HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0054 Bartlett Bay RoadPROPERTY TREES (24) EXISTING SHADE TREES TO REMAIN (3) EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED (8) PROPOSED TREES NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION M ETZ RESIDENCE TREE REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT PLAN PERMITTING REVISIONS DMWWG NO I06N0 215 SCALE LO.0 DATE 07 15 14 WAGNERH(X',c-'l,;,Cl:,, METZ RESIDENCE SITE LAYOUT PLAN PERMITTING REVISIONS Q . H L . Ad! R P� H 5 i k 1 K VkV 2. 4 DRAWING NO JOB No 215 SCALE 1 = 1 olmoll L 1• O DATE 07 l5r14 Introduction This project Is subject to the terms and conditions of the authorization from the Stale of Vermont to discharge consWcllon related slormwater runoff Coverage under the State Construction General Permit 3-9020 Is required for any con.tru.tI., ader ctiv,ly that disturbs I o more acres of land, o ,s part of a larger velopment pion that will d slurb 1 or more aces The fallowing narrative and Implemental,on requirements represent the m"Imu standard for eh an this site is required to be maintained as regulated by the Stale of Verm onl Any best management practices (BMP's) depicted on the project'. EPSC Slte plan which go beyond the Handbook uirreqements are nsde..d to be integral to the management of the .Ice no represent components of the municipal "SC approval for the project which shall be implemented The EPSC pi on dep,cts o p shot ,n time of the sale All onstructlon sites ore fluid ,rap their day to day exposures and risks as ,t relates to minm,zing sediment loss from the ills It I• the responwmAlty of the Contractor to Implement the necessary BMP'. to comply with the Low R4k Handbook standards outlined which)ma ..t based or�M dEPSC t51 • Plabribirborhols nditlonw ymaynof be Worn an Specif, BMP'. wh,ch a e critical to allowing the project to be care cereal a Low rlsk ,Ite include the Items checked below MshilslnsllwM50hNeesedhhedvp•dbobulMbrmwl ern surlmr0er rumor befeis.rd i • narh Ing wessW Unit the rnuu t of e.lubsd Sell to s e war an se-1 are dins Tllss s,Ml be is mennum ofT—i III afdleseted III set —In err kubm nece, twnpmry or Dnel dsssistlon Y enpen sled The projera is to al.beb less aen See Sale, desl wish Sit siodkcry higher rim xi 17 Unitas paled sari dlsMiNnce b tese tlr, Sea Wier wllh sop•. gie•wr den 5" This pnl.cl Is eutlndrd to d,srrb up b _ear 1. Mark Site Boundaries Purpose Mark the site boundaries to Ideri the hm,ts of construction Delineating your site will help to Ilm It the area of disturbance, preserve existing vegetation and limit e,o,i,n potential on the site How to comply Before beginning construction, walk the site boundaries and Flag trees, past signs, or stall orange safety feriae Fence ,s required on any boundary within 5o feet of o stream, lake, pond or wetland, unless the area is already developed (ex,sbng roads, buildings, etc ) 2. Limit Disturbance Area Purpose Llmit the amount of sod exposed at one time to reduce the potential eroson on site Requirements The permitted disturbance area Is specified an the site', written outhonzollon to discharge Only the acreage listed on the authorizatlon form may be exposed at any given time Hoaw to comply PI n ahead d phase the construction activities to ensure that no re than Me permitted ,adage le tlleturbed at o e time Be Sure to properly sl,bfa exposed sod with seed and mulch or ontrol matting before beginning work ,n o new section of the c Site 3. Stabilize Constructlon Entrance Purace A tabahz.d ..nntrucl,on entrance help. remove mud from vehicle wheels to prevent tracking onto streets Requirements f there will be any veh,cle traffic off of the construction site, you must install a stobilxetl canslruchon en lrann before constriction begins How to install Rock Size U.< a x of 1 to 4 inch stone Depth 8 Incheam ,mum Wim Width 12 feet nmum Length 40 Feet . Goole., Plne fdlerr cloth"ntle9thn`tetlrlvewalybed shorter) grave Maintenance Redress with clean stone es required to keep sediment from tracking ,to the street 4. Install Silt Fence Purpose sediment to Sit fences Intercept runoff and allow suspended ..the out Requirements Silt fence mu st be Installed he orrn construction activities downhill .lee of t • -,the do • between any ditch, .wale, storm sewer inlet, or waters of the State anthe disturbed a Boll • Hoy bale, must of be used s .•dimmE barriers due to their tendency to d.grode and fall apart Where to place • Place SIR fence an the downhill edge of bore soil At the bottom of slopes, place fence 10 feet downhill from the end of the ,lope(if .pace Its .—lable) , • Ensure the lit fa ence c tch.s II runoff from bare soil • Max,mum drainage ared u 'G core for 100 feet of .Ill fence • Install silt fence acoss the slope (not up and down hits') • Install multiple rows of nit fence on long hills to break up Dow channels. or streams • Do not install silt fence across ditches, or In stream buffers How to install silt fence • to a trench 6 inches deep across the slope • Unroll sit fence along the trench • Ensure stakes are on the downhill ,it. of the fence • Jo" fencing by roling the end stake, together Drive stakes In against downhill side of tench • Drive stakes until i6 inch.. ,f fabric is in trench Push fabric Into trench, spread al ng bottom • FIII trench with soli and pack down Maritenance • Remove accumulated sediment before It he halfway up the fence • Ensure that alit fence is trenched ,n ground and there are no gaps 5. Divert Upland Runoff Purpose D,verson berms Intercept runoff from above the construction site and direct It around the disturbed area This prevents clean water from becoming muddied with sod from the cons trucban site Requirementsn at If torruns onto your site from upslope areasand your site meets the following two conditions, you must siall a d,versln berm before disturbing any writ 1 You plan to have o ormicro o re acres of Boll exposed at any e time (... I.dngnr.ad.) 2 Average slope of the disturbed area ,e 20% or steeper How to Install 1 Compact the berm with a shovel or earth —moving equipment 2 Seed and mulch berm or r cove with erosion control matting mediatelybillze after Install actin aw 3 Slathe ll ow channel with seed and strmulch orem.i on ntr" matting Ln` the channel with 4 inch .tom d the channel slope ,s greater than 20M 4 Ensure the berm drams to a outlet It obized with nprap Enure that there Is no n at the cutlet 5 The dlverslon berm shall remainIn place until the disturbed areas are completely stoth,fi-d 6. Slow Down Channelized Runoff Purpose. Stone check dame reduce erosion in dralnage channels by slowing dawn the stormeater now Requirements' If tha ere ,s entrated flow (e g ,n a ditch or channel) of m slorwater on oyour site, then you must install stone check dame Hay bales must not be used as check dams How to install Height No greater than 2 feet Center of dam should be 9 Inches lower than the side elfli Sidi slopes 21 or (latter Stone .i a Use a mixture of 2 to 9 Inch stne W,dm. Dams should span the width of the channel and extend up the sides of the banks Spacing Space the dams so that the bottom (toe) of the upstream dam Is at the elevation of the top (crest) of the downstream dam This spacing ,s equal to the height of the check dam divided by the channel slope Spacing (In feet) - Height of check dam (in feet)/Slope ,n bnnel (ft/n) Maintenance Remove a d,m,,t accumulated behind the tlam as needed to allow channel to dram through the atone check can, and prevent large Fl,we from carrying sediment over the tlam If ,ignlficanl erosion o curs between check dams, va Iln•r of stone should be "stalled. c 7. Construct Permanent Controls Purpose P anent starm—re, treatment practices one constructed to malntaln water quality, ensure groundwater flaws, an III prevent downstream flooding Practices include detent,,n ponds and wetlands. "filtration basins, and slormwater fillers Requ,rements If the total Impervious* area an your .,le, o with" the common plan of development, will be 1 0 o r ac s, you must apply far a State Stormwater Discharge Permit and co struct permanent storm —ter treatment practices on your site These practices must be installed before the constructin of any impervious surfaces How to comply Contact the Vermont Stormwater Program and fallow the requirements In the Vermont Stormwater Management Manual The an Stormwater Management Manual is cvallabie at ww vtwaGrquahty org/alormw,t•r hit, .An Imprww• cube. ii a mpnmad. surlac., Including, but not limped to, paved end unpaved mina., parking at raob. driw_, and walk.oyw, ham which pnclplbtion rune off rather than misdate. 8. Stabilize Exposed Soil Purpose Seeding and mulching, applying erosion control matting, antl i,es and matting protect the nsol surface bilwhite grrossd is establishing Req f.-ments All of disturbance must have temporary or permanent slab,laabon within 7. 14, or 21 days of Tribal disturbance, as stated In the project authorizatlon After this lime, any disturbance In the area must be stbitized at the end of each work day The following exceptions apply s Stabil,zal,on ,s not required If earthwork Is to conhnue " the ar.within the next 24 hours and there ,. no precipitation forecast for the next 24 hours • Stabd,zabon ,s not required 1f the work Is ring in ,off —contained a vat, on (IS cutlet) woccurring th a depth of 2 feel or greater (e 9 house found.[„n e...vahon, utility trenches All areas of disturbance must have permanent stabilization with" 48 hour, of reaching final grade How to comply Prepare bare II for aeedlarge by grading the sop 3 to 6 inches of soil and removing any roc or Seeding Rates for Temporary Stabll,zatIm April 15 — Sept 15 --- Ryegrass (annual or perennial 20 lb,/acre) Sept 15 — April 15 — — — Winter rye 120 Ibs/acre Seeding Rate, for Final SIgbIllzatlom cha,.e s«am 8nn lbr Fleel eieblhat•an (hwwae aura WrM Ib•I!=ins"oaa• a Bvd.toot lrtf�D uc?e,d« 51 l Cnn.me whh<cbver Comm, ! O Tsl Fescue KY-31/[ Jiel 1 d- Ica. Iz l.nnfiweMn 5 1-Ma25 ewh wfE---a Nrdee all25lb• ofB,Nafo,r en4ur. tw,fre clovsrla.cre Mulching Rates April 15 — Sept 15 -- Hay or Straw I inch deep (1-2 balm/1000 SO ) Sept 15 — April 15 -- Hay or Straw 2 In deep (2-4 bales/10D0 sf)E n Control Malting As per manufacturer's instructions Hydros. dd As per anufacturer's nstmchoris 9. Winter Stabilization Purpose Manpgrog construction sites to mmlm z, erosion and prevent sediment loading of waters is a year—round challenge In Vermont, thl. challenge becomes even greater during the late fall, winter, arid early spring months 'Winter co struction' as discussed here, describes the period between October 15 and April 15. when en n prevention and eedimenl control ,s significantly more difficult Rams In late fall, thaws throughout the winter, and spring melt and "I scan produce significant flows over frozen and saturated ground,, greatly increasing the potential for erosion Requirements for Writer Shutdown For those projects that will complete earth disturbance activibm prior to the winter period (October 15), the following requirements ust be adhered 1' 1 For or... ea to be t.b,l,.Sd by vegetation, seeding shall be completed no later than September 15 to ensure adequate growth and cover 2 1f seeding ,s nofCompleted by September 15. additional wgetabve protection must be used fin stab,lae the s,te for the winter period This includes us of Erosion Control Malting o netting of a heavy mulch layer Seeding with winter rye is recommended to allow for early germination during wet spring conditions 3 Where mulch isspecific. apply roughly 2 inches with a 80-90% co r Mulch should be tracked ,n or stablllzednw,[h netting ,n open areas vulnerable to wind Requirements for Winter Construction If construct,,, activities Involving earth disturbance continue past October 15 or begin before April 15, the following requirements must be adhered to I Enlarged access points, stabilized to provide for now stockp,long cc 2 Llmlts f disturbance moved or replaced to reflect boundary of winter work 3 A s w management plan prepared with adequate storage and control of mel )water, requiring cleared snow to be stared down slope of all areas of dictu a.rae and out of storm water treatment structures 4 A minimum 25 foot buffer shall be maintained from perimeter ontrol,. such ins silt is 5 In a of disturbance that chain to a water body within 100 feet, two ,we of slit fence must be installed along the ontour 6 Drainage structures must be kept per and free of snow and Ice dome 7 Silt fence and other practices requiring earth disturbance must be Installed ahead of frozen ground 8 Mulch used for temporary stabilization must be applied at double the standard rate, or a minimum of 3 Inches with on 80-90% co 9 To a r of disturbed soil In advance of a molt event. n of .disturbed s.,I mvst be stablllzed of the end of each work day, .,in the following exceptions If no predpitahon within 24 hours is forecast and work will mepin the same disturbed area within 24 hours, dolly etabillzabon is not necessary • Disturbed areas that collect and retain runoff. such as house foundations or open utility trenches 10 Prior to Stabilization. now or Ice must be removed to less than i inch thickness 11 Use stone to stabil.. or eas such as the perimeter of buildings under constructionor where construction vehicle traffic he an.I p.t.d Stone paths should be 10 to 20 feet wide to accommodate vehicular traffic 10. Stabilize Soil at Final Grade Purpose. control Stabdrzmg the site with ses seed and mulch or erns c matting when ,t reaches final grade is the best way to prevent eras,, while conetruclo continues Requirements Within 48 hours of final grading, the exposed ..It must be seeded and mulched or covered with erosion control matting How to '-Ply Bring the to ectin, of the Site to find Thnl gill deas duces on need Poe Able after construction is completed for additional sediment and erosion control measures and will reduce the total disturbed o For deeding and mulching rates, follow the spenficatins under h Rule 8, Stab,z,ng Exposed Soil 11. Dewatering Activities Turpose reat water pumped from d...tenng act,,bes so that it Is clear when leaving the I...tiuch., site. nls WC erv(r me dee.tering act,"t,:, that flow, off of the cor .I,,cbon site must be clear Water must not be pumped Into storm sews s, lakes, or wetlands unless the water ,s clear How to comply discharge n dewatenn 9 ent filter bogs 9 hSsock filters o seism g o Using water into sit fen nclo, ,stalled s discharge hoses o 9 r pipe . vegetated r eas away from waterways Remove ac the are. eedimenl afterr the water has dispersed and stabdizetlhe area with seed and mulch 12. Inspect Your Site Purpose Perform site Ispectins to ensure that all sediment old eras, control practices ore functonog properly Regular inspections and amienance of practices ,It help to reduce costs and protect water quality Requirements Inspect the site at least o e every 7 days and after every ,"fall o wmelt that results In a discharge from the .,Is Perform maintenance to ensure that practices are functioning according to the specifications outlined m this handbook In the went of a noticeable eedlrient diwrdlarge from the eonwtruatlon cite, you must take Immedlate a.UM to Inepeet and maintain eslnroaWten dntrot ormtoatpr Practices; rrunoff rater th State stMbe of reported Forme far reporting diechargr an ..liable aL• r ,beaterquallty.erg/etommeater.htm PLASTIC ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCE LADE CONSTRUCTION FENCE DETAIL N.TS. 35' MIN TEMPORARY SEEDING & MULCH OR NETTING SILT FENCE OR HAY BALES INSTALLED ON DOWNGRADIENT SIDE TEMPORARY STOCKPILE DETAIL N.T.S. FILTER FABRIC TO BE MIRAFI 100X OR APPROVED EQUAL SPACING X 2 WOOD 12 5' METAL POST 1p' 4 x 10' 12' MIN FILTER FABRIC TO BE CLIPP,�D, BACKFILLED AND TAMPED B BELOW GRADE STEEL WOOD STAKES SEE CHART AT RIGHT 1 INSTALL MIRIFI ENVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED EQUAL OR AS DETAILED HEREIN- 2 INSTALL SILT FENCES AT TOES OF ALL UNPROTECTED SLOPES AND AS PARALLEL TO CONTOURS AS POSSIBLE THIS INCLUDES ALL FILLED OR UNPROTECTED SLOPES CREATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, NOT NECESSARILY REFLECTED ON THE FINAL PLANS CURVE THE ENDS OF THE FENCE UP INTO THE SLOPE REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN ACCUMULATED TO HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE FENCE SILT FENCES ARE TO BE MAINTAINED UNTIL SLOPES ARE STABILIZED 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER, THEY SHALL BE OVERLAPPED BY 6", OF AND STAPLED SILT FENCE DETAIL NTS. DIVERSION RIDGE REQUIRED GREATER WHERE GRADE EXCEEDS 2% 2— ROADWAY b T7/\' \ �FILT!RFABRIC SECTION A — A NOTE SANDBAGS OR SPILLWAY USSA43AGS OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS CONTINUOUS BERM OF TO CHANNELIZE RUNOFF TO EQUIVALENT HEIGHT BASIN AS REQUIRED SUPPLY WATER TO WASH WHEELS IF NECESSARY F1 g• 6 L R 0 /I ry AOf J 1\ �� 4a O 3 A I A LOUR (5 GGREGA) n Q COURSE AGGREGATE p 12' MIN o MIN 8' (150mm) THICK 8 RIDGE PLAN ,a ,il „i iii t', ci'q tab &I, BuMiNim NOTES IN 1, THE ENTRANCE SH ALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CON DITION THAT WILL ONTO PUBLIC FLOWING OF SEDIMENT V L PREVENT TRACKING OR E RIGHT—OF—WAYS THIS MAY REQUIRE TOP DRESSING, REPAIR AND/OR CLEAN OUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT 2 WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT—OF—WAY 3 WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED,IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE THAT DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Ni SITE ENGINEER: _0� CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES INC. VNIP F1811VIEWIANE, SMHBUjeLINOTON, N850 snj,Hse z, FAx e,Iz+e4Fsn well, rt„1r-- DMRN GAC MD J "Peal OWNER: MICHAEL M.METZ DENISE SHEKERJIAN 6 TURTLE MOON ROAD CHARLOTTE, VERMONT PROJECT. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 54 BARTLETT BAY ROAD 54 BARTLETT BAY ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT LOCATION MAP I'm —..K EPSC SPECIFICATION AND DETAILS DM D.M. NDloelt AARCH 24, 2014 III C3.0 AS SHOWN 11tW NO 12138 PERMIT SET 0 c z 0 O n O z ,Tl C n -i O 11m 7UTEN Metz Residence 16 Main Street I P.O. Box248 Bristol, VT ►--► O ;gip South Burlington Vermont cot JCI� 05443 b W A A A DESIGN 6UELi3 CQMRACTGR5 1 Porch & Deck Railings Shown %1 West Elevations Porch & Deck Railings Hidden N M I Revised: Date: Scale: North Elevation `J NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION u° to n 3/4/14 327/14 428/14 12/I/13 1/4"=l'-0" Elevations A2.2 N/F GARDENER 56 BARTLETT BAY ROAD 102 CONTOUR, i j/�j j / hCISTING1 ♦ i r / i \ i % � � / // / GRAIN3�1r / 1 ♦ / 1 / 1 / //� G'// //� l 1 1 7—m EXNGFENCE� EXISTING'—�\\\—� '—_-- —_ --—_—_ —� / ( BEACH T p 1 I f 1 I 1 \\ PICKE \o \ WELL — — — — 1 1 / EXISTING PAVEMENT I iGAS VALVE oE� / _ _°XIIMREGFENCE WELDED 3 / Y -� 1' �'. •� R71 / 2-6INj��j \- 1N { EXISTING \\\ \\ l,hI�70P OF BA�K��// ��j �j� \��\ W \`� <7 �•,.{ `�� i,': / 5 fry J l / %/ ISF G 1 t I I I• I METZ &nd SHEKERJIAN I LAKE CHAMPLAIN SHORELINE V / 20, MARCH 15, 2012 1 ` // / LAWN I j� i GATE EXISTING POSI _ ' Nil: NGVD 29 LAKEELEV.=96.1' , r aP `I / r // - r �DIAZUR I NAVD 88 LAKE ELEV. 1 - pp0 /' 1, �l I --;�/ �A� op0 54 BARTLETT BAY- S2/sARr� ILt \1,� LAWN 0000p 1. yAYRb LAKE CHAMP LAIN 1 1 �\ EXISTING YEW ` I I OOO EXISTING' — _ ° / �(• - 1 ` �\• O P. FENCE—` - - \ / r' EXISTING'GR.AVEL'• ._.1_j it LEGEND ll_'s :� EXISTING PICKET F�NCE L j _ - - - _ _ - - EXISTING CEDARS Sae - --- -- EXISTING CONTOUR - - APPROXIMATE PROPERTY • — • — • - SETBACK LINE \ N/F O IRON PIN ` 102' CONTOUR MAZUR o CONC. MON. 52 BARTLETT BAY ROAD BENCHMARK - — -SS - — - GRAVITY SEWER LINE - — - W - — - WATER LINE - — -OE - — - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC - — -UE - — - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC - — - T - — - TELEPHONE LINE ----- G ----- GAS LINE QS SEWER MANHOLE ® SHUT-OFF POWER POLE DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE EDGE OF BRUSH/WOODS —r FENCE NOTES I. Uuiih" shown do rWpwpert LD con.dba. wwpresweaN uh74re. located upon w adlao f b M. surveyedpmesew bdAwt uwdY b"V-- SAW dad. pasty. TM CwmcrorsW field WMV aN UYAW cwfficn AN d6 p.ncas shill b. W.W to Me Ertlr 7M Cwdactor aWl cwrWt Dip Sae (M W4-7259) pnwtp any cGn36uctibm 2 Sfe lnbwmmn/s b.sed upon. hddwrwypwfommdby CIW/ EMmOdnp Asnpr.t.., ba In MARCH of 2012 HCmmW and mWcd ddum b...d w VCS NAD W wd NAVD w/, mp.c0wy.nd cNcuAm W b.md upon GPS ob— bores pedomwd-sf. daft Me Wm of-nW 3 INS pAn Anot a bou wrwy and is not hfend dto be uaW-One. 4. Property fl- Irdb—dM w..bsh*.W fan Ih. Town p/ SOuM Budlnptw Land Rwo,* and Is bad- pwVrmt d.Wns ..w PAof r.cord. M-uww•mfon reed xws gw-WY core M-t WIM mo—Wdocurra t 5 M13 property Iles In dw Lafashwe NWhbwhood w d Rwd PAW Zon/rt DlabroA.a d fined by Me Chy of SouM Budm Ion Land D.wbMwt RWuAdwa Wwbve dwe May 7, 2012. DIMENSIONAL SUMMARY REO'D. EXISTING LOT AREA 12500 sf -16,480 SF BUILDING COVERAGE 20% Max. 13.0% LOT COVERAGE 40% Max. 26.8% WATERFRONT SETBACK 150' from 27 Elev. 102 I 'CALCULATED TO ELEVATION 98.0' (ORDINARY HIGH WATER i I AS DEFINED BY THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS). GRAPHIC SCALE ro y (alai') L bwb - 10 1L SITE ENGINEER: C CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES INC, 10 UMISRUD WEWLM& SWIHBUMMORxI, VT 05403 sawaw-= FAX .ozau-a„ w: »w.•«.M.�„ DSADN GAC Cae m JLM AIT.Onw OWNER: MICHAEL M.METZ DENISE SHEKERJIAN 6 TURTLE MOON ROAD CHARLOTTE, VERMONT PROJECT: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 54 BARTLETT BAY ROAD 54 BARTLETT BAYROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT LOCATION MAP NIS I DAT. I CQ I S[ MON EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN DAY. Dn- NU1mR MAR 26, 2012 SC1Ia 1e=10' C1 raw m 12138 PERMIT SET I / \\ \\ \ I I I �■I I /I 1 ` 1 / I I/ 1• I i t II \\ G\ I \\ 11 11 \\I\ ; I j ■ I\ 1 1 I x 1 • \l 1 LAKE CHAMPLAINNN i \ \♦ \\ LEGEND �� \�`!.`;\\ + \ — — —sse— — — EXISTING CONTOUR APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE \ \ \\ \\ `�\•�\\\\ — • — • — • — • — SETBACK LINE N \ \ O IRON PIN 11 CONC. MON. 10 BENCHMARK — — —SS — — — GRAVITY SEWER LINE — — — W — — — WATER LINE — — —OE— — — OVERHEAD ELECTRIC — — —UE — — — UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC — — — T — — — TELEPHONE LINE ----- G ----- GAS LINE QS SEWER MANHOLE ® SHUT—OFF POWER POLE DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE ry^ � EDGE OF BRUSH/WOODS —• x FENCE STRt E N FENCINGING \ v PROPOSED RESIDENCE FF ELEV 11.E 1.6 w } . TEMPORARY :'• TOPSOIL - �±,;, STOCKPILE IF : = NECESSARY - \ o \ \\7 ISILT FENCE \ TOPSOIL, SEED AND MULCH ALL DISTURBED AREAS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION (SEE SHEET C3.1 FOR APPLICATION RATES - TYPICAL) NOTES 1. PROPOSED CONDITIONSAND GRADING BASED ON PLAN METZ RESIDENCE SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN PREPARED BY WAGNER 14ODGSON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DATED 02-13-14. 2. EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE IN STRICT CONFORMITY WITH THE LATEST REVISKJN OF THE"LOW RISK SITE HANDBOOK FOR EROSION PREVFNTIONAND SEDIMENT CONTROL' AVAILABLE FROM THE VT DEC STORMWATER SECTION --r — —3Y— — TEMPORARY W- f 1j1 i TOIL IF — � PROPOSED GARAGE "---- FF ELEV 110.3' \ DIMENSIONAL SUMMARY SITE ENGINEER: I I � I I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. waNSFEID NEWLANE, SLWTHXF4MMN. Vr 003 I =3 FAX 802-4 . " we www.a..-Kmm �Ocm �amnm Dutm I GAC I cmc® JLM 1 �r�nD�sD I ` / I I 1 / OWNER. 1 I_ 1 1 MICHAEL M.METZ I D,� DENISE SHEKERJIAN --- N\ I 1-- J 1 STAB/LAZED I I r 1 CONSTRUCTION Ep r _ d 1 EXISTING PROPOSED (�,°pry,1 Qf ten -16,480SF *16,480SF I I I 13.0% 18.0% (3004 SF) N 26.6% 35.9% (5916 SF) I 27 27" 6 TURTLE MOON ROAD CHARLOTTE, VERMONT PROJECT: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 54 BARTLETT BAY ROAD 54 BARTLETT BAY ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT LOCATION MAP NTS ure cucaD uv�0n PROPOSED CONDITIONS & EPSC --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -r SITE PLAN DAR GRAPHIC SCALE MARCH n n ac0s 1"=10' 1b h- 10 R MI. NO 12138 REO'D. LOT AREA 12500 sf BUILDING COVERAGE 20% Max. LOT COVERAGE 40% Max. WATERFRONT SETBACK 150 from Elev. 102' *CALCULATED TO ELEVATION 98.V (ORDINARY HIGH WATER AS DEFINED BY THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS). DL"ING PDYlIR 24, 2014 C2 PERMIT SET EXISTING BUILDING ONSTRUCTION / — - / - - T I - I l T ♦ i l ' l \ - FENCING \ I i- - - - -- - =t --- -- -- \ 1 \ l oil l l t � � I i 1 / / / 1 1 � 11� ■ I I �� • If If \ \ \ � ` it i ■ I I � 1 / I ■; \\ Is / • II 1 I•II 1 � 11 1 ,1 1 TEMPORARY 1 \ +1 I TOPSOIL 1 '' x .•t STOCKPILE IF NECESSARY LAKE CHAMPLAIN � �� � • � \ 1 � SILT FENCE- LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR��i✓`Z - - APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE \� \�•� ` `�\•♦ �•�� �) - - — • — • — • - SETBACK LINE \ �J O IRON PIN ❑ CONC. MON. 0 BENCHMARK - — -SS- — - GRAVITY SEWER LINE - — - W - — - WATER LINE OE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC — -UE - — - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC - — - T TELEPHONE LINE ----- G ----- GAS LINE (s) SEWER MANHOLE ® SHUT-OFF 711 POWER POLE DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE EDGE OF BRUSH/WOODS FENCE NOTES i PROPOSED CONDITIONS AND GRADING BASED ON PLAN METZ RESIDENCE SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN PREPARED BY WAGNER HODGSON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DATED 02-13-14 2 EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE IN STRICT CONFORMITY WITH THE LATEST REVISION OF THE "LOW RISK SITE HANDBOOK FOR EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL "AVAILABLE FROM THE VT DEC STORMWATER SECTION ///////"/�/i PROPOSED RESIDENCE FF ELEV L 117.E TOPSOIL, SEED AND MULCH ALL ` DISTURBED AREAS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION (SEE SHEET C3.1 FOR APPLICATION RATES - TYPICAL) I EXISTING BUILDING - - - - _)_4t - -+=� -�C - T,MPORARY r ' TQPSOIL I STOCKPILE J� PROPOSED GARAGE FF ELEV 110.3' SITE ENGINEER: I � I I CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. 10MANSFIELDVIEWIANE, SOUTHBIJRLFJGTDN, VT05J03 IP1-1642Tt3 FAk IOi�e1-YPTI �G wvw-crvtcam i © E I OMKN GAC CHECKED JLM 1 APPROVED 1 1 I ; 1 OWNER: 1 1- 1 MICHAEL M.METZ os� DENISE SHEKERJIAN 6 TURTLE MOON ROAD � CHARLOTTE, 1 JJ VERMONT I PROJECT \ 7/ ti PROPOSED — — IMPROVEMENTS I 54 BARTLETT BAY ROAD \ � I T\` I 54 BARTLETT BAY ROAD - I I SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT 3_'�: N•�. 1 , tom: STABILIZED I I- �.• ` : -- 3• CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I I I LOCATION MAP DIMENSIONAL SUMMARY REO'D EXISTING PROPOSED LOT AREA 12500sf *16,480SF *16,480SF BUILDING COVERAGE 20% Max 13.0% 18 0% (3004 SF) LOT COVERAGE 40% Max. 26 8% 35.9% (5916 SF) WATERFRONT SETBACK 150' from 27" 27' Efev 102' *CALCULATED TO ELEVATION 98 O' (ORDINARY HIGH WATER AS DEFINED BY THE U. S ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS). GRAPHIC SCALE ( D1 FEET ) 1 tnch - 10 It I II I I I ECE� EC) r JUL 0 3 2W 1,;ity of' o.. Burlington NTS DAre cxecxfD REVInIDN ADDED SH ELINE DECA 6 LAIMSCMING .will�Y.11 BASED ON/ SBYWAGNEAH WON PROPOSED CONDITIONS & EPSC SITE PLAN DAie DMRmc nuHeeR MARCH 24, 2014 SCALE (� 1"=10' V2 reoj NO 12138 PERMIT SET IS METZ RESIDENCE SITE LAYOUT PLAN PEPMITTm " L1.0 CHURCH ORGANIST Community Lutheran Church in South Burlington ;1560 Williston Road; 802-864-5537) is seeking a church organist; 7ohannus organ, model. Sweelinck 37, and baby grand piano; compensation commensurate with experience; job description available at http/I:cicvt.org µ DRIVERS — LOCAL COMBINATION CITY DRIVERSIDOCKWORKERS NEEDED Excellent Hourly Rate„ Home Daily, FullyPaid Medical Benefits CDL-A w/XT or HTN req. Call 855-378-4972. YRC Freight is an Equal Opportunity/AffirmativeAction Employer Minorities/Females/ Disabled/Protected Vetearans )06 MERCEDES E350: Black Mercedes; -ry good condition, 93K; asking $15,000; )1-927-6039. (05/15) { PUBLIC HEAR(., SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing in the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 675 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on June 17, 2014 at 7,00 P.M. to consider the following: Conditional use application #CU-14-04 of Rice Memorial High School to amend a previ- ously approved plan for a 126,875 sq. ft. educational facility, The amendment consists of: 1) adding a handicapped ramp, and 2) adding two (2) HVAC units, 99 ProctorAvenue. Conditional use application #CU-14-05 of Chris Conner to raze an existing single family dwelling with a footprint of 2,004 sq. ft. and construct a new single family -dwelling with a footprint of 3,004 sq. ft„ 54 Bartlett bay Road. Preliminary & final plat application #SD-14-17 of Wedgewood Development Corporation for a planned unit development consisting of:1) six (6) two-family_ dwellings, and 2) three (3) single family lots, 232Autumn Hill Road. Tim Barrio, Chair South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall, Participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subse- quent appeal. May 29, 2014 2008 NISSAN ALTIMA HYBRID: Afford- able luxury hybrid sedan—, black w/ black leather, heated seats, moon roof, nav & backup cam, auto climate, mechanically flawless, extremely clean, 36MPG, Factory Warranty, $13,500 (802) 999-9309. (05/22) 2001 AUDI A6 QUATTRO AVANT WAGON: 100,555 miles, immaculate condition, professionally maintained, full service documentation, 4 extra alloy wheels and winter tires. $7,200. 802-865-2592 (05/22) otherpapervt.com Farmers Market CONTINUED ,FROM PAGE 1 the child is with the food; if they pick it out its tremendous, if they help prepare it the percentage again jumps. We have kids eating things that their parents say, `I've tried to get them to eat that for years and they won't!"' Membership in the POP club is on a sliding scale based on household income, ranging from zero to $25 for the full 20-week sea- son. Any child, SB resident or other, aged 5 through 12 is eligible for membership, says Loomis, "and all the farmers are excited to meet them!" Metz Residence 54 Bartlett Bay Road, South Burlington, VT Applicable Zoning Regulations August 3, 2012 Basis of area calculations Lot area: 16,480sf Existing house footprint: 1660sf Existing garage footprint: 344sf Existing paving: 2255sf Maximum Permitted Building Coverage 16,480sf x 20% = 3296sf See Maximum Permitted Expansion, below. Maximum Permitted Lot Coverage (Including all impervious surfaces) 16,480sf x 40% = 659 sf Maximum Permitted Expansion Both structures are non -conforming - closer than 150' to the lake. Enlargement of the house is limited to 50% greater than the existing footprint:, so: Existing house footprint = 1660sf x 150% = 2490sf Existing garage footprint = 344sf x 150% = 516sf Total permitted new footprint:: 3006sf Note: The footprint includes the house, garage, connector, walkway, porches, decks and roof overhangs. Setbacks Front: 20 feet Side: 10 feet Rear: Not less than existing Allowable Heights Accessory: 15 feet Principal, Pitched: 25 feet Stories Facing Street: 2 Stories Below Roofline: 2 Roofline Stories: 1 Heights are measured from average pre -construction grade to half the height of the gable, for pitched roofs. Roofline stories are attic, dormered. Where a roofline story is placed on a building that contains or is planned to contain the maximum permitted number of stories below the roofline, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Dormers on such a story shall not exceed the height of the roof peak, and (b) The total width of the dormers on any single side does not exceed 33% of the horizontal distance of the roofline on that side. Vertical extensions that exteed 33% of the horizontal width (ie, shed dormers) are permitted, but are limited to a maximum height of 5 feet above the average height of the principal roof structure and shall not exceed 50% of the horizontal width of any side. Refer to the attached Height of Structure illustrations for further information. r Covered Walkway The covered walkway must be included in the house footprint area and must meet all setback and height requirements for the house. Fences Maximum height is 6 feet. Fifty percent opacity is required. Any fence over 4 feet high requires DRB review. Shoreline work Sea wall, stairs and deck are but a DRB review of aesthetics and erosion control is required. Natural materials (wood and stone) will be used wherever possible. Renderings are required for permit application. The building permit application will require the following drawings: A site plan A landscape plan An engineer's erosion control plan Building elevations or model 2 C C CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this `0 day of %I , 20�, a copy of the foregoing public notice for04 . -1704" U50' [type of appin] application number], was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) hMVIAPY IYA Z a P- 15-6 -5#¢ IeD. t Dated attown/city], Vermont, this day of , 20 I `l Printed Name: UAIL�7. 2-- / Phone number and email: UZ , I S' 3 7S jrt(�R,r-dh(�1 � �►� av? Signature: Date: -,5/ Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Cerlificate of Service Form Rev 1-2012 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: July 11, 2014 CU_14 05_54BartlettBayRoad_Conner_July_15_mtg Application received: May 8, 2014 AGENDA ITEM #6 54 Bartlett Bay Road Conditional Use Application #CU-14-05 Meeting date: July 15, 2014 Applicant Owners Chris Conner Michael Metz and Denise Shekerjian Conner & Buck Builders 6 Turtle Moon Road PO Box 248 Charlotte, VT Bristol, VT 05443 Engineer Property Information Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. Tax Parcel ID 0130-00054 10 Mansfield View Lane Lakeshore Neighborhood District South Burlington, VT 05403 x+sy ' *Az Ic CI CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING CLI 14 05 54BartlettBavRoad Conner PROJECT DESCRIPTION Continued conditional use application #CU-14-05 of Chris Conner to raze an existing single family dwelling with a footprint of 2,004 sq. ft. and construct a new single family dwelling with a footprint of 3,004 sq. ft., 54 Bartlett Bay Road. This represents a 50% increase in the footprint area, which is the maximum permissible expansion. The plans also show a variety of other site improvements. Where the existing home has a detached garage, the garage serving the new home will be attached. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair and Planner Temporary Assignment Dan Albrecht have reviewed the plans submitted on May 2, 2014 and revised on July 3, 2014, and offer the following comments. This project is subject to review under the LDRs covering the Lakeshore Neighborhood District, Section 12.01 pre-existing structures along Lake Champlain, and Section 14.10 conditional uses. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements: LN Zoning District Required Existing Proposed Min. Lot Size 12,000 SF 16,480 16,480 SF Max. Building Coverage 20 % 13.0% 18.0% ?-a. Max. Overall Coverage 40 % 26.8% 35.9% Min. Front Setback 20 ft. >>20 ft. >> 20 ft. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. >10 ft. house, 5.8 ft. garage 10 ft. on both sides Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. >30 ft. @ Waterfront Setback 150 ft. 27 ft. 27 ft. V Zoning Compliance @ Existing nonconforming ?-a The site plan says existing overall lot coverage is 26.8%, the application says 14.5%, and staff will be using the information on the site plans as they are more likely to be correct. The application says 23% overall lot coverage proposed, but the property cannot already be at 26.8% coverage, expand the building footprint by 1000 sq. ft., and end up with less lot coverage than exists today, so staff will be using the information on the site plan. Section 12.01(D) Pre -Existing Structures along Lake Champlain and within Queen City Park Section 12.01(D) of the SBLDR includes all lands within one hundred fifty feet horizontal distance of the high water elevation of Lake Champlain. The expansion and reconstruction of pre-existing structures on these lands may be approved by the DRB as a conditional use provided the requirements of the underlying zoning district and the following standards are met: a) The structure to be expanded or reconstructed was originally constructed on or before April 24, 2000. Testimony received at the previous hearing stated that the existing structure meets this criterion. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING CU 14 05 546artlettBayRoad Conner b) The expanded or reconstructed structure does not extend any closer, measured in terms of horizontal distance, to the applicable high water elevation or stream centerline than the closest point of the existing structure. The proposed new dwelling is no closer to the lake than the closest portion of the existing structure. This criterion is satisfied. c) The total building footprint area of the expanded or reconstructed structure shall not be more than fifty percent larger than the footprint of the structure lawfully existing on Apri124, 2000. The proposed structure meets this criterion, as the footprint of the new home is less than 50% larger than the existing home. d) An erosion control plan for construction is submitted by a licensed engineer detailing controls that will be put in place during construction or expansion to protect the associated surface water. The applicant has submitted an erosion control plan prepared by a licensed professional engineer. As long as this plan is followed and it accomplishes its intended purposes, then this criterion is satisfied. e) A landscaping plan showing plans to preserve maintain and supplement existing trees and ground cover vegetation is submitted and the DRB finds that the overall plan will provide a visual and vegetative buffer for the lake and/or stream. In response to concerns expressed in previous staff comments and by the Board at its June 17tn meeting, the applicant submitted a heavily revised landscaping plan. 1. The Board should discuss the landscaping plan and determine whether its concerns have been adequately addressed and the criteria are satisfied. See discussion below as well concerning Surface Water Protection standards. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 12.01(D) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations ()Pre-existing structures along Lake Champlain and within Queen City Park), the proposed structure shall be reviewed as a conditional use and shall meet the following standards of Section 14.10(E): 14.10(E) General Review Standards. The Development Review Board shall review the proposed conditional use for compliance with all applicable standards as contained in these regulations. The proposed conditional use shall not result in an undue adverse effect on any of the following: (1) The capacity of existing or planned community facilities. This project will have no adverse effect upon community facilities. This criterion is satisfied. (2) The character of the area affected, as defined by the purpose or purposes of the zoning district within which the project is located, and specifically stated policies and standards of the municipal plan. Staff feels that the proposed project consistent with the stated purpose of the Lakeshore Neighborhood C C CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING CU 14 05 54BartlettBayRoad Conner District, which is "to encourage residential use at densities and setbacks that are compatible with the existing character of the lake shore neighborhoods located in the vicinity of Bartlett Bay Road and Homes Road." This criterion is satisfied. (3) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. This project will have no adverse effect on traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. This criterion is satisfied. (4) Bylaws and ordinances then in effect. 2. The new home intrudes no further into the water protection buffer area. The issues noted above and below on tree protection, a vegetated buffer and the planting of naturalized mix of grasses remain ripe for discussion. This criterion is not yet satisfied. (5) Utilization of renewable energy resources. This project will not affect renewable energy resources. This criterion is satisfied. Section 12.01 (C) (2) General Stream and Surface Water Protection Standards C. Surface Water Buffer Standards ("Stream Buffers") (1) Applicability. The requirements of this Section shall apply to all lands described as follows: (e) All land within one hundred fifty (150) feet horizontal distance of the high water elevation of Lake Champlain, which for purposes of these regulations shall be one hundred two (102) feet above mean sea level datum. This applicable area extends across more than half of the property. (2) General standards. It is the objective of these standards to promote the establishment of heavily vegetated areas of native vegetation and trees in order to reduce the impact of stormwater runoff, reduce sedimentation, and increase infiltration and base flows in the City's streams and Lake Champlain. Therefore, except as specifically permitted by the DRB pursuant to the standards in Section 12.01(C)(3), (C)(4), (D) and/or (E) below, all lands within a required stream buffer defined above shall be left in an undisturbed, naturally vegetated condition. Supplemental planting and landscaping with appropriate species of vegetation to achieve these objectives shall be permitted. The specific standards for the vegetation and maintenance of stream buffers are as follows: (a) The clearing of trees that are not dead, heavily damaged by ice storms or other natural events, or diseased, and the clearing of any other vegetation other than invasive species, is permitted only in conjunction with DRB approval pursuant to (3) or (4) below. Five (5) existing trees are proposed to be removed. The applicant is proposing to plant several new trees. The project as a whole is permitted pursuant to section (3) below. (b) Any areas within a required stream buffer that are not vegetated or that are disturbed during construction shall be seeded with a naturalized mix of grasses rather than standard CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING CU 14 05 54BartlettBayRoad Conner lawn grass, and shall not be mowed more than one (1) time per calendar year after establishment. The applicant's revised landscaping submittal received on July 3, 2014 notes "Topsoil, seed and mulch all areas immediately following construction (see Sheet C3.1 for application rates, typical.) Staff met with the applicant and his contract landscape architecture firm to discuss this standard and others related to water quality. The discussion also included reference to the guidelines contained in Vermont's new Shoreland Protection Act although this project is not subject to the Act as the application was submitted to the City prior to July 1, 2014. The meeting focused on ways to increase the use of native plants and naturalized grasses on the property to meet the intent of section (b) above and some of the guidelines contained in the Shoreland Protection Act. The applicant's has submitted a revised landscape plan at the after consultation with the property owner. (c) The creation of new lawn areas within stream buffers is not permitted after the effective date of these regulations. New lawn areas are not proposed as part of this application. (d) Snow storage areas designated pursuant to site plan or PUD review shall not be located within stream buffers unless the applicant can demonstrate that: (i) There is no reasonable alternative location for snow storage on the same property. (ii) Measures such as infiltration areas have been incorporated into the site plan and/or stormwater treatment system to reduce the potential for erosion and contaminated runoff entering the associated stream as a result of snow melt. (3) Expansion of pre-existing structures within stream buffers. The expansion of pre-existing structures within stream buffers, except as provided in Section D below, shall be permitted only in accordance with the standards for non -complying structures in Article 3, Section 3.11 of these Regulations. Yes, see discussion below. (4) New uses and encroachments within stream buffers. The encroachment of new land development activities into the City-s stream buffers is discouraged. The DRB may authorize the following as conditional uses within stream buffers, subject to the standards and conditions enumerated for each use. The DRB may grant approvals pursuant to this section as part of PUD review without a separate conditional use review. (a) Agriculture, horticulture and forestry including the keeping of livestock, provided that any building or structure appurtenant to such uses is located outside the stream buffer. Not applicable (b) Clearing of vegetation and filling or excavating of earth materials, only to the extent directly necessitated for the construction or safe operation of a permitted or conditional use on the same property and where the DRB finds that: i. There is no practicable alternative to the clearing, filling or excavating within the stream buffer; and 1 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING CU 14 05 54BardettBavRoad Conner ii. The purposes of this Section will be protected through erosion controls, plantings, protection of existing vegetation, and/or other measures. The applicant submitted an erosion control plan, designed by a licensed professional engineer. The Board finds that this proposal meets the requirement of subsection (b) above. This criterion is satisfied. (c) Encroachments necessary to rectify a natural catastrophe for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. --------------------Not applicable (d) Encroachments necessary for providing for or improving public facilities. --------------------Not applicable (e) Public recreation paths, located at least ten (10) feet from the edge of channel of the surface water. --------------------Not applicable (f) Stormwater treatment facilities meeting the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources stormwater treatment standards, and routine maintenance thereof, including necessary clearing of vegetation and dredging. Evidence of a complete application to the VANR for coverage under the applicable permitting requirements shall be required to meet this criterion for encroachment into a stream buffer. --------------------Not applicable (g) Roadways or access drives for purposes of crossing a stream buffer area to gain access to land on the opposite side of the buffer, or for purposes of providing safe access to an approved use, in cases where there is no feasible alternative for providing safe access and the roadway or access drive is located at least ten (10) feet from the edge of channel of the surface water. There is no feasible alternative to the proposed use of the preexisting access drive. The drive is located more than ten (10) feet from the edge of the channel of the surface water. This criterion appears to be met. (h) Utility lines, including power, telephone, cable, sewer and water, to the extent necessary to cross or encroach into the stream buffer where there is no feasible alternative for providing or extending utility services. There is no feasible alternative to the use of preexisting utility service locations. This criterion appears to be met. (i) Outdoor recreation, provided any building or structure (including parking and driveways) appurtenant to such use is located outside the stream buffer. U) Research and educational activities provided any building or structure 11 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING CU 14 05 54BartlettBavRoad Canner (including parking and driveways) appurtenant to such use is located outside the stream buffer. (k) Hydro -electric power generation Criteria (i)-(k) are not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: Seek more information and clarity on the tree protection and vegetated buffer/landscaping issues before closing the hearing. Respe Ily submitted, Ray and J. Belair, Administrative Officer WAGNER H',b(cO, METZ RESIDENCE SITE LAYOUT PLAN PERMITTING RensroNs 2- NO 215 " lo" L .0 071514 / I 1 I� I •{ I I I I I I � � LAKE CHAMPLAIN'� 1 / �T P •� LEGEND - — -15c- — - EXISTNG CONTOUR — - - — APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE - — — — - SETBACK LINE O IRON PIN \ O CONIC MON 0 BENCHMARK EMSTING EXISTING BUILDING JI.sIwwIIV•�IawAln••ww A - -' � . 'e..�_.. aaY�Ml� w�Ycw�,��ARi 1 .Ia'�+��M�•1►1r.M�1�IR IM _ ' �'�'�' `?J• IIIII/I I�I�j II�"I�jIArO� j1111i1�� ,.1I•gIGI4Y�I�IYS - — -SS- — - GRAVITY SEWER LINE NOTES - — - W - — - WATER LINE - — -OE - — - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC uwirtclu,�a1[uol is i. ucArF - — -UE- — - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC - — - T - — - TELEPHONE LINE aooux wq[n .xr --G - - - G 5 LINE ,�cngvI'1°`E 1^OM lrrvroEcslcwmalu -- -- © A SEWER MANHOLE 6 SHUT-OFF POWER POLE • DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE mwwv-�ri EDGE OF BRUSH/WOODS —••— FENCE (MEfHTCa11 Raw -TvFKAQ srlr raclKsse. CYIt NGINl�IIIG ABOOMi. MK .I111I�01pfNa MIMr/IXrIM GAC JLM J I oTmaa i MICHAEL M METZ DENISE SHEKERJIAN E TURTLE MOON ROAD CHARLOTTE, VERMONT q. p if cansrmcncv+ I ENTIMNI`E I DIMENSIONAL SUMMARY cansrmcncv+ I ENTIMNI`E I DIMENSIONAL SUMMARY REO'D EXISTING PROPOSED LOT AREA 12—f •1E,4B0 Sf •i.,4 SF BUILDING COVERAGE 20% M•r 13 m 18 1^ (3004 SF) LOT COVERAGE 40%Mar 288% 35 G% (SYfa SF) WATERFRONTSETBACK 15Y l— 27 27 El-- IM' -CALCULATED TO ELEVATION DE a (ORDINARYHIGH WATER AS DEFINED BYTHE U S ARMYCORPS OF ENGINEERS) GRAPHIC SCALE (awl PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 54 SARTLETT BAY ROAD 54 BARTLETT BAYROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT LOCATION MAPIs / PROPOSED CONDITIONS & EPSC SITE PLAN MARCH 24, 2014 110' C2 1213E PERMIT SET PROPERTY TREES (24) EXISTINGSHADETR TO REMAIN (3) EXISTING TREES TO RE REMOVED (8) PROPOSED TREES NOTFOR CONSTRUCTION METZ RESIDENCE TREE REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT PLAN PERMITTING REVISIONS 2IS D] IS "-0'1, L0.0 Official Use ' City of South Burlington Application to Board of Adjustment Date 1 ` J �A Applicant J kaSe/OLAZ; Owner, leasee, agent APPLICATION # HEARING DATE FILING DATE FEE AMOUNT Address R gArl-LZIT B&4 /LAP Telephone # Landowner 5 !-}w, Address Location and description of propert S Y 9&K1 )_ rr 13A-y /Z D. �; ,j. I 'r ad Type of application check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer( )request for a conditional use ( _�c) request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appeal a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question Reaspn for appeal TAe owiie`f`or applicant should submit along with this application (8 copies) plans, elevations, landscaping diagrams (drawn to scale) traffic data and any other additional information which will serve as support evidence to the Board. He&rlkg` Date J/ Si—gnzftdr6 n Appella-trf Do not ite below this line --------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on /%M Day oof Week J&X,, S / /7 / 7 at 7"0C) ' , to consider the following: Month and Date Time Appeal of ,,r/r.L► v / f , o a �, �Gf., •,s. seeking a eyfrom Section of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to 'X/3 ?,0.0`4 �. 4 /-O_� Z3 i /fry )e z.W.o, MESEROLE, Jere & Carole 54 Bartlett Bay Road Area zoned R1 District. Lot 811x167' = 13,527 square feet, required 1 acre with 120 foot frontage. Boundaries of Conservation - Open Space District "land within a strip 150 feet in depth along Lake Champlain measured from high water level 102.5 mean sea level datum". Existing setback from elevation 102.5 - 32 feet, house and proposed addition located within C.O. District. Proposed addition 11'xl3' bathroom. MESEROLE, JERE 54 Bartlett Bay Road Area zoned R-1 District & C.O. District. Boundaries of C.O. District "land within a strip 150 feet in depth along Lake Champlain measured from high water" (elevation 102.5). Existing setback 32 feet, existing use single family dwelling. Section 1t00 Non -conforming uses, sub section "�k_003 extension. August 8, 1994 variance granted 11'x 13' addition (bathroom). Proposed addition 15'x 18' (southerly side) addition does not increase non -conformity. Jere & Carole Meserole 957 Spanish Drive SO,. N� Longboat Key, FL 34228 7 " ! j �, _ Y1 6 . i Lc C . t -A It / i I i ! '• ap mCQ LL C A2C Y 1 C42) '' m � DATE_., y/ 103 M C 5,5 A d LC 411� Al - -1 INDICATE NORTH ,� ■ &lmmlm�m MENMEN ■■■■■ MES�MYi■�58����E�i[EME■ ■i■ice■i■v■vii■i�l �I■E■ME■ ■M■M■EEi! ■MiIOOS .��, Emssmi MOEI m EMOME Nuffi,� IEE sw MOMMEO■! mo■ mm MEMOS■■■! MIEMEI■S SOMEONE EllOEISS■� ■OMOME■1 NINE MIESEl,MEM ■ ME tomm 0 Now." ME MEMEMME_WMICHIMEME ■f►�E • ,- SOME MOMEMMEN■MM■EEME O 0■SEME■■11 MEN -mm MM: MOMS■■EEM ■ MIN MESE■■E■I E■E■M■MM 0■i OMSSSSS■IE■ESEEiiI WEEEm ■ MEM■E■E■!EEEM■EMEMW11MMEM■■SEM MEM■EMM■iIMME■■■■ MEME■E IMEOMEEME ■■■EME■EI■■E■E■SE■M■MME■EE■S■■■ M■MMEMEE EEEEE■ ■MEEE■1■E■■OEE■ !SON ■■E■EI:MEN:■E�!MM•■ ■■ISEEM■EE No Text City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 April 10, 1995 Mr. Jere Meserole 54 Bartlett Bay Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Zoning appeal Dear Mr. Meserole: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, on Monday, April 24, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. to consider your request for a zoning variance. Please plan to attend this meeting and be prepared to address the enclosed review criteria. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Very truly, 7 Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcp Encl MOT" In accordance •with tti 117, Title 24, South Burlington Board of. tin Ahold a the South BurliIC nicipal Offices, Confer, once Room, 575 Dorti Street. South Burlington,' Vermont on Monday, AprO 24. 1995 at 7:00 to cons' eider the following: ' y #►1. Appeal of Jere a' Carole Neserole -at a variance from Sectk 19.00 Non-conformin uees, sub -section 19.(a extensions of the Soul Burlln%Dn Zoning Reouh lions. equest ,is forpp�� mission to construct '"� 15'x18' addition room) to an existing sin gle family dw�Ijlocift to within th((3322feet of the (961 feet) required from L Champlain, it 54 Barth( Bay Road. ! SO �t#uAiI City , 01 South ngtoto n, ' Brlrc� O'Neill agent see variance from 4.20 and Section 25.101 Dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Re- quest1s for permission to construct two recreational structures baseball du- gouts), one Tx24' to with- in twenty-eight (28) feet and one 7' to within thirty-four (34) feet of the Dorset Street right-of-way located at Dorset Pam, Swift and Dorset Street. e3. Appeal of .Terrance and Carol Reynolds "ek- ing a variance from Sea tion 25.00 Dimensional' requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regula- tions. Request is for per- mission to construct a 10'x10' porch to within welve (12) feet of the 'squired front yard (30 set) located at 3 Mills \venue. Ilan are on file with the south Burlington Planning ntl Zoning Office, la ated at City Hall, 575 ►orset Street, South Bur- ngton, Vermont. ` Ikhard Ward oning Administrative ifficer April 8, 199s --­ ---mow e w City of South Burlington Application to Board of Adjustment Date �—/" /1j� Applicant Owner, easee, agent Address Telephone # %A Bartletts B R Official Use APPLICATION # HEARING DATE FILING DATE FEE AMOUNT Landowner �� aY oad ,�Flingt9n; kq 0 4�'- Address Location and description of property S �� Type of application check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer( )request for a conditional use ( )() request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice c month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appeal a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question Reason for appeal �cvi The owner or applicant should submit along with this application (8 copies) plans, elevations, landscaping diagrams (drawn to scale) traffic data and any other additional information which will serve as support evidence to the Board. 4-00 Lt J 141_� / � 6 Baring Date Signature of Appellant Do not Urite below this line Official Use City of South Burlington Application to Board of Adjustment Date /-/" / ,�- APPLICATION # HEARING DATE ', ; _ ;�S FILING DATE - 5 %J / Applicant Owner easee agent FEE AMOUNT Address ,1 I , Telephone #� G, 54 Bartletts Bay Road Landowner —„ ., 8WAnn4n VT 064088 Address Location and description of property et-�� Type of application check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer( )request for a conditional use ( )C) request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appeal a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question Reason for appeal CQ,+ -i ✓�Li,11i C4/ The owner or applicant should submit along with this application (8 copies) plans, elevations, landscaping diagrams (drawn to scale) traffic data and any other additional information which will serve as support evidence to the Board. Baring ate Signature of Appellant Do not Urite below this line ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on /o ;k&C," Day of eek 3 -` < < at to consider the following: Month and Date Time Appeal of J E-T, t- !- C YLi r _ seeking a 06-n , Ctld " from Section of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to{�- �,,t,.fj Official Use l i City of South Burlington Application to Board of Adjustment Date g'7 Applicant J ERa Owner, leasee, agent APPLICATION # HEARING DATE _F r FILING DATE FEE AMOUNT Address 1 gun -err A.W Telephone # �s Landowner aywa- Address Location and description of propert s Y B&P Lr rr FAv av- !�,j. 1 Type of application check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer( )request for a conditional use ( _X_) request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appeal a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question Re a s n for Ef� /- i> A I !FYV i ; an -peal, tA4 1 .-W'.gym 1 (-U 11V(-, j.)/ rz/ 7 4 A A,4,7-1d I)CA ig. Tie owne`f`or applicant should submit along with this application (8 copies) plans, elevations, landscaping diagrams (drawn to scale) traffic data and any other additional information which will serve as support evidence to the Board. V, 19 J/ He r `-- Exate 5'i—gn-cTt,6r6 6F Appell&rf Do not ite below this line SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on )40 4116f11� Day of Aleek at �% to consider the following: Month and Date Time Appeal of r seeking a a.,i,44.r. _ from Section 41 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission �? t 0 `; ,,n+Cr''r✓`r+'`"3.e +1 ..Q-'�--•f....•C..-�` i+�`i- . s,- ` .i'"t'''•-; '_ / yr! � i�.•�yl'R. • °� 1 , I�.1 /tr0Dertoy !3' Ex e Lp M Es E�o�c 5 pi rr n 3e, 6Q,rltti.�TH, l�oYosrt. 13 irk-, oor, rrop-,; sc) -T - II SOUTH BURLINGT0N ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Reggulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V,S.A, the South Burl! ton Zoningg Board of sment wdl hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Mu- nicipal Offices, Confer- ence Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, Au- gust 8, 1994 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: Appeal of Jere and Carole Messrole seeking a vari- ance from Section 19.00 Non conforming uses, sub -section 19.003 exten- sion of the South Burling- ton Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to construct a 11' x 13' bathroom to an existing single family dwelling lo- cated within thirty two (32 feet of the setback (150 feet), required from Lake Champlain, located at 54 Bartlett Bay Road. Plans are on file with the South Burlington Planning and Zoning Office, lo- cated at City Hall, ,575 Dorset Street, South Bur- lington, Vermont. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer July 23, 1994. SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, August 8, 1994 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: Appeal of Jere and Carole Meserole seeking a variance from Section 19.00 Non conforming uses, sub -section 19.003 extension of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to construct a 11'x13' bathroom to an existing single family dwelling located within thirty two (32) feet of the setback (150 feet), required from Lake Champlain, located at 54 Bartlett Bay Road. Plans are on file with the South Burlington Planning and Zoning Office, located at City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer July 23, 1994 0* A G E N D A South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment City Hall Conference Room 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont Meeting @7:00 P.M. August 8, 1994 1) Appeal of Jere & Carole Meserole seeking a variance from Section 19.00 Non -conforming uses, sub section 19.003 extension. Request is for permission to construct a 11'x13' bathroom to an existing single family dwelling located within thirty two (32) feet of the setback (150 feet) required from Lake Champlain located at 54 Bartlett Bay Road 2) Continue appeal of Cynosure, Inc., C. Harry Behney agent, request to construct a 401x50' tower at a height of sixty two (62) feet located at 115 Kimball Avenue. (Appeal #1 of 7/25/94). 4) Minutes and findings of July 25, 1994. Respectfully submitted, � D Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 July 25, 1993 Mr. Jere Meserole 54 Bartlett Bay Road South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Zoning Appeal Dear Mr. Meserole: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street on Monday, August 8, 1994 at 7:00 P.M. to consider your request for a zoning variance. Please plan to attend this meeting and be prepared to address the attached appeal criteria. Very uly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer 1 Encl RW/mcp I PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 April 9, 1990 Mr. Edward Austin 301 Swift Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 54 Bartlett Bay Road Dear Mr. Austin: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a regular meeting at the City Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street on Monday, April 23, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. to consider your request for a zoning variance. Please plan to attend this meeting. Very truly, l Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer 1 Encl RW/mcp 1 i 1 - ry CD 00, t^ SAZT L s tea, r .•�N City of South Burlington Application to Board of Adjustment '-1 0- _Lcial Use APPLICATION # HEARING DATE Date FILING DATE Applicantae""�� -� Owner, leasee, agent FEE AMOUN? ,7y Address r ZZ Telephone # Landowner Address Location and description of property--d�X�/�•� Type of application check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer( )request for a conditional use (L- j request for a variance. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appeal a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question Reason for appeal M-4-� pPIOP��L , I The owner or applicant s ould submit along with this application (8 copies) plans, elevations, landscaping diagrams (drawn to scale) traffic data and any other additional information which will serve as support evidence to the Board. Hearing Date Signature of Appellant Do not write below this line ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter ll7, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Day of Week at to consider the following: Month and Date Time Appeal of ' seeking a �� r?t�A h ff�;%if,�,tr�� from Section of he South Burlington,/ Regulations. Request is for permission /f'�✓.-e--,t ,{ , /.,''' r'3 r K', i.�,'.,! /. __ �,.4-^, i .., �.•Y ,{C` �} CD ' �Y'�,i'/.` ��r� :*t, I Yam' • —�;/ I r ' / '° ;,.� sF..'is' ,. r / ✓� .J•� .F �, � �-l�'"' .'� ' r-�''.'j~ ` r [, ,,l�..r_�.�`c� . SEE � � � � ' ! /� ,r � '. .., . ' ,''• z.y�.v �Ir_ P � y Gnu^ption i Analysis UN11 _ RM RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL REPORT File fop. Property Address 54 Bartlett Bay Road Census Tract 33 LENDER DISCRETIONARY USE Sale Price $ Date Mortgage Amount $ Mortgage Type Discount Points and Other Concessions Paid by Seller $ City South Burlington County Chittenden State VT Zip Code 05403 Legal Description V 1 _ 127 P _ 9 Owner/Occupant Edward Austin, Jr Mary Corizelman Map Reference D6 Sale Price $ N A Date of Sale N A PROPERTY RIGHTS APPRAISED 0 Fee Simple ❑ Leasehold ❑] Condominium (HUD/VA) De Minimis PUD Loan charges/concessions to be paid by seller $ N/A R.E. Taxes $ 1916 97 Tax Year 89 HOA $/Mo. N A Lender/Client Edward L. Austin. Source LOCATION Urban BUILT UP F_xj Over 75% GROWTH RATE ❑ Rapid PROPERTY VALUES F_xj Increasing DEMAND/SUPPLY 0 Shortage MARKETING TIME Under 3 Mos X I Suburban Rural ❑ 25-75% ❑ Under 25% ❑X Stable ❑ Slow ❑ Stable ❑ Declining ❑ In Balance ❑ Over Supply 3-6 Mos. Over 6 Mos. NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS Employment Stability Convenience to Employment Convenience to Shopping Convenience to Schools Adequacy of Public Transportation Recreation Facilities Adequacy of Utilities Property Compatibility Protection from Detrimental Cond. Police & Fire Protection General Appearance of Properties Appeal to Market Good Avg ® ❑ © ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ® ® ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ® ® ❑ ❑ © ® ❑ Fair 0 0 ❑ a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 E ❑ Poor ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ PRESENT LAND USE % • Single Family 100 2-4 Family Multi -family Commercial Industrial Vacant LAND USE CHANGE Not Likely © Likely ❑ In process ❑ To: PREDOMINANT OCCUPANCY Owner ® Tenant ❑ Vacant (0.5%) 0Boo Vacant (over 5%)❑ SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING SIR IE AGE C 200 Lo 10 High 100 Predominant 450 — 25 Note: Race or the racial composition of the neighborhood are not considered reliable appraisal factors. COMMENTS- Property lakefront properties in the Shplh"rnp Ray section of takp Champlain. Tbp immediatp npiqhhnr— Dimensions Topographylevel Size average Shape rectangular Drainage -appears adequate View good Landscaping average Driveway aravel Apparent Easements non FEMA Flood Hazard Yes- X No FEMA' Map/Zone H-0 1 —07-04/Zone A Site Area 14,000+ -square feet Corner Lot No Zoning Classification R-1-010D (Res.-1 acre) Zoning Compliance No HIGHEST & BEST USE Present Use Other Use UTILITIES Public Other Electricity FX_1 Gas ❑ Water 7X I Sanitary Sewer Fx_� Storm Sewer F I SITE IMPROVEMENTS Type Public Private Street Paved ❑ ❑ Curb/Gutter ❑ ❑ Sidewalk ❑ ❑ Street Lights ❑ ❑ I Alley COMMENTS (Apparent adverse easements, encroachments, special assessments, slide areas, etc.) Subject is a good lakefront site non-confoming to current zoning due to lot size & frnntaQe- hut is pre-existing It is GENERAL DESCRIPTION Units 1 Stories 2 Type (Det./Att.) Det. Design (Style) Cape Existing Yes • Proposed _ Under Construction _ Age (Yrs) + Effective Age (Yrs ) EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION Foundation Pilingis Exterior Walls Shi plap Roof Surface Gutters & Dwnspts. Nonp Window Type C smt Storm Sash Thprmo Screens Manufactured House No FOUNDATION Slab Crawl Space yeS Basement Sump Pump _ Dampness Settlement _ Infestation BASEMENT Area Sq. Ft. _ % Finished Ceding Walls _ Floor _ Outside Entry _ INSULATION Roof ❑ Ceding FX Walls ITO Floor [❑ None ❑ Adequacy Energy Efficient Items None ROOMS Foyer Living Dining Kitchen Den Family Rm. Rec Rm Bedrooms # Baths Laundry Other I Area Sq. Ft Basement Level 1 . Level Finished area above grade contains: 6 Rooms, 3 Bedroom(s), + Bath(s), 1368 Square Feet of Gross Living Area SURFACES Materials/Condition Floors WW V i n Walls DW Trim/Finish Ranch A Bath Floor Vinyl A/G Bath Wainscot DW A G Doors Flush AIG HEATING Type Fuel Elec Condition AVO AdequacyAVQ COOLING Central None Other Condition Adequacy KITCHEN EQUIP Refrigerator ® Range/Oven ® Disposal ® Dishwasher ® Fan/Imr# Y] Compactor ❑ Washer/Dryer❑ Microwave ❑ Intercom F7 ATTIC None Stairs Drop Stair Scuttle Floor Heated Finished ❑ [__j 0 ❑ ❑ [] ❑ ❑ IMPROVEMENT ANALYSIS Quality of Construction Condition of Improvements Room Sizes/Layout Closets and Storage Energy Efficiency Plumbing -Adequacy & Condition Electrical -Adequacy & Condition Kitchen Cabinets -Adequacy & Cond. Compatibility to Neighborhood Appeal & i�iariceraulluy- Estimated Remaining Economic Life Estimated Remaining Physical Life Good Avg ❑ 0 I]— ® a Q [] X❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ® ❑ [i] 0 ❑ a a l�l�uu 55 N/A Fair ❑ ❑ a ❑] ❑ a ❑ ❑ a Poor ❑ ❑ o ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ a Yrs Yrs Fireplace(s) # 0 CAR SIOKAIiE: Garage U • No. Cars 1 Carport ❑ Condition AVq None Attacned Detached ® Built -In Ace are U Inadequate [❑ Electric Door House Entry jJ Outside Entry ® 18asement Entry Additional features: WoodStoye NOTE: Improvement Depreciation (Physical, functional and external inadequacies, repairs needed, modernization, etc.). Physical o "camp -type" No major deferred features* small hath maintenance down & Y2—bath up, hot water heater in upstairs hall, washerZilryer in upstairs rear bedroom- low ceilings • General market conditions and prevalence and impact in subject/market area regarding loan discounts, interest buydowns and concessions: Market in lakefront n n discounts, ncessions_ and interest huydnwn5—are, rare. Fredd+e Mac Form 70 10/86 12C% CI FWMO NO VWWM WI,P If# tryhW*y M# i N# W MOON, 8i ; JM i MONISM Ill"HEII UNIFORM NBSINNNTIA16 APPRAIAiA►L-AXPORT ►11- N" e are n in t e Certification & Statement of Limiting Conditi, BUILDING SKETCH (SHOW GROSS LIVING AREA A—E GRADE) ESTIMATED REPRODUCTION COST -NEW -OF IMPROVEMENTS: - for Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, slaw only square toot calcutat ons and cost approach comments in this space Dwelling 1368 Sq. Ft. ® $ 6 7.10 = $ 92000 20 x 36 = = 720 Sq. Ft. ® $ _ Extras 'k-bath, W/S. Appl , = 4500 20 x 22 = 440 = 6'W x 16 = 104 Special Energy Efficient Items = 6'/2 x 16 = 104„ = 648 Porches, Patios, etc. Deck-240sf =1500 Garage/Carport 336 Sq Ft ® $ 20,50 7000 1368 Total Estimated Cost New Physical Functional External Less Depreciation 000 S 0 $ 10000 Depreciated Value of Improvements .. .. ....... = $ 95000 Site Imp. "as is" (driveway, landscaping, etc.) = $ 50 0 ESTIMATED SITE VALUE . .................... = $ 250000 (If leasehold, show only leasehold value ) INDICATED VALUE BY COST APPROACH .. .. ..... _ (Not Required by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae) Construction Warranty 71 Yes © No Does property conform to applicable HUD/VA property standards? ❑ Yes ❑ No Name of Warranty Program If No, explain: Warranty Coverage Expires ndersigned has recited three recent sales of properties most similar and proximate to Subject and has considered these in the market analysis The description Includes a dollar ment. reflecting market reaction to those items of significant variation between the subject and comparable properties If a significant item in the comparable property is superior more favorable than, the subject property, a minus (-) adjustment is made, thus reducing the indicated value of subject, d a significant Rem m the comparable is inferior to, s favorable than, the subject property. a plus (+) adjustment is made, thus increasing the indicated value of the subject. ITEM SUBJECT F COMPARABLE NO. 1 COMPARABLE NO. 2 COMPARABLE NO. 3 Bartlett Bay Appletree Point Orchard Beach Road Brigham Road ssSo. Burl. Shelburne So. Burlington Proximity to Subject —Burlington Price $ $ $ 4 $4QI% Gross Liv. Area $ R] $ p_1 $ $ (Z1 Source Inspection E ADJUSTMENTS DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION I) S Adjustment DESCRIPTION + ( ) S Adjustment DESCRIPTION . () S adjustment or Financing [Date essions Non None None of Sale/Timeion G G G d iew 81LF x174 10OLF x280 85LFA LF Design and Appeal Quality of Construction Q ' Age ± 9-R -R m . Condition A 10000 Ava/GoQd Above Grade Total Bdrms Baths Total Bdrms Baths Total Bdrms Baths Total Bdrms Baths Room Count :3 1 1000 8 3 2 -2000 9 5 2'2 -3000 6 3 1' 1368 Sq. Ft. ' Gross Living Area 1200 Sq. Ft. 7000 1750 sq. Ft. -11000 2542 Sq. Ft. -47000 . Basement & Finished Guest H/Pool: -20000 Rooms Below Grade None None Slab Partial -10000 Functional UtilityAverage Averaae AveraqeAvera e Heating/Coding ELEC ELEC OHW -10000 OHA -10000 Garage/Carport 1-Det None 4000 2-Por Sho : -12000 2-Det Barn -10000 Porches, Patio, Pools, etc. Deck Deck Deck Covered Special Energy Efficient Items None None None None Fireplace(s) W S W S W S FP Other (e.g. kitchen R DW REF R DW REF R REF ; R DW REF equip., remodeling) Net Adj. (total) x + LJ-'$ 17000 + x - is 50000 + x -;$ 125000 Indicated Value 1=1114 of Subject $ 42 350000 355000 Comments on Sales Comparison: Sale #1 was a smaller camp on an equivalent site with no remodeling, Sale #2 was a converted camp on a superior site with considerable deferred ma'n fin Sale #3 was a conventional house in closest proximity, Sales 1 & 2 were given the most weight. MOICATEO VALUE NT SALES COMPARISON APPROACH ................................................. .................... ........ ...... $ 350,000 1 INDICATED VALUE NY INCOME APPROACH (If Applicable) Estimated Market Rent $ /Mo. x Gross Rent Multiplier = $ This appraisal is made ® "as is" 0 subject to the repairs, alterations, inspections or conditions listed below ❑ completion per plans and specifications. Comments and Conditions of Appraisal: Land value ratio is typical of lakefront properties with modest improvements, Sale #3 required large adjustments, but was the third best comparable sale Final Reconcilialtion: Both the cost and market data approaches to value were processed, Both methods yielded the same indicated value This appraisal is based upon the above requirements. the certification, contingent and limiting conditions, and Market Value definition that are stated in FmHA, HUD &/or VA instructions. x[] Freddie Mac Form 439 (Rev. 7/86)/Fannie Mae Form 1004E (Rev 7/86) filed with client 19 attached. I (WE) ESTIMATE THE MARKET VALUE. AS DEFINED, OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS OF October 13, 19 89 to be $ 350 000 I (We) certify that to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief the facts and data used herein are true and correct, that I (we) personally inspected the subject property, both inside and out, and have made an exterior inspection of all comparable sales cited in this report.- and that I (we) have no undisclosed interest, present or prospective therein. APPRAISERS) / / REVIEW APPRAISER Signature ` ,(I.�/ Qr—" i JL�� ��� (d apDl-bie) Signature ® DO [:]Did Not Name Michael A. Weissman RM Name Inspect Property Form 70 10/156 12Ch. Forms and Worms Inc. "315 Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT 06511 1(B00) 243-4545 MC-1 Fannie Mae Form 1004 10/86 SOUTH suitMaTON ZONINa NOTI09 In accordance with thel 117, Tito 24, V.S.A. -the South Burlington Zones Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices,, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, • Vermont on Monday, April 23, 1990 at 7,00 P.M. to consider the followings #11 - Appeal of CPA Part- nership, Daniel O'Brien, agent see kin o variance from Section 18.00 Density requirements and Section 19.25 Off street parking requirements of the $outh Burlington Regulations. Ro- guest is for permission to construct and additional fifty (50) elderly housing _ units (presently seventy six (761 Knits ex sting) or► a'par4i11 requires a valiance from tkq off-street parking require- ments, request to set-off 106 spaces in conjunction with the apartment complex located at 635 Hinesburg Road. 02 -' Apprial of Edward Aus- tin Jr. seeking' a variance from Section 18.00• Dimen- sional requirements' -of the South Burlington Regular tions..Request Is for permis- sion to construct a 520 square feet addition and a 241, x 26 attached garage to %yithin fifteen (13) het of the southerly side yyard, also removing a 13'X24'- der • tached garage presently lo- cated to within (5) feet of the southerly side yard, lo- cated at 34 Barlett' -Bay Road. Richard Ward Zoning Administrative I Officer PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 March 28, 1990 Mr. John Hollenbach RR1, Box 3040 North Ferrisburgh, Vermont 05473 Re: Austin's permit Dear John: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 With regard to your request for a building permit for the Austin's at 54 Bartlett Bay Road. Be advised that the area in question is zoned Residential 1, within that district the minimum side yard is twenty five (25) feet. Your proposed addition is located to within fifteen (15) feet. Before this office could issue this permit as requested you or the Austin's would be subject to securing a dimensional variance. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcp I OIL 1 A Ntz tz� 171 tn r-J No Text 6" L E- -t�AaCLA FrL 2*t- 661 GENERAL SUMMARY( 5� , .c-yea I </ 4) O ITEM DESCRIPTION COST 1 Preliminary Expenses 7 �L�-7tZ-4 2 Clearing, Layout, and Excavation 3 Foundation Will and Backfill 42 Cc)' 4 Reinforcing Steel 5 Concrete 3�Sa o0 6 Lumber 7 Masonry I zt'r-t�G- s Plumbing 2 112 9 Heating and Cooling System �-4 T �,a,71&Z 10 Electrical " 11 Special Equipment `'" ` 2 &OC790.06 12 Windows and Glazing 1 G , 2C��f-L 1-4eS L a.�- I^1 f� S (D mm- 13 Insulation and Soundproofing 220C� o 14 Dry -Well and Plaster-7 15 Ceramic Tile and MarbleSv 1s Flooring 17 Callings 1s overhead Door 19 Structural Steel. and Ornamental Iron 20 Roofing` and Gutters g'bb V' 21 Trim and Hardware 22 Cabinets PJ (-)I c._ —1 • 4sci, O sm 23 Decoration i t--1 I 24 Cleanup and Landscape 0� 25 Miscellaneous TOTAL Spe 5 4 -- Gd�ls—r¢��TI L-)A. E9'S7/0im,A-7E, A rz) et7/ c� A-4 n Hollenbach �"hamplin Hill 4vi th FerrisburFr t}; mont 05473 southburfington PLANNING & ZONING August 6, 2014 Re: #CU-14-05 Dear Applicant: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Development Review Board concerning your recent application. Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Si4,cly,ad J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL -Return Receipt Requested # 7010 0290 0000 2215 1695 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com A� �J o0quem southbur.inton PLANNING & ZONING qPermit #C0 - / - o (office use only) CONDITIONAL USE / VARIANCE / MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month. That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Type of application (check one): [Request for a conditional use Request for a variance Other (S) OF R CORD (Name(s) as shown ondeed, mailing address, phone & fax #): I � L ETz_ r uCTL-1=- MQpM (vD . 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (book & page #) 3) APPLICANT (name, mailing address, phone x #) At 4) CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive staff correspondence. Include name, mailing address, phone & fax #, if different from above): a. Contact e-mail address: c.ti�s �✓Id%�YG%� • C'1 57S Dorset Street South Burlington, VT OS403 tel 802 846 4706 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl corn 5) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 6) TAX PARCEL ID #: 7) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project De$cription (describe what are proposing): -wtUtl� i�T/n/!r 7?u1,c_D AA.� 41: ' 3 r9j l� )�X> . SIR,1-./tr, vT Existing Uses on Property (i cluding description and size of each separate use): ZScO� CE , IgP S: .41< c. Proposed Uses on Property (include descriptt}'on and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): &*tN/r_D Gw titer 3�// co�r/�•nD �-� � AVP d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings & existing building to remain): �o f s• � e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and exist' buildings0 remain, specify if basement & mezzanine): ��14t— d-r f .30 '' (� 11 " f. N ber o ... — Units (if applicable, new units & existing units to remain): g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing & proposed, note office vs. non -office employees): © Gd YCT�� h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if overlay districts are applicable): - 2 Conditional Use / Vanance /Miscellaneous Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 r 8) LOT COVERAGE a. Total parcel size: le, Y9 Sq. Ft. b. Buildings: Existing i3 % / 1"7'0 Sq. Ft Proposed / O % l 00 Sq. Ft. c. Overall impervious coverage (buil ng, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing , 5 % Sq. Ft. Proposed kf % / Sq. Ft. d. Front yard impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing , r % / �'��? Sq. Ft. d Propose % l 35 Sq. Ft. e. Total area to be disturbed during construction: Sq. Ft. * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9) COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ /� 00 D©©, b. Landscaping $ 7— c. Other site improvements (please list with co t): (�NI U • 'II I� h � 10) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC: a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out) 11) PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION 12) PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION 4/0 -ZL4Fid7c— 13) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE k14 ,!�� a'C� 14) PLANS AND FEE Plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the City at the time ^ A --,a , AM 4� C�/� � � /��i�G / -,L �i Conditional Use / Vanance / Miscellaneous Application Form Rev. 12-2011 of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I I have reviewed this application and find it to be: geOMPLETE ❑ Incomplete Lek V PRINT NAME The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Conditional Use/ Variance / Miscellaneous Application Form Rev 12-2011