973 PROPOSED SUBST,. i0N SITE lk GREEN NK?L'NTAIN POwFE�z XRPORATIOA -•:4%.,r... rt ra7,:rr ; (rr .. 'ss?k.e' ., .{y;¢ • «�i .r ..a .oaw � No Text PAUL, FRANK & COLLINS R.ALLAN PAUL ATTORNEYS AT LAW JOSEPF E. FRANK PETER M.COLLINS 13E- ,OLLEGE STREET Jo,-4 T.SARTORE BURL.IrJ �TON,VERMONT 05401 B. M!CNAEL FRYE April 8, 1974 Vermont Public Service Board 7 School Street Montpelier, Vermont 05602 E LF=PHONE AREA -ODE 8"2 658-231, Re: Petition of Green Mountain Power Corporation under 30 V.S.A. sec. 248 for Authority to Enlarge an Electric Transmission Substation on Queen City Park Road in the City of South Burlington, PSB Docket No. 3849 Gentlemen: On behalf of Green Mountain Power Corporation, I enclose for filing five copies of each of the following: (1) Petition; (2) Testimony of Bernard F. Brault; and (3) Exhibits 1 through 5. Copies of this letter and all of the enclosures are being sent to each of the officials and agencies designated to receive notice under the statute. Very truly yours, PAUL, FRANK & COLLINS ?Joseph E. Frank JEF/jw Enclosures GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CORPORATION P.O. Box 486 GREEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE, MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 802/223-5235 April 99 1974 AP& 1 C 1974 so. ,, pal-/CF r Mr. Walter Nardelli, Chairman South Burlington City Council 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Sir: Enclosed is a copy of a petition filed. by Green Mountain Power Corporation with the Vermont Public Service Board, relating to the construction of additional facilities at our .Queen City Substation in So. Burlington, Vermont. If there are any questions concerning the information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, 'Vr-S;4r Ane..-W-. B. F. Brault Chief Engineer BFB/orf Enclosure JOHN T. EWING RICHARD A. SPOKES LAW OFFICES OF EWING & SPOKES 66 ST. PAUL STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401 May 30, 1974 William J. Szymanski City Manager 1175 Williston Road South Burlington, Vermont 05401 RE: Opinion No. 58 Zoning - Substations Dear Bill: AREA CODE 802 863-2857 i9741 CITY S0. The Planning Commission has asked us to comment on the question of whether the proposed construction of a Velco sub- station in the Queen City Park area falls within the site plan review jurisdiction of the Planning Commission and, if so, whether - in case of conflict - the conclusions and recommenda- tions of the Planning Commission would take precedence over those embodied in the Public Service Board's Certificate of Public Good. As you know, Velco has been issued such a Certificate, and feels it can ignore municipal zoning requirements. The overwhelming caselaw in other jurisdictions indicates that while municipalities can regulate utility developments to some extent, they cannot entirely exclude them when the proposed project has been found to be in the public interest by the appropriate state regula- tory commission. I feel the Vermont Planning and Development Act contains suffi- cient authority to permit municipalities to regulate through their zoning regulations the construction of substations. 24 VSA §4409 permits limited zoning control over certain facilities including "public utility power generating plants and transmission lines." Velco has taken the position that a "substation" does not fall within the definition of "public utility power generating plants". Their attorney argues that since substations are not enumerated in Section 4409, municipalities cannot exert any zoning control over them. It seems inconceivable that the Legislature would permit limited regulations concerning "generating plants" yet restrict municipal zoning control over the smaller "substations". Logic dictates the opposite conclusion. EWING & SPOKES William J. Szymanski -2- May 30, 1974 Whether or not a "substation" is considered to be a "public utility power generating plant" under 24 VSA §4409, I feel that South Burlington has some zoning authority over the proposed Velco development. I would conclude that site plan review is applicable, and if the Planning Commission imposes more stringent requirements than the Public Service Board did in its Certificate of Public Good, our conditions would control. 24 VSA 54409 (b). I have not examined the proposed plans to determine what other approval is necessary. It is conceivable that we may have a variance situation. I will confer with Dick Ward, and jointly we will recommend what position South Burlington should take concerning the proposals. Many Vermont municipalities are faced with the same issue, and it appears that the Town of Middlebury will take some action to secure a judicial opinion. Hopefully, we will get some appro- priate guidance from Middlebury's undertaking. Very truly yours, Richard A. Spokes RAS:nm cc: Mary Barbara Maher