HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 03/11/2021 - Board of Trustees Final Minutes South Burlington Library Board of Trustees Thursday, March 11th, 2021 @ 6 p.m. Location: Zoom meeting Members Present: Lauren Ballard, Diane Bugbee, Patrick Leduc, Ted Lenski, Jay Pasackow, Penne Tompkins, Margery Vagt, Lee Freeman, Alicia Lamonda Members Absent: Margaret Ann Cross, Stacey Pape Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray 6:04 p.m. Call to Order 6:05 p.m. Additions and deletions to the posted agenda Added an action Item: approve creation of ad hoc committee Added an action Item: approve plan for reopening the library Removal of the Governance and nomination committee report. 6:06 p.m. Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the agenda none 6:10 p.m. Consent agenda: Approval of regular board minutes of February 11, 2021 Upon a motion made by Trustee Ted Lenski and seconded by Trustee Jay Pasackow, the Trustees voted unanimously to approve the Minutes from the January 14th meeting. 6:15 p.m. Chair’s report Chair Patrick Leduc shared that the library has recently received a request to reconsider some materials that are in the library’s collection. Chair Leduc went on to say that a procedure accepted in 2016 calls for the creation of an ad hoc committee to review this request with an outlined protocol. Jennifer Murray will make the books in question available to the committee members. Patrick proposed the creation of the ad-hoc committee which would include two members of the library staff, two members of the trustees and up to three members of the public. The Ad-hoc committee would review the request and then make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. To date the membership includes Jennifer Murry, Kelly Kendal, Patrick Leduc, Diane Bugbee, and Dr. Travia Childs and that the final members would be named soon. Diane Bugbee suggested that a parent of a young child might be good to included because the books requested for reconsideration are meant for young people. Ted Lenski suggested that if the ad hoc committee is to make a recommendation, perhaps it should be made up with an odd number of people. Margery Vagt asked where are the books now? Jennifer said two checked out and the other two are on the shelf. She has secured the books that have been checked out through ILL for the committee to read. Jay Pasackow asked about the time frame and Jennifer suggested that a month to complete the work should be feasible. Ted Lenski asked if the process and forms could be shared with the entire board and Patrick confirmed that was a next step. Upon a motion made by Trustee Jay Pasackow and seconded by Trustee Penne Tompkins, the Trustees voted unanimously to approve the creation of the Ad-hoc Committee 6:27 p.m. Friends of the Library report Katherine was unable to attend the board meeting. Patrick gave the update and said FOL will decide on the amount of donation to the library soon. The FOL has an upcoming book sale scheduled for late May / early June. Committee Reports 6:28p.m. Finance Committee Report Review of Staffing plan and hours of operation based upon the 2022 budget Ted Lenski said they are working on staffing to maximize operational hours. Jennifer Murray has a meeting with HR manager to finalize the plan. 6:33 p.m. Advocacy Committee Report Lee Freeman is working on the video, but it has been delayed in order to include information about reopening. 6:35 p. m. Director’s Report Jennifer Murry is planning on hiring two FTE soon, and will advertise for the positions internally first. Jennifer presented a plan for the reopening of the library as of April 5th--the same day as the city of South Burlington. Jennifer proposed opening for four hours a day, Monday thru Saturday and shared that staff generally support the plan. The staff will work in two shifts and maintain these hours until SBPL closes on June 11th or 12th for the move. The library will limit the number of patrons in the space at the same time. Upon a motion made by Trustee Ted Lenski and seconded by Trustee Jay Pasackow, the Trustees voted unanimously to approve the reopening plans. 6:45 p.m. Other Business None 6:48 p.m. Adjourn Hearing no other business Char Patrick Leduc adjourned the meeting at 6:48am Future agenda items •Strategic planning • Covid-19 Safe celebration/opening of new Library