HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0052 Barrett StreetNOTICE OF APPEAL SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the followingr---,- conditional use, variance, decision of administrative officer. Property Owner_L��; Property location & description)m=b' "I S'*3L\5Y-.N \S%k9aam �� _. Variance of Section �number lititle of section) Basis of appe I understand the regular meetings are held twice a mbn�h on Monday at 5:00 p.m. at the City Hall, Conference -Room. The legal advertise- ment must appear in the Burlington Free Press a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the hearing, I agree to pay a fee of $30-00 which fee is to off -set the costs of advertising 4 ing. :tis Hearing Date Signature 6( Ap-pelle"It. ------------------------------ m --------------------------------- ------------------ SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regiilaifofis and Chapter 91 Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning,Board of Adjustment wiil hold a public hearing at the South Burlinigio''n City Offices, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on I at to consider the (day of week) (month and date) (time) following: Appeal of seeking a from Section /4-00 of the South Burlingt6h Zoning RegLula- tions. Request is for permission to /<71-" August 6, 1976 �',utra, Jr. 52 'Cuth ur-'L c -0 1 -t the -ou'li -u,' ington Zonin- `,oard o" ,(!just- -;e advised rn,�,n` a-oorov­cl r,-)ur ­_--,,u- st Por ,, znnim:- v!�.rianr.­ -,Vith d 1)111�'+j' t it-� 1")r�)ros­d no t'ian tw­lvc, 2) 4'--,t :7,ir'- nrop­,ty lin Tf A pormit is required prior to construction you have �-o�(­_)ntact mp. any qur�stinns, Tgry truly, 17) �11 -r' -1 L-cha: , "tr, _'-)nin� Of"'icpr F-t 5 C(.D 1� (D C-4 -7- 9 49 SENDER: Complete items 1. -,—rid i. Add youraddroF he "RETURN TO" spaco on reverse. 1. The following service is requested (check one). Show to whom and date delivered ............ 150 Show to whom, d.ate, & address of delivery.. 350 RESTRICT-ED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered ............. 650 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivery 850 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Clifford F. Dutra, Jr. 52 Barrett Street South Burlington. VT 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. NSURED NO. 1 620415 1 JALways obtain signature of addressee or agent) ha' ,\e ei V, e article described above. I have ece' SIGN, TU I SIGN U E T�QAddrvssce Authorized agent DATE -OF DELIVERY i 5. ADDRESS (Complete only it requested) i 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: I * GPO. 1975-0-568-041 4-- L -7 SOUTH SURILINGTON ZONING NOTICE in accordance Ith the South Burlington Zoning wegulations and Chapter 91, Tft 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room, 1175 Williston RoK South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, August Z 1976, 03:00 p.m. to consider the following: No. 1. Appeal of John J. Rivolta, Jr. seeking a variance, from Section 11.00, Dimensional Requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request Is for permission to construct a 4' x 13' addition to within twenty-six (26) feet of the required front yard, at 35 Greening Avenue. No. 2. Appeal of Cliff ord F. Dutra, Jr. welting a variance, from Section 11.00, Dimensional Requiremehts of the South Butlington Zoning Regulations. Request Is forl Cr lssiontoconqtmdan "ached m' .. 24' gar&geto within eight(P feet, of the required side yard, at 52 Barrett Street. - No. 3 Appeal j* vvperr� "hy1fisl Kingsley seeking a variance, from Section 6.00, Permitted uses Of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request Is for permission to operate a day nursery, allowing for care of upto, 12 children which Is an Increase from a variance granted November 1, 1972. Richard A. Myette, Chairman' Zoning Board of Adjustment: J Wy 17, 1976 4�. , 'J' - , HEWLETT-PACKARD/MOSELEY DIVISION 9270-1005 FOR USE ON AUTOGRAF RECORDERS 10 UNITS/DIVISION 1_ iL 4 i +r ----------------------- -------- W I C�a/ — *94, K