HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee - 03/08/20231 South Burlington Bike & Pedestrian Committee APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 8, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m. Room 301, City Hall AND Virtual Committee Attendees: Havaleh Gagne (Chair), Donna Leban, Bob Britt, Nic Anderson (Clerk), Amanda Holland, Dana Farr Committee Attendees - Remote: Joel Klug Committee Absent: Doug Goodman, Ann Mason Other Attendees: Erica Quallen (City Staff Liaison) Public: Amanda Hannaford, Iris McDonald, Ryan Doyle 1. Welcome, Emergency Exit and Virtual Meeting Instructions, Gratitude –Havaleh (6:00 PM) a. Gratitude for all those that voted and happy the TIF vote passed. 2. Changes or additions to the agenda –Havaleh (6:03PM) a. None 3. Comments from the public not related to the agenda–Havaleh (6:05PM) a. None 4. Consideration of minutes from February 8, 2023–Havaleh (6:10PM) a. Bob provided some small edits which Nic had reviewed and seemed fine. b. Bob motion to approve as amended c. Dana seconded d. Vote - All in favor 5. Updates from the City –Erica (6:15PM) a. Read updates from agenda packet b. Donna asked if Kennedy Drive lighting has been budgeted for. May be included in next year’s CIP but likely not part of Penny for Paths funding. c. Bob noted potential for grants d. Amanda asked about timing in relation to grants e. Bob asked if we can see the draft 2024 Comprehensive Plan mapping before it’s too late. f. Amanda asked what format. Asked about comprehensive plan and the existing/proposed paths map. g. Bob would like to see a separate map by quadrant, as the single map is pretty zoomed out. h. Erica could see that for the bike ped master plan i. Bob noted that the Nowland Farm RRFBs are still not done. Excited to hear that the 6 others have been upgraded. j. Amanda asked about UPWP project selection k. Erica official selection will be at UPWP meeting later this month. Seems like we will be good to go on all projects we requested. Will know probably early April. l. Bob asked about ARPA update in relation to the Hinesburg Rd path request. 2 m. Erica said that ARPA funds will likely need to be used as matches. Would need to get grants lined up to then be able to suggest ARPA funds when Council reviews grant applications. Council liked that our application was a concrete item, not another study. 6. Review updated safety recommendations –Safety Working Group (6:25PM) a. Bob detailed. Asked if it would be a resolution that needs to be done. b. Erica would be a document that is approved, so would need to be accompanied with a memo requesting approval. Specific actions should be bolded so its clear what each bullet points main focus is. c. Bob noted we are trying to organize it so that its easy to manage and can be easily adopted by council. d. Nic suggested having images in Figures at the end of the document to help (where there is yellow highlights in the doc). Also suggested using “Bikes May Use Full Lane” instead of “Share the Road” which is older terminology. e. Bob mentioned it is still in draft format. 7. Review plan for May bike month event–Havaleh (6:40PM) a. Havaleh called Susan Grasso. Need to find school liaisons. Bike Rodeos not done by LM anymore but can do ourselves. Public Library contacted LM about an E-Bike lending library. Susan would brainstorm and get back at end of the week. b. Amanda asked about previous bike rodeo. Was with LM and Rec Department (Ben) as well as Police. c. Havaleh will continue with LM and connect with Holly Rees first. Will then come back once it’s a little more developed. Susan can publicize. Suggestions from the committee on advertising options: Front Porch Forum, CCRPC can post, School Newsletters (one for district and one per school), City Newsletter, Other Paper, SoBu Nite Out too. Could possibly do at same time as other events like Kite Flying. d. Elevator pitch for Walk with a Doc. Reached out to cancer center and could work with Medical Center. AARP does Walking College which deadline to sign up is coming up in two days. 8. Updates Ongoing Committee/Liaison Work (6:50PM) a. Chair updates–Havaleh b. DRB Update–Bob i. Bob detailed O’Brien Eastview plans. ii. Bob detailed Larkin Terrace off Shelburne Road and Fayette. Will have recreation area in SW corner. Going to DRB for Sketch Plan soon. iii. Nic asked about pushing them to update bikeability on Fayette. iv. Amanda thinks this is the time to focus on this more to make sure that families etc. and additional housing can make sure it is more comfortable for biking. v. Donna mentioned needing better controls at Shelburne St with no right on reds. Needs more coordination. vi. Ryan Doyle asked about connection to other streets vii. Donna mentioned it needs better connection south from Fayette. Lou Bresee asked. 3 c. DPW/Safety –Bob, Dana, Amanda, Doug d. Bike Friendly Community Planning/Greenway progress–Nic e. Communications/Outreach/Follow up from January discussion–Donna f. Mapping–Amanda, Nic g. Signs–Nic, Donna, Dana 9. Confirm April 12, 2023 Meeting (6:55PM) 10. Adjourn Bike/Ped Meeting and Begin City Plan 2024 Community Conversation (7:00PM) a. Nic motion to adjourn bike ped meeting and start City Plan 2024. b. Seconded by Dana c. Adjourned 6:58PM