HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee - 10/13/2021 South Burlington Bike & Pedestrian Committee APPROVED Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 13, 2021 @ 5:30 p.m. City Hall Room 301 Committee Attendees: Havaleh Gagne (Chair), Nic Anderson (Clerk), Amanda Holland, Donna Leban, Dana Farr Remote: Matty Larkspur, Cathy Frank, Dana Farr Absent: Bob Britt (Vice-Chair) Other Attendees: Ashley Parker (City Liaison) Public in Person: None Public Remote: Jonathon Weber 1. Welcome and directions on emergency evacuation procedures 2. Changes or additions to the agenda a. Matty has a migraine and would love to discuss her items first. Items 6 and 12 bumped up. 3. Comments from the public not related to the agenda a. None 4. Consideration of minutes from the September 8 2021 meeting a. Motion by Amanda to approve b. Seconded by Matty c. Five in favor. Donna abstained. Approved. 5. Updates from the City a. Read updates from packet. i. Allen Road – Thought it might be good to have the committee come out and spray the P4P logo and do photos. Asked if people were in favor. ii. Favorable response to do stencil and photo iii. Nic asked if Bike Box was correct? Seems funny to have the bike box in front of the straight lane when there is already a straight bike lane. iv. Ashley will check into it. v. Cathy has noted they are still doing things. Signs going in today. b. Continued reading updates i. Hubbard Path ii. Donna asked about permeable pavement. iii. Ashley is looking into options and hope to find something. iv. Cathy notes there is ice ponding issues. v. Amanda – Asked what the issues were. vi. Ashley – Climate change (don’t pave anything and natural materials). Could be aesthetics and stormwater. vii. Nic – This is a major connection and should be paved. Don’t want it to be a “gap” based on materials. Happy to provide a formal recommendation. viii. Ashley will discuss and come back to us with options. ix. Amanda – If going for permeable could look at pavers or grids. St Albans have had a lot of problems. x. Donna noted Placid just did three parking lots and seemed interesting. xi. Nic noted there is lots of annual maintenance needs for permeable pavers with large machinery needed. Could be hard there. c. Continued reading updates d. Amanda – Queen City Parkway project updates. September meeting was about sharing and other members. Noted that crossing over Shelburne Rd from end of path to Datillios Gun and Tackle business is planned already but may be angled so may still need to be dealt with at a later time. Another meeting in November. e. Donna – Survey seemed to ignore the section of the bike path from QCP to Home Ave. f. Amanda – A lot of conversation of connectivity issues with businesses. Another meeting coming up. Lots of discussion about what SB needs are. 6. Replace Committee Representative on the Climate Action Task Force a. Matty will not be able to be representative and wanted to step down. b. Havaleh noted Donna was interested and has been involved in the Climate Council. Follow it and has a good sense of it and have been active. c. Ashley detailed what she understood to be the task force charge. Paul Connor will be staff liaison. Nominee would be sent to Jesse. d. Motion by Nic to nominate Donna e. Seconded by Amanda. f. All in favor. 7. Review Bike/Ped Improvements CIP a. Possible Action to Support Draft CIP b. Bob submitted comments via email. Ashley showed email and responded to comments c. Dorset St path – Realistically will be that timeline. Started in FY23 and continued in FY24. d. Spear St – Would like to keep it as is because other elements could happen. e. Will update crosswalk wording to be design instead of scoping. Discussed with Justin. f. Spear Street g. Would rather a crosswalk directly in front of Nicklaus. Can move if designers find an issue. h. Signs got bumped to 30K. Should go through the list. Dana asked if the City would be OK with QR codes. Ashley biggest concern is management of the links etc. i. The Sign Sub Committee will get together. j. Motion by Donna to support the draft CIP with amendments made by Ashley based on comments today. k. Seconded by Amanda l. All in favor. Approved. 8. Review Annual Report a. Delete Survived Covid b. Made the speed limit comment based on June 30 c. Delete and replace FY2022 Goals with the Work Plan d. Nic to send updated version with priorities and NOT action items as the 2022 Goals. 9. Review Committee Submission for City-wide Priorities a. Document produced by subcommittee. Put into table form by Ashley. b. Amanda – Should have quarterly check-in to hold ourselves accountable. c. Havaleh – Will add agenda item for sub-committee or member updates for future updates. And have committee review and tasks. d. Already submitted 10. Review/Comment on Proposed LDR Amendments a. Asked what was needed. b. Nic has concern about support streets. It’s a faster road but has not bike facilities, while also having required parking on both sides. Need bike facilities. c. Donna would need more information of what is defined as a support street. Only applies to new streets. d. Doesn’t get to the details of features like bumpouts or neckdowns which help traffic calming or speed reduction. Images were really nice to convey that but are not there in the table. Cross sections don’t show crosswalks and bumpouts etc. Overhead images are important. Happy to follow up with Paul on our groups general discussion. e. Havaleh – Should include traffic calming measures. f. Public hearing on 26th at 7pm. 11. Google Drive “Read Me” file/organization a. Amanda reached out and is willing to index or organize the google drive. Hard to find stuff. Would be helpful to have a “read me” file that helps new members and provides structure of where to keep things. Could lay out a new document of how to use the drive more efficiently. Amanda to make a draft outline to discuss next time. b. Dana created the Drive. Wondered if they wanted to walk through the reasoning. Havaleh will join to learn. 12. Income Sensitive Driving Violation Fees a. Matty detailed a project in Staten Island for traffic fines to be driven by income to make them more equitable. Richer people tend to drive worse because fines are not that much of a big impact on them. They are called day-fines. Recognize this topic is not exactly in the bike/ped wheelhouse but thinks that dangerous driving is our focus and this could help address this. Could pay for itself. There would be statutory maximums. Reduces court appearance time. Increases amount of people who pay fines because more achievable for low income. Trialed in other locations also. b. Nic asked if this would require change to City Charter or state statutes? c. No change needed at state level unless max was needed. Not sure what it would take politically to make this happen. d. Dana – Like idea of doing things that can make our community safer. Little nervous about judging or labeling people based on their income. Asked how income is known. e. Matty – Self reported in some cases. In Europe, they can access a database for income and add. f. Donna – Would be interested to hear from the SB Police Department on how much speeding tickets are given or how much enforcement is done. g. Havaleh – Would like to see data. There could be a lot of racial profiling. Not sure how staffing levels are at South Burlington PD. h. Donna – These two years are not representative of normal. Know we drive very differently than in Staten Island. i. Amanda – Think its interesting. Would like to see the links and have them in the minutes. Would like to hear trends for speeding and ticketing. What is the policing priority? Speeding is an issue and part of it is there is not enough enforcement. Maybe having that conversation. j. Nic or if there are even issues with fines and income inequality. k. Ashley – Would be good to start with Chief Burke. l. Nic – Not sure this is an issue and is concerned about the number of things on our plate and adding this if its not a problem in SB. Maybe starting with data collection first. m. Ashley offered to connect with Chief Burke and CC Matty so they can take it from there. n. Matty will email links to whole group. 13. Added in Updates from Committee Members a. Cathy – DRB Meetings Update – Spear Meadows starting construction now. Obrien have not been for a while, until November or December. b. Dana – Usually when Chair is leaving, new chair finds something to get. Havaleh thought a tee from Life is Good. $25. Members happy to chip in. c. Amanda – How can we as a committee deal with GIS updates? Who can do it? Who can maintain it? Ashley – Staff can access ArcGIS. Not sure how it goes for city committees. Not sure how to get people access to data. Tom DiPietro. Not sure if spreadsheet of striping is up to date and how its integrated. Ashley looking at schedule. Would be good to meet with Justin and discuss. May need to get updated stuff from CCRPC. d. Nic – Noted mid-block crosswalk sign now on Market Street where Cathy A had concerns. Speed sign too. Wondering if this is the type of sign that collects data and if we can get it. Haven’t gotten anywhere with Neighborhood Greenways but plans to do it for May, especially once they have the Prouty Parkway crosswalk. Havaleh wondered that since there are driver issues with buses and maybe there is more appetite to do walking school buses etc. Prob want to create project page. 14. Confirmation: Next meeting Wednesday, November 10, 2021 @ 5:30pm a. Discussion around needing to change meetings, be virtual or cancel based on weather as we come into winter. Can put it on next agenda to discuss more. 15. Adjourned 8:05PM