HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-91-0000 - Decision - 0271 Meadowland Driven FINDINGS OF FACT & DECISION STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CH I TTENDEN - I _ c) e v CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Re: Findings of Fact application of Green Acres, Inc. for pre- liminary plat approval for the subdivision of 263 acres off Hinesburg Road into eleven (11) lots. On the 8th of October, 1991 the South Burlington Planning Commis- sion approved the request of Green Acres, Inc. for preliminary plat approval under Section 203 of the South Burlington Subdivi- sion Regulations based on the following findings: 1. This project consists of the subdivision of a 262.53 acre parcel into eleven (11) lots as a Planned Industrial Development (PID) located on Hinesburg Road south of Lane Press and north of the Ledgeknoll -residential development. 2. The property is zoned Industrial and Agricultural (I -A) and in an interim zoning district adopted by the City Council on June 25, 1990 which has a minimum lot size of 10 acres. The applicant proposes to do a Planned Industrial Development which is allowed in this zone on a parcel containing 80 acres or more. 3. The property is bounded by Dynapower to the north, Muddy Brook and the Town of Williston to the east, residences to the south, and Hinesburg Road and several single-family residences to the west. 4. The site slopes downward from Hinesburg Road. The western half of the property is primarily open with fields while the eastern half is primarily wooded. An old quarry exists on the site as well as a small pond. A stream (beginnings of Potash Brook) runs north -south in the center of the property. Two small tributaries lead into this stream. 5. Minimum lot size/frontage: The zoning ordinance requires a 10 acre minimum lot size, however, the average size of all the lots must equal a minimum of 20 acres. The plan showed 10 lots each between 10 and 12.5 acres, and one 145.8 acre lot. The average lot size is 22 acres (based on total of 242.3 acres in I -AG zone). All lots meet the minimum lot frontage except for lots #2 and #3 which are located at the end of a cul-de-sac. (Vosburgh Lane). The Planning Commission may reduce frontage requirements by 50% for lots on cul-de-sacs if it determines reduction would improve lot layout. Both of these lots do meet the 50% requirement. 6. Access: The plan shows an 80 foot wide r.o.w. with 32 foot wide paved road extending south-easterly from the Lane Press/Dynapower Road over the western portion of the Dynapower property onto Green Acres property and then extending eastward through the middle of the property ending in a cul-de-sac south west of the quarry. A 900 foot long road branches off to the south ending in a cul-de-sac near Ledgeknoll. The applicant is proposing a 60 foot sewer r.o.w. between lots #6 and #8 which could be used as access between Swift Street Exten- sion and the Pollack property to the north. 7. There are tremendous views of Mount Mansfield and the Green Mountains from Hinesburg Road. The plan includes a recommended formula for establishing maximum building and landscaping heights. The plan identifies an area of lot 1 where there would be no height restriction. This area is located behind the small- er developed properties along Route 16 and therefore would not significantly obstruct the views of the Green Mountains and foothills. 8. Pedestrian Path: Both the Natural Resources Committee and the Recreation Path Commitee provided comment on the path that is proposed by the applicant and would loop around the proposed natural stream along the southern boundary of the project. The Recreation Path Committee recommends a 20 foot generic easement which could be converted to a recreation path in the future. They suggest an easement around the perimeter of the property with a north -south easement running along one of the subdivision lot lines. The Natural Resource Committee recommends an unpaved recreational path along both sides of the proposed relocated stream forming a loop trail. The applicant favors no particular design. 9. Wetlands: The applicant had a wetlands report prepared. This report concludes that none of the sides of the farm are wetland and that all of the farmed land, other than the main drainage running north -south through the farm, is prior convert- ed. The term "Prior converted" is defined in the report. The applicant will be seeking a permit from the Corps of Engineers to cross the only wetland within their jurisdiction which is the main drainageway. 10. Traffic: The following is a summary of LOS impacts at area intersections. The traffic analysis did not assume any develop- ment on lot 11. 1997 build 1997 1992 1997 without build with Intersection Base No build improvments improvements Kennedy/Rt. 116 F F F C Williston/Rt. 116 F F F C Williston/Dorset E F F Kennedy/Dorset F F F The traffic impact analysis submitted by the applicant indicates that critical intersections are currently operating at an unac- ceptable LOS and are expected to continue operating at unaccept- able LOS in 1997 under both build and no -build conditions. Substantial improvements (additional approach lanes) are needed at the Route 116/Kennedy Drive and Route 116/Williston Road intersections in order to improve the LOS to C. Improvements which have been identified as beneficial for the Dorset `Street intersection, but not incorporated into this analysis, include adding a northbound on -ramp at Exit 13 and connecting Corporate Way through to Route 116. 11. Sewer: Estimates indicate that this subdivision will re- quire 15,000 gpd of sewer allocation. This is based on an aver- age of 100 employees per lot with each employee requiring 15 gpd (this does not include lot 11). 12. Berm/Drainagewav: The applicant has submitted plans for a "natural" type stream with berms and plantings along the souther- ly boundary adjacent to the Ledge Knoll residential project. Details of the stream, berms and plantings have not been submit- ted. 13. Sidewalk: The applicant would be required to contribute $26,738 to the Hinesburg Road Sidewalk Fund based on the City's sidewalk policy - Hinesburg Road. If the applicant chooses to install the sidewalk, he would be required to install 1,783 linear feet. DECISION & CONDITIONS Based on the above Findings of Fact, the South Burlington Plan- ning Commission approves the Preliminary Plat application of Green Acres, Inc. for subdivision of 263 acres off Hinesburg Road into eleven (11) lots as depicted on a 12 page set of plans, the title page entitled " Subdivision Plat, Green Acres Industrial Park, Hinesburg Road, South Burlington, Vermont", prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineers, Inc. and dated 9/24/91 with the following stipulations: 1. In an effort to preserve the spectacular views of the Green Mountains from Route 116 as recommended in the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan, the following conditions shall apply: a) Structures and landscaping on all lots and within the public r.o.w. shall be limited to a height above sea level of 393.5 feet plus 5.8 feet for every 1000 feet east of the eastern edge of pavement of Route 116. This restriction shall be attached through proper legal documents to lots created by this subdivision. b) The above restriction does not apply to the area of lot #1 which is identified on Sheet SP3 as "No Height Restrictions". c) The restriction specified in (a) above does not apply to the area of lot #4 which is identified on Sheet SP3 as having a building height restriction of 378.0 eleva- tion. d) The above restriction does not apply to the 100 foot wide strip along the southern boundary of the property from Route 116 east to the northeastern corner of the property located at 26 Knoll Circle. e) Sheets P1 through P5 shall be revised prior to Final Plat to indicate a species or variety of species of street trees which at mature height will meet the height limitations described in (a) above. 2. Prior to issuance of a zoning/building permit or start of roadway or utility construction, the applicant shall post a 3- year landscaping bond in an amount equal to the value of the proposed street trees and proposed berm plantings. The amount shall be finalized prior to Final Plat review. 3. Prior to issuance of a zoning permit for any lot, or start of roadway or utility construction, all appropriate legal documents including easements (i.e., utility, sewer, drainage, sight -view, recreation path) and roadway r.o.w.'s (i.e., irrevocable offers of dedications) shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval and recorded in the South Burlington land records. 4. Prior to issuance of a zoning/building permit for any lot, or start of roadway or utility construction, bonds to cover the costs of roadway, utility, sidewalk, and relocated stream and berm construction shall be posted. The amount of bonds shall be approved by the City Engineer. 5. Access to lots 1,2,3 and 4 shall be via Vosburgh Lane. Access to lot 6 shall be from the proposed 60 foot sewer/roadway r.o.w. to the east. Access to lots 8 and 10 shall be provided by one shared curb cut on Swift Street Extension. Access to lots 7 and 9 shall be provided by one shared curb cut on Swift Street. The plans shall be revised prior to Final Plat to indicate this. 6. The developer shall furnish the City with the name of the contractors doing the street work and the architect and/or engi- neer who will stake out and supervise the work at least 7 days prior to beginning of road construction. Upon completion of the work, the architect and/or engineer shall certify that the work is in conformance with the approved plan, stipulations and any other requirements and/or change that the City requests. 7. The applicant shall contribute $26,738 to the Hinesburg Road sidewalk fund based on 1,260 feet of frontage along Hinesburg Road. 8. As expressly represented by the applicant, it is proposed to relocate the stream over lots 1,2,3 and 6 to a newly constructed stream along the southern property line. The stream shall be designed to meander and both appear and function as a "natural stream". The stream shall be located at least 50 feet north' of the south property line. It shall be located at least 50 feet from the edge of wetland on lot 5. Detailed engineering drawings for the new stream shall be submitted prior to final plat review. The new stream shall be constructed prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit for any lot and within a reasonable time period after start of utility or roadway construction. 9) The Planning Commission grants a sewer allocation of 15,000 gpd for the development and shall approve a phasing schedule prior to Final Plat. Each new building shall be required to pay the sewer allocation fee in effect based on the estimate of sewage treatment demand generated by the new building. 10) The final plat submission shall include a full set of plans including typical details and improvement plans for the Route 116/Swift Street Extension intersection. 11) As expressly represented by the applicant, the applicant is willing to dedicate to the City a pedestrian/recreation path easement around the Quarry on lot 11 at some unspecified date in the future. This issue shall be addressed at the time further subdivision or development is proposed for lot 11. 12) Manhole and drainage inlets shall be adjusted to grade using precast risers instead of bricks and mortar. 13) Sidewalk thickness at driveways shall be 8 inches. 14) The plans shall be revised prior to Final Plat submission to address the following: a) The note identifying the height restrictions on lot #4 on page SP3 shall indicate that the restriction applies to all structures and landscaping. b) The legend on page SP3 should include a symbol for street lights. c) Plan should show recreation path easement on both the south and north side of the relocated stream with connection to 60 foot r.o.w. off Knoll Circle and to Hinesburg Road. The issue of the applicant funding the construction of a portion of the recreation path shall be finalized at Final Plat. 15) Legal documents (irrecoverable offer of dedication) for the 80 foot r.o.w. future road connection over lot 11 shall be sub- mitted to the City Attorney for approval and shall be recorded in the South Burlington land records prior to recording the final plat. 16) A "Notice of Condition" shall be recorded in the South Burlington land records prior to recording which states that all eleven lots were created as part of a planned industrial develop- ment (PID) and that any subsequent development or subdivision will be reviewed as an amendment to the original eleven lot PID. This notice of condition shall be approved by the City Attorney. 17) The applicant shall pursue prior to final plat the option of constructing a bridge for a future recreation/pedestrian path over the wetland on lots 5 and 7. The applicant and City Planner shall meet with the Natural Resources Committee prior to final plat to explain the concept and obtain comments and a recommenda- tion from the Natural Resources Committee. 18) The traffic issue and appropriate mitigation is unresolved at this time. This issue shall be finalized at final plat. Prior to final plat, staff shall obtain an indication from Coun- cil on timing and funding of necessary intersection improvments at Route 11.6/Kennedy Drive and Route 116/Williston Road. In addition, staff and applicant shall consider a phasing plan tied to specific intersection improvements and/or level of service and present recommendation(s) to Planning Commission at Final Plat.. 19) The final plat application shall be submitted within 12 months or this approval is null and void South Burlington Planning Commission