HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0005 Barber TerraceApril 13, 1973 '11r. James Taylor 5 Barber Terrace South Burlington, VT 051+01 near Mr, Taylor; Be advised that the South Burlington 4'-jonin[,, F,�oarr' of Adjust- ment will hold a public hearing at the City 11alIq Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road on Wednesday, April IF, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. to consider your requst for a zoning m�,riance. Please plan to attend. Very truly, Richard Ward Zoning Administrative Officer RW/j Z' M z ILI W4 Ilk lkq Ca -1 I 4zy)�T /O"v TZI--WA -'A�V.ES TA Yk 0, ;? 76 Vk Hlearin,-, Date Advt. Date Advertins'e 6 days prior to' neeting. Soull-.h Rurlinfton Zoning Board of Adjustment South Burlington, Vermont C� Gentlemen: I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for th� 'following variance. I understand that regular meeting dates are the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room. The legal advertisement shall appear as below, and I agree'to pay, either now or before the ad appears, a fee of $30-00 which �ee is to off -set costs of holding said hearing. Lgnature and�Address Date SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE The South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold &,pu7blic hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on (day of wee I k) at to consider the following: (month and date) (time) Appeal of �lk"uA J A-11-4-04 seeking a e variance from Sec' of 0 t' le of ioction) the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request 's for perma.Psion to ldfhI4 "*W ZONING BOARD OF ADJUST11,..-IINT ZONING BO�01D OF ADj7JST1/LNT F' 1)1_)�_'�11.j 0- 41- DATE: VOTE: YES 110 T E 17 o - T .J'Ill D I P G -3 z The South Burlington Zoning Board OF Adjustment will hold a public hearing at t;)e South BUrlington City Offices, Conference Room, 1175 Williston Rood, South Bur;ington, V-orrnont - on Wednesday, ;.Qril 18, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. to con5icler the folloming; # I Appeal of James Seorrion seeking a variance from Section 6 -10, Yard Roquirenients of the South Bur;ington -Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission to construct an addition 12' x 24', to wi.:iin twenty (20) f net a' the re- quirod fron' yard, at 7 Dean -a Steet. P2 Appeal of David B. DuBrui see�inq a variance from Section 12.55, Swimming Pools of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is for permission to construct a 20' x 40' swimming pool, wiflii,n five (5) teet of the north- erly rear yard line, at 64 Loura[ Hill Drive. #3 Appeal of Vincent F. Dattilio seeking a variance from Section 12.55,, Swimming Poolslof the South Burlington Z oning Ordinance. Request is for permission to construct a 20' ' x 40' swimming pool, within five (5) feet Of the east- erly rear yard line, at 4 Delaware Str,?o'. 4 Appeal of James Taylor seeking a varianc.:� from Section 6.40, Yard requirements o� t,')e SouH-. Evir!moton Zoning Ordinance. Rcquost is for permission to ccnstruct a 14' x 22' garage with attached bri:czoway to vvihin ten (10) felt of the nort:-.orly side yard, of 5 5arberTerrace. .�ifi Appa; of John Lctan3 soo�jng a variance from Sec- t ,ion 3.80, Sign Requirements of tk-2 Purlington Zoning Ordinance. Rr-quesl is for Pnnfl-'sion, 'o viect four (4) facade sign-, cenlaining approx imc,'011,1 sevor,fy­ou; (74) square .,Cof' at Lcib--!s for Less, rear oi I 'A;35 Wii�istori Road. #5Appaal of Ant!-�any P-A�c.(el a variance from 5e5tiori 12.55; Swirnming Pools of t�e South Burlington Zoning Ordjnonc�,. Roquest is for permission 'to construct a'16' x 32' swimming pool within three (3) feet'of the side lot line, at 30 Sebring Rood. #7 Appeal of Peter Matta, Tower Resfourant,'socking a variance from the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance. Request is for Permission to construct a building 80' x 50' on a parcel of land iocated at 1234 Williston Rood, as per plan on file ?h the office of the Zoning Administrator. Zoning Saari;2 of Adjustment Richard A. Mycitle, Chairman A PPE A L i4 DATE: �;_ 401' Lz R, E �11 'U, E , T VOTE: -_V;�S 'NO '�7 ZONING BOARD OF ADj'UST11;L_1,�1T_7',_ DATE eL REOUEST: L/ VOTE: YES V OT E : -1�10 ILI !','TflDTT,1C',� : -Ojtj�T _P iCT FOpi.RL) 0� 1,D7 T-; PEAL DATE R E'OUE ST: I'70TE- YET'S z,, K" j Board Of Adjust-Ont will The South Burlington -on,nj lington Cit'l at t�)� South But, hold a public 11caring South Burlington, Rclain 1 17.5 V4illiston Pool , a n rcr'" e 197j at 7:30 P.M. to V evrriont consic;C�r th, following I at lorries Seerlicin seeking a variance from 1 ppeci qui-,Crilonts at Iho -,.Utvk Bulingto" S ion &40, ard 7�1 nission to construct Znquo . r per, ,st j, fL ,t a, t'oe ra Ioning rdin, (20) fe- an addition 19' x 24', to wi�1:1111 ' "" d a, 7 Doan,�) Street- fron' 3TUi seekiw,, a variance from al-'r�"A _ he SOutj_l Burlington of David B Swimming P0016 a' t s.:!c,,,n 12.55, is yor Perm ission *0 construct Revucst incncL t of the north %� w imming Pool, yjahi,n five (5) fee 4 line at 64 Loural Hill Drive. 'King variance from "nor ttillO see 3 A of �incicnt F. Da ing pools�OL the South Burlington section 12.55, Swirnm equest is for permission to construct zonin g Ordinance- . R e (5) feet of the east ci 20' x 40' swimming pool, within Thv it 4 Doloware StrOO- efly rear yard line, c nos Taylor seckir`g c, variance from rits 0, t:)c Sou�j,, �urjjjjgton 44ApPeol 01 Jar Section 6.40, Yord requireme to construct 7 Rcc.,uost is, for pe nin ten oning Ordinance. with attoc­-�d , Or,�Oxe . . ,;i, Way 'o 3 5arber Terrace. a 14' x 22' gc11L er ly side Yord, at (I C)) lect Of t�lc nortil OKj 11 g 5 AoPoOl of john L-ctano lc� I . a variance from Sec -,,),h 'ur;ington 7oning iremonts Of t" S � - I :ion 3.�3, Sign Rwc�,qu - . - __ �o - - Oct four (4) foccide 1 ordlinavce� RcclU-5' i, tcr t,,-,our (74) square si, ccri�oininc; OPP�0"imcic 11 ' 112 .3 5 W, j ision Road. or ., f,,- 'Lcibo�s for L--o ' , to a variance from at An��O,,y �Aic�,'C!l , pools of tt I ton 10 South ' Bur iog -Uct 11-55; SW c P. ­-Uost 1� for permission to const' oning Ordir-on" " within three (3) feet Of the s' e a - 16' x 32' sw"""ng Poo lot line at 30 Sebring Road- r RLafourant, seeking 0 #7 �ppecil -' Peter \ii.tta, To we a Z a South Burlington 7011ing ordinance. j , . 50, variance from the . s �uc t a building 80' x 5()' ion to constr per Re -quest is for permils 12-4 Williston Road, cis Per el of land locot,ld at or, a porc rn the Office of the Zon�nq Administrator. plan on file Bgcsr4 of Adjust"Ont Zonis ir.an M,otfe, chairm Richard A. Z N7�!C, BO`"�LD 0- C. L DATE R E QU E S T VOTE: 10 T E INI 0 1", CT S ell - L Z _z ' ZOINIITIG BO-A-ED OF '�DJ_UST!,'L,­NTT APPESAL DATE Yi_ L REQUEST:_ VOTE: YES VOTE: 1NO T' T f i)'i_ Ll 19 - 1',73 ii-.,.L "60n , Tk-' C"-)" Ca Dnav 'M-r. Ta%,I�,r: I t1w! .'!outh 'Pitr!1-n:--,t(')n no,-�-rd o,' Idjust- Y011 a Vra,iau,�(---� 'ram th,-� of S ,, " t;�.on 6.40, Ya-,-J o�' I'lli- A building permit will be issued upon your request, Very truly, Richard Ward Z.oning Administrative Officer R",T/j