HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee - 11/14/2018Bike & Pedestrian Committee - Meeting Minutes November 14 2018 @ 5:45 pm The Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 at 5:45 pm in the South Burlington City Hall Champlain Room @ 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: Chair: Dana Farr, Vice Chair: Cathy Frank, Clerk: Shawn Goddard, Bill Wooden, Bob Britt, Amanda Holland Members Absent: Donna Leban, Katie Dolbec City Representative: Ashley Parker, Project Manager Also Present: William Langdon, Tom Hubbard(Deputy City Manager / Treasurer), Bryan Currier (O'Leary - Burke Civil Associates, PLC), Peter Kahn (O'Leary - Burke Civil Associates, PLC), Corey Cenate Meeting documents can be found in the folder named 11.November 2018 Other key document for this meeting: November Talking Points Meeting began at 5:45 pm. 1. Welcome and directions on emergency evacuation procedures - Dana 2. Changes or additions to the agenda ○ Need to elect a clerk. Dana nominated Shawn Goddard. Seconded by Cathy Frank. Unanimously approved. ○ Tom Hubbard said the city passed new interim zoning (projected for 9 months). They will be asking for representatives to serve on a sub-committee. Requested it be added to the December meeting agenda. ○ Tom Hubbard also talked to the proposed CIP which will be presented in draft form to the City Council on Monday, 11/19. The final proposal will be presented to the City Council on December 17, 2018. i. He asked for our committees inputs on the CIP list and on priority/scheduling, along with which projects should have funding from the P4P source. ii. He requested that if there is anything on our agendas that require longer than a 2-hour timeframe that we prioritize items that require Ashley’s participation because she’ll have commitments that prevent her from staying longer. iii. He asked for the committee to provide a list of maintenance requirements so the city DPW can kick off that work immediately in the spring. 1. Would like the city website updated with a more intuitive link from the front page to allow community input on street/path issues. 2. Longer term the city wants to get a form entry for issues that would be logged 3. Comments from the public not related to the agenda ○ None 4. Consideration of minutes from the previous meeting(s) ○ Cathy Frank moved to approve draft minutes. Bill Wooden seconded. Unanimously approved with Bob Britt abstaining. 5. Discussion: Dorset Meadows. LLC Peter Kahn, O’Leary Burke Civil Associates and T J Boyle ○ Bryan Currier and Peter Kahn presented on Dorset Meadows. ○ Specific questions listed in bold text and committee recommendations listed in blue text: i. Review walking path layout & surface treatments 1. Have plans for sidewalk on one side of road and 10’ rec path on the other side of the main drag (Elderberry). 2. There are trails planned through the green spaces of the development - the current recommended surface treatment for the greenspace paths is Shurpac (fine gravel). The committee agreed with that. ii. Should there be a path connecting to Dorset St (on Trillium)? 1. Committee liked the idea of a path out to Dorset a. The current 5’ sidewalk could be changed to a 10’ rec path. 2. Problem is that the outlet to Dorset dumps out to a section of Dorset that doesn’t have a path (Cider Mill gap), so the committee discussed whether we want that extension to Dorset, or a Dorset path connecting down to the end of the current Dorset path. a. Committee requests that the 5’ sidewalk from Elderberry to Dorset along Trillium be changed to a 10’ rec path. b. Committee also requests the Recreation Impact Fees be applied to the South Dorset St Shared-use Path project. iii. Should there be a beacon across Dorset St? 1. Yes, the committee requests a beacon at the Dorset St crossing once the South Dorset St Shared-use Path project is completed. The funding for this crossing beacon should come out of the Rec Impact Fees. iv. Crossings on Noland Farm Road? 1. We were in agreement that we’d want two crosswalks to connect to Nowland Farm rec path 2. Question about whether crosswalks should have RRFBs also, or in-road signs, or pedestrian crossing signs. a. Committee agreed on crosswalks in 2 proposed locations with pedestrian crossing signage. v. Question about Trillium crossing - it currently exceeds the 500’ length that requires a crossing. 1. They’re looking at turning some buildings to essentially shorten the Trillium road length to below the 500’ distance. 2. The committee didn’t have any input on these design changes. ○ Cathy motioned to approve the committee recommendations (language as listed above in blue text). Bob seconded. All approved with no abstainers. 6. Discussion: Change in meeting process - Cathy ○ Cathy talked to the fact that many of our meetings go very long and we need to find ways to keep to our schedule and finish on time. There was general agreement to this point. ○ See the document for the proposed tweaks to our meetings. i. General idea is to stick to our schedule and keep the meetings flowing better. ii. Bill reiterated a suggestion from prior meetings that we try to limit the # of items we have on our agenda. iii. Dana reiterated her request that updates came in earlier (i.e. on time - 7 days ahead of the meeting) ○ Amanda asked about naming our documents in the monthly meeting folder in a way to help connect them to the corresponding agenda item. i. Shawn suggested that all documents related to a topic start with the topic name and then have a subtitle if additional distinction is needed. ii. Documents are also linked in the talking points and meeting minutes. iii. Do not want any document links in the meeting agenda. 7. Report & Discussion: Updates from the City - Ashley ○ Underwood - Working currently on understand where the wetland delineation are and whether the proposed uses fit with the ○ CIP presentation to Department Heads 11/7 – See attached CIP Draft for Bike/Ped i. Positively received - no concerns. ○ Improvements: Working to reschedule three project site visits with Justin i. Jug Handle - Meeting scheduled to work with UVM on this project. UVM has a need for open space, so that could be a sticking point. The longer-term plan is to connect the Spear St path to Williston Road. There are Right-of-way issues with this project that need to be resolved. ii. Airport Pkwy - Scoping study that was done called for on-road bike lanes and separated rec path. More work needs to be done on this project. iii. Allen Rd Upper - No real big questions/concerns here. This is pretty straightforward. 8. Discussion: Strategic Plan for Funding ○ CIP Documents ○ Bob reviewed some of the discussion Bob & Shawn had with Justin relative to the CIP in their monthly meeting (see section 12c below for the notes from that meeting). ○ Justin suggested having a 3-hr meeting with SBBPC, Ashley, and him to crawl through the CIP to ensure the next couple of years are correct. i. Asked committee for input/questions on the overall CIP for this meeting, but there were no specific questions. ii. Meeting Info: 1. SBBPC reps: Bob, Cathy, Amanda, Shawn a. ASIDE: Ashly/Tom suggested that a committee quorum was half+1, so our committee has 8 members so a quorum isn’t met until we hit 5 members. 2. City Reps: Ashley, Justin, Tom 3. Ashley will set up the meeting. 4. Tom/Ashley requested that we provide some guidance to the City staff on priorities for the projects and for how each project should be funded - P4P, RIF, Grants, DPW, etc. ○ Started discussing some specific projects, but decided to table that discussion for the off-line meeting. i. Spear St Path Improvements (FY25-27)- funding is not currently requiring P4P. Project has separate funding planned. We do have P4P funding of $150k in the current CIP plan. ○ Amanda commented that not all bike/ped infrastructure will be funded by P4P - general agreement to that. ○ Had a general discussion on how we spend the P4P money. No real conclusions. We have a lot of work to do to lay out the full plan, but for now we need to nail down our FY20 and FY21 - this will happen in the CIP discussion. The team will have to have a more structured discussion for longer term use of the P4P. 9. Discussion: Future Work ○ Matrix ○ Bill suggested that we rescore the priority list but force people to limit their voting to a set # of top, and medium priority projects. But once we reviewed the Action Plan tab we all agreed to continue with the current list. ○ Agreed that the matrix is for guidance only on 2019 priorities, not a rigid list. ○ Some team members felt we have too many high priorities. Others felt the list was appropriate. ○ The team decided that we’d take as homework to review the Action Plan tab before our next meeting and come back to the December meeting ready to discuss and finalize our 2019 priorities. 10. Report & Discussion: Annual Report - Shawn ○ Current draft version ○ Cathy suggested that each team member update their items outside of the meeting and Shawn will finalize the draft. 11. Report & Discussion: Public Meeting: Kimball Ave / Marshall Ave Muddy Brook Culvert Replacement - Shawn ○ Shawn’s meeting notes ○ Everyone was positive and supportive of the direction the two cities are heading with this project. 12. Updates: Ongoing Committee Work a. Review: Homework Review - Dana ○ October Homework Doc b. Update: Policy and Safety Recommendations Update - Bob ○ Related document ○ No discussion related to this topic. c. Update: Monthly DPW meeting - Bob & Shawn ○ November meeting notes ○ Discussed path maintenance - Cathy suggested we could divy up the path and assign sections to each committee member. We need clarification on when Justin needs this list by. ○ DPW really needs a process to inventory our sidewalks and rec path maintenance needs. i. Amanda thought there might be some CCRPC resources available. She will ask. d. Update: Connecting with new Economic Development Committee - Bob ○ No discussion related to this topic. e. Update: CCRPC Update - Amanda ○ No discussion related to this topic. f. Update: DRB Update - Cathy ○ November 6 DRB meeting notes ○ No discussion related to this topic. g. Update: SBBP Committee content on SB Website - Cathy ○ No discussion related to this topic. h. Update: General Business - Dana ○ No discussion related to this topic. 13. Review: Homework for next meeting - Ashley ○ Shawn - Minutes provided to Ashley by Monday, 11/19 ○ Bob and Other(s) - Meet with staff to review CIP (work session) Establish guidance for staff re: P4P funding ○ All - Review the “Action Plan” tab and come to next meeting with top project. ○ Amanda - Look into how other communities have assessed their infrastructure (possible CCRPC intern). 14. Confirmation: Next meeting Wednesday, December 12. 15. Adjourn @ 8:07pm by Dana Respectfully submitted- Shawn Goddard, Acting Clerk