HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS-73-0000 - Decision - 0020 Bartlett Bay RoadPROTECTION DIVXSIOn I ( i) SUBDIVISION PERMIT ( IEFERRAL OF PERMIT (Josuad under the provision of Chapter Health Rogulationa, as amended) PROPRIPTOR(s) Lydia B. Lowell (2) ADDRESS: c/o Gravel a Shea 109 S. 17in000ki Avenue Durlington, Vormont 05401 (3.) 1 (4) . (4) NAME OF SUDDIVISIONs LOCATION OF SUBDIVISION,s NO. D- 551 5, Subchapter 10, of the Vornont (1a) PURCHASER(s) John H. Jr. a Kristine A. McGinnin N ( ; 0 ",/ ) Dart**tev Bay Road Bouth Durlington, Vermont 05401 City of South Burlington, Stanhope Road DESCRIPTION OF SUBDIVISIONe One Lot adjoining existing Lots 26 & 27 PERIMITi Subject to any conditions hereinafter opocified,tho above named Proprietor may subdivide the tract of lend depicted on the aforocaid plat as proposed thereon. )1(7) CONDITIONSa 1. Parnit is isouad subject to an agreenont to waive dovalopmontal rights exocutod by tho Purchabor(o) of the parcol(c) described horcon. 2. A waiver of davolopmontal rights, no roquirad by Soction 5-904a of tho Vermont Health Regulations, Chapter 5, Subchapter 10,'an onanded, chall be made a term of any contract of colo or l0000 of tho porcol(c), and shall be r9citad in any'Dood in tho form no required by said Soction. (8) REMARKS: Spacial note should bo taken that this Permit does not onampt the Parmittae from tho raquiremantn of tho Wator Quality Control Act of 1970 (10 V.S.A., Chaptor 33) and tho continuing juriodiction of tho Departnant, of Watar Racourcoop Agency of Environmontol Conoorvotion, with rocroct to abatement of wator pollution in the avont it may occur. This Permit does not raliava the Proprictor(a) from the roquirement of obtaining a Permit from the Diatrict Environcontal Comniocion undor the provisions of 10 V.S.A., Chapter 151. M October 29, 1973 APPROVING OPPICIAL 71 CC I Planning Commission, pity of South Burlington, South Burlingion, Vermont 05401