HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS-95-0000 - Supplemental - 0042 Barrett StreetPLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 January 26, 1996 Mr. Ernest Christensen Environmental Commission District #4 111 West Street Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Dear Mr. Christensen: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Planning Commission approved a one (1) lot subdivision located at 42 Barrett Street on June 27, 1995. A sewer allocation of 450 gpd has been granted. This property will be served by the Airport Parkway Treatment facility which has capacity to handle the additional demand. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative officer RW/mcp cc: Attorney Daniel Overton M E M 0 R A N D U M To: South Burlington Plqnning Commission From: Raymond J. BelairP,-Poning and Planning Assistant Re: Preliminary Memo - June 27, 1995 agenda items Date: June 8, 1995 TERRY SHEPARD - 3 LOT SUBDIVISION - FINAL PLAT --- plat submitted is acceptable. NYNEX - TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUILDING - SITE PLAN --- proposed landscaping is $260 short of the $1200 landscaping requirement. --- plan should show location, including metes and bounds, for the easement across the City property for access to the NYNEX building. --- applicant should submit for review and approval by the City Attorney the legal documents for the access easement. --- show locations and provide details (cut -sheets) for all exterior lighting. HOWARD BARBER - RELOCATE DRAINAGEWAY - APPROVAL --- applicant should submit written report addressing the criteria under Section 3.503(a)-(e) of the zoning regulations for encroachment. --- it appears the plan proposes to relocate the drainageway onto a property to the north (#23 Iby Street) . Does applicant have permission to do this? Will a new drainage ditch be constructed on this property? JOHN LARKIN - CLUSTER C REVISION - REVISED FINAL PLAT --- plan should show the boundary of the Spear Street - Ridge View Protection Zone which crosses this property. --- plan should note that the rear patios will be at ground level. --- plan should show a different type line to denote the drainage easement area. 1- MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, South Burlington City Engineer Re: June 27, 1995 agenda items Date: June 5, 1995 TERRY SHEPARD - 131 PATCHEN ROAD 1. Services (water, sewer) will be privately owned and maintained. These services cross all lots. Easements will have to be given from lot to lot for that purpose. 2. Site plan dated 4/19/95 prepared by Vermont Land Surveyors is acceptable. HOWARD BARBER PROPERTY - BARRETT STREET 1. The existing lot has a drainageway through it. It is proposed to pipe (1811) this drainageway and fill the area making it a buildable lot. The owner of the adjacent (easterly lot) is willing to allow the proposed 18 inch pipe cross a portion of their lot and outlet beyond their northerly lot line in the existing channel. 2. The channel from the new pipe to an existing pipe at the turnaround on Iby Street should be rechanneled and cleaned. This is on City land. 3. A minimum 30 foot side yard setback from lot No 44 easterly line should be maintained to allow for clearance from a deep sewer along this lot line and away from extensive filling. NYNEX - WILLISTON ROAD Site plan prepared by Trudell Engineering dated 4/24/95 is acceptable. HARBOR HEIGHTS DUPLEXES - BAYCREST DRIVE 1. Catch basin and hydrant shown as existing in the lower right hand corner are not there. 2. Retention tank shall be submitted for review and approval. Also relocated storm system. OFFICE BUILDING - 20 FARRELL STREET The revised scope from the previously approved plan is acceptable. M E M 0 R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Wallace Possich, South Burlington Fire Chief Re: Plans Reviewed for June 27, 1995 Agenda Date: June 7, 1995 I have reviewed the following site plans and my comments are as follows: 1. Howard Barber P14t Barr6tt Street Project No. 264-94-1 Acceptable 2. Terry and Mary Shepard Dated 5/26/95 131 Patchen Road Job No. 87-35 Acceptable 3. NYNEX Dated 5/26/95 Williston Rad Project No. 95008-20 Acceptable 4. Harbor Heights Duplexes Lot C, Harbor View Road Acceptable 5. Office Building 20 Farrell Street Acceptable City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 June 9, 1995 Peter Jacob Coburn & Feeley 205 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Drainageway Relocation, Barrett Street Dear Mr. Jacob: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed are preliminary comments on the above referenced project from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Wally Possich and myself. Please respond to these comments with additional information and/or revised plans, if appropriate, no later than Friday, June 16, 1995. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sinc ely, % RaeZ Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant RJB/mcp Encls City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 June 23, 1995 Peter Jacob Coburn & Feeley 205 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Drainageway Relocation, Barrett Street Dear Mr. Jacob: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and Fire Chief Wally Possich were sent to you at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, June 27, 1995 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. S n erely, C Jo Weith, I Ci y Planner JW/mcp Encls City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 August 14, 1995 Peter Jacob Coburn & Feeley 205 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Drainageway Relocation, 42 Barrett Street Dear Mr. Jacob: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project approved by the Planning Commission on June 27, 1995. If you have any questions, please give me a call. qn erel . Jo Weith, C _i v I i y Planner Jw/mcp 1 Encl City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 July 24, 1995 Peter Jacob Coburn & Feeley 205 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Drainageway Relocation, 42 Barrett Street Dear Mr. Jacob: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the June 27, 1995 Planning Commission meeting minutes. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Joe Weith City Planner Jw/mcp 1 Encl PLANNING COMMISSION 27 June 1995 page 6 hour trip ends. 3. Prior to issuance of a zoninq_permit the a a_$l.,,650 landscape bond. The bond shall remai three ' assure that M landscaping tak aood chance of survivincr. licant shallpost in effect for root and has a 4. The zoning permit shall -be obtained within 6 months or this a2proval is null and void. 5. The aMlicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occu_pancy/Compli- ance from the Zoning Administratorprior to ocg.�ipancy_of the new addition. 6.__Any changeto the site-21an-shall require approval bythe Plannin_.q_C_ommission. Ms. Barone seconded. Motion s s e d u n a T�tigq��sj_y __ 6. Application of Howard Barber for approval to relocate and pipe a watercourse which crosses an existing undeveloped lot for the purpose of development, 42 Barrett St: Mr. Jacob noted that in 1967, when Dumont Construction bought the Barrett St. development, the road went right into the development. The city didn't want the road meeting Iby St. This created a problem with a lot that has no frontage, and Mr. Barber now wants to solve this problem. Mr. Jacobs said that after consulting with the City Engineer, it was determined that if the watercourse were straightened out, land could be deeded to the duplex lot to provide adequate frontage. The water would be brought to a basin and piped onto city property. A house could then be put on the lot. At the present time, water stands on the lot and cannot flow properly. Mr. Weith added that there would also be a boundary line adjust- ment done administratively. Mr. Jacob noted that another neighbor's swing set is off his property, and this can also be fixed with the proposed adjustment. Ms. Snyder of the Natural Resources Committee read a memo from the Committee in which they said this is an area underlain by poor draining soil. The Commission feels the water course should not be disturbed. Mr. Teeson said that since the problem was created by the city, he felt the city should allow the owner to use his land. Mr. PLANNING COMMISSION 27 June 1995 page 7 Burgess added that he felt it would improve the neighborhood by getting rid of the bog. Mr. Crow moved that in accordance with Section 3.60 of the zoning re�gulations,_the Plannin2.-Commission_approve the request of Howard Barber to relocate and pipe awatercourse as depicted on a plan entitled "Howard Barber,_ Barrett Street,_ South Burlington, VT,"_prepared by William Robenstein and dated 8/3/94,___with the following stipulations: 1. Prior to construction of the watercourse imlDrovements and prior to issuance of a zoninq__permit for development, the appli- cant shall record legal documents for the drainagf� easement in the South Burlington land records. The.legaldocuments shall require a roval of the City__Atto_rney prior to recording Mr. Teeson seconded. Motion 2as-sed-_unanimousLZ_ 7. Site plan application of Blueprints, Etc, to amend a previously approved site plan for the construction of a 2-story, 10,000 sq. ft. office building on a 1.3 acre lot. The amendment consists of phasing the project into two phases, each consisting of 5,000 sq. ft; 20 Farrell Street: Mr. Erdmann said this is the only change to the plan. They are asking not to put in the trees as part of Phase I so they won't have to be taken out to build the parking lot for Phase 2. No issues were raised. Mr. Crow moved the Planninq Co plication of Blueprints,_Etc, plan.for construction of a 10 use. The amendment coNsists o' 2hases,-each-consistin� f 5 0 entitl )sed Office Buil lington_,___Vermont,"--prepared b dated 7 last revi �L8/87r ceived" date of 672-27-95, with mission approve thesite lan ap- o amend a__pKeviously approved site 00 sa. ft. buildina for office 0 sq_._ rt-.--a-s--de -21an .picted on a inc .1,___,20_ Farrell SLreet, South Bur - Northern Architects, Inc, and 94 and containing a stamped "re - he followina stiDulations: 1. All__previous approvals and stipulations which are not Ey per- seded by thisapproval shall remain in effect. 2. The applicant shall post a $10,,_190 __landscaping_ bond _pKkqr_tg issuance of a zonin_g__permit for Phase I and a $l.,3l0__boqi�__pK_kq_K to issuance of a-zoninq permit_.for Phase II. Each bond shall remain in effect for a geriod of threeyears to assure that the landscanina takes root and has a Qood chance of survivinq. 3. The Planning Commission grants a $5,258 landsca-inz--credit for 6/27/95 MOTION OF APPROVAL BARBER In accordance with Section 3.60 of the zoning regulations, I move the Planning Commission approve the request of Howard Barber to relocate and pipe a watercourse as depicted on a plan entitled "Howard Barber, Barrett Street, South Burlington, VT", prepared by William Robenstein and dated 8/3/94, with the following stipulations: 1. Prior to construction of the watercourse improvements and prior to issuance of a zoning permit for development, the applicant shall record legal documents for the drainage easement in the South Burlington land records. The legal documents shall require approval of the City Attorney prior to recording. Memorandum - Planning June 27, 1995 agenda items June 23, 1995 Page 5 current facility generates 87 vte's and the proposed addition will add three (3) vte's for a total of 90 vte's. The applicant should be aware that the road impact fee for this project is approximately $50.00. Landscaping: The minimum landscaping requirement, based on building costs, is $1650 which is being met. Plantings will include Crabapple, Rhododendron, Roses, Yew and Spurge. Lighting: Exterior lighting consists of four (4) 25 foot poles with two (2) metal halide laMPB each, one (1) 20 foot pole with a mercury vapor lamp and one (1) metal halide lamp on the building. The applicant should try to tip the flood lights straight down so as to reduce the amount of glare being cast onto Williston Road. Sewer: No additional sewer allocation needed. 6) NAPJ%ft,�, -� SAW= 1 1 This project consists of relocating and piping a watercourse which crosses an existing undeveloped lot for the purpose of development. This request is being made pursuant to Section 3.60 of the zoning regulations. This property located at 42 Barrett Street lies within the R4 District. It is bounded on the north by single family residences, on the west by a single family residence and City owned land, on the east by a two (2) family residence and on the south by Barrett Street. The proposed relocation involves installing catch basins and drainage pipe to carry water around the perimeter of the lot to make the central portion available for development. The Planning Commission may permit the relocation of a watercourse provided the relocation will not significantly affect adversely the attributes listed in Section 3.503(a) - (e) of the zoning regulations. The applicant has submitted a report addressing these attributes (see enclosed). Section 3.60 of the zoning regulations requires that the Natural Resources Committee (NRC) review and provide comment on any application to relocate a watercourse. The NRC reviewed the plans 99 Memorandum - Planning June 27, 1995 agenda items June 23, 1995 Page 6 on 6/13/95 and will hold a site visit prior to the meeting. Their comments on this application will be provided at the meeting by an NRC member. Legal documents: The legal documents for the drainage easement should be approved by the City Attorney and recorded in the land records prior to construction of the watercourse improvements and prior to a zoning permit for development, whichever comes first. 7) BLUEPRINTS, ETC. - PHASE OFFICE BUILDING- SITE PLAN This project consists of amending a previously approved site plan for the construction of a two (2) story 10,000 square foot office building on a 1.3 acre lot. The amendment consists of phasing the project into two (2) phases, each consisting of 5,000 square feet. Site plan approval for this building was granted on August 25, 1987, January 14, 1992, May 25, 1993 and on January 10, 1995 (minutes enclosed) but this building has never been built. The applicant obtained a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment on January 9, 1995 in order to build the building with 54 square feet located within 93 feet of the centerline of Potash Brook. This property located at 20 Farrell Street lies within the C2 and CO zones and is bounded on the north by the Vermont Lung Association, on the east by East Woods, on the south by a warehouse/distribution building and on the west by Farrell Street. Access/circulation: Access will be provided by one (1) 22 foot wide curb cut on Farrell Street. Circulation is adequate. Coverage/setbacks: Building coverage is 9% (maximum allowed is 30%). overall coverage for Phase I is 29.9% and for Phase II it is 39% (maximum allowed is 70%). Front yard coverage is 19% (maximum allowed is 30%). The building meets the setback requirements except that it will project seven (7) feet into C.O. zone and will result in 54 square feet of the building being within the C.O. zone. The owner obtained a variance from the ZBA for this encroachment. --6 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Natural Resources Committee DATE: 27 June 1995 RE: Development of 42 Barrett Street Property The drainage way on the Barrett Street lot is well delineated by wetland type plants. There is an obvious swath of cattails and a healthy stand of sensitive fern. There is standing water in the area near the street drain. The soils underlying fill are poorly drained, probably clay. Neighbors state that they have problems with water in the basements. On the foundation of at least one house there was evidence of salts leaching from cinder block. It is the feeling of the committee that the drainage pattern should not be disturbed. Section 3.104 states that "all land along a ... drainage -way which is within 50 feet horizontal distance of the centerline of the ... drainage -way" are within the boundaries of the Co district. This area is providing drainage from up slope toward Route 116. We feel that by filling and attempting to re-route surface and ground water will not "improve the quality of ... soil ... and water and the natural processes by which they are related ... and aesthetically - pleasing community". The suggestion of relocating the drainage -way to the east side of the lot would involve taking out several trees including at least one butternut tree. I June 14, 1995 REAL ESTATE, INC Mr. Joe Weith, Director of Planning So. Burlington Planning Commission So. Burlington, VT 05403 RE: 3-50 NON -CONFORMING USE AND ACTIVITIES A THRU E DearJoe: As indicated in my letter of May 9, we proposed to pipe the water from the east side of the lot to the west and then place an 18 inch drain pipe to the rear of the lot and into the existing city property. We also propose to clean out an existing channel that is overgrown to allow water to flow and be stored adequately. B - This should not hinder in any way or cause any erosion. As it stands now there is an open ditch which can cause a mosquito problem and can fill up with trash; this will clean up the situation and allow water to flow as it should flow. C - In no way will it interfere with the enjoyment or adequate use of adjacent properties. In fact, this will enhance the enjoyment and be safer. D - This area is not a wet land. It has been used for drainage by the city. It has been filled somewhat by the city and the piping of the water will add to safety, functional value and it will clean up an eye -sore. E - To the best of my knowledge, there is no wildlife or fisheries habitat in this drainage ditch. Sincerely, /7 Z/9 b�4��4ter L. Jacob Residential *Commercial 9 Business Brokerage a Property Management P.O. Box 923, 125 College Street e Burlington, Vermont 05402 e 802-658-6666 - 800-221-0636 e Fax 802-860-2424 205DorsetStreet e South Burlington, Vermont 05403 - 802-863-5516 - 800-451-5004 e Fax802-863-1602 0 /6/7 191" 11-ox. Ile 14 —,40. A-� LIl — 4441 4 rrulp knou-&.19* amd td.4 60U& UA,%� U-ac, ta"Cl ;-#-4— "— t,-- Jq,4, map & tacad, up&T,. cL, u&ueilp uJu4k c.*,�� u�,& A29A—AC-bM /a,. amf&, d"&r� affa da-u� ,t�n& /an, aa William A. Robensteln Professional Land Surveyor 909 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 862-8917 GRAPHIC SCALE L I inch - 20 ft. A %a ", 9 9�9 7— A YII/ 0 ,-Oro Pri 29 .50 297.00 297150 no X� I,, A -/5 RECEIVED JUN 14 1995 City of So. Burlington 3 9 Sump pump discharge pipe invert 296.6 �7 C? I/ �/- TBM Bottom step of most westerly Duplex 300.0 assumed 7:11 , I ', *,, le- /j, 7 7'3 9, A 9.600 eee. 0 y -/741 Catch Basin 294.30 Invert -�- 6ReP1-7-7r 5r— Contour Ma Howard Barber Barrett Street South Burlington Vermont ;URVEYED BY TB/WR WILLIAM A. ROBENSTEIN PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR )RAWN BY WAR 909 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURUNGTON, VT 05403 (802) 562-8917 1 =2-0 M�M[ 9�