HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee - 03/09/2022 1 South Burlington Bike & Pedestrian Committee DRAFT Special and Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 9, 2022 @ 5:30 p.m. City Hall Room 301 Committee Attendees - Remote: Havaleh Gagne (Chair), Nic Anderson (Clerk), Amanda Holland, Dana Farr, Donna Leban, Cathy Frank, Committee Absent: Matty Larkspur, Bob Britt, Other Attendees: Ashley Parker (City Liaison) Public: 1. Welcome, Virtual Meeting Instructions, and Emergency Evacuation Procedure 2. Public Meeting: Bike/Ped Connections, Queen City Park Rd & Austin Dr Scoping Study a. Christine Forde introduced and the planning team undertook presentation. Lots of comments from public and in chat. Ashley will share list of public and their comments. 3. Changes or additions to the agenda a. Looking for information to include in Climate Task Force work and what Bike Ped would like to see on those issues. Can fit within #7 for the Bike Friendly Community Report Card discussion. b. Matty withdrawing from Committee 4. Comments from the public not related to the agenda a. None 5. Consideration of minutes from the February 9,2022 meeting a. Nic motion to approve b. Cathy Seconded c. Unanimously approved 6. Updates from the City a. Read through updates in packet b. Nic asked about east versus west side of Spear Street phase 1 c. Donna congratulated Cathy for the Other Paper news story. d. Cathy thanked Ashley for keeping pushing things and getting a lot done 7. Bicycle Friendly Community Report Card Review a. Report Card in packet. b. Havaleh – Gives suggestions to aim for silver status. Things that stuck out about social aspects around community involvement. Wanting to work towards this component more. Seems like greenway striping would be key for Neighborhood Schools Greenway to get more kids walking and biking. Training for adults and work in schools are still a challenge and not sure how to overcome these. c. Donna – The schools do work with Local Motion, at least have in the past. It takes someone inside the system to initiate it so hard for us. List of key steps is great and hopes to take these to the Climate Task Force. Would like to have additional comments from the committee. d. Havaleh asked if we can get info from Local Motion on school connections. Maybe the application can be reviewed e. Donna - Energy committee working to install solar bike shelter at Middle School. f. Nic would love to see details and would love to help. 2 g. Nic - Bike to Work Day could be done by City Hall employees. Ashley mentioned wellness committee of city could look into it. Havaleh met with Ashley and Holly about it last year. Could partner with Greenride Bikeshare to do a city employee ride and try. Happy to coordinate if you want h. Amanda – could we invite the energy committee rep to a meeting to discuss working together on school efforts, perhaps outline strategies together? we need to find out from city staff how they interact with CCRPC on doing counts. I know they do them but do not know if city requests them. I could reach out to the CCPRC staff if needed. i. Havaleh could connect with Wellness Committee on City Hall bike to work day. Could connect with Coralee too. j. Nic – Local Motion does counts with CCRPC program. Maybe Amanda can connect with CCRPC and Jonathon. Agree we should partner with Energy Committee on schools. k. Havaleh will find Bike Month information and connect with Coralee and Jamie in Wellbeing committee. 8. Updates Ongoing Committee Work a. Monthly DPW Meeting –Bob, Dana, Amanda, Donna i. Waiting on news of new DPW director so is on pause. b. Climate Action -Donna i. Next meeting tomorrow night at 7pm. Discussions on buildings and thermal right now. Lots of discussions of how to write the plan. Both roadmap, numbers game and programmatic. Trying to get everyone on level playing field. Public input appreciated. Invited members to join conversation. c. DRB Update –Cathy i. No updates. Now that new LRDs have been approved, the Long property and Irish Property may come back up. Most things coming up don’t have bike ped issues. d. Communications/Outreach–Cathy, Donna (Havaleh) i. Cathy did Other Paper article. Cathy thinks it’s a good time to get other articles in the other paper article. What should we hit? ii. Donna – Should do one on benefits of bike commuting from a climate standpoint to get sense of climate and health benefits. From a cost/benefit angle. Interested to hear from Ilona about the health benefit of the I-89 bike ped bridge. Can start with Ilona to get information. iii. Amanda - not an article but an outreach effort. Nic & I will be presenting on the Committees P4P efforts at this May’s Bike Walk Summit. (originally for 2020 but Covid cancelled). outreach by sharing results with others in region! iv. Nic – Would like to see an article celebrating the recent/future crosswalk v. Havaleh – Would like to do a story about her progression to bike commuting and also about the data of e-bike use and how it does increase bike use even if slightly easier. vi. Donna – Biggest motivation for bike commuting was lack of parking. Much easier to get to and from car parking. vii. Amanda - a related effort. did not get a draft presentation prepped for a city council meeting. did get new numbers from bob this week before he left for his trip. will get that subcommittee together before next meeting and have for April packet. Bob, Dana and I were making a draft presentation to update city council viii. Havaleh – Haven’t had a chat with Jesse yet but would like to invite her to a meeting sometime. 3 e. Safety –Bob, Matty, Dana i. Bob sent information from last time group got together. f. Mapping –Amanda/Nic i. met with Pam from CCRPC after last meeting and got current copy of map and data. need to connect with Paul to determine if this data will go into a city map viewer. ii. Tom DePitro produced map and Ashley will send through. g. Signs –Nic, Donna, Dana h. Bike Friendly Community Planning –Nic, Matty i. Neighborhood to Schools Greenway – Nic plans to push to August for all sorts of reasons. Crosswalk not yet in and worries about it not being there in May and list of things to do from Ashley. Would also like to connect with Schools better to get buy in as well as hope that new habits are formed in August for back to school compared to having to change a habit now. General agreement to shoot for August instead. 9. Confirmation: Next meeting Wednesday, April13, 2022@ 5:30pm. First half will be public forum for Kimball Ave Phase 1, run by consultants. Nic asked about limits of scoping study. Would like to see sidewalk gap in front of Federal Building addressed. Ashley suggested bringing it up at meeting although it is likely not part of full scope. 10. Adjourn (by 8:00 p.m.)