HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-77-0000 - Decision - 0000 Quarry Hill Road (2)PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 22, 1977 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 1977 in the Conference Room, Municipal Offices, 1175 Williston Road. Members Presen William Wessel, Chairman; Ernest Levesque, Sidney Poger, Kirk Woolery, James Ewing Member Absent David Morency Others Present Stephen Page, Planning Assistant; Richard Bruce, Jerry Myler, Ralph DesLaurier, Mrs. DesLaurier, Richard Thomas, Judson Babcock, Michael Ram, Jim Holbrook, Richard Bingham, Xr. and Mrs. Laurence Lenillee Mr. Pierson, Ralph Veve, Paul Simms, Bill Schuele, Bill Duff, Walt - Platteborze, Free Press _Reading of Minutes of March 8, 1977 and March 15, 19'77 In the Minutes of March 8, 1977, the following is to be added to stip— ulation 10 on page 2: The right of way along the southerly line shall be reserved, in an appropriate manner, for a potential future city street. In the Minutes of March 15, the following iA to be added at the top of page 3: The motion was seconded by Mr. ivesque and passed unanimously. Mr. Poger then moved that the Planning Commission accept the Minutes of March 8, 1977 and March 15, 1977, as corrected. Mr. Levesque seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Public Hearing: Final Plat applications of Cupola Golf Course, Inc. and Richard Bruce et al, to set off one 11 acre lot, and construct 76 apartment units on said lot, east of Spear Street, north of the University Farm. Mr. Myler gave a general introduction to the project and then Bill Duff outlined the architectural changes made since the last meeting. He said that the parking shelters had been deleted because of cost, although they could be put in later, that the emergency exit had been lengthened and extended to the south because of the steepness of the slope, and that the number of units had gone from 77 to 76. Mr. Poger pointed out that at the last meeting the Commission had said that the road was too close to the parking shelters dnd he wished to know whether, if the shelters were later built, thej would be too close. He was told that there would now be enough room. "r. ;.Tyler said that every change in the pl.+ns had t- "n approved by Ifr. Pege and 1:r. Syzmanski. 2. Mr. Myler went through Mr. Page's memo of March 18, 1977. A name for the new road was discussed, with Mr. Page pointing out that it must be approved by the Commission and cannot be too close in sound to another in the city, since that could cause confusion on the part of the Post Office and/or the Fire Department. Quarry Hill was proposed, with the designation of street, road, etc. to be added later. Mr. Wessel warned the developers that they would be subject to the new recreation policy, but pointed out that it would be applied fairly to all developers. Mr. Myler then went through Dick Ward's memo of March, 18, 1977. In response to paragraph 2, he said that the existing vegetation will be placed on the site plan and that the trees will be protected during construction. In response to the final paragraph, Mr. Eyler said that the figure of 112 of 1% of the total development cost for engineering inspection fees would amount to about $7,000 and that that seemed rather high. Mr. Wessel said that it could be omitted as a provision of final plat approval until the proper people could take care of setting a more reasonable.fee. Mr. Eyler then went through Mr. Syzmanski's memo of March 18, 1977. _— He said that the things discussed in the memo will be worked out before building permits are received. Mr. Wessel asked if the Fire Chief had looked at the proposed project and was told that he had looked at the preliminary plat but not at this. Mr. Wessel said that he was reluctant to give final approval until this was taken care of. Mr. Eyler returned to Mr. Page's memo of March 18 and pedestrian ease- ment was discussed. At this point Richard Thomas, stating that he rep- resented Mrs. DesLaurier and the Cupola Golf Course, raised a question about the pedestrian easement that Cupola was providing to Horizon Heights. He was afraid that the easement would be on Cupola grounds, but was told that it would not; it will be on Horizon Heights land. He also objected to the first four lines .on'page 2'of Mr. Page's March:18 memo.. He wanted the Commission to withhold a final requirement to bring the road up to city standards until a major subdivision is offered. He said that the road passes 3 acres of R7 Quarry Hill property which may be developed later but that the cost of upgrading the road to city standards would be so high that it would not be feasible to develop the 3 acres. He further said that if the Commission requires upgrading gn the entire road he wants it to be no more stringent than the requirement for Horizon Heights i.e. city standards without curbs and with asphalt sidew-ilks} Mr. Wooler"ointed out that Cupola Golf Course also owns 20 more acres which are business acres and that if these were developed the road would take the traffic. Mr. Poger recommended that the road be Ab discust0d when and if there is further development. Mr. Wessel said that he would like to wait a week-S-efore giving final approval until the requirements for approval had been dealt with more completely- Mr. Myler said that they needed the final plat on March 30 for the Act 250 approvals. Mr. Poger felt that the applicant had fulfilled all the requirements and that he should not be held up because the Ccwwission had not worked out several issues yet. Mr. Poger then coved fJ,at the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the final_ 3. plat application of Horizon Heights and Cupola Golf Course, Inc Plan I final subdivision approval as on the Horizon Heights plan of 11 sheets and a landscaping plan to be submitted later. by Green Mountain rs and Trudell Consultin, and Plan II final subdivision a Course, Inc." atipulationn: "Cupola Golf Green Mountain Surveys, dated 3 2 77. with the follow 1) that a final landscape plan be submitted to the Planning Commission 2) that Horizon Heights be subject to the recreation fee to be set by the Planning Commission and approved by the..City Council. 3) that the stipulations in Hill Syzmanski's memo of March 18, 1977 be agreed to by the city engineer. 4) that a proper landscaping bond as required by the zoning ordinance be posted.. 5) that on Plan II of the Cupola Golf Course the following -- statements be entered: "Quarry Hill Road so—called- ,hall ha fnll, upgraded city design and construction standards in the even o a) additional subdivision, or. - w b) pubstantial further development" 6) that the road be called Quarry Hill and the final designation of road. street, boulevard be added. 7) that a pedestrian right—of—way from Horizon Heights to the Quarry Hill Hoad. so called, be made 8) that the drafts of the utility easements from Cupola Golf Course and Horizon Heights be reviewed by the City Attorney. 9) that the Ci vate road utility -ineers dated 9 1 to a plan entitle y Attorney review the documents relating to the easements and that these be subm tted.-for review gnd approval by the Planning Commission The motion was seconded by Mr. Levesque and passe unanimously. _..` Chairman Wessel noted that he felt that it was premaium-to make approval on the final plat because so many of the administrative approvals have yet to be given. Public Hearing: Preliminary Plat applications of Burlington Indoor Tennis Center, Inc., and A. Judson Rnhnnn_k to Rya nff n i„* „r Aq i acres, and construct 196 apartment Oaks Terrace. N,