HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 1200 Airport Drive (8)1) BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, JOHN J. HAMILTON DIRECTOR Section 26.35 Removal of earth products. Zoning Board of Adjustment approval is required subject to review criteria setforth under Section 26.351 sub section (a) through (g). The parcel 'in question is located within the Industrial -Commercial Mixed District and Airport Industrial District. The parcel under review contains approximately 25 acres. Section 26.352 setforth conditions of approval, subsection (a) through (d). The applicant is proposmig to remove approximately 265,000 cubic yards of rock and 50,000 cubic yards of sand. A portable crushing operation will be used, the duration of the project is two (2) years. Enclosed is a City Council memorandum and a letter from Jon Groveman, Esquire from the Agency of Natural Resources. Both have concerns about traffic, noise, dust, etc. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 16 NOVEMBER 1999 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. For the purpose of calculating road impact fees under the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, the Development Review Board estimates that the bus and public works buildings will generate zero additional vehicle trip ends during the P.M. peak hour. 3. All exterior lighting shall consist of downcasting shielded fixtures. Any change to approved lights shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning prior to installation. Prior to permit issuance, the applicant shall submit details (cut -sheets) of the exterior light fixtures to the Director of Planning & Zoning for approval. 4. Pursuant to Section 26.105(a) of the zoning regulations, the Development Review Board grants the applicant a $21,500 credit for existing trees on the site. The applicant shall work with staff to develop a landscaping plan to add trees along Patchen Road and along the residential district boundary. 5. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six months pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 6. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance from the Administrative Officer prior to use of the new buildings. 7. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Development Review Board. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: Application of Burlington International Airport seeking approval from section 25.117(b), Alteration of Existing Grade, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. The request is for permission to remove 700,000 cubic yards of rock, 3064 Williston Road: The applicant indicated that about at year ago they removed 315,000 cubic yards of ledge. Now they want to take of 700,000 more in the area near the Continental hangar. The applicant agreed to a reduction in trip ends between 4 and 6 p.m. 14 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 16 NOVEMBER 1999 The applicant asked to extend the hours for blasting until 8 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. in order to give the contractor more flexibility. The Board agreed but asked for the right to review the situation within a year to be sure there are no complaints. Mr. O'Rourke moved the Development Review Board approve the application of Burlington International Airport seeking approval from Section 25.117(b), Alteration of Existing Grade, of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. The request is for permission to remove 700,000 cubic yards of rock, 3064 Williston Road, as depicted on a five page set of plans, page two entitled "Burlington International Airport South Development South Burlington, Vermont," prepared by Dufresne -Henry Consulting Engineers, dated 7/19/99, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. The plans shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Director of Planning & Zoning. Three copies of the approved revised plans shall be submitted to the Director of Planning & Zoning Prior to permit issuance: a. The site plan shall be revised to show the scale and weighting house. 3. Maximum trip ends shall be limited to 40/hour except that between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. the maximum vehicle trip ends shall not exceed 16/hour with a flagperson at all times. Applicant shall use reasonable discretion at all times to allow reasonable flow of public traffic. 4. Blasting and crushing shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8 p.m. 5. The hauling road shall be temporary and only used during construction. 6. Truckers shall inspect their trucks before hauling to limit spillage and tracking of debris. Trucks will be covered at all times. 7. The intersection of haul road and Williston Road will be cleansed periodically as necessary. 8. Sound levels will be taken at 50 foot corners of the blasting and crushing site and recorded with the Administrative Officer to provide a baseline prior to issuance of a zoning permit. 15 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 16 NOVEMBER 1999 9. The Development Review Board reserves the right to review this operation within one year and impose additional requirements. 10. In the event of significant violations or problems with the permit as granted and stipulated, the Board wfil have the right of re-entry and review. 11. This project shall be completed within three years. 12. No work at this site may be performed on Sundays. 13. The applicant shall obtain a zoning permit within six months pursuant to Section 27.302 of the zoning regulations or this approval is null and void. 14. Any change to the site plan shall require approval by the South Burlington Development Review Board. Ms. Quimby seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Sketch Plan Application of The Schoolhouse to amend a previously approved planned residential development consisting of 160 single family lots and 60 duplex units. The amendment consists of converting a 15,200 sq. ft. barn to a 60 student private school, Dorset Street: Ms. Miller showed the location of the Ramsey Barn off Dorset St. Members asked why so much parking is being requested. Ms. Miller said that twice a year they have events that all the parents attend, and they don't want people parking in the street. The area would be gravel, not paved. Mr. Dinklage raised the issue of the second access to the housing development. He asked if the access would be plowed so that it is a viable access. Mr. Belair will check on this. Mr. Dinklage asked if there were any restrictions on the use of the barn in the original approval. Mr. Belair said the only requirement was that any use had to be approved by the DRB. A member of the audience questioned the overhead walkway into the wetland area. Ms. Miller explained that it was used as part of the education of the children. Mr. Dinklage said the applicant will have to justify any encroachment into the wetland and suggested they might want to make a presentation to the Natural Resources Committee. Neighbors also questioned what would be included in the school's playground. Ms. 16 ZONING BOARD OF ADJ-USTMENT October 19, 1998 The South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment held a meeting on Monday, October 19, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: Fred Blais, Chair; Dennis Johnson, Randall Kay, Mary Anne Murray, Lance Llewellyn and George Chamberland Members Absent: None Others Present: Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Jeffi­ey Arel, Alex Rose, Phyllis Rose, Michael Henry, Gretchen Duell, Jim Condos, Bob LaClair, J.J. Hamilton, Ray Piche, Jon Leinwohl, Bob McEwing, Dave Kelly, B. Estherlotz, Terry Harris, David Flagg, Al and Rita Reyes Mr. Blais called the meeting to order at 7:05 and swore in those in attendance who planned to give testimony. Appeal #1 -Burlington International Airport - John J. Hamilton, Director 1.1 Seeking approval under Section 26.35 Removal of earth products of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to remove approximately 265,000 cubic yards of rock and 50,000 cubic yards of sand. Project includes on -site crushing of rock for a duration of two (2) years, area in question contains approximately 25 acres, located south easterly of 3062 Williston Road. 1.2 Mr. Ward stated this falls under Section 26.36 Removal of earth products. Zoning Board of Adjustment approval is required subject to review criteria set forth under Section 26.351 sub section (a) through (g). The parcel in question is located within the Industria- Commercial Mixed District and Airport Industrial District. The parcel under review contains approximately 25 acres. Section 26.352 set forth conditions of approval, subsection (a) through (d). The applicant is proposing to remove approximately 265,000 cubic yards of rock and 50,000 cubic yards of sand. A portable crushing operation will be used, the duration of the project is two (2) years. On file is a City Council memorandum and a letter from Jon Groveman, Esq., from the Agency of Natural Resources (dealing with Act 25). Both have concerns about traffic, noise, dust, etc. Mr. Ward said that this was a no criteria vote, once all the testimony is heard, the Board should simply cast a vote. Mr. Johnson asked if they had they had the opportunity to put forth conditions? The response was affirmative. 1.3 Mr. John. J. Hamilton spoke on behalf of the airport and introduced Ray Piche, Director of Maintenance at the airport; Bob McEwing, Airport Engineer and John Leinwohl, with Webster/Martin. What they wanted to do this evening, Mr. Hamilton said, is address the airports Master Plan for the Southeast Quadrant, specifically as it relates to a specific parcel of land in this quadrant. Mr. Hamilton said that a significant amount of rock has to be removed in order to develop that site. Mr. Hamilton said that it is their hope that they will address concerns of the Board and also inform them why the project is necessary. He then asked Mr. McEwing to speak to the specifics involved. 1.4 Mr. McEwing said that the airport has had a number of requests in the past few years for additional space on the airport for a variety of reasons related to aviation. He went on to say that in looking at their needs for expansion they found that the one single area they have to develop is the Southeast quadrant which includes some wetlands acreage. While they were contemplating this concept, they were approached by Federal Express with a possible proposal for building a terminal on the airport property. Mr. McEwing said they took the FEDEX plan for what they wanted for a maximum build facility (120 vans) to see where it would fit on the airport. Mr. McEwing showed where on the map it would fit and said that would accelerate the need of the airport to develop the area in terms of taking out the rock ledges that are there. Mr. McEwing said the ultimate plan, over the next five years, is to take out all the rock ledge to a usable surface. The phase, he said, low using the original location would excavate approximately 265,000 yards of rock and sand out of the area specified. Mr. McEwing said as they looked at the FEDEX proposal and looked at options to the location of the possible terminal, one such option brought them to the current location which is next to the Rose property and would mean quite a lot less ledge would need to removed initially, approximately 40,000 yards. The lessor amount would come out now prior to March I st, Mr. McEwing said, with the remainder coming out over the next couple of years. to 1.4 Mr. Rose asked to be shown where the proposed building would actually go. Mr. McEwing showed the location of the maximum building, but said the initial building would likely be about 2/3 of that. Mr. Rose asked if they would need to blast in this area? The response was affirmative and Mr. Rose shared concerns about his two buildings located near this area. Mr. McEwing said they are always concerned about blasting but that it is done under very controlled circumstances. Mrs. Murray asked if they had already blasted that area? Mr. McEwing replied affirmatively and said last year they removed approximately 30,000 yards of material that was used on the other end of the runway for an extension project. Mrs. Murray asked if there were any side affects or consequences? Mr. McEwing said not in this particular area, however in another area they had heard one house had some paint crack. This issue was resolved. 2 1.5 Mr. Rose asked what 'Would happen to the 40,000 yards of rocd -Ar. McEwing said it would be hauled off site and the haul road would be the same as the one utilized last year. Mr. Johnson said he had a concern about the debris that comes out to Williston Road from the haul trucks and asked how they would keep it off from Williston Road. Mr. McEwing said the road is pretty solid and should keep the truck clean, but they have a responsibility to see to it that it is clean. 1.6 Jim Condos, speaking on behalf of the City Council, said they are not opposed to this proposal but they do have concerns. He indicated they would like recommend stipulations with regard to this appeal: 1) The haul road is allowed to be used as a temporary haul road only 2) The trucks are kept covered at all times they are hauling 3) At the discretion of the City, the city streets on which the trucks operate, be swept by street sweeper 4) There be put limits on time for the trucks to be utilizing the area - i.e. not before 9:00 a.m. and ending at 3:00 p.m. 5) With regard to the extraction and the noise involved, limiting it to something like 7:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m., or something along those lines. 1.7 Mr. Blais suggested they address each of the concerns and address how they could be mitigated. Utilizing the present haul road. Mr. Johnson said referenced an earlier excavation and said his only concern is regarding the back up of commuter traffic, and he feels it is precipitated by the way the trucks got priority during this previous excavation. There were times, Mr. Johnson said when the traffic was backed up the Industrial Avenue traffic light and it happened many times. He said there has to be some way to mitigate that and felt that there had to be a block of time when the trucks did not have access to the road or don't get priority access to the road. Mr. McEwing agreed with the priority access concept and said they would address this. Mr. Johnson said there was no way the road could handle that kind of back up. Mr. Piche shared the number of trucks involved in the previous hauling and said that there would not be near that amount of traffic in this endeavor. Mrs. Murray asked what they projected for this project. Mr. Piche indicated they had a permit for eight (8) an hour. Mr. Johnson asked for clarification - was that eight an hour or eight trips out and eight trips in? The intent, Mr. McEwing said, was eight trips and hour or sixteen trip ends. Mr. Johnson said this would make it even more important that the priority by the flag -person is not on the trucks, but rather on the traffic. Mr. Piche suggested that whatever they decide is rush hour traffic they would then give traffic the priority during those times and give trucks the priority during the non -rush hour trips. Mr. Johnson defined rush hour times as r_q 7:00 - 9: 00 a. m. and 3:00 - 5: 00 p. m. Mr. Llewellyn expressed concern regarding the trucks making a left hand turn on their return trip. Mr. Blais asked if it would suffice to say there would be a maximum of sixteen trips ends per hour, and during the hours of 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. priority be should be given to commuter traffic versus the hauling trucks? Mr. McEwing referenced the flagperson and said that the flagperson is on hand not only to direct traffic but also for safety issues. Mr. Johnson said that the language relating to the conditions is a concern and they need to find a way to come up with that. One of the suggestions from the City Engineer is to not allow left hand turns on Williston Road, Mr. Johnson stated. Mr. Blais suggested they limit the trip ends to sixteen ( 16), require a flag -person be on duty at a times, and indicate the permit is being granted with the condition that the intent is that there would be the minimal disruption to the flow of commuter traffic as well as meeting the needs of the construction between the hours of 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. and if it is found that the process is not suitable, the Board has the right of review and re-entry. With regard to blasting and crushing times be limited to 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Mr. Johnson said. 1.8 A brief discussion followed with regard to the crushing application. Mr. Johnson asked how many truckloads would be generated by the 150 ton per hour crusher? Mr. Piche indicated approximately 700 to 1000 tons a day would be generated on an eight hour day. Some of this would be stockpiled on site and not carried away. Mr. Rose asked about the noise generated from this crushing and was told that it would be similar to what was generated last year. 1.9 Mr. Blais asked if there were any problem with the condition the hauling road to be temporary and only used during this construction and trucks would be covered at all times? There was no problem indicated on the part of the appellant. 1.10 Mr. Blais asked about reasonable housekeeping with regard to debris to the streets? Mr. McEwing said it was critical for them to maintain and keep clean where they come in and out of the road. Mr. Llewellyn asked where the stabilized construction entrance would be? Mr. McEwing said that had not yet been established but showed where they surmised it would be located. Mr. Johnson asked about vehicle safety checks? Mr. McEl4ring said they could make it mandatory that each drive inspect the truck prior to leaving the site. Mr. Johnson asked if they needed to stipulate a cleaning process for Williston Road to insure that they keep it free of debris? Mr. Blais said that he felt the area of greatest concern would be the intersection and should be monitored closely and cleaned as necessary. The issue of noise was briefly touched upon. Mr. Johnson asked that the airport provide a noise sample of the crushing as a baseline indicator. 1.11 Mr. Blais referenced conditions arrived at from the testimony: a) Maximum trip ends limited to 16/hour with a flag -person present at all 4 4 times. Appellant shall use reasonable discretion at all times to allow reasonable flow of public traffic b) Blasting and crushing will be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and no limitations placed on the hauling operation. C) Hauling road shall be temporary and used only during construction. d) Truckers will inspect their trucks before hauling to limit spillage and tracking of debris. Trucks will be covered at all times. e) Intersection of haul road and Williston Road will be cleansed periodically as necessary. f) Sound levels will be taken at 50 foot comers of the blasting and crushing site and recorded with the Zoning Administrator to provide a baseline. g) In the event of significant violations or problems with the permit as granted and stipulated, the Zoning Board will have the right of re-entry and review. Mr. Chamberland expressed his concern about determining a reasonable flow of traffic and how it could be monitored. Mr. Johnson asked about signage in the area and made the suggestion that they might want to add additional signs to wam of the impending possible traffic delays and allow for detours. 1.12 Mr. Blais asked if there were further comments for questions from the Board or audience? Hearing or seeing none, he called the question. Mr. Johnson moved and Mr. Llewellyn seconded the motion to approve the request for the removal of the earth products with the above stipulations. The appeal was granted unanimously. Appeal #2 - Francis J. Ryan - 59 Proctor Avenue 2.1 Seeking a variance from Section 25.00 Area, density and dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request if for permission to construct a 18' x 26' detached garage to within ten (10) feet of the rear property line, proposed garage increases total lot coverage to 21 percent., located at 59 Proctor Avenue. 2.2 Mr. Johnson moved and Mr. Kay seconded the motion to table the appeal at the request of the appellant. The motion was approved unanimously. Appeal #3 - Jeffrey Arel, d.b.a. Crash Auto Glass - 34 Commerce Avenue 3.1 Seeking approval from Section 15.20 Conditional uses, sub -section 15.205 automobile repair & service and Section 26.65 multiple uses of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to occupy 6800 square feet of an existing 13,600 square foot structure for automobile repair d.b.a. Crash Auto Glass, located at 34 Commerce Avenue. 3.2 Mr. Llewellyn announced that he was working with the owner of the building currently. The decision was made that Mr. Llewellyn should step down during this hearing. 5 webster-martin A Division of Dufresne -Henry, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1025 Airport Drive, P.O. Box 2246 South Burlington, Vermont 05407 (802) 864-0223 Fax (802) 864-0165 To: City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 We are sending you: []Shop Drawings 0 Copy of Letter LET I -ER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: September 24, 1998 1 Job No.: 6380009 Attention: Dick Ward/Ray Belair RE: Burlington International Airport South Development - Ledge Removal 0 Attached 11 Under separate cover via the following items: cl Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 11 Specifications 13 Change Order c9 Application Copies Date No. Description 8 September 24, 1998 Zoning Board of Adjustment application for removal of rock ledge and sand 8 August 26, 1998 Plans and Act 250 Application for Burlington International Airport South Development - Ledge Removal project. These are transmitted as checked below: * For approval * For your use Dick/Ray, El As requested 0 For review and comment As discussed, the Burlington Int'l. Airport is proposing to remove ledge and sand from an area located at the southerly end of their property. The project does not propose construction of buildings at this time. On behalf of the Airport, we are requesting that you please review the enclosed information and process the application. The information provided includes plans addressing South Burlington Zoning Regulation (SB ZR)§ 26.351, items (a) and (b). These plans show the existing conditions, proposed final grading and restoration plans, proposed drainage and erosion control, and blasting specifications. The project is currently being reviewed under Act 250 and we have included this application because it addresses SB ZR § 26.351 items (c) through (g). Please call me or Bob McEwing, Airport Engineer, if you have questions or require additional information. Copy to: Bob McEwing, BIA File, Greg Edwards N:\JBL\B I A\South Development\92398 SB Zoning.trn.wpd Signed: ��z 7;�z � , _�o Jon B. Leinwohl, P.E. City of South Burlington )lication to Board of Adjustment( Date 9/24/9R Citv o!tg'ur1.1n tont Applicant Burl , t!r fonal Aigport, Owner, lessee, agent Official Use APPLICATION # HEARING DATE FILING DATE FEE AMOUNT Address 1200 Airport Drive, #1 Telephone # 8o2-863-2874 Landowner South Burlington, VT 05403 Address S A MF Location and description of property 25+- acre area located at the southeasterly boundary of the airport's ProRerty (see attached location map). Type of application check one: ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer request for a conditional use ( ) request for a variance. Removal of earth products (rock ledge and sand) - I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question Section 26.35, Removal of Earth Products Reason for appeal The following documents are submitted in support of the application: I ) Plqn q for gnii th dpvt- I opmen t-lad gp- r,-movA I s J rp Burl - Tn t'l A J rpor t (A AhPP fg) - Items (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g). ) & �� L) Hearing Date -�Signature of Appellant Do not write below this line --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold� a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Day of Week at to consider the following: Month and Date Time Appeal of seeking a from Sect of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to 7 JOB el All BU NGTO pelosafee I N ATIO AIRP tali., Atleh 0 Cem 40 wind 1000 0 1000 FEET A STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION 133 State Street, Administration Building J Montpelier, Vermont 05633-5001 October 7, 1998 Mr. Jon B. Leinwohl, P.E. Webster -Martin Consulting Engineers 1025 Airport Drive, Post Office Box 2246 South Burlington, Vermont 05407 Subject: South Burlington, US 2, Burlington International Airport South Development - Ledge Removal DearJon: I have reviewed your plan and permit application for re -opening the access onto Williston Road for the purpose of ledge removal and eventual development of the area to the east of the airport runways and offer the following comments. It appears that at the present time, the existing haul road is the only legal access you have to the parcel, and since it meets the minimum requirements for access to a State highway, we will issue a temporary permit for its use after you have received your local and Act 250 approvals. I would like to strongly encourage you to pursue an agreement to use Valley Road as both the temporary and permanent access to the area. Although the existing haul road does have the recommended sight distance, it is border line to the east. Because of the volume of traffic on Williston Road, it will be necessary to provide traffic control at the intersection with either flaggers or uniformed traffic officers. This will require stopping US 2 traffic to allow trucks to leave and will backup traffic on US 2. If you could move the traffic to Valley Road, sight distance would be increased substantially and there would be more room for turning lanes if they become necessary. We also feel there may be a consolidation of traffic from Caulkin's Court at Valley Road at some point in the future and possibly a signal at the intersection as it would also serve Shunpike Road, another fairly heavily used Town Highway. Telecommunications Relay Service 1-800-253-0191 Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer. �1 Mr. Jon B. Leinwohl, P.E. Webster -Martin Consulting Engineers Subject: South Burlington, US 2, Burlington International Airport South Development - Ledge Removal October 7, 1998 Page Two Our permit for the haul road will also include the attached Special Conditions. If you have any questions, please call me at (802)828-2486. Aincerely, Donald L. Allen Project Supervisor Utilities & Permits Unit Attachment cc: Joseph Weith, City of South Burlington Roger Dickinson, Lamoureux & Stone Consulting Engineers, P.C. Robert McEwing, Burlington International Airport James Boyd, District Environmental Coordinator #4 City of South Burlington South Burlington, US 2, L.S. 137+80 LT October 7, 1998 SPECIAL CONDITIONS This permit is granted subject to the conditions on the back of the permit, with particular attention given to the Special Conditions listed below. All work shall be accomplished in accordance with the attached plan dated 9/26/98. The Agency reserves the right to limit or suspend traffic operations at this location if impact to US 2 becomes unreasonable. The applicant is encouraged to pursue relocation. Act No. 86 of 1987 (30 VSA Chapter 86) ("Dig Safe") requires that notice be given prior to making an excavation. It is suggested that the Permit Holder or his/her contractor telephone 1-888-344-7233 at least 48 hours before, and not more than 30 days before, beginning any excavation at any location. Roadway shoulder areas will be maintained free of unnecessary obstructions, including parked vehicles, at all times while work is being performed under this permit. All work in the State highway right-of-way shall be performed during normal daylight hours and shall cease on Sunday, on all holidays (which shall include the day before and the day following), during or after severe storms, and between December 1 and April 15, without specific, written permission from the District Transportation Administrator. These limitations will not apply for the purposes of maintenance, emergency repairs, proper pro- tections of the work which includes, but is not limited to, the curing of concrete and for the repairing and servicing of equipment. The Permit Holder shall be responsible to rebuild, repair, restore and make good all injuries or damage to any portion of the highway right-of-way that has been brought about by the execution of the permitted work, for a period of 18 months after final inspection by the District. The Permit Holder shall be responsible for all damages to persons and/or property due to or resulting from any work done under this permit. The Permit Holder shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the State, the Agency, and all of their officers, agents, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character, name and description brought for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property, including all costs or expenses to defend against such suits, actions or claims. City of South Burlington South Burlington, US 2, L.S. 137+80 LT Special Conditions Page Two The access must be constructed in such a manner as to prevent water from flowing onto the highway. If the access is not constructed satisfactorily, the District Transportation Administrator can order reconstruction of the access at the Owners expense. In the event traffic from this project increases to the point where additional lanes for turning or any other modifications are necessary, the expense of such improvements or facilities shall be borne by the Permit Holder, his/her successors, and assigns. The Permit Holder may be required by the Agency to update or provide a traffic study to determine if additional modifications are necessary. The Permit Holder is responsible for access maintenance (beyond the edge of paved shoulder). "Access maintenance" will include the surface of the access, the replacement of the culvert, as necessary, and the trimming of vegetation to provide corner sight distance. In conformance with Title 19 VSA § 1111 (f), this access may be eliminated in the future where development has burdened the highway system to such an extent that a frontage road must be constructed to alleviate this burden. The expense of the frontage road shall be borne by the Permit Holder, his/her successors or assigns of the properties abutting said frontage road. The Agency of Transportation shall determine the need of a frontage road based upon and justified by standard Agency procedures. It is incumbent upon the Permit Holder to verify the appropriate safety measures needed, prior to construction, so proper devices and/or personnel are available when and as needed. Traffic control devices, shall be in conformance with the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices), Agency of Transportation Standards and any additional traffic control deemed necessary by the District Transportation Administrator. Failure to utilize proper measures shall be considered sufficient grounds for the District Transportation Administrator to order cessation of the work immediately. Construction will be performed in such a way as to minimize conflicts with normal highway traffic. Uniformed traffic officers or trained flagpersons, shall be provided when two- way traffic cannot be maintained, and at the request of the District Transportation Administrator whenever he deems it necessary for the protection of the traveling public. City of South Burlington Application to Bo"_� of Adjustment Official Use "ON APP__CATION # HEARING DATE Date 9/24/98 City of Burlington Applicant B rlington International Airport Owner, leasee, agent FILING DATE FEE AMOUNT Address 1200 Airport Drive, #1 Telephone # 802-863-2874 Landowner South Burlington, VT 05403 Address SAME Location and description of property 25+- acre area located at the southeasterly boundary of the airport's Property (see attached lQcation map). Type of application check one: ( ) appeal from decision of Administrative Officer request for a conditional use ( ) request for a variance. Removal of earth products (rock ledge and sand) - I understand the presentation procedures required by State Law (Section 4468 of the Planning & Development Act). Also that hearings are held twice a month (second and fourth Mondays). That a legal advertisement must appear a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. I agree to pay a hearing fee which is to off -set the cost of the hearing. Provisions of zoning ordinance in question Section 26.35, Removal of Earth Products Reason for appeal N/A The following documents are submitted in support of the application: 1) Plang for sonth d,-vL-_1npmL-nt-1,-dgP rAmoyn] sitp, Burl, Tnt'l Airport (6 sbPefs)- Items (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g). ) k/ �Awt L) Hearing Date —'Efi4hature of Appellant Do not write below this line --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 117, Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on " ' Day of Week to consider the following: at Month and Date Timln A W" Appeal of seeking,:& -Inmm Section, - of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request is for permission to N City of South Burlington S75 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT OS403 TEL (802) 6SS-7953 FAX (802) 6564748 OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER CHARLESE.HAFTER MEMORANDUM TO: Dick Ward, Zoning Administrator Joe Weith, Director, Planning and Zoning FROM: Chuck Hafter, City ManagerCNA DATE: October 6, 1998 SUBJECT: Council comment on October 19, 1998 Agenda At the City Council review of the ZBA Agenda for October 19, 1998, the Council expressed several concerns about Item #1, Appeal of John J. Hamilton, Director of Burlington International Airport. This memo relays these concerns. 1. This two-year project to remove a great quantity of rock will generate significant truck traffic on Williston Road. The ZBA should consider putting limits on the hours of hauling to protect rush hour traffic. 2. Trucks hauling stone/rock often leave debris on the road. The ZBA should put requirements on maintaining Williston Road or other roads in clean shape; perhaps a bond would be appropriate. 3. The ZBA should consider the noise from crushing or blasting operations. Thank you for your attention to this matter. ZBAIO-19-98.doc ro MEMORANDUM To: South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment From: William J. Szymanski, City Engineer Re: October 19, 1998 Agenda Items Date: October 9, 1998 LEDGE REMOVAL SITE - BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - WILLISTON ROAD The site plan for ledge removal of the airport prepared by Webster -Martin dated August 26, 1998 is acceptable with the following comments: 1. Drainage pipe that will remain a permanent installation shall be plastic, concrete or other material other than metal or aluminum. 2. Trucks existing site on to Williston Road shall not make a left turn (easterly) unless a traffic control person is on duty at this intersection. SOUTH SURLIN6T6N ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning R'lulations and Chapter 11 , Title 24, V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington Municipal Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, October 19, 1998 at 7:00 P.M. to con- sider the following: #1 Appeal of John J. Hamilton, Director of Burlington International Airport seekin� approval under Section 6.38 Removal of earth prod- ucts of the South Bur- lington Zoning Regula- tions. Request is for permission to remove approximately 265,000 cubic yards of rock and 50,000 cubic yards of sand. Project includes on -site crushing of rock for a duration of two (2) years, area in question contains approximate!Y 25 acres, located soutin easterly of 3062 Williston Road. I #2 Appeal of Francis J. Ryan seeking a variance from Section 25.00 Area, density and dimensional requirements of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request Is for permission Jo -con- struct a 18'46'd6tstched ?araige to wpin ton (10) .let of theMar property line, proposdd garage increases total lot cover- age to 21 percent, located at 59 Proctor Avenue. #3 Appeal of Jeffrey Arel, d.b.a. Crash Auto Glass, Inc. ' seekingec approval from tion 15.20 Conditional uses, sub -section 15.205 auto- mobile repair & -service and Section 26.65 Murd- pie uses of thejSodlh Burlington Zoning',R096- lations. Request Is �,_for permission to occupy 6800 square feet:of an ,existing 13,600 4quare foot structure for auto- mobile repair d.b.a Crash Auto Glass, located ai 34 Commerce Avenue. #4 Appeal of David Fla , and Albert Reyes ... jing approval Iforri Section 13.20 Cohdl- tional use , sub-'- 13.214 a mobi les/servi, an ' d ance It S Noncom ying 3 of the Cuth Bu Zoning Regulatio quest is for rml to constru ( lions (2 ' x , hhd 36'00n) t a ardstiihig non-compi ing str re and operate a automo- bile sales ' and service business �ocated ' at itia shel6orneftad. Richard Ward, Zoning Adminis I trative Officer October 3, 2 TAX MAP #: 5-1-4 GRAND LIST #: 0010-01200-C FILE #: 97-11 LOCATION: 1200 AIRPORT DRIVE DATE APPLICATION PURPOSE FILE NAME: 12-17-96 DISCUSS -ION PARKING GARAGE/TERMINAL BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL 2-11-97 SP if 11 if if if 3-10-97 V HEIGHT CITY OF BURLINGTON City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX (802) 658-4748 PLANNING (802) 658-7955 October 5, 1998 Mr. John J. Hamilton Burlington International Airport 1200 Airport Drive South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Request to Operate a Rock Quarry Dear Mr. Hamilton: ZONING (802) 658-7958 Be advised that the South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing at the City Offices, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street on Monday, October 19, 1998 at 7:00 P.M. to consider your request to remove 265,000 cubic yard of rock, rear of 3062 Williston Road. Please plan to attend this meeting. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Very truly, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer RW/mcp I Encl 010 /Y." L 011 f 1#110 &00-ML� Ayo,. coo e y -40OX, eovotego? Iffi All Zell," AGj� STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION 133 State Street, Administration Building Montpelier, Vermont 05633-5001 PORI October 20, 1998 Mr. Jon B. Leinwohl, P.E. Webster -Martin Consulting Engineers 1025 Airport Drive, Post Office Box 2246 South Burlington, Vermont 05407 Subject: South Burlington, US 2, Burlington International Airport South Development - Ledge Removal DearJon: As a follow-up to our October 7, 1998 letter and our subsequent telephone conversa- tion, we are willing to amend the proposed condition relating to suspension of work between December 1 and April 15. This condition is intended for work which actually occurs within our right-of-way, and normally, would not restrict use of an access during that time frame. We will allow you to use the access during this time period, providing you are willing to suspend or modify the operation, as required by the District Transportation Administrator, during bad weather conditions, peak traffic times, or other periods which would create unsafe conditions for the traveling public. The other conditions which were attached to the October 7, 1998 Letter of Intent remain valid. 16 incerely, Donald L. Allen Project Supervisor Utilities Section cc: � Joseph Weith, City of South Bufflngtoti Roger Dickinson, Lamoureux & Stone Consulting Engineers, P.C. James Boyd, District Environmental Coordinator #4 Telecommunications Relay Service 1-800-253-0191 Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer. AG .A I STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION 133 State Street, Administration Building Montpelier, Vermont 05633-5001 December 16, 1998 J.J. Hamilton, Director of Aviation City of Burlington - Burlington International Airport 1200 Airport Drive #1 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Subject: South Burlington, US 2. L.S. 137+80 LT Dear Mr. Hamilton: rN Your highway permit application to reopen the existing access onto Williston Road, for the purpose of ledge removal and eventual development of the area to the east of the airport runways, has been processed by this office and is enclosed. Please contact the District Transportation Administrator, Richard Hosking, to discuss the permit conditions and to arrange for his timely inspection of the work. His telephone number in Essex is (802)655-1580. Donald L. Allen Project Supervisor Utilities Section Enclosures cc: Rirhard, HQpki9UA9TP4sWCt,Tir ation Administrator #5 Roger Dickinson, Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers Jon B. Leinwohl, P.E., Webster -Martin Consulting Engineers Telecommunications Relay Service 1-800-253-0191 Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Rn City of South Burlington MZ IT-R- Rmit-p 9 ile Marker Log Station I ---'S 7+ <�� 7-79:7 STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION PERMIT APPLICATION Owners/Applicants Name, Address& Phone No. C4t, of Rijgj4agi;;0ZI T1ii*-14ng:LQ-n TQta�Q-I-Jonnl Aiy-por t 1200 Airport Drive. #1. South Burlington, VT 05403 Co -Applicant's Name, Address & Phone No. (if different from above) The location of work (town, highway route, distance to nearest mile marker or intersection & which side) City of South Burlington, north side of U.S. Route 2 (Williston Road), 350' +- east of the Willistnn Rnnd/Sh11npikP Rnnd/AjArt AnrAsg Rnnd Intprsectinn. (L DescAption of work to be pertbrmed in the highway right-of-way (attach sketch) Re -activate an existing (previousl E o Permitted) haul road to remove crushed rock and sand from airport property. No construction U is Prop!2sed Win ROW. See DWG. SQ. 2 for traffic control. Arr,+C- 0 Is a Zoning Permit required? Yes [3 NoE] - If Yesi# None assigned at this time. C I Is an Act 250 permit required? Yes D No - If Yes, # 4CO331-14 (see att. excerpts f rom application) 0 Other permit(s) required? Yes No - If Yes, name and # of each (use additional Sheets, it necess-a-r-yT— Date work expected to begin November 1 19 Owner/Applicant 2=4 ia�amiltonj Dire tor of Aviation, Burlington International Airport Signature Y. Date 7, -3 Co -Applicant Signature Date PERMIT APPROVAL This covers only the work described below: Permission is granted reopen the existing access onto Williston Road, for the purpose of ledge removal and eventual development of the area to the east of the airport runways. The work is subject to the restrictions and conditions on the reverse page, plus the Special Conditions stated on the attached page(s). Date work is to be completed By 1�2 a & e /:42Z -Authorized Repr*ntative for Secretary of Trinsportation Issued Date December 1, 19 99 December 16, 1998 NOTICE: This permit covers only the Vermont Agency of Transportation's jurisdiction over this highway under Title 19 Section 1111 VSA. It does not release the petitioner from the requirements of any other statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations. SEE OTHER SIDE FOR ADDMONAL CONDITIONS No work shall be done under this permit until the owner/applicant has contacted A the District Transportation Administrator at the District #5 Office in Essex Jct., DTA Richard Hosking, telephone (802)655-1580. - 17A 210 3/97 -STRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS: *Agency" means the Vermont Agency of Transportation. oEngineer" means the authorized agent of the Secretary of Transportation. 00wner/Applicanf means the party(s) to whom the permit is to be issued. "Co -Applicant ' means the party who performs the work, if other than Owner/Applicant. GENERAL: The Owner/Applicant shall be responsible for all damages to persons or property resulting from any work done under this pemA even if the Applicants Contractor performs the work. All references to the Owner/Applicant also pertain to the Co -Applicant. The Owner/Applicant must comply with all federal and state statutes or regulations and all local ordinances controlling occupancy of public highways. In the event of a conflict the more restrictive provision shall apply. The Owner/Applicant must in every case where there is a possibility of injury to persons or property from blasting, use blasting mats and bags of sand, if necessary, to prevent the stone from scattering. All existing utility facilities shall be protected from damage or injury. The Owner/Applicant shall erect and maintain barriers needed to protect the traveling public. The barriers shall be properly lighted at night The Owner/Applicant shall not do any work or place any obstacles within the state highway right-of-way, except as authorized by this permit The Owner/Applicant shall install catch basins and outlets as may be necessary, in the opinion of the Engineer, to preclude interference with the drainage of the state highway. The Owner/Applicant may be required to pay the entire cost of the salary, subsistence and traveling expenses of any inspector appointed by the Engineer to supervise such work. The Engineer may modify or revoke the permit at any time for safety -related reasons, without rendering the Agency or the State of Vermont liable in any way. In addition to any other enforcement powers that may be provided for by the law, the Engineer may suspend this permit until compliance is obtained. If there is continued use or activity after suspension, the Engineer may physically close the work area and take corrective action to protect the safety of the highway users. By accepting this permit or doing any work hereunder, the Owner/Applicant agrees to comply with all of the conditions and restrictions. UTILITY WORK; CUTTING AND TRIMMING TREES: The Owner/Applicant shall obtain the written consent of the adjoining owners or occupants or, in the alternative, an order from the State Transportation Board in accordance with Title 30, Section 2506, Vermont Statutes Annotated, regarding cutting of or injury to trees. In general, all utilities shall be located adjacent to the highway right-of-way boundary line and shall be installed without damaging the highway or the highway right-of-way. No pole, pushbrace, guy wire or other aboveground facilities shall be placed closer than 10 feet to the edge of traveled -way. If the proposed utility facilities are in conflict with the above, each location is subject to the approval of the Engineer. Poles and appurtenances shall be located out of conflict with ditches and culverts. Where the cutting or trimming of trees is authorized by permit all debris resulting from such cutting and trimming shall be removed from the highway right-of-way. Open cut excavation for highway crossings is NOT the option of the Applicant and may be utilized only where attempted jacking, drilling, or tunneling methods fail or are impractical. The Owner/Applicant shall obtain an appropriate modification of the highway permit from the Engineer before making an open cut The party or parties to whom the permit is granted shall be responsible for corrective action within the work area for a minimum of 18 months from the date of completion or acceptance. JOINT PERMITS: A joint permit application is required when more than one party will be involved with the construction, maintenance, and/or operation of the facility being constructed under this permit Examples include, but are not limited to, joint ownership or occupancy of a utility pole line and construction of a municipal utility line by a contractor. Both utility companies, and in the second case, the municipality and the contractor, must be joint applicants. City of South Burlington South Burlington, US 2, L.S. 137+80 LT December 16, 1998 SPECIAL CONDITIONS This permit is granted subject to the conditions on the back of the permit, with particular attention given to the Special Conditions listed below. All work shall be accomplished in accordance with the attached plan dated 9/26/98. This permit is to be considered temporary for the duration of the ledge extraction project. The Agency reserves the right to limit or suspend traffic operations at this location if impact to US 2 becomes unreasonable. The applicant is encouraged to pursue relocation to Valley Road or another existing access for permanent access to the site. Act No. 86 of 1987 (30 VSA Chapter 86) ("Dig Safe") requires that notice be given prior to making an excavation. It is suggested that the Permit Holder or his/her contractor telephone 1-888-344-7233 at least 48 hours before, and not more than 30 days before, beginning any excavation at any location. Roadway shoulder areas will be maintained free of unnecessary obstructions, including parked vehicles, at all times while work is being performed under this permit. All work in the State highway right-of-way shall be performed during normal daylight hours and shall cease on Sunday, on all holidays (which shall include the day before and the day following), during or after severe storms, and between December 1 and April 15, without specific, written permission from the District Transportation Administrator. These limitations will not apply for the purposes of maintenance, emergency repairs, proper pro- tections of the work which includes, but is not limited to, the curing of concrete and for the repairing and servicing of equipment. The Permit Holder shall be responsible to rebuild, repair, restore and make good all injuries or damage to any portion of the highway right-of-way that has been brought about by the execution of the permitted work, for a period of 18 months after final inspection by the District. The Permit Holder shall be responsible for all damages to persons and/or property due to or resulting from any work done under this permit. The Permit Holder shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the State, the Agency, and all of their officers, agents, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character, name and description brought for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property, including all costs or expenses to defend against such suits, actions or claims. I I City of South Burlington South Burlington, US 2, L.S. 137+80 LT Special Conditions Page Two The access must be constructed in such a manner as to prevent water from flowing onto the highway. If the access is not constructed satisfactorily, the District Transportation Administrator can order reconstruction of the access at the Owner's expense. In the event traffic from this project increases to the point where additional lanes for turning or any other modifications are necessary, the expense of such improvements or facilities shall be borne by the Permit Holder, his/her successors, and assigns. The Permit Holder may be required by the Agency to update or provide a traffic study to determine if additional modifications are necessary. The Permit Holder is responsible for access maintenance (beyond the edge of paved shoulder). "Access maintenance" will include the surface of the access, the replacement of the culvert, as necessary, and the trimming of vegetation to provide corner sight distance. In conformance with Title 19 VSA § 1111 (f), this access may be eliminated in the future where development has burdened the highway system to such an extent that a frontage road must be constructed to alleviate this burden. The expense of the frontage road shall be borne by the Permit Holder, his/her successors or assigns of the properties abutting said frontage road. The Agency of Transportation shall determine the need of a frontage road based upon and justified by standard Agency procedures. It is incumbent upon the Permit Holder to verify the appropriate safety measures needed, prior to construction, so proper devices and/or personnel are available when and as needed. Traffic control devices, shall be in conformance with the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices), Agency of Transportation Standards and any additional traffic control deemed necessary by the District Transportation Administrator. Failure to utilize proper measures shall be considered sufficient grounds for the District Transportation Administrator to order cessation of the work immediately. Construction will be performed in such a way as to minimize conflicts with normal highway traffic. Uniformed traffic officers or trained flagpersons, shall be provided when two- way traffic cannot be maintained, and at the request of the District Transportation Administrator whenever he deems it necessary for the protection of the traveling public. j � w Q Co rn m v LC] VICINITY k PLANS PREPARED BY: WEBSTER MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT A DIVISION OF DUFRESN� -_ HENRY,, INC_ PLANS FOR SOUTH DEVELOPMENT - LEDGE REMOVAL SITE BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT AUGUST 26, 1998 Grophk Scale 100 0 100 200 300 400 N i H:\04-9618 (FFF - BIA)\AutoCad\Ledge Removal\Pw-i-s-l.dwg Thu Aug 27 07:10:21 1998 MAM r— m O m z 0 m N- 5�8848 O �s " 10 �GA 0A8 s doe Is is 22 ++ UfJ1NUU a Z 0 m x O N 2 m m N . Rz 0 n A4 >1 Rv > �m 4 yy4 Tf " 8 29 2j n� C TRJA�0>1Z p L gggN 2420111 I Rig '^ ATM �m An 1;1 1810 041 gilt! lit gO fflm dog gl� 1311911ill iii 0 � �� asp 4� �c � Pu4N+ N 2 R 0 rTI Z f*m D r z O ,M V / BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 'n6 "/A wnbafor - martin SOUTH DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING ENGINEERS I� i SOUTH BURLINOTON VERMONT """ So.IB25 AIRPORT URUNG N, V 05403 LEDGE REMOVAL — INDEX, STANDARDS. TEAL eo2 8a4-o223 n.a " FAX �802; 9e4-OlA5 LEGEND AND GENERAL NOTES 6380009 A DriMON OF DUFREM-HENRT INC. H:\04-9618 (FFF - BIA)\AutoCad\Ledge Removal\SITEPLAN.dwg Wed Aug 26 16:00:40 1998 MAM m M to i l /I l II I 1 1 V. , I I r X1 1 I /IIIE mow ' o ) 1 fri Lit i OA L'IL BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT •�•/•• �'-w' N�afor — mwfln I u rn SOUTH DEVELOPMENT 0� n a� m CONSULTING ENGINEERS iR n 1028 AIRPORT DRIVE Imo+ SOUTH BURINGTON VERMONT MAM AL SO. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 j TEL " " "" FAX 864-0188 802802; 864-0223 LEDGE REMOVAL — EXISTING CONDITIONS 6380009 • Mmox or ourmHo-mm" ac. H.'\04-9618 (FFF - BIA)\AutoCad\Ledge Removal\SITEPLAN.dwg Wed Aug 26 15:58:47 1998 MAM p 0, m a BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 4/2$/U V-40- I-r- 0) SOUTH DEVELOPMENT = ft clomm on G) SOUTH BURUNGTON VERMONT MAM AL Pam w LEDGE REMOVAL - SITE GRADING 6380009 wobster - martin CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1025 AIRPORT DRIVE SO. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 TEL J8021 804-0223 A TAX 802 864-0165 A DIMION OP MYRIONS—KeNNY VIC. H:\04-9618 (FFF - BIA)\AutoCad\Ledge Removal\SITEPLAN.dwg Wed Aug 26 15:58:14 1998 NAM C 11 m 600 FT. 500 FT. 700 - 800 FT. 700 - E00 FT. 600 FT. 60D FT. w ,5Ta, WILLISTON ROAD BUST«+ -- - ............. ..... _. _ _..... -- - ----------- [ 1 i r I s � •� l ; 1 1 � i VNE : f N .'"'i 'y-^v' -' I � I \\ \ .0 mm �� ZZN\ qlz C) =jm O O_ 1 w -0 m b o N ; Q D j P , , ' O /r A m Z \ W (i r r Ql BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 6/2$/U C-w' Webster — mavtJh N SOUTH DEVELOPMENT n clam ft CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1025 AIRPORT DRIVE ■ SOUTH BURLINGTON VERMONT mAm x SO. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 N TEL (802) 804-0223 pa' MD' FAX 802 884-0165 LEDGE REMOVAL — SITE GRADING DETAILS 6380009 A DIMON OF DU►Ron-MCM INC. ' a K \04-9618 (FFF - BIA)\AutoCad\Ledge Removal\EROSCONT.dwg Thu Aug 27 07:08:35 1998 MAM AIR wZ 1 3 eP,^ '0 z19 2 ty � 4-9 P �v I ..N i FLOWfr fyly�y�1 4 �� x m at €o �� �� Ia y� � � � � Q•�4G /� e 1M� � pL( N w I W MN. 10" YIN. 9 FI� �tl Z� ag Al 11 Yd1l � � �� a ft i �i OO �5 IQ n '�' n � MN. 2 $ rcc El- ■ OOOOaO ��� sq .. v�o ���4(J] � �jiR >R ,>�j �� oo°omo00 z 4;,RAk Ark P '1 m Q > Z N AR F05 i a R n R "Rip .A?o if IoR9 9 � 1 21 imp , O c ro o o o , 0 00 0 00 0 b Q 00 tm o �mZ 00 Z � o 8 ° 0 0 o b 0 0 0 I u �£F r� s_ 10 0 BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 8n`n` "n webstor - mirt/n CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0 SOUTH DEVELOPMENT ""'" °�'^ 1025 AIRPORT DRIVE SOUTH BURUNOTON VERMONT Yew a SO. BURLINGTON. VT 05403 I TEL 802 864-0223 0•i LEDGE REMOVAL— EROSION CONTROL FAX feo2; 8"-0185 DETAILS 1 6380009 . Dr"MON or DUFRE Nt-moM INC.