HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee - 01/11/2023 South Burlington Bike & Pedestrian Committee APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 11, 2023 @ 5:30 p.m. Room 301, City Hall AND Virtual Committee Member Attendees: Bob Britt, Vice-Chair, Amanda Holland, Dana Farr, Donna Leban*, Joel Klug*, and Ann Mason* Committee Members Absent: Nic Anderson, Havaleh Gagne and Doug Goodman Other Attendees: Erica Quallen (Staff) Kim Molloy, Jonathan Weaver and Bruce Kaplan (WSP), one member of public *Denotes participants attending virtually 1. Welcome, Emergency Exit Protocol, Virtual Meeting Instructions, Gratitude – Bob 2. Changes or additions to the agenda – Bob No changes to the agenda 3. Comments from the public not related to the agenda. No comments from the public 4. Consideration of minutes from December 14, 2022 Bob proposed two amendments to the minutes, • Item 5.b. add “v. Erica noted it would be on the southern side of the park.” • Item 6.e. clarify it is the “Niklaus Circle” proposed crosswalk Motion by Joel Klug to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Ann Mason. Motion passed. Dana abstained. 5. Updates from the City – Erica Erica read through the meeting packet staff - I-89 Bike Ped connections project will kick off with City staff on 1/12/23, led by CCRPC with consultant Toole Design. - Spear Street Widening. DPW staff took field measurements at several locations along the roadway and on average there is a 30-ft width. Based on the roadway width, intent is to stripe it as 5-10-10-5. For the spots with less than 30’, City will target for spot widening. - Bob asked about lane narrowing on Kimball Ave and if it would need to be CIP project. Erica noted that this would happen when the road is restriped, rather than as its own project. - Striping list - DPW is reviewing roadways to determine which need to be striped. - Multi-Site Crosswalk information provided in packet and will be discussed in detail at February meeting. - Comprehensive Plan update – March meeting will focus on bike/pedestrian related topics and will be led by a meeting facilitator. Erica will confirm the length of the meeting so the Committee can decide in February how to address other business items that month (extra time on the 8th or additional meeting). Donna noted that Kelsey would like Committee members to aid the public awareness of the upcoming events. - Ilona will provide an update at the February meeting on the TIF bond vote on the March ballot. Committee members are encouraged to share information on the ballot as appropriate and help educate residents. 6. (Warned for 6:00 PM) Kennedy Drive Shared Use Path Lighting Study – Kim Molloy, Jonathan Weaver and Bruce Kaplan (WSP). (Marshal Distel, is the CCRPC staff liaison). - Presentation slides provided in meeting packet. - The consultant team was requesting feedback on the five topics below to narrow the scope. 1) Lighting path vs. lighting both path and roadway ▪ Committee confirmed the lighting should focus on illumination of the path and not the roadway. ▪ reduce potential to add to light pollution. 2) Use of pedestrian scale poles vs. bollards ▪ Pedestrian scale (~12-15 feet in height) provides enough vertical illumination to see a person’s upper body better. ▪ Bollards do not provide enough light (lower height) to illuminate people completely, so it is harder to recognize folks. ▪ Committee preference is toward the pedestrian scale. Joel commented that as a visually impaired person, who is night-blind, scale is important. 3) Use of Solar Lighting ▪ Question to explore - energy storage capacity to offset multi cloudy days ▪ Donna – Hinesburg Municipal Building solar, Underhill Elementary School has solar lights in parking area. Kennedy Dr path has few trees to block, depends on the placement. Suggested reaching out to those entities to determine how performing. ▪ Solar – may have higher upfront cost. Jonathan can do an analysis of the solar days at location to decide if it is a feasible option for the darkest part of the year. PRO – no underground infrastructure required. 4) Lighting fixtures and poles aesthetics ▪ Consultants noted there is a wide range available. ▪ Comment to minimize upward illumination (night sky protection). ▪ Donna noted the City has 2 lighting standards, residential standard and another standard (used on Market Street, Type 3). It was noted that the lighting on Market Street is not intended to light pedestrian facilities, if did would want Type 1 or 2 lights. In general, few streets are illuminated to the RPA standard. Most streetlights are positioned based on utility placement. ▪ Donna suggested WSP provide more than one option for fixtures to allow the City to get competitive estimates/selection. WSP staff noted that they provide 3 options. 5) Alternative non-lighting solutions ▪ These options are essentially to encourage the path user utilize lights or the use of illuminated paint. - Another consideration raised to be explored further is the length of the duration of the lighting. It was noted that the options for this may depend on the type of lighting selected. Whether it could be dimmed, if it would be on all night, etc. - Erica noted this project is to also explore and set guidelines that can be utilized throughout the system. Next Steps: - Erica will provide WSP with the specs for City lighting. - Based on tonight’s input, WSP will return to the Committee with recommendations either in March (if Committee holds a 2nd meeting) or April. 7. Discussion of Potential 2023 Public Events – Donna - Committee discussed potential events to bring attention to safety awareness and bike safety on roadways. City is making strides on off-road facilities, but on-road facilities are also heavily used. The Committee discussed two types of events and potential to coordinate them with existing events. - Biking Awareness Ride event. o Collaboration with police and local motion. o Event in honor of those killed/injured in roadway. o Select a central location in City; suggestion - Market Street to Hinesburg Rd to Kennedy to Cairns. o Provide options to bike on the roadway and bike path. This can enforce the message that bikes have the right to be in the road. o Need to further discuss content of event such as whether there would be attractions/education/speaker at either start or end of event. ▪ Next step - Ann and Dana. Connect with Local Motion on future event (Sue Grasso). Draft a list of questions/needs/wants such as police, park facilities, etc. - Kid educational/encouragement event - Bike Rodeos and/or SRTS; Committee should connect with Local Motion staff on status of SRTS at City schools. o Amanda noted interest in reaching out to make connections on SRTS status, can also connect with Nic on interest ▪ Next step - Amanda and will reach out to Local Motion and Nic - Existing Events o Bike Safety Month - May. Local Motion focused on 1 week to promote. o Pedestrian Safety Month - October o Richard Tom Foundation, Annual Rides (Mountain bike and road ride) 8. Updates Ongoing Committee/Liaison Work: (7:30 PM) a. Vice Chair updates/comments – None b. DRB Update. i. Bob reviewed last agenda, no applicable projects. Bob will reach out to Marla to check if any projects Committee should be aware of. c. DPW/Safety. i. The list of 14 safety measures was shared with the City Council; Council was supportive and would like to see the list further categorized such as priority/rank, timeline (short/long-term), policy vs project. i. Dana will work on categorizing. ii. PWD staff is continuing to work on the RRFB upgrades as additional parts are in and mild winter weather d. Bike Friendly Community Planning/Greenway progress – Passed e. Communications/Outreach. i. Donna stated there could be another TOP article upcoming, should connect with the Energy Committee on topic. f. Mapping – No update. g. Signs – i. Topic was paused with City staff transitions. The latest information, recommendations for sign locations, has been passed to Erica for review. 9. Confirm February 8, 2023 Meeting. Erica stated the room will switch to Room 201 for this meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:14pm.