HomeMy WebLinkAboutZB-89-0000 - Supplemental - 0026 Mountain View Boulevard (2)til)lJ'I'II Iililil.IN(;'I'()N %c)NINII IiUAilD OF A1),JtISTi1ENT 1 indinks in aeceerdance with Section 4468 of the !Tanning h Development. A(A (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions, including irregularity, narrowness, or shallowness of lot size or shapo, or exceptional t.opograhical or other physical eOndi t.ions peculiar to the particular property, and that the unnecessary hardship is due to such conditions, and not the circumstances or conditions generally created by the provisions of the zoning regulations in the neighborhood or di.9 in which the property is located; ('L) 'That because of such physical circumstances or conditions, there is no possibility that the property can be developed in strict conformity with the provisions of the zoning regulations and that the authorization of a variance is therefore necessary to enable the reasonable use of the property; (3) That such nnecessary hardship has not been created by the appella ; (4) That the variance, if authorized, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the proper is located, nor substantially or permanently impair a appropriate use or development of adjacent prop;Ky, nor be detrimental to the public welfare; (5) That the variance, variance tha irl least mo ication the p n. if authorized, will represent the minimum afford relief and will represent the possible of the zoning regulations and of Appeal a14 — -- Dat e - .- l- . -V - -- --- - -- — ---- - - --- AppellantCF Vote: Yes^ No 1_-1 Sign Use Reverse side for additional fin tiull'I'll Ill;ltl.l tit;'I'crN ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTIMENT I in�lin�,s in reccOrdrence, with Section 4468 of the Planning h I evolc>pm(,nt. Ar:t. ( I) Tha 1 the rc, are unique physical circumstances or cond i t. i on. , including i r•r•egu lari t.y , narrowness, or shallowness of lot si, or shaper, or ezcepLionnl t.opograhical or other physical conditions pcculir►r• to the particular property, and that. the unnecessary hardship is due to such conditions, and not the circumstances or conditions generally created by the provisions of the zoning regulations in the neighborhood or district in which the property is located; (2) That because of' such physical circumstances or conditions, there is no possibility that the property can be developed in strict conformity with the provisions of the zoning regulations and that the authorization of a variance is therefore necessary to enable the reasonablefiCA of the property; -LOT S' AA 04- fO ' 1-G cL &Gr-l:.N ro,.a 1- (3) That such unnecessary hardship has not been created by the appellant; --1�_-21,a �i7rLa, �� �- o_ �> - -- (4) That the variance, if authorized, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor substantially or permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent prope_rty, nor be detrimental to the public.welfare; a / rs 7 (5) That the variance, if authorized, will represent the minimum variance that will afford relief and will represent the least modification pos�ble of )zoning regulations and of the plan. T t.��fi1�, 2� �Gw•yG _ Appeal � ----- r ------ - - Dato �/2.�l�� Appel lant li►,ev� � J a)Qti Vote: Yes , Use Reverse side for additional findings I SOUTH BU1t1I.1tit Tt)N ZONING BOAUD OF ADJUS'1IMENT 1 i nd i rig " i n accordcince wi th Section 4468 of the PI iron i ng h Devc1opillont. Act, (I) That there are unique: physical circumstances or conditions, including irregularity, narrowness, or - shallowness of lot size or shaper, or exceptional t.opograhical or other physics.►l Conditions peculiar to the particular property, and that. thcr unnecessary hardship is due to such conditions, and not tJle circumstances or conditions generally created by the provisions of the zoning regulations in the neighborhood or district in which the property is located; C-.o7 t-�_.Z9___-_-,___ _ �U a-) P le- S LfW - GCS tLkte-� L-O f ---- ('l.) That because of such physical circumstances or conditions, there is no possibility that;the property can be developed in strict conformity with the provisions of the zoning regulations and that the authorization of a variance is therefore necessary to enable the reasonable use of the property; (3) That such unnecessary hardship has not been created by the appellant; �6 k � (4) That the variance, if' authorized, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor substantially or permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, nor be detrimental to the public welfare; L) k He c p " oe -B&c v. ?'O (L C tt� S 4 S Ly0Llz-r, �y-7 ELT C1Z-j�l-c-. e"- "J i c t l- (ti (L � , � I���50�th��, e (5) That the variance, if authorized, will represent the minimum variance that will afford relief and will represent the least. modification possible of the zoning regulations and of the plan. IRa c " w Qi s-7 *k-Q o A A� 1 c h N AAJ &Ck-k' C .v C6% . �t CM -pa .,J j S t -bQ..AL A-4� T C'NC-d-@ Af MeS o ev `2 __7l'-eL .4-- PAcg-L A LA -1J AWES (, a -A. -A, e , Le.499` v a ki rt N ur_ A--e-"-e- o Appeal w Date Appellant Vote: Yes No 1-- S i g n Use Reverse side for additional finding`s SOUTH IW1tI.I N(;Tt)N ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMEN 1ilid ifigs in accordance with Sect.iorc -44(; i of the Planning h' Detvelopmont. Act. (I) Thnt t.hctrc rcrc unique physical circumstances or conditions, including irregularity, narrowness, or shallowness of lot size or shape, or excepLional t.opograh ical or other physical conditions pecul iar to the particular property, find thrit. the. unnoc:ossary hardship is due to such conditions, and not the circumstances or conditions generally created by the provisions of the zoning regulations in the neighborhoo,dor district in which the property is located; (2) That because of such physical circumstances or conditions, there is no possibility that the property can be developed in strict conformity with the provisions of the zoning regulations and that the authorization of a variance is therefore necessary to enable Qw reason bleluse of the property; 7 A— n I� (3) That such unneopssary ha r shi has t b en preated by he appellant; (4) That the variance, if-authoriz6d, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor substantially or permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, nor be detrimental to the ,publi,c,welnfare; (5) That the variance, if authorized, will represent the minimum variance that will afford relief and will represent the least modification possible of. the zoning regula ions and of the plan. Da t.e Appellant __ Vote: Yes LX_1 Use Reverse side for additional findings Sc)UTII IWIt'I,ING'1'caN ZONING Ilc)MtU CF AU,lUi'1'i1l:N'1' F i nd i 11gs i n acc()rdance wi th Section 4468 of the 1)1 ann i Ig h 1)ovo I ol>mcrt t. 11c: L lI) Tha►t there are unique physical circumstances or conditions, i nc. I ud i ng irregularity, narrowness , or -shallowness of lot size or shag(!, or exceptional topograhical or other physical cOndi t.ions pecul iar to the particular property, and that, the unnecossairy hardship is due to such conditions, and not the circumstances or conditions generally created by the provisions of the zoning regulations in the neig )orhood or ly district in which the property is locat d --- (2) That becaube'of' such physical circumstances or conditions, there is no possibility that the property can be developed in strict conformity with the provisions of the zoning regulations and that the authorization of a variance is therefore nec,jssary to enable the reas�l� of the AA property—n,2Y,1 Ac., G. ,/I®DO (3) That such unn essar hardship ha no been greated by he appe11aryt;eAif i.�/>�tilt/A/j L-0 (4) fThat the variance, if authorized, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor,substantially or permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, n be detri ental to he publiec-Aelfa e; (5) That t e variance, if authorized, will represent t e minimum variance that will afford relief and will represent the least modification possible of the zoning regulations and of /I the plan. MilJVl� 4'� 2 ' OLI 7 0' Appeal �_.. Appellant Vote: Yes 1 No r--1 Sign — t Use Reverse side for additional findings