HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Library Board of Trustees - 07/16/2020
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Agenda Thursday, July 16, 2020 - 5:00 p.m. Location: Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8281169427?pwd=VXpPTmlZT0ZxZVcyOUdNYkY5Q2xLUT09 +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 828 116 9427 Password: 8aaaEk
5:00 p.m. Call to Order
5:02 p.m. Additions and deletions to the posted agenda
5:05 p.m. Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the agenda
5:10 p.m. Consent agenda. Approval of regular board minutes of June 11, 2020 and Friends of the Library Report and Director’s Report
5:15 p.m. Chair’s report
• Welcome of new members
• Acknowledgement and thank for Mark Cole’s time
on the Board
• Confirmation on evolving opening of the library
5:20 p.m. Governance and Nomination Committee
• Update on other applicants to be trustees
5:30 p.m. Election of Officers
• Proposed slate of officers: Chair - Patrick Leduc
Vice Chair - Stacey Pape
Secretary - Lee Freeman
Treasurer - Diane Bugbee
• Nominations from the floor
• Call to a vote
5:40 p.m. Committee membership (as determined by the Trustees)
• See attachment 5:50 p.m. Committee Chairs ((as determined by the Chair of the Board)
• See attachment
6:00 p.m. Friends of the Library report
Committee Reports
6:05 p.m. Governance and Nomination Committee Report
6:10 p.m. Finance Committee Report
6:20 p.m. Advocacy Committee Report
6:25 p.m. Director’s Report
6:40 p.m. Executive Session - For the purposes of discussing personnel matters (Evaluation of the Library Director)
7:00 p.m. Other Business
7:03 p.m. Adjourn
Future agenda items
• Discussion on Narcan
• Strategic planning
Draft Minutes South Burlington Library Board of Trustees
Thursday, June 11 @ 5 p.m. Location: Zoom meeting
Members Present: Stacey Pape, Patrick Leduc, Penne Tompkins, Diane Bugbee,
Lee Freeman, Marc Coel, Bonnie Finnigan, Jay Pasackow, MargaretAnn Cross
Members Absent: Nancy Fawley,
Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray
Friends of the Library
Katherine McConnell
Chair Patrick Leduc called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m., and a quorum was established.
Additions or deletions to the posted agenda:
No additions and deletions to the posted agenda
Comments and questions from the public not related to the items on the agenda:
Consent Agenda: Approval of the March 12, 2020, minutes and the Friends of the
library report
Katherine McConnell offered a correction to acknowledge that a Friends of the Library report
was submitted.
Upon a motion made by Trustee Diane Bugbee and seconded by Trustee Lee Freeman, the
Trustees voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda with the suggested edits.
Chair’s report
Chair Leduc offered that the strategic planning process has paused during the pandemic and the closure of the library and that as things open up Jennifer and He will revisit the materials that have been created to date and the new learnings during the pandemic to re-start the process. Jennifer also shared that she will be conducting a poll with the public with regard to
this to see if on the public side their needs may have shifted. She also requested that any of the trustees that have experience with survey’s like this are welcome to assist.
Chair Leduc also took a moment to note Jennifer Murray’s exemplary reaction to the shutdown and moving to get the Library back open. Patrick highlighted Jennifer’s calm and thoughtful approach to dealing with all aspect of the pandemic including working with her staff, the public, and the city. Patrick also expressed his admiration for the staff. Penne also voiced her pleasure in relationship to the partial reopening of the Library. All present indicated their support for the good work that Jennifer has led.
Chair Leduc then noted the expiring term of long-time trustee Bonnie Finnigan and the resignation of new trustee Nancy Fawley who had left the state. Chair Leduc expressed he gratitude to both members and highlighted the long and diligent service on Bonnie and then
opened the floor for other trustees to offer their gratitude. MargaretAnn Cross noted her thanks for Bonnie Finnigan’s significant contributions to the Board. Jennifer Murray noted that Bonnie has been working with her for six years, and that in addition to being a Board member, she helped with book deliveries and assisting staff in processing books. Her integration and hard work with the staff have been significantly important. Jay Pasackow noted that Bonnie Finnegan has been integral to the successes of the Board in her tireless work on behalf of the community.
Planning for the appointment of officers
Patrick Leduc noted that Officer roles are scheduled to be voting on in our next meeting and
asked current officers to consider continuing in their current roles and asked trustees who are not currently serving in an officer role to consider doing so. He offered that current officers are available should anyone want to learn more about the roles. Planning for committee membership
Chair Leduc asked trustees to review the current committee memberships and whether or not they would like to serve in any of the Board’s committees, including if they would be willing to chair a committee. Mark Coel asked a clarifying question about committee identification, which
Patrick Leduc clarified. These committees will set and/or altered following the voting of officers.
Opening of the South Burlington Public Library starting on June 15th for one day a week.
Jennifer Murray noted that the library is doing curbside pickup twice a week and is discussing a partial or full reopening to the public. Wednesday the 17th of June 2020, 11 am to 7 pm, will be the first day that the library reopens to the public. A 1 pm-3 pm pickup time will be available on Mondays and Fridays; Wednesdays will provide the public with the opportunity to use resources in person.
Jennifer also noted that, in conjunction with City Manager Kevin Dorn, the library is moving closer to a full reopening. Jennifer Murray has asked staff about concerns and readiness to
return to work on site. This survey has yielded some topics of discussion on the part of the staff regarding working full time on site with the public. A staff person will greet members of the
public at the door, reminding them that only two members are allowed in the door at a time, that they must wear masks on City property, and to properly sanitize before entry. Diane Bugbee raised a question related to members of the public trying to enter without a mask due to health considerations. Jennifer Murray noted that those members of the public could return with a mask, or order books through the assistance of library staff. Members of the public unwilling or unable to comply with City mask laws will be provided with a laptop to use in the mall for the allotted 20 minutes if they require use of a computer.
MargaretAnn Cross asked about the continued availability of curbside pickup as the library reopens. Jennifer Murray noted the staff and time-intensive nature of processing books of the
curbside pickup may complicate continued availability of this service. Lee Freeman asked about the public being offered face shields in the instance that they were unable or unwilling to wear a mask. Jennifer Murray replied that this is not being contemplated, as members of the public are fully aware of City laws regarding masks.
Jay Pasackow asked about the maintenance of social distancing in the narrow confines of the book stacks. Jennifer Murray noted that staff can help with guiding members of the public through the stacks while browsing to ensure recommended social distancing. Mark Coel asked about the ten members of the public rule being adapted to accommodate families (i.e. counting adults and children as “one” person). Jennifer Murray replied that, infants in arms are not counted but all members of the public will be counted individually toward the ten person maximum.
Penne Tompkins asked about the library’s ability to deal with a rush of patrons upon reopening. Jennifer Murray noted that she will be standing at the door to ensure the public’s safety is
ensured. Katherine McConnell noted that she trusts Jennifer Murray’s judgement. Upon a motion made by Trustee Stacey Pape and seconded by Trustee Penne Tompkins, the
Trustees voted unanimously to approve the proposed re-opening plan.
Friends of the Library Report:
Katherine McConnell noted that the Friends of the Library (FOL) has had two remote meetings
since the lockdown. The group is prepared for their upcoming 6/25 public meeting. Katherine
noted that continued funding by the FOL will be possible and that the Ice Cream social in July
has been cancelled. Nancy Simson asked about reopening book sales to which Katherine
replied that, should book sales not being possible, only membership fees will represent revenue
flow. Jennifer Murray noted that books from the FOL shelf at the library will be available for sale
to the public.
Finance Committee Report
Diane Bugbee noted that, as of 5/31, the Blanchette Fund stands at $398,124.76. Financial
advisors recommend staying the course through the continued economic upheaval.
Governance and Nomination Committee
Stacey and Patrick reported that the city has received seven applicants to join the Library
Board, and there is expected to be three open seats (the seat that has been open, the seat of
Bonnie and the seat of Nancy). Mark Coel indicated that he will be reapplying for his seat.
Advocacy Committee Report
Bonnie Finnegan noted that the committee has not met since the shutdown. She noted that all
members should continue to educate and advocate for library staff and services to the
Director’s report.
Jennifer Murray shared that the new building is expected to be done in about a year; the first
two floors are already framed. Jennifer Murray updated the Board about hours worked and
tasks undertaken by members of the staff. Hours vary by staff member and activity undertaken.
Jennifer invited trustees to consider writing a article for the library’s blog.
Jennifer Murray is posting occasionally on social media to encourage engagement with the
public. The schools have been providing so much educational/ reading content that the
children's librarian found recording story reading videos superfluous.
Stacey Pape asked if she or other members can help keeping the public informed regarding
safety requirements. Lee Freeman volunteered his services as well as Stacey Pape. Jennifer
Murray thanked them for the offer and will consider using their volunteer services.
Jennifer Murray noted that grant applications for the solar array for the new library building are
underway. Furniture choices and bids are upcoming in the future. Budget constraints are having
an impact on choices of furnishing purchases.
Jay asked about budgetary concerns moving forward. Jennifer Murray noted that the city’s
income via taxes, upon which the library’s budget depends, may be impacted by the shutdown,
and have an adverse impact on FY 2021.
Other Business
There being no other business, Chair Patrick Leduc adjourned the meeting at 6:16 p.m.
Next meeting: 7/9/20 at 5:00pm
Respectfully submitted
Lee Freeman, Secretary
July 2020 (Draft)
Committee membership
Diane Bugbee (Chair)
Penne Tompkins Patrick Leduc Lee Freeman
Governance and Nomination
Stacey Pape (Chair)
Patrick Leduc Pending Advocacy
Margaret Ann Cross
Lee Freeman Pending Chair pending
Patrick Leduc (Chair)
Margaret Ann Cross Pending
Officer roles. Chairs, and Term
Trustee Leadership roles Term expiration
Patrick Leduc Chair, LBOT Chair, Evaluation Committee 2023
Stacey Pape Vice Chair, LBOT
Chair, Nomination and Governance
Lee Freeman Secretary, LBOT 2022
Diane Bugbee Treasurer Chair, Finance Committee 2021
Sonya Krakoff
Margie Vagt 2023
Jay Pasackow 2022
Penne Tompkins 2021
Ted Lenski 2021
MargaretAnn Cross 2022
Lauren Hatch 2022