HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0040 Bartlett Bay Road5? Battlett Bay Road
S. Burl ington, Vt, 05403
April 27, 1909
Dear Laraine,
The 3, Bul-lington Zoning Board d;d not meet last week becau,--:-
they did not have a quorum. The mEeting was postponed to
next Monday, May 1. We're going into our sycond month of
waitino and if Is a I ittle dis(ouraging. The build-r I wanted,
to uso has already accepted a contract on another house
Kcause we cannot give him a definite starting WE. If he
gats enough work to last him all summer while we are waiting
for our variance w, probably won't be building until fall.
That's probably not so bad though because then we won't
digturb the n-ighborla summer activities with the snund of
After your call I w-nt out to th- drainagp sy9tem near the
corport and dug it up as far as r could, The pipe was broken
in three places on our property and there was no pipe at all
an your property until I reached the NW corner of your camp.
The new cement footing you put in last summor is right over
wharc the pipi should have been ond I don't know if the plp�,,�
was removed when someone dug the hole for the footing or if
if just hasn't h—n there all this time.
There is a pipe still in place under the cotnep of the camp
b"i if is full of hapd mud (probably clay - 7 found d lot of
it in that area) Th would be futil of us to replace the
br"kon pipE and connect it back up to your pipe without firot
opening up that block-d up pipe and checking the rest of th,-f
sy5toms integrity to be ruie that thu whole thing will work,
I'm not sure how to go ab"ut that hacaus� 1. it is on your
property, 2, the pipe goEs under your camp and if it 0�-
broken under Wce I don't know how it can be dug up ancl
r e p a i r a d ,
Pleas4 let mo know your thoughtF on this development and we
will continue to try to solve th, problem. I will aloo let
you know how fh- hearings and ouc building plans are coming
5 inner el V :
Mary M0701,
P.S. Vve falkEd to the cnntractop and he fenIs confident
that we can retain tho same qlopF an th, land that we have
now. Hv will valculat- ths gtade and backfill Fo the sam,�
when th- house is compleN.
M E M 0 R A N D U M
To: South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment
From: William J. Szymanski, City Manager
Re: Mazur lot, Bartletts Bay Road
Date: April 14, 1989
I inspected the drainage problem on Mr. Mazur's lot no. 12 on
Austin Drive. The lot drains in a south-westerly direction, I
walked the site with Mrs. Mazur and recommended an inlet as far
south on the lot as possible with a pipe extended accross the
lot of their residence to the lake. Subsequent to that visit Mr.
Mazur told me that an inlet does exist along the east side of his
blue garage. I again inspected the site and found the inlet
which if cleaned out and a grate placed on top should suffice
52 Bartlett Bay Road
S. Burlington, Vt. 0540D
April 14, 1989
n e a r
The neighborhood grapevine has finally reached us with the
informatinn that some of our neighbors are upset with out',
plans to build on lot #12 which is the lot the red camp is
on. Wv do not know how many or which neighbors are
objecting so I am writing this letter to everyone.
The first mis-understanding snems to be that we intend to
build a rental unit. This K half true. The now home will be
built for one of our sons and since he is still in college we
do not axpect him to be in a position to finance it or even
move into it for at least iwo or three years. Therefore we
will rent in until that time arrivas.
Wo do not frel that renting it will set a new pt ecedent for
cental units in the neighborhood. AFter all we have rented
the camp for the sixtoen y-ars we hAvo owned it without:
causing any problems for our neighbors. Ned Austin also
rents his winterized home next to ours and we hardly know the
people are there,
The second mis-understanding we have heard is that some of
our naighbors are afraid we are going into the development
business to build homes on nur land and sell th-m at a
profit. Rest assured that we have no intention of doln,,j
that. My garden means more to me than any money we could get
by selling a house or a lot.
I must be truthful with you though and say that in the long
run if another son decides hy.wants to settle in Burlington
we would not hesitate to build him a home on one of out,
thrPe back lots. It in almost a tradition in our nPighhorhood
for the next generation to build on land behind their
parents' home (camp). This facl was noted by us sixteen
years aqo when wo moved into the neiqhborhood ond during the
course of our children's growinq up we have always told them
that we bought ths extra lots so they would be able to live
in this neighborhood when they grew up if they chose to do
Those of you who know us know that we would never do anything
to hurt the neighborhood. on the contrary we have worked
hard to maintain and improve it so we can all ben -fit from
it, special character and charm, We know you all cherish
its pearefulness and privacy as much as we do and we have no
intontion of doino anything to upsot that balance. Huwever,
it seems that we already have upset that balance by not going
to eaoh of you personally and exp1mining our plans to you.
For that we apologize.
When we wont to MP, Ward to ask what the procedure was fat-,
obtaining a variance on the setbacks he suggested we contact
all the noighhors whose land bordered ours to get an fde,a
what the reaciinn would he to our plans. We spoke to the
Nalchajians, Webiters, Millarq, Austins, Mrs. MacKay, and
Maggio Trombley. None of them h&d any objocilons when w,�
showed them our plans and explained our intentions to them.
WP also sant copies of out plans to Mrs. jacobs and Roger and
Laraine Wells. We did not hear from Mrs. jacnhs but karain,�?
Wells sent a letter to the 7oning board objecting to ,,,!
building because she f"It it would create mors drainage
problems for her camp. The board v"fed tu table the appeal
until Mr. Szymanski could Inak intn the situation,
I immediately sent Laraine a letter addressing each of her
concerns and a0ing her to get back with us. I have not
hoard from her yet so I don't know what hei feelings are now,
I am enclosing a copy of W letter I sent to har so you will
all know whete we stand at this time.
I have a feeling that if we had continued up the street ancl
visited each of our neighbops with an explanation of out,
plans there would not be such a polarization in fh�
nAghhorhood. We arc willing to mcet with each and evoryone
of you any tim- this coming qunday, ApHl 16th at our home or
yours. Just call 658-3975 mnd lef us know what time i-,,,
convenient for you. If you cannol make it on qunday please
cnll and tall us what day is good for you,
Since rely,
Mary Mazur
52 Bat tl ett Bay Road
�. Burlington, Vt. 05403
April 1, 1989
Dear Mr. Word,
Enclosod is a copy of a lettev I wi-ote to Laraine and Roger
Wells about our proposal to build a house on Cut 12 at the
corner of Austin Road and Bartlett Say Road in S. Burlington,
I have tried to address all the concerns Laraine axpressed to.)
you in Or March letter and asked her to communicate directly
to me any other questionn or concerns she may have so we can
deal with them ourselves without making you and/or the zoning
board the middle man. Hopefully all the problems will be
solved by the April 24 hearing so we can start getting bids
on the building project.
I appPeciats you taking the time to talk to me about the lot
location and minimum setback requirements. Uric- we don't do
this very often we need all the help and Avice we can get in
order to do it right.
I also appi-Mate you
the drafnDge problem.
this area for as long
to disappear until we
Nevertheless, we are
and af the 5ame time
lower than oura,
8 i ncerel y , 1
Mary Mazui�
sendiny Mr. Szymanski down to look int(,
It has been an on gning problem in
as we have lfved here and is not likely
get some storm drains installed.
willing to do our part to drain our land
help our neiyhbors whose property is
You r ne xt conce r n " red"ct i on i n open space " i s one of our,
reasons for asking for the front setback variance. We know
if we have to build the house with a 50 foot front setback it
will end up in the middle of the lot with very little open
space around it. By moving it north on the lot it will
nestle in the w"oded area and leave the south sunny open area
free for a lawn and garden. We want to conserve open space
as much as you do.
if our request for a front set back varience is approved
there will be no nued for Your other concern about ,,i
"restricted view of Lake Champlain," If the house can be
sited as we have requested the present view of the lake from
Austin Road will be preserved.
Your letter mentioned you have other concerns. We would
appreciats it if you would write or call to fell us what they
are. We would like to work with you to solve as many
problems as we can before the next zoning board hearing on
April 24. If we cannot r-arh agreement on your concarns tK-
zoning board will deny out raquests for variance and wo will
havE to build a 25 foot wide house right in the middle of the
lot. It would have to by long and narrow like Dotsy Doman's
and T don't think any of us want that to happen,
3 i nce re I y ,
Mary Mazur
52 Bartlett Bay Road
S. Burlington, 05403
April 1, 1989
Dear Laraine and Roger,
We were very surprised at our March 27th zoning board hearing
to find out that you objected to us building a home for out-,
son on our lot #12. We have shared our plans with all of our,
neighbors and you are the only ones who did not think the
building would be an asset to the neighborhood. Perhaps it
is becausp we were unable to speak to you personally as we
did the otheis. If that is the case let me go into a little
more Mail than the bare fact sheets we sent earlier.
The house will be a small cape style with four rooms down and
the potenfial of finishing two bedrooms upstairs in the
future. It will front on Austin Road although the official
front is Baitlett Day Road. Because it is designed as a 28
foot wide house it will not fit within the 25 feet remaining
after the two 25 feet side setbacks are taken on the 75 ft
wide lot, That is one of the reason we went to zoning - to
ask for a variance on the side setbacks.
We also asked for a variance from the 50 tt front setback
requirement because we want to place the house more at the
northern end of the lot so: 1. it will be farthep from your,
camp, 2. it will not fill the only open space on the lof, and
3. a view of the lake from Austin road will he preserved.
I have a copy of the letter you sent to Dick Ward and will
try to address each concern you expressed in it.
Your concern ovet water drainage is certainly d valid one.
We also experience a y*arly spring flood until the
underground drains across your land and Mr. Webster's thaw
out. Mr. Szymanski, the town manager and city engineer came
down on Tuesday to look the situation over. He did not NO
that a buildino on lot 12 would contribute more water
prohlems for you. He did suggest, however, that we imrov,�,
the drainage at the south end of the lot for out own sakes
and yours. We intend to do that when the excavators are here
to dig the foundation hole.
The next concern you mentioned was building density. Lot 12
is one of the largest in the neighborhood. only Mr. Webstet,
Mrs. MacKay and the Austins have a larger one. I have
enclosed a copy of a survey map of the area with our lot 12
boldly outlinod so you can see its size in comparison to the
others around it. The cape will be a much smaller house both
in over all square feet and heighth than our two story house
which in built on the much narrower lot 3. It will be larger
than thw 21 X 31 foot camp it will replace but no one
building today would over build a house that qmall.
Your next noncern "reduction in open space" is one of out,
reasons for asking for the front satback variance. We know
if we have to build the house with a 50 foot front setback it
will end up in the middle of th- lot with very little open
space around it. By moving it north on the lot it will
nestle in the wooded area and leave the south sunny open area
free for a lawn and garden. We want to conserve open space
as much as you do.
If our request for a front set back varience is approved
there will be no need for your other concern about a
H restricted view of Lake Champlain." N'the house can be
sited as we have requested the present view of the lake from
Austin Road will be preserved.
Your letter mentioned you have other concerns. We would
appreciate it if you would write or call to tell us what they
arc. We would like to work with you to solve as many
problems as we can before the next zoning board hearing at)
April 24. if we cannot reach agreement on your concerns the
zoning board will deny our requests for variance and we will
have to build a 25 foot wide house right in the middle of fhe
lot. It would have to be long and narrow NO Dotsy Doman's
and I don't think any of us want that to happen,
Sincerel y,
Mary Mazur
r- T, R. f MA M Y- r 1% OL4
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lot 3
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Frank and Mary Mazur
40 Bartlett Bay Road
S, Burlington, Vt. 05403
getback Zoning Requirments Proposal
sides 25 feet East 21 feet
West is feet
Front, GO feet North 35 feet
Rear 30 feet South 58 feet
Lot dimensions
180�14 X 75 X 05.10 X 82,21
(irrogular shape)
Miller -Mazur -Austin P.O.W. (City owned road)
82 , 2 1 '
75 1
145 . 10 '
Austin Road
Lot square foot coverage
Total lot
hoose and garage
Total lot
R oa d
Special variance on placement of structure is requested to:
1. Screen most of the garage from the road.
2. Preserve open space south of the house.
3. Allow the widest view of the lake.
4. Preserve a view of the lake from Austin Road.
-=,y JXe7-
as'e 7
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e, J�. 4 L
L, 'rt_L Date: 9.&/-,-/
A-v c + I'm
e M; I le r* 's
4vs+ O.W.
0 4CL
City of South Burlington
March 28, 1989
Mr. Frank Mazur
52 Bartlett Bay Road
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
Dear Mr. Mazur:
Be advised that your request for a zoning variance has been
tabled to the next meeting, scheduled for Monday, April 24, 1989
at 7:00 P.M. In the meantime the City Engineer will be checking
the area of concern.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me.
Very truly,
Richard Ward,
Zoning Administrative Officer
From: SILVERMA--SDFVM135 Date and time 03/22/89 09:39:50
Date: 22 March 89, 13:23:22 SET
931-3285 (49-7031-91-3285)
Re: Your reply of 03/22/89 07:14:32
hi. the new house sounds fine. I wish you good luck and I think it will
be a nice addition to the neighborhood.
the only thing I worry about is the road. I LIKE the fact that we live
on a dirt/gravel road as I think that it adds character to the
neighborhood; in addition, it keeps the traffic down (particularly from
lisight-seers"). so I would not want the road to be paved.
City of South Burlintirton
March 13, 1989
Mr. Frank Mazur
52 Bartlett Bay Road
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
Re: Zoning Appeal
Dear Mr. Mazur:
Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment
will hold a public hearing at the City offices conference room,
575 Dorset Street on Monday, March 27, 1989 at 7:00 PM to consid-
er your zoning application.
Please plan to attend this hearing..
Very truly,
Richard Ward
Zoning Administrative officer
1 Encl.
In accordance with the
South Burlington Zoning
Re ulations and Chapter
1 13, Title 24 V,S.A. the
South Burh t n Zonin
'"gi ' wil
Board of A ustment
hold a puMic hearing c�t.the
South Burlington Municipal
Offices, Conterisncsi Room,
575 Dorset Street, South
Burlington, Vermont on
Monday, March 27, 1989
at 7:00 P.M. to consider the
#) Appeal of Frank & Mary
Mazur 3"kinya variance
from Section .00 Dimen-
sional requirements, of the
South Burlington Regula-
tions. Request is for permis-
sion to remove an existing
2 V x 3 V camp and can-
struci a 28' x 36* single-
family dwelling with a 28' x
28' attached ' to
within thirty five r33', rt of
the hard yard, eighteen (IS)
feet of the westerly side
ard and tvmnty on* (211
t of the easterly Side
Tord, on a lot contaim'
2,187 = feet, =
at 40 So It Bay Rood.
#2 Appeal of James
Fayette, Gerald Milot,
age I ki Vol
n ra '
frM S.4i"on '11.50%.4d
Commercial Dsivellopme"t
sub section 11.502(b) multi-
'I'M units of the South
Sudllywwi Regulations. Rei-
quest for permission to
ccinstZ 140 .1ti-family
units in 35 buildings in con-
luriction with 6 commercial
lob on a 61
35 acres, =.ff
b.r. Road bounded by
s a Vermont No-
k, Larkin, Farrell,
Poinsideau and South Bur-
lington Chrysler Plymouth-
03 Appeal of Wesco, Inc.,
David Sintondiinger seeking
approval from Section
19.65 1=1" uses, of the
South ton Rogullo-
tions. Request is for permis-
sion to operate a mini-mort
(approximately 330 =r.e
feet) in co*nction
two (2) bay service station
on a lot containing approxi-
mately 27,000 square feet,
located at 1800 Williston
#4 Appeal of C. W. Grego-
ry, David F agent seek-
i. nl.2* V191from Section
l OT=fional uses sub-
section 13.202 and 13.205
and section 19.65 Multiple
Uses of the Sou* Burlington
Regulations. Request is for
ssion to construct a
square foot J2 story)
building occupying as a ou-
fornotivai repo4r% and sates
and a second use of up-
rimately )500 square
..0111(pormitted or conditio-
not use proposed) on a lot
containing 2187 acres, lot 04
of Gropory & Daughters in-
dustrio Park.
Richard Word
Zoning AcImm,strol,ve
March 11, 1989
Frank and Mary Mazur
40 Bartlett Bay Road
S. Burlington, Vt. 05403
Zoning Requirments
25 feet
East 21
West 18
50 feet
North 35
30 feet
South 42
Lot dimensions
180.14 X 75 X 145.10 X
(irregular shape)
Miller -Mazur -Austin R.O.W. (City owned
> N
Lot # 12
145 . 10 '
Austin Road
Lot square foot coverage
Total lot area 12187 sq ft
Existing workshop
Proposed house and garage
Proposed driveway
Total lot coverage
493 sq ft 4% 'A�
1 6 — �Oq
1792 sq ft 15% C7eC>
560 sq ft 5%
2845 sq ft 24X,,
Special varience on placement of structure is requested to:
1. Screen most of the garage from the road.
2. Preserve open space south of the house.
3� Allow the widest view of the lake,
4. Preserve a view of the lake for lot #9.
S-wer and water are available.(See attached sheet.)
l' From the point of tapping ane
up to and including the 2"
valve shall be maintained by
the South Burlington Water
� �8" x 2" TaP
2" Class 160 PVC
3/4 Curb Stop
2" Valve
� \
le Iron Voatoz
Official Use
City of South Burlington APPLICATION #
,.!6pplication to Board of Adjustment
Date lJoLy-e-b
Applicant VCLAJ<amar�j mamv�-
Owner, leeee4, eleot FEE AMOUNT '_�)o
Address +I P_tf Bc,� R�, Telephone #H. (p5k_,39,75' W,
Landowner Fv- CLV% a Ir M ag U V- Address
Location and description of property ka 4 *1 a 40 Sa'ei le-H 34 ji Rci
-7 r C C, I M - Q VVE 1J1\_%JULQK2i� �w I I.W-14 I'll IIE7 r Vol/ I %i- 1W Y ALSO-M.Q.
�J A
Type of application check one ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative
Officer )request for a conditional use (pe) request for a variance,,'6.6J
I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law'(Section 1?00&
4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a
month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appeal
a minimum of fifteen (1S) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a
hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing.
Provisions of zoning ordinance in question �5"Sl'c�c CLh CL
Si5l �r*^+ Qe+6aelc -
Reason for appeal 7b' jo 14,n . v., . (d J _c4euc4ure- in simi'le, y, (oca-41an as
plans, elevations, landscapinyodiagrams (drawn to scale) traffic data and
any other additional informat n which will serve as support evidence to the
Rearing Date CUgnatur4vof Appellant
Do not write below this line
------------------- --------------------------
In a=ordance with the Souih Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 11-7,
Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold
a public hearing at the South Burlingotn Municipal Offices Conference Room,
575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on
Day 6T Week
at to consider the followings
Month and Date Time
Appeal of 'xZ
seeking a From section
he`�South Burlington Regulations. Request is for permission to
9 q /
No Text
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lr72� ✓ /C C(/L c Q� l 9 9 7 — / �i G- f� Lr l7t C� ^✓Y' tG%
� 1 _e�3
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a 1. f �•w
A F k n,,_)
52 Bartlett Bay Road
S. Burlington, Vt. 05403
April 1, 1989
Dear Mr. Szymanski,
Thank you for coming so promptly to look at the drainage
problem we have on our land and our neighbor's. I was .almost
disappointed that there: was no water left in the ditch or on
the road for you to see after the frozen drain thawed out.
In any case you were able to see what a difference a (warm)
day makes in the water table awound here.
I. know Frank, talked with you about the drain system that
_al weady exists on the south end of Lot- 12 so I will not go
into details. Suffice it to say that when the excavators are
here to dig the collar hale we will also engage them to
improve the drainage as you suggested.
They ice Q still hanging in there and with the rain and snow
we are having today it wi 1 l probably just sink into the water,
and disappear quietly. That is also what I am hoping wi 1 1
happen with the Wel 1 s' concerns after they receive my letter,
asking them to communicate with us directly and not use the
zoning board as •a middle man. I have enclosed a copy of that
letter and also one:: I wrote to Mr. Ward just so the right
hand will know what the left one is doing.
Ih•=ink you a=,ni n for sharing your expertise with us amateur
i ncerel y
M-ary Mazrur•
Bartlett Gay building density around Mazur's Lot # 12
(Lot coverage does not include driveways)
Austin's Lot # 2 Total area = 18,307.5 sf
Structure 1 748.25 st
Structure 2 _ 339.5 sf
Total structure area = 1,087.75 sf
Lot coverage = 6%
Mazur's Lot # 3 Total area = 9,865.4 sf
Structure 1 = 1,612.0 sf
Lot coverage = 16%
Miller's Lot # 4 Total area = 9,295.0 sf
Structure 1 = 1,136.63 sf
Lot coverage = 12%
Jacob's Lot # 5 Total area = 10,068.25 sf
Structure 1 = 1,106.5 sf
Itructure 2 1,168.5 sf
Total structure area = 2,275.0 sf
Lot coverage = 23%
Mazur's Lot # 12 Total area = 12,187.0 sf
structure e 1 = 586.0 Sf
Structure 2 = 1 , 736.0 sf
Total structure area = 2,222.0 sf
Lot coverage = 19%
Frank and Mary Mazur's 5 criteria for lot #12 variance.
1. Unique physical circumstances:
a. Lot #12 at Bartlett Bay was recorded in 1930 as lot #31 of
"Camp Bartlett" and was previously owned by Lydia Bartlett
This lot was sold to Frank and Mary Mazur as a valid
building lot in 1972 and falls under the grandfather• rule
because it was already in existence in 1930 before the
present R1 zoning regulations were enacted. Therefore as
a pre-existing lot it must have some reasonable use.
b. Dimensions of the lot are 75' on the north on Bartlett Bay
Road, 145.191 on the east on Austin Road, 82.21' on the south
on the Jacob -Mazur border, and 180.141 on the west on the
Miller -Mazur -Austin border.
This lot does not have the R1 minimum 120 feet lot frontage
required on local streets or the 170 feet lot frontage
required on arterials or collectors but is grandfathered and
can be used without meeting these regulations.
c. Approximate lot area is 12,187 square feet.
The lot area is less than the 1 acre required in the newly
zoned R1 district and cannot meet the 1 unit / 1 acre
requirement but under• the grandfather clause it is a valid
building lot.
d. The lot has an irregular west border drawing in at the
southern 1/3 causing the lot width to narrow from 75 feet to
70 feet.
The narrower 2/3s of the lot makes it impossible to meet the
25' side setback requirements for an R1 zoned lot.
e. Our neighbors, Laraine and Roger Wells have a structure
within six feet of the southern border of the lot.
We have requested a varience on the north end to allow us to
site the new building as far• away from the Well's structure
as possible.
f. The lot is bounded by roads on three sides.
The request for variance in setbacks is to site the house in
the area within these three roads where it will be the least
impacted by the traffic on the roads and contribute the least
intrusion on the traffic already carried by the three roads.
g. The lot is situated on a slope with the high point on the
north end and the low paint on the south end.
The designated "rear" end of the lot is the south end andthe
low point of the lot wvhere water tends to collect in the
spring. To build in this area within the 30 feet rear yard
setback would require building up the area with fill thereby
making the lot higher than our neighbor's and causing water,
to move to her lower lot.
h. The lot is heavily treed at the north end with several
large, mature white pines, cedars, lilacs, spirea,
honeysuckle bushes and an apple tree.
The mature trees on the north end of the lot provide a thick
natural buffer zone between Bartlett gay Road and the
proposed building. These trees as so dense that the present,
building is almost invisible in the summer when the leaves
are, green and is only slightly visible in the winter when the
leaves are off the trees. We believe the, shorter front
setback of 35 feet that we requested Is adequate when
combined with the blocking effect achieved by the present
2. There is,no possibility that the Property can be developed
1n st`�" ct conTorm try war tFi tFo pro' v si ons of fi—e zoni n
requ�"-at�"`o"ns . `^
Because of the physical circumstances and conditions•
discussed in number one, expecially a through e, the
authorization of a variance is necessary to enable the
reasonable use of the property.
3. The appellant did not create this hardship.
The size and position of the lot .was determined by the
previous owner who recorded it in 1930. The _h_arr_d�s_hip ,has
been created tj the change in the zoning qu rem- ments i n thi s
neigh or oo . ._
k, The Variance,if authorized will not alter the essential
cFare"cter of tge—neighborhood, or impair the appropr ate use
or eva is'menf ofadjacent eroperty, or be-aetrimen a o tfie
public welfare. _._.
The front and side setback variance request will allow a more
"normal" size and shaped structure to be constructed on the
lot than could be built following the zoning setback
requirements. The "character" of our neighborhood has been
drastically changed by the construction of long narrow houses
sited to conform to the new R1 zoning requirements. we would
all be happier if some compromise could have been reached to
allow construction of more traditional type homes.
5. The variance, if authorized, will represent the minimum
variance that will aforrU relief and will represent the least
modification possible of-th zoning regulations and of the
p an.
The request for side setback variances are dependant on
granting the request of the front setback variance first in
order to site the home on the widest part of the lot and
thereby minimize the adjustment needed on the side setbacks.
If the house is sited more on the rear southern section of
the lot the width of the lot is narrower and will require a
request for even shorter side setbacks.